Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1908: 1908

Chapter 1908: 1908

"To kill you, I"m still a dog in front of Xuefeng, but cooperation with you may lead to a new life . . . "

Shan Qingchao nodded heavily, followed up the previous topic and said:

"I suspect that the original evolutionists in the past were not afraid of coercion . Our group of evolutionists were deliberately created . Didn"t you find that? In the past, everyone had a bad life, but the gap between the evolutionists and the survivors was not as big as it is now . At that time, some evolutionists had their own bottom line and adhered to the so-called justice . But now, I"m afraid that even we can"t prevent the evolutionists from enslaving ordinary people . This is not an example . It"s the trend of the times . Anyone who wants to stop it will cause all the evolutionists to rebound, That"s why ordinary people are eager to become evolutionists . Only when they have obsession in their heart can they transform, just like we used to . . . "

"Conspiracy? What is the purpose? "

It"s very clear that any conspiracy needs interests . Without interests, any conspiracy is in vain . Those who harm others but not themselves are always humble people .

"I don"t know, but we will know later that Xuefeng appears suddenly . We don"t know who is behind Xuefeng . Since he can be the master of Xuefeng, he may not be the master of others . . . "

"How can you be sure that there must be a master behind Xuefeng?"

Daoming"s eyes are full of vultures and cold light . If Xuefeng is controlled by others, the people he wants to kill are not only Xuefeng, but also the people behind Xuefeng .

"Because with Xuefeng"s stupid virtue, if he had no master, he would have become the emperor of the whole Shanghai . We would be loyal dogs who wag their tails behind him . We would never be so low-key as we are now . . . But at that time, I don"t think any evolutionists would like to stay in Shanghai without us, Shanghai"s evolutionists will not be so obedient . "

Hearing this, Daoming"s heart sank . He turned to look at the ruins and said in a low voice:

"According to you, we are just puppets . What they are looking for is the evolution of the whole Shanghai . If they really want to kill Xuefeng, they can only rely on the so-called c.o.c.kroach brother?"

"Yes, Xuefeng"s prestige is really amazing . It"s aimed at us, an evolutionist, but ordinary people can"t kill him . The only thing we can count on is this c.o.c.kroach who fell from the sky . I hope our hopes won"t be in vain . . . "

Daoming took a deep puff of his cigar . He pressed down the pungent taste of the cigar and sucked it into his lungs . He no longer felt the mellow flavor of the cigar, but just felt the burning stimulation of his lungs

"What if he doesn"t accept it?"

Tao Ming means that if Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to give them as cannon fodder, Shan Qingchao smiles .

"Can the king of Shanghai attract him? Can 5000 evolutionists attract him? Can the life and death of 180000 ordinary people touch this seemingly benevolent c.o.c.kroach brother? We"ll give it to him as long as he wants . Once he kills Xuefeng and the people behind the scenes . . . "

"After killing?"

"We"re afraid of Xuefeng, but we"re not afraid of him . Even if he has a mutant python, what can we do?"

An endless stream of troops gathered in the ruins like a torrent . Trenches and machine gun bunkers were built one after another . The spider web defense positions were built in the desolate ruins . The soldiers of the first regiment were all elite, and the independent regiment of Xiaoshan was no less . The soldiers on both sides were fighting with their shovels . Who was the real all-round elite, The vigorous morale and enthusiasm changed the shape of the ruins . The concrete blocks, large and small, filled with steel bars, and the bent and deformed steel beams were all turned into fortifications by the soldiers who carried them . The two buildings with incomplete appearance and intact interior were also transformed into defensive fortresses .

