Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1917: 1917

Chapter 1917: 1917

Zhang Xiaoqiang made a mistake just now, which made the agile Evolver almost break through the position . Fortunately, the ghost troops mended the pot for him, and the subsequent orders were all correct . Although they could not see the specific situation of the Evolver themselves, they got the most precious time to let the soldiers leave the first ditch, and the firepower of the two buildings was still pouring out, The soldiers on the high-rise building can still vaguely see the evolutor, whether it"s useful or not, but they pour ammunition there . While Zhang Xiaoqiang and they rush to the rear of the second position, layers of thick green smoke rising from the broken gla.s.s debris, and soon they become a man-made ring-shaped smoke wall .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who rushed to the second fortification, looked back frequently, expecting that the corrosion source that should have been used on zombies would make a big profit on the evolutors . As soon as he saw Xi"er with a bow and arrow, he began to shout:

"Don"t shoot, stay and hit the big guy . . . "

After that, he rushes past Xi"er and enters the second trench . Before he rushes in, he gives a new order:

"If you see someone coming, shoot me . No matter whether you can shoot or not, you can"t let them get close to you . If you can"t stop the green guy on your body, I"ll allow you to run backward . It"s not a deserter . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has always been killing deserters like chickens, even asked the soldiers to run away . This made the soldiers feel shocked . All kinds of questions were held in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask questions . Xi"er cried out:

"How can you be such a person, just start to fight and want to escape . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care to pay attention to Xi"er at all . He grabbed her arm and jumped into the trench . He said with great seriousness:

"Don"t throw up later . . . "

Just as most of the people rushed into the second trench, hundreds of figures rushed out of the thick fog and rushed to the inner line . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, all the heavy and heavy machine guns fired at the same time . Without the suppression of the long-range evolutioners, the machine gun group finally suppressed these agile evolutioners a little and made them hide in the first trench to avoid bullets, Then more agile evolvers rush into the inner circle and hide in the trenches .

"Prepare for grenades, artillery continue to fire, don"t save bullets, use as many as you have . "

The roaring sh.e.l.ls burst out fireb.a.l.l.s over the green smoke belt, the shock wave started to spread dust all over the sky slowly, and the soil and gravel scattered from the blasted soil column blocked the sky . The whole battlefield was full of the main melody of iron and fire generals, the deafening sound of guns woven streamer, and the fire rain changed the whole defense line into fire hedgehog, and the messy streamers flashed through the dust, The firepower density has reached the maximum . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, all the people will shoot their bullets out in the shortest time .

It"s just that this kind of intensive shooting speeds up the consumption of ammunition . Countless bullet holes and gaps have been made on the ground in front of the trench . The evolutors in the trench quietly wait for the firepower to decrease . They are used to fighting in chaos and know that behind this high-intensity firepower will be forever weak, unless the other side is sitting on the ammunition depot and shooting at them, While they were waiting, no one noticed that they were surrounded by a thin layer of green fog, which quickly dissolved everything on them, clothing, belts, hair and skin, as well as weapons in their hands . Suddenly, there was a short air raid in the intensive fire, and nearly half of the heavy machine guns were dumb at this moment, without command, All of the evolutionists are out of the trenches, bursting out and heading for the second line of defense as fast as they can .

Seven or eight evolutionists were shrouded in great danger at the moment they rushed out . Their calm faces were filled with fear, and their bodies were spinning like a top in countless streamers . They wanted to avoid the bullets coming from their faces, but the bullets were dense . At the moment they dodged, their bodies and limbs were bursting with blood, waiting for others to rush through the fire net one after another, There are more than ten corpses on the ground that have been shot into meat mud by bullets . Then these corpses melt in silence and turn into transparent liquid to infiltrate into the floating soil .

Most of the agile evolvers are not injured . The second trench is in the semi core area . The firepower density and defense area of the second trench are stronger and closer than those of the first trench . However, the evolvers are surrounded from multiple directions, and the firepower that a single Evolver can share is not much when they don"t get together, One by one, the evolutors flew to the second trench .

