Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1966: 1966

Chapter 1966: 1966

Before solving those steelhead fish is just an appetizer . The fish that almost ruined the whole fleet turned their bellies under the toss of the water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang also took the opportunity to find glial bodies in the brains of the three largest steelhead fish . As for the crystal nucleus, it was helpless because of the rush of time . When the big water snake finally fought with the 100 meter sea eel, Zhang Xiaoqiang almost became a spectator .

This eel is emerald green in color, with long fins like a fan from head to tail, sharp teeth like two rows of razors, and its size is only a little smaller than that of a water snake . But Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that this h.e.l.lman is definitely no more than level 4 . If he goes beyond level 4, the water snake will not rush up . The two monsters are like two dragons making waves in the Yangtze River, The huge and smooth bodies appear and disappear in the turning up river . Occasionally they collide with each other and make a huge sound like thunder . The surging river rises and falls to form b.l.o.o.d.y water walls . In the splashing water, there are pieces of boats and dead fish rolling . The whole river is muddy . In addition to large areas of blood red, there are old silt at the bottom of the river .

They had already left the peak . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on a huge board and drifted with the current . The fighting between the two monsters made the river like the sea in a storm, with a maximum angle of 45 degrees . The huge water waves broke out on both sides of the river, which destroyed countless vegetation and left blank sand fields, Then there were several flashes of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the torrential rain finally came down at this moment . In the rain, Zhang Xiaoqiang unnaturally expanded his invisible killing intention around him . This killing intention could not stop the rain . In an instant, he got wet all over his body, and then he could not help contracting . Just at this time, the new ability hidden around him finally showed up, Although it was slight, the heavy rain ten meters away broke off and stopped the rain around him for a fraction of a second . In this short moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang found out the difference and could not help but accelerate the contraction and expansion, isolating more than half of the rain from his body .

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed that the two monsters fought hard in the rain . The mutant water snake finally grew up from timidity and fear of death . It also played well in the face of the third level mutant . Later, when he remembered the battle record of the giant mutant bird, a stream of evil fire came to his mind . The second level mutant, which was surrounded and killed by people before, escaped from the pursuit of the fourth level water snake, It"s a shame to see that the level 5 mutant bird in Zhenjiang is the one who kills the level 4 mutant Firebird . Even if the level 5 mutant bird takes the chance, it won"t be so unbearable . At this time, a big wave is coming to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention is released, An invisible shock, big waves in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang broke a 10 meter wide gap, let Zhang Xiaoqiang through without damage, and then a huge shadow appeared on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head, and then a huge b.l.o.o.d.y mouth appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body, bowed his head and bit him, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s rat King blade accelerated to the sharp teeth big mouth, if there was no accident, Rat King blade will go through the big mouth, saw through the skull, and finally kill the owner of the big mouth .

The b.l.o.o.d.y mouth still bites to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at the familiar big eyes, takes back the rat King blade with great difficulty and roars .

"Are you going to die . . . "

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Xiaoqiang was wrapped around his waist by a long red thread and dragged to his mouth by a mutant water beast . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang was held high by a big water snake, and countless flashes of lightning suddenly appeared on the water waves of the river . The lightning was like giant boa constrictors, which completely covered the river with tens of meters around . The spreading current climbed up the water snake"s body and swam upward along the water waves, Zhang Xiaoqiang realized that the water snake had saved himself . He was surprised that the water snake was so loyal to protect his master that he was spitting out of his mouth . The point of the fall was the electric eel with the same big mouth biting the water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang was dizzy and flying in the air, but his brain was thinking about other things . Was the water snake to save himself or was it used as a big killer to deal with the electric eel? It seems that the latter still accounts for the majority .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is naturally seen by the electric eel . Compared with the huge body of the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not seen as a threat . Instead, he opens his mouth as an appetizer . At the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang yells, Zhang Xiaoqiang bites him with more sharp teeth than the big water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang rolls too fast in the air and can"t deflect to be bitten by one bite, At the moment when the sharp teeth were killing him, all his murderous intentions erupted at full speed . Within a tenth of a second, the murderous intentions erupted, contracted and collided . At the next moment, rows of sharp teeth were bounced away by invisible barriers, and Zhang Xiaoqiang took advantage of this short moment to rush into the center of the water snake"s mouth, just falling into the wet, sticky and soft place, All the light was dim at this moment, and then a huge sound of occlusion struck the eardrum . The soft part of the body began to contract, trying to swallow Zhang Xiaoqiang,

