Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1937: 1937

Chapter 1937: 1937

"I don"t care . Brother c.o.c.kroach gave me the defense line . I was the leader here before the new Commander arrived . Now I order you to get me ammunition by any means, do you hear me? I only need ammunition . No matter you steal or rob, just give me ammunition . Otherwise, before the defense line breaks through, I will execute all the logistics personnel and feed those guys one by one . "

The logistics officer"s thin body was lifted in the air by Weng Li"s great strength of both arms, and his struggling legs kicked Weng Li"s thigh and belly again and again . Weng Li was like a giant of copper and iron . He didn"t care . He gritted his teeth and glared at the officer who was holding his collar and pedaling his legs . The officer"s cheek was red, and he tried hard to break Weng Li"s forceps like hands . The soldiers around him were busy shuttling, When they sent boxes of bullets to the front line, no one stopped to watch the farce . Deafening gunshots rang out around them . The heat wave of the flames made their hair curly and anxious . The angry Weng Li didn"t care about anything else . In his eyes, he was only the proud logistics officer .

"Chief Weng, put down our section chief quickly . It"s not that we don"t want to send them, it"s that they can"t keep up . Brother c.o.c.kroach has made a new plan, and all the transportation forces are occupied . . . "

The logistics personnel around him are persuading Weng Li, who is angry . But Weng Li doesn"t care . He has not closed his eyes for three days and three nights . If he didn"t rely on the const.i.tution of the evolutionist, he would have fainted . The front-line war is in full swing, but he suddenly gets the news that he has run out of ammunition .

"Weng li . . . Put the people down quickly . . . "

A soft drink brought Weng Li"s gradually lost reason back to his mind . His scarlet eyes were clear, but the logistics officer in his hand had begun to spit out his tongue . He was about to be strangled by him . He immediately threw him to the ground with a cold hum, spit hard and yelled at the other logistics personnel

"I want to see the ammunition in half an hour, If you don"t have ammunition, you can all spell bayonets for me . "

Leaving behind a cruel remark, Weng Li turned his head and rushed to a girl with short hair

"What are you doing here? Isn"t it chaotic enough? This is the battlefield . I want you to disappear in one minute, or I"ll find someone to arrest you . "

The girl with short hair is pretty and lovely . She has a stiff smile on her clean little face . Then her eyes burst out with anger and scream:

"Dead wengli, how dare you talk to me like that . . . "

As the girl screamed, another gentle and quiet girl came running behind her and pulled her . The look in Weng Li"s eyes was full of worry and heat . Weng Li didn"t care about their screams and eyes . He gave them a fierce glance and roared:

"Don"t you see me fighting? If I lose the fight, I can"t live . You roll as far as possible . If I die, you go to other men . If I don"t die, you go to you . . . "

At the end of the sentence, Weng Li grabbed the rifle from the ammunition box beside his feet and rushed to the front line where countless hot streamers were sprayed, making the two women behind stupefied . The single shot girl looked at Weng Li"s back in disbelief and asked with trembling voice:

"He . . . How dare he talk to me like that? He never . . . "

"Because he is a man, he can spoil you, let you, even be bullied by you, but also smile at you, the most dangerous time, he will rush to danger for our safety . . . "

The girl next to him looked at Weng Li with a burning look in her eyes . The girl with short hair stamped her feet and screamed:

"I don"t care . I"m going to teach him a lesson . How can I talk to him like that? Is what he said before all false? Don"t I deserve to fight with him? Is . . . "

"If you don"t want to lose him forever, go ahead . No matter how gentle a man is, he will be ruthless if he is offended . He won"t kill you, but he will never see you for a lifetime . "

The girl with short hair is about to catch up with her . She suddenly stops . She turns to look at the girl beside her and exclaims in surprise

"We come to see him from the rear . He is not only ungrateful, but also . . . "


A shrill scream made them turn to look at each other . An armed man who was scratched by a zombie was tied to a stake and struggling . While he was crying, Weng Li stood in front of him in silence and whispered something to him . The armed man was about to mutate and was twisting desperately . The two girls looked at Weng Li with no violent emotion, At this moment, he was like a priest listening to confession, comforting the wounded on the battlefield full of guns . Just at this moment, the tenderness in the hearts of the two girls started to warm up . Suddenly, Weng Li suddenly lifted the b.u.t.t of his gun and smashed it on the man"s temple . The bright flame shone like the sun on the river to drive away the darkness, In the bright light, the b.u.t.t of the gun hit the man"s head and hit the ground . The man"s head broke like a watermelon, and the scattered skull and brain spattered beside Weng Li . In order to save a bullet, Weng Li solved the problem with the b.u.t.t of his gun . He turned to see the frightened girl and felt bitter in his heart . He pretended that he couldn"t see them . He turned to the front line of the river and suddenly braked . The huge military vehicle suddenly stopped beside him and a deep voice fell into his ears

