Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1911: 1911

Chapter 1911: 1911

"Chen Youyi, it"s said that all the evolutionists over there have been destroyed, and that c.o.c.kroach brother"s subordinates are all ordinary people like us . This time, there should be no problem . . . "

Standing next to Chen Youyi is a big man with a long beard, leopard eyes, long eyebrows, lion nose and tiger mouth . He is born with a look of awe inspiring and powerful . He speaks in a moderate voice . If he is not thin, he looks a little thin . With his height of nearly 1 . 9 meters, standing in the crowd is absolutely the focus of attention, even if he is recognized as the leader, it is not impossible, But such a big man actually looks down on Chen Youyi, who is half short of him, which shows his respect for Chen Youyi .

Chen Youyi"s forehead has begun to exude sweat . Hearing the guilty inquiry of the strong man around him, he nods and shakes his head . The strong man is confused and looks at him with doubts .

"No matter whether they are ordinary people or not, the machine gun cannons in their hands will not be vegetarian . Do you see those two buildings . . . "

Chen Youyi points to the building, but the strong man looks around, but he doesn"t see anything different . He is even more confused . Chen Youyi around him explains to him:

"The building is the commanding point here, no matter we attack from any direction, Will be seen by the enemy in the building, not even a hidden corner, and, do you see those soldiers hiding in the building? It has been like that since the beginning of our artillery bombardment . Now the artillery has been bombarded for such a long time, but they still haven"t moved . This shows that their discipline is strict, and the army with strict discipline is better than us no matter how bad it is? "

After that, Chen Youyi turned to look at the artillery position behind him, but this made his eyes shrink instantly . The gun that was being fired didn"t start, and the artillery didn"t care . They pulled the bolt and pulled out the sh.e.l.l . What they had pulled out before was all sh.e.l.l sh.e.l.ls . As a result, they succeeded in catching this intact sh.e.l.l without fuse, Like the sh.e.l.ls of other sh.e.l.ls, they slide into the stacked sh.e.l.ls and roll .

"It"s true that the group of people watched their companions get bombed and didn"t fight back . Either they didn"t care about the casualties, or all our sh.e.l.ls flew away . I"m just a half dozen artillery soldiers . I don"t see them train once . It"s strange that they can hit the target . . . Chen Youyi, what"s the matter with you?"

The strong man complained and looked at Chen Youyi, but he saw his legs tremble and the whole person was shaking . Hearing what the strong man said, Chen Youyi turned hard and gave him an ugly smile

"Seven points of luck and three points of dexterity are involved in the war . Let"s rely on our own luck . If we can survive . . . "

Before I finished speaking, I heard a sharp car horn resounding through the starting position . All the big trucks with square heads welded with steel plates roared together . All the noise was like a storm, and even the gunfire was covered . The armed men who were watching around the trucks were shouting and squatting on the ground, covering their ears, enduring unspeakable suffering, For three minutes, the cannon stopped roaring, and all the armed men were staring at the trucks . After three minutes, all the big horns stopped honking, leaving the front of the crowd of 5000 people in silence . At this time, the command of the high pitched big horn came from behind, and the voice was familiar and strange . Hongyun never had the experience of giving orders to 5000 people at the same time, The strong command was yelled out by him with an out of tune roar: "the whole army attacks, the retreaters die . . . "

There is only one command . There is no tactical mobilization, no exploratory attack, and no regional combat task a.s.signed to the company . Just like the street group fight, the soldiers only need to charge forward . This command makes a few people dull and makes most people roar . Then they charge forward under the drive of their respective officers, At this moment, all the armed men lost themselves completely . Their thoughts and anxieties disappeared at this moment . They rolled forward with the torrent around them . In their eyes, they only saw the positions in front of them that were constantly burning with gunpowder . From time to time, they saw the bodies scattered and roared with unknown meaning, Charge forward mechanically like a puppet .

