Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1952: 1952

Chapter 1952: 1952

Chen Qingshan and Liu Qianyao look at what happened like a dream . They come here with the Shanzhai version of Xuefeng to accept the fruits of victory . According to Xuefeng, they are not dangerous . They just need to take a form . As the followers of Xuefeng, after Xuefeng has incorporated all the evolutors, their status will rise . Liu Qianyao is a fool, He has never seen a big scene, and he doesn"t know how to plan for the end of the rain

Chen Qingshan is not the same . He is also greedy for life and afraid of death, but he can use his brain to understand the hidden tricks, otherwise he will not live until now, From the beginning to the end, I didn"t believe in Xuefeng"s lies . Xuefeng was the original owner of Xuefeng . According to the truth, Xuefeng was his closest dog leg . Was it not that his consciousness was erased and occupied his body? If one day that unknown thing goes crazy and dislikes Xuefeng for not being handsome enough, he has to occupy his own body . He has no place to cry, not to mention that Xuefeng is not human at all, and even has no basic human desire . Liu Qianyao has seduced Xuefeng more than once, no matter whether she is naked or half covered, even the queen of black silk doesn"t work, Look at Liu Qianyao like a stone without any fluctuation .

Chen Qingshan couldn"t find a chance to escape, so he had to follow Xuefeng here . Unexpectedly, Xuefeng made countless evolutionists soften into sheep in front of him . Xuefeng"s power was no different . He took care of them a little, so that they didn"t fall on the ground like other people, and they were incontinent, But they can also see more soberly that countless survivors are like wheat lying at the feet of Xuefeng . While Chen Qingshan is deeply taboo, they are also more afraid of Xuefeng . They don"t want to stay around Xuefeng for a second .

Liu Qianyao and Chen Qingshan are standing beside Xuefeng at the moment when Xuefeng declares to countless people . They can see the fear that Xuefeng exerts on these people . Liu Qianyao looks like a flower maniac . She wants to kiss Xuefeng in full view . Chen Qingshan trembles all over, and countless people are in agony by Xuefeng"s means, When he smashed his skull like a firecracker, he already knew that Xuefeng would not regard any human being as a human being . If he continued to stay with Xuefeng, it would be impossible to guarantee his life .

When Xuefeng saw that the helicopter was soaring more than 100 meters high with its strange ability, Chen Qingshan made a quick decision and took the opportunity to run out . Liu Qianyao didn"t know what had happened, so she followed him . The two men rushed to a kilometer away before they stopped . Without waiting for Liu Qianyao to ask, Xuefeng fell from the high building in their eyes of surprise . As an evolutor, she was a little surprised, Their sight is a little better than ordinary people . When eight thousand people burst into the sea of blood at the same time, Chen Qingshan sat down on the ground and howled in horror, while Liu Qianyao was also scared . After Zhang Xiaoqiang fell, Xuefeng chased him and Zombies appeared, both of them were numb by the subversive world .

"The master of Xuefeng can control the Cannibal Corpse . Is that his ability? Or is he a cannibal himself

Chen Qingshan stands on the roof of a broken bus parked on the roadside and murmurs . As he talks, a stream of yellow water stains is flowing from his feet . Liu Qianyao doesn"t laugh at the water stains under Chen Qingshan . She is worse than Chen Qingshan . She was wearing a floral skirt with snow-white thighs, but now her thighs are all yellow, Let her thighs stink .

"We . . . What should we do . . . "

It took a long time for Liu Qianyao to ask dryly . In her empty pupil, hundreds of S3 zombies were climbing on the blood tentacles . Around the blood sea, more D3 zombies gathered like heavily dressed warriors to Xuefeng . When they gathered around the blood sea, countless blood crystals sprayed from the blood sea and fell on these zombies and were looted, One after another into their mouths .