This is not the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang was swallowed by a monster . He first fixed his body, The rat King blade spins rapidly on the oral muscle of the upper jaw before the giant opens his mouth to inhale, and the blood is pouring down from his head . Zhang Xiaoqiang insists on not letting himself slide into the monster"s belly .

Toss and shake again and again, dizzy again and again, washed by the river again and again, Zhang Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth and persisted . In his heart, the water snake cursed him a thousand times . The giant beast was not a dead thing . He shook his head desperately in the pain, sometimes rushed out of the water, jumped into the air, sometimes drilled into the water, and more often hit the water with cramps, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang miserable . The rat King"s blade is no longer blood water, but blood river . When Zhang Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth and insisted, he was still thinking wildly . If Xuefeng were here, he would be happy to die . The blood of this electric eel is no less than that of the No . 100 high-level evolutor . At this time, the river water poured into the mouth of the electric eel again . Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and tried to stabilize himself, Try harder to push the rat King blade . Who knows that an electric current climbs up Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body along the river, making every muscle of his body shake violently in the electric current . The instant electric current makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart almost stop . Zhang Xiaoqiang also stimulates the greatest potential in the electric current, and the rat King blade suddenly breaks the hardest bone“

The 100 meter long electric eel floats on the turbulent River, rolling its huge tail like twisting hemp . Although its lower body is still twisting, the blood river flowing from the mouth of the electric eel can see that the monster is almost dead . When Zhang Xiaoqiang is covered with plasma and comes out of the mouth of the electric eel, the electric eel even stops its last twisting .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is sitting on the head of the eel, breathing heavily . He inserts a meter long blade beside him and turns to look for the water snake that throws him to the eel . The endless heavy rain forms a thick curtain, which can"t reach far at all . The big raindrops. .h.i.t his face and numb his cheeks . The cold river water soaks him in the lower part of his body, And the upper part of his body was cold in the rain . Waves of water poured on his head, which made him nostalgic for his hot bath .

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed behind the curtain of rain . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the dark shadow and cried out . The cry was faint in the sound of countless rain slapping on the river . Unexpectedly, the slender dark shadow turned around and rushed straight at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the tooth knife dug out in the mouth of the electric eel and inserted it into the scabbard behind him, Standing up with Firebird machete, ready to give the snake a scolding .

The head of a water snake can be compared to a locomotive . The rain curtain layer upon layer rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s front . His huge eyes are cold, but now he can see some fear . The bullet proof scale of the water snake has countless scars, which immediately makes Zhang Xiaoqiang alert . A strange sound, like the howling wind, comes from behind the water snake and forms a sound wave to smash countless raindrops, The sound wave hit Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain like a high-speed truck, and his nose was hot . Then a bird billed rabbit head, a snake tailed crocodile body, and a strange thing with big blue fan wings appeared beside the snake like lightning . The huge fan like fins flashed, and the thing less than five or six meters long came to the snake, two feet long, It"s like the beak of a blood red hawk pulling out pieces of broken scales and flesh on the scale of a giant snake .

Zhang Xiaoqiang just looked at it and was dragged to his head by the giant snake"s snake letter . He took Zhang Xiaoqiang to run directly from place to place, even though he didn"t dare to ask for such rich spoils as electric eel . When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the water snake was so unbearable, he was frightened by the small thing that was at least 30 times smaller than it, and his long simmering anger burst out, He raised the Firebird"s machete, waved it high and cut it to the giant snake"s one horn, and roared:

"Kill me . If you dare to run away, I"ll make you a barbecue . "< br>