The charge of 5000 people was launched in front of the cobweb defense position at the same time . The dense crowd looked like an endless torrent, and the momentum of rushing out was extremely strong . No matter how many people inside had other thoughts before the charge, at this moment, they had only one mind to rush into the enemy"s trench with the large army, The bullet in the barrel is shot into the same flesh and blood as them .

The sound of guns suddenly became denser, and more guns joined the fire cover, in which the continuous roar of rapid fire mortars could be heard . The front positions were not isolated fireb.a.l.l.s, but the firing points, the burning flames, the roaring guns, and the roaring sound of beasts, All of these are like stimulants, so that the most timid and cowardly people can stimulate the beast in their hearts and charge forward in a ferocious way .

Chen Youyi is also among them . He is surrounded by this hot atmosphere . His deafening roar envelops him, and makes all his previous hesitation disappear . He charges forward with the strong men around him . There is nothing else in his eyes, except his eyes full of smoke and fire . He leaves nothing to worry about and fear, I just feel that I am an invincible G.o.d at this moment, and I can win all battles together with others . This strange atmosphere caused by thousands of people charging together makes Hongyun"s eyebrows fly . He stands on the high building and looks at the ant colony like armed men charging forward . His heart is agitated . He holds his fist tightly, his face is flushed, and he wants to raise his arms and howl . The evolutionists standing beside him are also agitated . The battle of thousands of people is not so easy to see . If you look around, you can see, The boundless crowd covered up the open s.p.a.ces, just like the torrent of surging Pengbai . Seeing that the torrent was getting closer and closer to each other"s first position, suddenly, the position wrapped by fire and smoke, as if it was about to be broken, began to fight back . In the torrent of 5000 people, the fire and smoke continued to explode . These obviously smaller fire regiments were powerful, One by one, the armed men were blown up into the sky and fell down . One by one, the bodies of the armed men were torn by 37 sh.e.l.ls, and the bodies were separated with blood .

Seeing the other side"s counterattack, Hongyun frowned . When he felt that it was a good time, the casualties were like flies flying in a gorgeous meal . Then his brow relaxed, and the other side had no large caliber artillery . Compared with the artillery sh.e.l.ls fired from their artillery positions, the opposite side was like throwing a handful of sand in a galloping river, It doesn"t affect the flow of the river at all .

"Order the artillery to fire with all your strength . Don"t worry about the sh.e.l.ls . . . "

Hongyun straightened his neckline, put on a calm and elegant posture, and ordered the evolutioners around him in the voice of thousands of people charging and shouting . Although his legs trembled slightly, his hands trembled slightly, and even the seemingly plain words were a little out of tune, his excitement and pa.s.sion could be seen from Hongyun"s bright and abnormal eyes .

The evolutor didn"t speak, nodded heavily and walked down . The evolutor was also excited . For a moment, he forgot that he could notify by walkie talkie, and even wanted to go to the artillery position face-to-face . Only in this way, he felt that he was also involved in this huge victory . When this man turned around, he thought that he would be able to inform the artillery position face to face, Standing beside Hongyun, another evolutionist said:

"Don"t be careless . The other side hasn"t really fought back yet . They should want to make the team closer and bigger . Our attack looks good . Once we get a serious blow, we will break down instantly . I"m afraid we have to make the evolutors ready . . . "

"What do you mean?"

Hongyun, who was in the right mood, immediately frowned when he heard this . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s defensive position was crumbling in the artillery fire . The momentum of the troops charging below made him think that it was unstoppable . However, this evolutionist threw cold water on him at this time, which made him unhappy .

"Before the attack, I observed that our men and the soldiers of the other side are of two levels, one is lightweight, the other is heavyweight, and there is still a difference between them . They can keep silence and discipline in such heavy artillery fire . We are far inferior to each other . Today"s fighting is about equipment and discipline, and everyone"s equipment is almost the same, The higher the quality of the soldiers, the higher the discipline, and the higher the fighting quality . I think . . . Our people will suffer heavy casualties in the front line, and once the casualties exceed 1000, the whole army will collapse . . . . < br > in the future, the army will be destroyed