Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1902: 1902

Chapter 1902: 1902

"Take them away as soon as possible . It"s better to go back to our base as far as possible . Come on, the ghost team escorts them in person . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood what was going on . The real killing situation was not the evolutioners, nor the millstones formed by steel Zhuhai . The real killing situation was more than 700 armed men outside . Their only role in ambushing outside was to contribute blood to Xuefeng"s body after death, as well as the evolutioners in the building, No matter how many of these evolutioners died, they would not hurt Xuefeng . If he wanted to do it himself, these people would be his weapons .

The wound of the wounded can"t be healed . It"s Xuefeng"s strange ability to draw the blood out of the wound and lose the blood . No matter how serious the injury is, he will die . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how far Xuefeng controls the blood, so he can only let the fastest ghost team send the wounded back . After Zhang Xiaoqiang finishes, 32 shadows rush out, Put the wounded on their backs and rush to the back quickly .

Strange events happened one after another . Xi"er lost her fighting power and was as soft as a sheep under the influence of Xuefeng . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s group of evolutioners who were far inferior to Xi"er had nothing to do with them . At most, they just felt suffocated . Next, the wounded lost blood around Xuefeng . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know how many evolutioners had died in the building just now, But Xuefeng has been preparing for such a long time, which shows that this guy"s preparation ability is not so simple . At least 24 rockets, as well as so many bullets and animal teeth arrows have not hurt Xuefeng . Even if the hundred meter building collapses, it doesn"t kill Xuefeng . Zhang Xiaoqiang has improved Xuefeng"s combat effectiveness to the level of GUS .

"Lou fanjun, you take people back 100 meters . You are not allowed to come here without my order, even if the situation is critical . I doubt that he is good at group killing . Besides, prepare anti tank missiles for me . . . "

Deep in the dark ruins, there are still places in the remote place where the curling flames are burning . The black blood mist has formed a huge vortex there, just like a fierce beast is about to get out of trouble . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know what the specific ability of blood Phoenix is . Compared with other people, his life-saving ability is a little stronger, even if it is Gus"s resurrection, He also believed that he could escape without danger .

Lou fanjun also realized the seriousness of the problem . He waved to several captains to lead his subordinates to retreat backward, but he stood still . He drew two bright short swords from his thigh sheath with both hands and braced himself for the battle . Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at Lou fanjun, who was persistent and didn"t ask him to go away, Just a command:

"You"d better stay where you are . If we are in a stalemate at the last moment, I"ll kill you if I"m sure I can . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that Lou fanjun will never let himself go into danger alone . Even if he says it"s no use asking him to retreat, Lou fanjun also knows that he nods his head silently . Of course, as the leader of the special combat camp, Lou fanjun is not weak . There is a ghost team in their team, and every member of the ghost team is very fast, They are also the old subordinates of Lou fanjun . When they were in Jiangxi, they often had tea with Xianwu Yincha . Their personal abilities have been strengthened . On the contrary, they are the most elite team of evolutionists, among which Lou fanjun is the best .

"Who . . . Who, who dares to attack me . . . "

The roar of anger rose from the ruins of the hills . The roar was as loud as thunder . Several of the retreating evolutionists nearby were dazzled by the roar, and their feet faltered slightly . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the roar, he seemed to be like a sprinter hearing the order of the starting gun, In an instant, he accelerated to rush to the cloud of blood fog . His rifle repeatedly pulled the trigger and fired at the blood fog . Scattered streamers crossed the night sky and disappeared in the blood fog one after another .

"It"s no use . You little insects can"t hurt me . I"m the G.o.d you look up to . I"ll be your eternal nightmare . From now on, everyone you are here will be remembered by me . You will crawl at my feet and wail . "

Xuefeng didn"t know what was going on in the ruins, and kept telling his threat . The whirlpool of blood fog hovering over the ruins had begun to contract, and the surrounding fog was speeding up at this time . The armed men who had been cleaned up by the special combat camp and the scattered corpses wrapped the three buildings in a semi surrounded state, Countless black blood mists filled their bodies as if they were smoke . At this moment, the smoke which had been rising obviously accelerated again . Hundreds of corpses turned into mummies in the shortest time . The smoke was light and could not be seen in the dark . But at this moment, the smoke formed substance, like ink pouring over the corpses, All the mummies are covered by dark clouds . The next moment, the dark clouds turn into black dragons and rush to the ruins .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know what"s going on behind him . The evolutionists saw this frightening scene and wanted to remind them that when the dark clouds formed by blood pa.s.sed by them, they suddenly let them fall into the ice cellar . Their whole body was stiff at this moment . Don"t talk . They couldn"t even breathe . They could only see tens of them, The black dragon, only two sizes smaller than the big water snake, rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back . Zhang Xiaoqiang had already emptied his rifle clip . He didn"t know whether the bullets would scare the snake . His agile body leaped quickly, flashed through the messy broken walls, twisted steel beams, and rushed under the ruins . When he reached the ruins of more than 10 meters, he raised his hand and threw out the grenade he had held for a long time, The black grenade is not obvious in the black blood fog . As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang, who threw the grenade, hid in the middle of the triangle formed by the ruins on one side of the mountain road, he heard a roar from the outside . Then the air waves blew away countless pieces of gravel and rushed into the s.p.a.ce formed by the triangle . In the choking dust, a huge whirlwind rushed in from the outside, The black blood torrent with abnormal smell rushed in from the outside and quickly penetrated into the crevice . Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt a chill all over his body, and the black torrent disappeared in the ruins beside him .

Zhang Xiaoqiang just thought it was an illusion . When he was about to rush out, Xuefeng roared out again

"You really make me angry . I want to slice you into a sashimi, dip it in soy sauce and eat it . I want you to live and watch yourself being eaten by me . I want to eat you every day until you go crazy . . . "

At the end of the speech, a huge shock caused the triangle where Zhang Xiaoqiang was hiding to collapse in the shaking ruins . The sudden change made Zhang Xiaoqiang almost feel dizzy . He was supposed to go out to fight Xuefeng at this time . How could he be suppressed? Just when he dug out the mouth with the rat King blade, Then I heard Lou fanjun"s roar

"Come on . . . Come on . . . "

Lou fanjun meant that several people came to dig out Zhang Xiaoqiang . The continuous shaking outside did not stop . Xuefeng"s big voice roared here:

"Now you know? Look, grandpa is going to call someone when he comes out? You are calling me . . . Just now you are the one who made trouble for me . Look at my black blood underworld . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang almost died in a hurry at the moment . Xuefeng mistook Lou fanjun for him . Now only Lou fanjun stays outside, but he is buried under the collapsed ruins . Zhang Xiaoqiang rushes up on his own, relying on his confidence, which is his life and death experience, and his snake scale armor . However, Lou fanjun is not equipped with snake scale armor, in case he goes out, Xuefeng will kill Lou fanjun and all of them, that will be a loss of blood .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how long it will take to dig out . For the sake of the special combat camp, he spared no effort to dig out . In his opinion, Xuefeng must have its own powerful ability to make all his evolutors gra.s.s mustard, Therefore, Lou fanjun is definitely not an opponent . Even if hundreds of evolutionists go together, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses .

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s imagination, Xuefeng talks again

"You can hide fast . Hum, the black blood underworld is not so simple . Even if you hide in the sky, it"s useless . It will haunt you forever . As long as I don"t die, you won"t have a chance to get rid of me . If you fly to the sky, it will follow you to the sky . If you hide in the water, it will follow you to the water, Nothing can stop it . Even if you hide in a steel can, it will corrode the can and stop you . At that time, I will make you a little bit of sashimi . "< br>