"Go . . . The farther you go, the better . He is not human at all . We are just food in his eyes . "

Chen Qingshan shivers and wakes up . He turns around and leaves . Two romantic rivers come to entangle Chen Qingshan . Chen Qingshan is entangled . Liu Qianyao"s eyes flash with a glimmer of satisfaction . Chen Qingshan, who is entangled by the waves, disappears . A strong little arm suddenly gets stuck in her throat from behind, and the little arm instantly tightens, In her ear came Chen Qingshan"s whisper:

"I understand your mind . No matter whether Xuefeng is human or not, no matter how many people he killed, as long as he is your master, you can live beside him . It"s a pity that you will pay attention to me . . . "

Feeling the strength of tightening her arms, Liu Qianyao"s beautiful face was in a panic . She opened her mouth to explain . With a crisp sound, her beautiful head fell down powerlessly . Then Liu Qianyao"s body fell down . The bus car fell to the ground and threw up a piece of black dust . Chen Qingshan killed Liu Qianyao, put down her hands and turned to look at the blood Phoenix and the zombie in the distance, Turning around, he rushed to the other end of the city . The fleeing figures seemed to shift their positions . One by one, the remnant images appeared in different areas and disappeared into the invisible . In the blink of an eye, they were thousands of meters away, as if in a blink . In response to the call of Xuefeng, zombies appeared in every corner of the city . The closer they were to the city center, the more they were, One zombie opens the cover of the sewer and comes out to show his teeth and claws to Chen Qingyun . Then Chen Qingyun flashes behind him . Unexpectedly, no zombie can catch him . Chen Qingshan sees the zombies clearly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that Xuefeng can manipulate the zombies, let alone that Xuefeng has hidden more than 1000 type 3 zombies in the city . You should know that there will not be more than 100 type 3 zombies in the million corpse tide . There are thousands of type 3 zombies here . I"m afraid it will take the whole zombie tide in Shanghai to select so many type 3 zombies .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who rushed into the floor, rolled several times and sat down in the corner of the wall . He pressed his heart and gasped for breath . His heart was still beating wildly . He didn"t fight with Xuefeng for a long time . It took him less than five minutes . These five minutes made him feel very long every second . If it wasn"t for Xuefeng"s chaos, he didn"t have much fighting experience, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know how many times he had died, but now, far from being afraid, he was still figuring out how to solve the problem of Xuefeng below . Countless pieces of broken gla.s.s scattered in the room behind him . These pieces of broken gla.s.s quickly hit the wall and cut out countless large or small gaps, forming small particles like crystal sand spreading throughout the room, Zhang Xiaoqiang gasped, and his body was covered with this kind of crystal sand .

Then tentacles came into the windows one after another and stirred in the room . Desks and dusty computer displays were often broken and cracked by the python like tentacles, turning into pieces of different sizes . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head to look at the tentacles made of blood and touched his waist, But he found that his satchel had been smashed to pieces by the blast in the previous battle, and the grenades inside had also been lost . There were only two small bags made of snake scale skin, containing wound medicine and two high-purity corrosion sources . When he left Hubei, Zhang Xiaoqiang brought out three high-purity corrosion sources, each of which was extracted by thousands of evolutionary zombies, One of them killed the D4 King Kong giant ape zombie group of Z3 zombies at the edge of Zhenjiang River, and forced the Z3 zombie into a desperate situation, which was swallowed by the big water snake . Now there are only two left, which has become Zhang Xiaoqiang"s last mace .

Zhang Xiaoqiang glances at the blood tentacle, puts the corrosion source back into the leather bag, throws out the rat King blade and rushes out with a machete . The blood sea is only Xuefeng"s means, not his weakness . Even if the blood sea is completely corroded, it can"t hurt Xuefeng . He plans to save it for the last use . The two rat King blades are like a combine harvester twisting like a hurricane in the room, None of the blood tentacles could stop it . They were twisted into pieces and fell to the ground . Then the remaining tentacles gave birth to blood crystal spears and danced in the room .

Xuefeng can"t see the situation in the room, and the blood tentacles don"t have eyes . In the random dance, these blood crystal spears are extremely sharp . They can pierce the positive wall with a scratch on the wall, and destroy all the three walls of the room . In the chaotic dust, large and small pieces of bricks and stones collapse, and even the floor is pierced by these blood crystal spears< br>