Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1926: 1926

Chapter 1926: 1926

"Nearly a thousand protoevolutionists? Impossible . Haven"t all the original evolutionists in Shanghai been killed? How can there be so many original evolutioners? We should know that there were not so many original evolutioners in Shanghai at the beginning . "

This time, the owner of Xuefeng couldn"t keep calm any more . He seemed to question Xuefeng, as if he was talking to himself . The bas.e.m.e.nt was originally cold and humid, but now it was like an ice cellar . Countless snow-white lines condensed and spread on the dark ground . In the creaking sound, the white lines quickly became thick and formed ice crystals, and Xuefeng knelt in the ice, The white fog spread out on the ice and snow and surrounded Xuefeng . The speed of all this happened was the time for his master to speak . He felt the ice and cold of the ice and snow . Xuefeng"s head, which had been hanging down, was a little lower .

"There are not many evolutionists left in the war with me, but I can"t kill them all with all my efforts, and their means are also very powerful . . . "

At this time, Xuefeng began to show her merit to her master . The ice on the ground had already spread to his hands . She climbed up slowly along her arms and legs, too . Although the speed of spreading was slower than the ice on the ground, she was afraid that she would be frozen into an Iceman soon . Xuefeng didn"t dare to shake off the ice on her body, . Slightly trembling to prove himself to his master, but in my heart I expect his master to give him some more ability .

"If my ability is stronger, even if it"s just a little stronger, I can kill them all . Although the c.o.c.kroach brother is powerful, I have confidence to kill them . Master, if it"s not convenient for you to avenge me, help me to improve . . . I"ll bring back his head and present it to you . . . "

At this time, blood Feng suddenly raised his head and stared at his master"s hiding place . At the moment, he was really exposed . He was less than thirty years old, and his eyes were free from the vultures . His face was beautiful, but with a charming and unfamiliar charm, he could see that he had traces of make-up, eye shadow, blush, and the strange purple lip of black purple . Let him be like a super villain in a movie and TV play . If it wasn"t for his thick voice and curly throat, it would be hard to distinguish gender, and his voice with the host is not as loud as that at night . He feels like an old woman pleading .

When Xuefeng thought of the excitement, her whole body began to tremble slightly, and the desire in her eyes became more intense . Layers of ice on her body cracked and fell one after another . She surrounded him with ring-shaped ice crumbs . Although she was extremely eager, Xuefeng did not dare to move . She knelt down on the ground honestly, and soon there were more and more ice crumbs around her, In the end, a miniature ice wall was formed around him . I thought it would let his master act on him and reward him with something . But I didn"t expect that his master would turn the topic to Qinghong Dao .

"How is Qinghong road blocking at the seaside?"

Hearing the host ask this, Xuefeng, who has been waiting for her, is like a ball out of breath . The whole person droops down, and countless pieces of ice shake off with it . However, his heart is moving . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is all his own people . There is no one in Qinghong Road . If Qinghong road listens to him, he will never suffer such a big loss this time, There is no good skin all over the body . Xuefeng, who pays special attention to maintenance, feels worse than killing herself . If she can get all the power of Qinghong road .

"Qinghong road is a group of local chickens and wagons . The seaside has been lost, and the mutated creatures will attack the city tomorrow . It"s said that they didn"t send their own troops, but they just spent a lot of time consuming the power of incorporation, and the evolutors you induced these days haven"t sent them . I don"t know whether it"s reorganization or something, Maybe they didn"t intend to hold Shanghai at all . "

"Well? Did they really do that? Eliminate dissidents and acc.u.mulate troops? Are you ready to abandon Shanghai? "

Suddenly, the ice cold in the air instantly increased ten times, the ground ice also spread to the wall, and then spread to the ceiling, ice crystals in the ceiling like crystal arrowheads stretching down, the Phoenix eyes under the blood Phoenix pink eyes running in the orbit, to see the master"s means so powerful, fear and a bit of joy .