Countless sacks filled with soil were sent to the building to build machine gun nests . Mortar positions were also placed on the top of the building . On the high-rise building, the 360 degree firing range could easily tear the living creatures into pieces, and the anti-aircraft guns were sent one after another . These anti-aircraft guns were all installed on the cobweb like trench nodes to form supporting firepower, All the anti-aircraft guns were leveled and killed . Some of these anti-aircraft guns were from the Yangtze River fleet as defense guns in the dock area, and some of them were weapons thrown by the four heavenly kings on the wild mountain beside Taihu Lake . Zhang Xiaoqiang laughed to the end of the day . He not only captured hundreds of evolutioners and accepted the dying mutant animals, but also got the anti-aircraft guns and weapons thrown there by the four heavenly kings Heavy machine guns and anti tank missiles, these weapons are used by Zhang Xiaoqiang to equip the army, and now they are very attractive .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not ready to fight a defensive war . The purpose of setting up defensive positions in the ruins is to provide a gathering place for the follow-up troops . At the same time, he has made good preparations for the offensive . At least one of his soldiers will take over the land . However, his soldiers have their own operational principles . Even if it is only a temporary position, they want to be perfect, In particular, the first regiment, which had fought the three mountains war, started with defensive warfare . On that day, even if millions of zombies were besieged in the three mountains, they were able to hold their positions and hold on until the reinforcements came when they ran out of ammunition and food . This also made them develop the habit of taking defensive fortifications as the first task wherever they were fighting,It"s just a temporary position . There is no underground reservoir or cat"s ear hole where materials and ammunition are stored . Even so, standing on the high-rise building, you can see that the gravel breast wall and trenches are connected to form a spider web defense like the eight diagrams . They firmly protect the traffic line behind them . The gla.s.s of the two buildings broke yesterday, Through the exposed windowsill, you can see the exposed rooms . At the moment, many windowsills are stacked with sandbags, and gun barrels and recoilless muzzles are all facing the urban area . If someone with urban combat experience comes over, he will be absolutely desperate in the battle without air firepower and artillery preparation .

"How many soldiers have been a.s.sembled?"

Looking at the excellent soldiers who are as busy as ants below, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s depression dissipated a lot last night, and he was a little proud of having such an elite soldier . Zhao Deyi and Xiao Shan accompanied Zhang Xiaoqiang to observe the tall buildings in the distance . After Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, Zhao Deyi immediately said:

"1800 people, If all the follow-up troops want to a.s.semble, they must wait until 5 p . m . at least three hours until all the ammunition and materials are delivered . When everything is ready, they can launch an attack at least until 5 a, Our ammunition can last for 12 hours . If there is a battle between life and death, our logistics will collapse in three hours . "

The morale of the army below is high, and the vitality in the busy city is like smoke in the sky, but it can"t hide the weakness brought by the departure operation . The modern army is fighting logistics, without ammunition, firepower support, and high mobility . Everything is fragile, even if these soldiers are trained elite .

"In addition to ensuring frontal combat, we also need to ensure Weng Li"s security group . Fortunately, we cleaned up the battlefield in the morning and seized more than 800 guns and 120000 rounds of ammunition . After these guns and ammunition were sent with two infantry companies, Weng Li"s security group began to take shape . However, these materials are far from enough to form combat effectiveness in two days, They most need large caliber automatic guns and fuel, and they need as much ammunition as they have . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to hear it, but he didn"t give any instructions . He understood that Weng Li"s battlefield was more dangerous . He was reported yesterday that his little black spot had indigestion, and the zombies had already flowed across three rivers . If not all the bridges had been blown up, the zombies would have been approaching, so he didn"t have to arrange troops here, Let"s roll up and run together .

"From now on, all prisoners of war will be reduced to slaves, and they will collect all visible steel, vehicles, oil, and operational materials to fully support the war . Isn"t it a two-sided war? When did we really lose? As long as Hubei Yinmeng is not lost, no matter how big the defeat is, it will not hurt the root . "

Zhao Deyi and Xiao Shan are getting goose b.u.mps because of their unprecedented ruthlessness and determination . Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be a different person in their eyes at the moment . This ruthlessness and determination is not made by the mild tempered c.o.c.kroach brother in the past . However, I don"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang has suffered big losses twice in a row . What he always wants is to preserve his strength and win more with less, But I didn"t expect that I lost more than 100 lives in vain, and almost let the 500 elite evolutionists of the special combat battalion die . Because of a mistake, I was trapped in the ruins and let Lou fanjun confront Xuefeng alone . I still don"t know whether he is alive or dead . He has long believed that Lou fanjun was captured by Xuefeng at the last moment of the battle, which makes him very remorse for himself and make up his mind, Don"t leave any leeway . Be ruthless when you should< br>