"I"m Xiaoshan, From now on, I"ll be responsible for all the troops . You report to me immediately . "

The flames of war in Shanghai are dazzling in the night sky . Even in the infinite s.p.a.ce, they are still eye-catching . The quiet s.p.a.ce is not lifeless . There are a large number of satellites with unknown purposes . They spread more or less solar wings in the sky and paddle quietly in the vacuum . A satellite without outer flag coating slightly changes its angle, Gliding to Shanghai, China, just after the satellite took a picture of Shanghai from a distance, suddenly the whole satellite sparked . The flashing sparks once lit up the satellite hidden in the dark, and the battery panels continued to separate . The sh.e.l.l also scattered under the flashing electric fire, exposing the chips burned inside .

In vacuum, the flame can"t burn, and the spark flickers for a short time . In a few seconds, the charred satellite will fade into black . The earth under the sea of stars is dark, and only Shanghai is still flashing red . When this short accident disappears, the sea of stars is still silent .

In the satellite command center on the ground floor of the new era headquarters in the European Alps, the roar of anger is like the roar of a raging beast . Countless black and white dots jump on the huge display screen, but the most blurred image can not be displayed . The roar also spreads from the command center to the outer corridor . Where are the two youyinhua stations at the gate, You can hear the sound of going through the gate clearly

"Who? Who can tell me what happened in China? We lost five reconnaissance satellites in China"s airs.p.a.ce in two months . Why on earth? Who can tell me? "

"Your eminence, it"s Beidou, China"s Beidou anti satellite defense system . These satellites serve China"s military . Before the end of the world, there was news about the shooting down of American satellites . . . "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, China has no army, no . . . we have been wandering in their airs.p.a.ce for two years, and they have not responded for two years . According to the tradition of that country, the command of satellites will not be handed over to officers under the age of 40, and those over the age of 40 are dead . How can anyone still command? What"s more, their anti satellite system needs the authorization of the highest power center, which has long been the headquarters of mutants in their capital . "

"Your eminence, only Beidou is possible . The Beidou satellite system has pulse weapons and positioning laser weapons . The Chinese put their latest laser technology on satellites . The satellites lost in the past few times can not be accidental . Except for s.p.a.ce attacks, even our latest air frigates can not destroy satellites . . . "

"I don"t care so much . Can"t the people in the sky get in? Can"t the people on the earth get in? The Asian Legion suffered heavy losses in China, and the supernova and air frigate prototypes also crashed in China . I want to know where and what happened . I want to know who is fighting against the new era . I want you to get back the experimental report of the prototypes . "

"Monseigneur, with all due respect, we have nothing to do with China for the time being . There is something unusual in the Pacific Ocean . The members of the new era on the Hawaiian Islands lost contact with each other last week . There is also a warning that the marine mutant beast has landed on the coast of Australia . After the fall of Madagascar, our African Army is almost totally destroyed . In addition, Greenland is also vulnerable to the threat of glacial mutants . In addition, more than 60% of our troops and materials are held back in the American battlefield . Nine adults in the constellation of twelve have reached a deadlock with their Highness the G.o.ddess and the Apocalypse corps of the new Federation of the United States, and the new era division of South America has changed . "

"I don"t need you to tell me that . I know more about it than you do . I just want to know what happened in China . Three legions were destroyed in China, and the tenth Legion lost all its officers and youyinhua began to collapse . The original records of the air frigate prototype and supernova disappeared, and none of the experimenters came back, Who can tell me what"s going on? "

"Monseigneur, there is only one way . Send all the air transport ships to transfer all the legions around China to find out what happened in China, and the first apostle of the Australian headquarters in search of the rebels . Maybe . . . "

"Shut up, I don"t need you to teach me how to do it . The air frigates are transporting the resources and population of the last stronghold in Africa . The things there are the foundation of our new era future . It"s impossible to transfer . . . "< br>