The fastest people are almost a line away from the trench . Their eyes are like blood, and their ferocious faces are about to kill . At the next moment, they will turn into fragments and fly away in the sky . The huge streamers name these evolutors one by one . It is useless to evade or accelerate them . The heavy machine gun controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang in the trench is his second most powerful weapon, There are more than a few S2 zombies who die under heavy machine guns . These agile evolutors can"t be faster than their dynamic vision .

"Grenade"!!! Let these guys use our means to let them know that evolution is a fart in our eyes . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly drank . Hundreds of hand grenades flew out and tumbled to the ground . Several of them stopped immediately and fell to the ground with their heads folded . Then countless hand grenades burst into smoke . Before they stood up, they heard a clanging sound of hand grenades falling to the ground, The hairs on the body are going to stand up . Are these noises around them?More than a dozen agile evolutioners sprang up from the ground and turned around . Countless black smoke exploded under their feet . One by one, they flew into the sky and turned into blood mud . The scattered meat and corpses fell into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . These meat and corpses were originally wrapped in a light green mist and splashed with blood, The green smoke seemed to be a flame with combustion supporting agent . It suddenly spread out and wrapped all the broken meat . When it fell, it kept melting the broken meat . In the blink of an eye, one third of the large and small pieces of meat disappeared . When it fell to the ground, it was completely melting, which made him full of confidence in the future battle .

The agile evolutioners behind all climbed to the ground . The throwing power of hand grenades was nearly far away . Hundreds of hand grenades sealed the ground in front of them . The diameter of each hand grenade was within 15 meters . Hundreds of hand grenades were enough to cover all the dead corners before the battle . In addition to hand grenades, countless bullets scattered disorderly from the explosion smoke, Without a fixed precision, they are more vulnerable . The previous firepower is like a big net, and they can always find the mesh for them to pa.s.s through . Now these stray bullets are full of the whole battlefield, and the dust blown up by grenades is used as a shelter, so they can only rely on Danger Prediction and subconscious avoidance . Many people suffer losses in the chaos of these stray bullets, or suffer heavy or light injuries .

The second line of defense and the two buildings were fully opened, leaving the agile evolution helpless . Countless hand grenades exploded one after another in front of the battle . The dust and scattered corpse fragments brought by the shock wave formed a continuous wall in front of the battle, There are no evolutionists who believe that they can cross the road of death and kill the target behind in this battlefield with unclear vision . Most of them rely on the armored cars and trucks that were destroyed and burned before to avoid bullets . They also know that if the other side"s firepower remains so strong, they will not have a chance to rush to the front, let alone the other side has strong agile evolutionists, The only way is to wait for backup .

These evolutionists huddled behind dozens of wrecks of vehicles, and looked at each other with horror on their companions" faces . Then they screamed with even greater horror . A man scurrying in the battlefield was full of stray bullets and sh.e.l.l fragments . He didn"t have the heart to see other people"s appearance, and naturally he didn"t have the heart to see himself, Now they have a chance to breathe, but they see the most terrible scene in front of people . All of their companions are melting, and they are melting soberly . One or two of them are looking at others in horror, but they don"t know that others are also looking at them in horror . All of them are the same . Only thread is left on their body, and their skin is blistering, One by one, the bubbling and silent bulges burst, and green solution flows out, leaving a fist sized hole, and there are bubbles around the hole . More solution flows out to expand the hole, and the bones inside the hole are clearly visible . These green bones are like quicklime soaked by water, and small holes appear quickly, and nearly half of them disappear in the blink of an eye .

"Ah . . . "

An evolutionist opens his mouth and screams, but only half of his body, and then his tongue falls out of his mouth . The scarlet tongue emits green gas, and then disappears . Then his eyes crash out and fall to the ground . Then there are teeth, hair, and only the skull"s head falls into these melting objects, Then all the debris was dissolved by the vehicle< br>