Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1923: 1923

Chapter 1923: 1923

The screams came not from one place, but from all over the battlefield . Countless monstrous mutants rushed to the panicked evolutioners . When the number became absolute, the evolutioners could no longer stop them and rushed to the last line of defense . Naturally, Chen Yu and Jianzhan were among the evolutioners who ran away .

The fence against horses is getting closer and closer . Outside the fence against horses, some evolutionists and armed men have been surrounded . After so many days of fierce fighting, all the partic.i.p.ants are physically and mentally tired, and their bodies are scarred . They eagerly look at the muzzle and barrel of guns standing behind the fence against horses, as well as the countless evolutionists of Qinghong road patrolling on it . Buildings continue to collapse in the battlefield behind them, After several blocks were covered with dust, more evolutionists and armed men rushed from behind . At this time, everyone knew that the defense line could not be defended . In the crowd"s cry, the survivors were not moved, Yelling that these escaped survivors and armed men must turn back to fight . For a moment, they howled everywhere . Many evolutionists rushed to resist the horse one after another . They nimbly flashed on the horse . They were about to rush to the wall behind the horse . However, countless bullets blew them up in the air in an instant . For a moment, they all looked at the chaotic blood in the air .

"What to do?"

Chen Yu holds eight unicorns and stands next to Jiancha . Jiancha looks at Qinghong Road, which is waiting for him after resisting the horse . Then he looks at Chen Yu, who is worried . In front of him, the horse resistance and Qinghong road are not obstacles . As long as he pa.s.ses through the shadow, he can reach the back of the defense line . Find out masatini, who is in a remote place, and then he can go back to Zhang Xiaoqiang, One more Chen Yu can"t do it . He hasn"t been able to take others through the shadow s.p.a.ce . Before, he wanted to rely on his name as the eternal night a.s.sa.s.sin to let the other party release people . Now it seems that even if the other party wants to release people, they don"t dare . More than 1000 evolutors and more than 2000 armed men are all around here . Even if only one person is released, the rest of them will explode . At that time, the mutant beast hasn"t come, Humans have to fight first .

"Wait . . . "

Jianzhan says something to Chen Yu . He calmly looks at the flaws in the whole battlefield and looks for a possible way out . Compared with others, Jianzhan is the least anxious . In any environment, there is nothing that can stop him if he wants to escape . Chen Yu is by the way . He can take it out to prove that he has the ability and can"t take it out . . . Who knows he has seen Chen Yu?

"We are all evolutionists . In the past, we didn"t see each other . We fought and killed for so many days, which is worthy of you Qinghong road . Now there is a dead end here . Do you want to force us to fight? Even if we can"t rush through, it"s OK to kill half of you before we die . Do you really want to take this step

"Everyone is ready . If they don"t give us a way to live, we"ll try our best to find them . I"m Zhu Dachang, the leader of the black tiger gang . All the brothers of the black tiger Gang come here . Even if they die, we"ll take them to die together . . . "

"We are working hard here . They are standing here to watch the fun . We don"t want to do anything . They want to be clear about their differences . They don"t want to join them with their merits . They don"t intend to let us join them at all . "

A roar came out from the evolutioners first and then . Suddenly, an evolutioner gave a loud drink and floated up in the air, which immediately made the evolutioners around look up . Although the evolutioners have various abilities, the guy who can fly has never been seen . Although this guy has just floated two or three meters, he is already a serious physical flight .

"I am the president of the alien society, Zhou Qingyu . Everyone has heard of me . Now I have become a top evolutionist . If you are willing to obey my command, I will rush out with my brothers . . . "

Heroes come out in troubled times . Except for heroes, what kind of people can"t help showing when the disaster comes . Zhou Qingyu, who can"t even be stable, still bluffed many people and gathered around him . He wanted to follow his lead . The rest of the evolutionists saw that the climate had formed and surrounded him in the spirit of following the crowd, United together, one by one, they all gnash their teeth at Qinghong road . Even if they can"t rush out, they have to pull these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds on the road together .

"Shall we go over . . . "

Chen Yu, after all, was too young to be frightened . Seeing that the evolutionists over there began to unite, the hearts of followers engraved in her bones began to come alive . She wanted to add in and find the so-called strength and security . She chopped the local chickens and dogs and ignored them . She turned to the Street area behind her and saw that there were still many places resisting, The mutants also showed no sign of rushing to this side . They were all looking for living people to swallow in the ruins . If the ruins were cleaned up, I"m afraid they would not be safe here .

"Do you want to rebel?"

