Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1948: 1948

Chapter 1948: 1948

With a movement in his heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouts to the armed soldiers who are at a loss

"All down there . . . "

Then he rushed to the side of the roof and bent down to look down . When he looked down, a blood red figure appeared from below like a flash of lightning . If this figure was replaced by others, it would be b.u.mped . It was so fast that people couldn"t take precautions . Zhang Xiaoqiang could look back in the dynamic vision, The thick blood wiped his malpractice and brought the wind to his head . The red figure was wrapped in the dark red armor . Ignoring Newton"s law, he dashed up from more than 100 meters below . Without any reduction in speed, he rushed to the helicopter that was leaving . The helicopter was turning, and the red shadow was about to seize the landing wheel of the helicopter . Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled, He swung out the blade of the rat king, jumped to one side, picked up the Bayi rifle of the armed soldiers on the ground, opened the safety and shot at the man . The speed of the blade of the rat king was faster than that of the man, but he was very sensitive to danger . The first time he let the plane overturn in the air like a windmill, and then beat the bullet flying to him .

Zhang Xiaoqiang developed his dynamic vision to the highest level . Each bullet was extremely tricky, and the speed of the man"s hands waving was not slow . He shot down all the first 21 bullets . After he shot the 23rd bullet, he was arrogant and no longer dodged . He let his son bounce on the red armor, I don"t know what the red and oppressive armor is made of . It doesn"t have any effect on him . When the bullets come into contact with the armor, they will bounce off one after another as if they hit the strong rubber .

"Ka . . . " The Bayi rifle fell from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands, and the red figure flipped two times in the air and fell into the pool of blood on the ground without a sound . When his feet fell into the pool of blood, the calm blood suddenly surged, and countless blood climbed along the b.l.o.o.d.y boots . In the blink of an eye, it melted into the red armor . The originally gloomy dark red was a little deeper, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang eyes show some fear, he already know what this man"s armor is made of .

"Blood Phoenix?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang takes a step back without leaving a trace, clenches the Firebird machete that he forgot to return to Xuefeng, and asks softly .

Xuefeng"s whole body is wrapped in blood colored armor, and there is no gap from head to foot . This armor is very strange, just like human muscles . Two chest muscles, eight abdominal muscles, biceps brachii and other muscles are exposed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . It looks like the armor style of Roman army, and Xuefeng"s helmet is as ugly as a skeleton, There is no sense of beauty, from the head to see the foot is a giant has been pulled out of the skin, leaving only muscle general .

"You . . . Who are you? Why dare you do it to me? "

Xuefeng didn"t start . She slowly absorbed the blood under her feet and didn"t let go of anything . She didn"t answer Zhang Xiaoqiang"s question, but asked a strange question . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face was flat, but his heart was constantly struggling with the palpitations caused by the danger . For Xuefeng"s question, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look around at the evolutioners who were groaning in pain, Occlusal tract:

"The man who wants your life, what are you . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t see through the Xuefeng in front of him . He has played against Xuefeng before . Because of his luck, he hasn"t really seen Xuefeng in the end . But he knows that this guy gives him a totally different feeling, and the sense of danger is unprecedented . Unlike Zhuo Mingyue, Zhuo Mingyue didn"t want to hurt him from the beginning to the end, Different from Gus, Gus was irritable and had lost his sense . The irrational beast was not terrible, but this guy gave him a sense of danger, like a big net covering him tightly, like a fish caught in a net .

Xuefeng has been exerting her pressure, which makes the wriggling evolutioners around suffer . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not affected by it . Her body is filled with killing intention . She slowly expands around him, offsetting Xuefeng"s pressure completely . Xuefeng is so surprised that she suddenly raises her head and laughs when she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Declaration on his fight .

"Ga ga ga . . . You have courage to kill me? I will never die . You are different from others . As long as you submit to me, I will give you everything you want, more life, endless wealth, the most beautiful woman, and become the leader of all human beings on the premise that . . . "

Balabala said a lot, but Xuefeng became interested in Zhang Xiaoqiang . After hearing Xuefeng"s manifesto, Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered . He never looked away from Xuefeng"s armor . He secretly calculated the price he would pay to destroy the armor, and his mouth did not stop

"Endless life . It"s nice to say that no one in the world has endless life, The rocks will be shattered with the pa.s.sage of time, not to mention your flesh and blood . I have never expected to live a long life . As long as I let all my enemies fall at my feet before I die, you will be the next enemy to be killed by me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s manifesto aroused Xuefeng"s anger . A raging flame in her heart burst out and roared:

"You . . . "As soon as he made a sound, Zhang Xiaoqiang hit him like a flying crossbow . The huge explosive force made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shoes crack on the ground, and the washbasin sized cement floor crack at the moment he took a step . The wind roared . Two fluorescent threads crossed behind Xuefeng, one from top to bottom, and the other from bottom to top, And the scarlet machete cut straight in front of her, blocking the retreat of Xuefeng .