"I don"t dare to cheat you . I know what I am . Without you, even if I have the ability, I am also a lost dog . To put it bluntly, mud can"t support the wall . At the beginning, you prepared three people, and I was the most stupid and the least stupid . But only I survived, I knew that I had to hold your thigh to survive . . . "

This time, there was more truth in Xuefeng"s loyalty . The master who was hiding in the shadow was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice:

"Qinghong Dao, I have my own arrangements . You can leave their affairs alone, and the c.o.c.kroach . Let him be arrogant for a few days . I have a big deal to do, so let your affairs go for the time being . . . "

Hearing the master"s reply, Xuefeng was dull in an instant . Did he suffer so much for nothing? Qinghong road is the owner"s flag, he can understand, but why can"t Zhang Xiaoqiang move? Does the host have a crush on Zhang Xiaoqiang? Does the host no longer like him? Is .

"That"s it for the time being . Go and bring the blood sacrifice . "Hearing the blood sacrifice, Xuefeng"s whole body trembled and her whole heart was pulled up, but she didn"t dare to have any objection . She didn"t even dare to change her expression . She slowly broke the ice and stood up . The shaken ice crystals were still falling away . Xuefeng rolled up a strong wind and disappeared in the bas.e.m.e.nt . After Xuefeng disappeared, the bas.e.m.e.nt fell into silence . Suddenly, several residual shadows flashed in the bas.e.m.e.nt, It seems that he is stretching his body . The flashing shadow is very fast . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang can barely see it here . In the eyes of ordinary people, he thinks that the wind in the bas.e.m.e.nt is very strong .

When Xuefeng drags a group of evolutioners into the bas.e.m.e.nt, all the shadows disappear and the ice and snow melt almost . The evolutioners who come in behind can not feel the cold in the air, but feel a kind of warmth because of the water vapor in the air . Xuefeng knows the master"s skill and is not surprised . She stands on the wet ground and bows to the corner, say:

"A total of 24 people are all new evolutionists in these two days . They were originally armed men . They are all very strong and full of Qi and blood . "

"Good, you go out . . . "

The old and gloomy words were a bit urgent, which also caused the nervous of these confused evolutioners . A few people suddenly made a noise and wanted to rush out . The willow eyebrows that Xuefeng pruned the day after tomorrow suddenly tightened, and the powerful pressure filled the whole bas.e.m.e.nt in an instant . All these evolutioners were split in heart and fell to the ground with convulsions, After a while, all of them were on the verge of death .

After cleaning up the evolutioner, Xuefeng is not on a whim . The master"s rejection of him makes him feel abandoned . Although Xuefeng is very influential outside, he knows that his abilities are not his own, but those given by the master . If he can give them back, he can take them back . If he is abandoned, it"s better to die, so it"s better to ask .

"Master, my biggest regret for such a long time is that I didn"t see you with my own eyes . If you could let me . . . "

"Blood Phoenix! Don"t you want to live? All the people who have seen me are dead . Do you want to die, too? "

Before Xuefeng could finish speaking, his master"s anger formed a huge sound wave and b.u.mped back and forth in the bas.e.m.e.nt, with a little high-frequency sound, which made the evolutioners on the ground hold their heads and wail in succession . Xuefeng was frightened, and her knees softened . She knelt down and cried to her master

"Xuefeng is always the master"s man, and so is Xuefeng"s life, If the master wants to take it, Xuefeng doesn"t dare to say anything . Without the master, Xuefeng would have starved to death in the street . Xuefeng asks herself that it"s not a thing, but she is grateful to the master . If the master is willing to meet Xuefeng, even if it"s dead, Xuefeng is willing to . . . "

I don"t know why, he said these words, even he couldn"t believe it . Although he was afraid of death, he wanted to see his master . These days, Xuefeng was drunk and dreamt of death, and men and women played together . He had done all he had to do . Accustomed to life and death, he didn"t care how he died . He was still afraid of death, But not that kind of fear to the bone, after all, if there was no blood Phoenix, he would have died long ago .

"Hum . . . , Xuefeng, Xuefeng, do you know that once you see me, you will never want to be a man again in your life, you can"t eat, drink, play with women, and you won"t even have any emotions . Do you really want to

When Xuefeng heard these words, she suddenly raised her head . Her eyes were bright . She stared at the shadow corner and blurted out

"In fact, Xuefeng has long suspected that the master is not human . . . "< br>