A roar suddenly calmed the crowd below . On the high platform after resisting the horse, there stood an evolutioner with scarred face . The evolutioner was naked on his upper body . On his twisted muscles, there were many scarred paths . He didn"t know how many of them were . He was tall and powerful, Although there are scars on each of the following evolutioners, compared with this one, they have no confidence . "I"m the head of this area, who wants to rebel . . . "

The strong man"s voice is so loud that thousands of people can hear him clearly without loudspeakers . However, his power is only in an instant . The next moment, thousands of people are shouting . Thousands of armed men, one or two, are dragging sandbags to build fortifications before resisting horses . An anti-aircraft gun and heavy machine gun are also made to aim at Qinghong road with the help of power evolutioners, The evolutionists also began to reorganize . It can"t be said that Zhou Qingyu still has some skills .

"Which of you is the head . . . Come out and talk . "

Seeing that he couldn"t suppress the desperado below, the strong man changed his face and suddenly changed his tone . He asked the sword to chop Chen Yu Yixi beside him and said: "we"re going to negotiate . Let"s go quickly . As long as we join the alien society, we can . . . "“ Shut up . . . Think about the past, and your life and death have nothing to do with me in the past . " Jianzhan doesn"t like Chen Yu"s position very much . As an evolutionist, he not only needs to have strong strength, but also has to have a strong and calm heart . Chen Yu"s performance at this moment is all in his eyes, and he is already a little impatient with this guy .

"I"m the president of the alien society, Zhou . . . "

Zhou Qingyu staggered up and slowly pa.s.sed the horse . He was introducing himself . The strong man"s eyes flashed fiercely . Suddenly, he waved his hand and grabbed Zhou Qingyu across the air, shouting:

"There is only one Qinghong road in Shanghai, and there is no heretic society . The rebels are fighting against each other . "

At the end of the speech, Zhou Qingyu was wrapped in an invisible aura, and then his frightened eyes flew up into the air with his broken head . The headless body sprayed with blood spring could no longer stay in the air, and turned over and fell on the thread steel above the horse . The strong man then roared:

"From now on, you are the core personnel of Qinghongdao, Just now I got the news . I didn"t expect to clear you . It will take time to ask the superior . Don"t make any more trouble . We"ll let you in right away . "

The strong man took the lead and smashed the heads of the so-called top evolutionists . At the moment when the evolutionists and the armed men below were frightened, they announced that they would join the Qinghong road . The carrot and stick policy was perfectly combined, which deterred them and gave them a way to live . If nothing unexpected happened, they would be able to survive, These experienced evolutionists will return to Qinghongdao completely, and will never have a rebellious heart again .

"As long as you obey Qinghongdao, you are the core team . You have the best support and the most beautiful women . Even if you are not evolutors, you can join the army and become officers . "

The strong man spared no effort to preach the promise of Qinghongdao, and let the following evolutionists and armed men look at him with burning desire in their eyes . No one even looked at Zhou Qingyu"s b.l.o.o.d.y body hanging on the horse . While the strong man was doing his ideological work before the battle, his brain bag slowly slipped in front of countless people, just the moment his head fell, His mouth is still telling something, but without the trachea tape, his mouth is open and closed, but it"s like a fish out of water .

The head fell to the ground, the blood spring gushed, and the proud sword cut stood beside the headless body, which made Chen Yu look like a ghost in the daytime . She turned to look around, but saw that there was no one around her, and the eight horns in her hands fell instantly, "plop . . . " With a slight sound, the standing headless body could not keep its balance and fell to the horse below . It juxtaposed with Zhou Qingyu"s headless body and woke up all the shocked people .

"Want to die or want to live?"

Jianzhan didn"t talk too much . He didn"t look down at the evolutioners who stretched their heads and opened their mouths . He turned to look at the evolutioners of Qinghongdao around him . These evolutioners woke up at the same time and jumped back in an instant . They had to be on guard when they prepared their weapons . But unexpectedly, when they jumped up one after another, More than ten people"s heads have been shaken off their necks by their own strength .

"Hiss . . . "

All of the people in the whole defense line inhaled at the same time, and they joined together to form a wave of air, which reverberated up and down the defense line . Both Qinghong road and the hard pressed evolutionists were surprised, but Chen Yu was the most surprised . The young man had never seen the killing and invisible means, and the ferocity of the sword suddenly carved an indelible mark in his heart .

"From now on, you are all c.o.c.kroach"s men . Does anyone have any opinion?"

The coquettish and handsome Jianzhan doesn"t speak very loud . Every word has incomparable penetrating power, which makes the evolutioners on both sides listen to it clearly . Meanwhile, the dull Chen Yu clenches his fist tightly . His whole body trembles like a skipper, but he has some doubts in his heart, brother c.o.c.kroach? Seems to have heard of it somewhere?

"See . . . "

All of a sudden, an evolutionist of Qinghong road pointed to the sky, and everyone turned their heads together . For the first time, they saw the armed helicopter of the mourners flying on the tall buildings< br>