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he would do it without giving Xuefeng any time to prepare . Xuefeng"s body was surrounded by coercion, and he didn"t really regard Zhang Xiaoqiang as his opponent . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t fear his coercion, he didn"t care . He didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang dared to do it first without fear of his power, and in an instant, he cut him off, The red machete flashed over his brow and flashed with a bright red streamer . Two hot spots behind him came from his forehead and chrysanthemum at the same time . That was the warning signal brought by danger prediction . Xuefeng hid the black hole on the skull helmet . The pupil in the eye socket suddenly lit up, and the mouth issued a high piercing scream . At the same time, he raised his hand to block the machete .

The piercing high-frequency scream is like a steel needle penetrating Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eardrum, which makes his brain seem to explode . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t care about the sudden pain . The tiger"s mouth holding the handle of the knife acc.u.mulates all his strength, and the whole person jumps in the air, trying his best to split the most focused knife in his life . At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is only the curved knife he waved in his hand, The back of the Yinghong knife flashed across the scarlet image, split the air and cut it down to Xuefeng"s skull mask . Xuefeng"s black eyes looked like a black hole in the universe, which took Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes away . Then he looked at Xuefeng for the first time . At the moment when their eyes touched, the blade with great strength fell into Xuefeng"s palm .

Without waiting for the blade to touch the palm of the hand, the scarlet Firebird scimitar seemed to melt in an instant . A large red halo blocked the sight of the two people colliding . At the next moment, a huge explosion occurred between the two people . The storm generated by the explosion would blow Zhang Xiaoqiang to one side, and countless blood drops would splash around like fragments, Zhang Xiaoqiang turns over in the fierce wind, and at the same time keeps away the blood drops splashing towards him .

"Ka . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s toes gently fell to the ground, and let the waves blow his hair . His eyes only focused on the blood Phoenix in the blood splashing all over the sky . The sequelae of severe pain in his brain has not been completely eliminated . The blood Phoenix in front of him became blurred in his eyes, and the blurred figure slowly revealed in the scattered blood drops, A more sharp scream came from Xuefeng, covering the whole roof in the sound wave .

"You hurt me . It hurts . . . "

In the scream, Xuefeng"s roar was like thunder . Zhang Xiaoqiang resisted the stabbing pain of dizziness in his brain and waved his hand to summon the successful rat king to rotate around him quickly . What just happened ended between lightning and flint . Up to now, he has no idea how the blast of Xuefeng was done, and the drops of blood falling from the rooftop at the moment, These blood drops can only be lethal within ten meters . Ten meters away, they are soft as water . Even if they hit him, they won"t have the slightest strength . When the crackling blood hits his feet, Xuefeng has recovered her former calm . She is watching Zhang Xiaoqiang"s every move, as if surprised by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s damage to him .

The fight between the two sides was just a trial . The moment Xuefeng blocked Zhang Xiaoqiang"s machete, she couldn"t take care of the rat King blade behind her . She had to turn sideways to let the rat King blade cut in a less lethal place on his back . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sure shot failed in the blood wave of the explosion between Xuefeng"s palms . At the same time, there was a high-frequency sound similar to that of the Z-shaped zombie, which almost blew his brain off, This unprecedented pain makes Zhang Xiaoqiang even stand reluctantly . Although his face is expressionless and seemingly insipid, he is extremely taboo about Xuefeng in front of him .

"You hurt me, you hurt me? How could it be, how could someone hurt me . . . "

Xuefeng doesn"t seem to believe that Zhang Xiaoqiang has hurt him . On his back, two shallow marks split on his armor, only the armor was split, and there was not much damage to the body inside . Even so, Xuefeng can"t believe that someone can cut his armor . Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly breathes, moves his feet to the side, and stares at the noisy Xuefeng, There is a tendency to attack again .

"Death . . . I"m going to kill you, ah!"< br>