Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1996: 1996

Chapter 1996: 1996

Once the gambling contract was established, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jianjian started to kill each other . Both of them were dressed in the same clothes: closed helmet, gold oak leaf uniform, and personal wrist portable terminal that can play virtual display screen on the wrist . If Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t carry a Firebird machete and Jianjian held a short blade in his hand, no one would recognize them . The personal terminal is connected with the host of the investigation company, The map on the virtual display clearly shows their location and the distribution of the mutant animals around them

The super endurance of the UAV shows its strong ability at this moment . As long as the sun bamboo can supply power, it can fly in the sky all the time . The investigation system feeds back the intelligence to the main engine of the investigation company, It interacted with the suppression of Zhang Xiaoqiang and others . To open a map is to open a golden finger . Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jianzhan, a thousand and eight evolutionists who have been honed by b.l.o.o.d.y battles follow closely, effectively eliminating all the mutant animals they encounter .

While they clean up the mutant animals, the 800000 zombies of Xuefeng finally collide with the mutant animals in the city .

The boundless sea of corpses rushes into the city like a torrent . Under the planned rolling of Xuefeng, the mutant animals are unprepared and lose no less than 30000 in an instant . Countless mutant animals" corpses are torn up and devoured by zombies, and countless zombies are also eaten by hungry mutant animals . The two sides are like two gluttons devouring each other . The scene is extremely b.l.o.o.d.y .

At the front end of the zombie sea, eight great ape zombies and twelve white S4 zombies grind up the mutant animals they encounter like meat grinder . The flowing blood spreads gently on the ground . Before the spreading blood penetrates into the ground, it slowly volatilizes to form a blood mist, which slowly rises into the air, and large blood mist twists in the air, Re condensed into a clear red blood belt, flying to the middle of the corpse group in the hiding place of the corpse sea .

Under the protection of two great ape zombies, a pale man is focusing on controlling a blood band, condensing into a new sea of blood around him .

"Still can"t, ordinary human physical quality is too poor, can"t give me too much help, I need evolutionist as a carrier . . . "

Xuefeng can only attract a band of blood around him every time . Every time he coagulates, his face turns pale . The rudiment of the sea of blood around him is far thinner than the sea of blood he condensed on that day, and there is no comparability at all . It"s like comparing a vast sea with a small pond, even if the blood of the mutant animal is better for him than the blood of human beings, Also can only see tons of blood, because the condensation is less than waste, Xuefeng this zombie origin guy feel a kind of strange heartache, for the first time to himself, now occupy the body is very dissatisfied .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang destroyed her body and fled to the sea of corpses, Xuefeng could no longer occupy the corpse"s body, but could only find human beings to give up . Human beings are also divided into three, six, nine and so on . The better her physical quality is, the more powerful she is, just like the Xuefeng of that day, although her character is rubbish, But he is a real top evolutionist . His ability is no better than that in Shanghai . Even the special combat camp was almost destroyed by the blood Phoenix, who was afraid of death . So he was able to explode 8000 evolutionists between the fingers, drain their blood, and condense into a boundless sea of blood . However, the human beings who survive in the wild are starving day by day, and their bodies have already collapsed, even if they are occupied by the blood Phoenix, All means can"t play out the 2 . 3% of that day"s peak .

The killing of zombies and mutant animals is still going on . Xuefeng is quite satisfied with the progress . Compared with his hundreds of thousands of subordinates, the number and quality of mutant animals are better than that of zombies . But the command of Xuefeng is different . Great ape zombies and type S4 zombies are born with a lower rank of mutant animals, while type 4 zombies are barely equivalent to level 3 mutant animals, If it"s one-on-one, it doesn"t have to be a level 3 mutant, but the level 3 mutant is already a high-level fighting force in the herd . Generally, it doesn"t gather together . Xuefeng condenses all the high-level zombies together, turns them into spears and stabs them hard at the mutant herd, causing the local damage of the herd . The dead mutant is eaten by the zombies again . Just give a little time, Blood Phoenix can continuously improve the rank of zombies, and the stronger the Vietnam War is .

He doesn"t care whether zombies can improve Xuefeng . What he really cares about is that he is attached to human beings . He also has the selfish nature of human beings . No matter how many zombies die below, it"s not as important as his hair . So Xuefeng is worried that the guy who is attached to him is not an evolutor . Thinking of his ability, Xuefeng knows, Only when she finds another evolutionist to attach herself to, can she restore her former ability . Thinking of this, Xuefeng turns her head to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . A pair of turbid eyes flash a little bitter as if they were covered with putty .

Xuefeng"s head is broken and blood is shed in the urban area and the variant animal"s clothing . Hundreds of thousands of zombies are rapidly decreasing, while Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side is in danger . Most of the evolutionists do not have the fighting power of type 4 zombies, and even Zhang Xiaoqiang can barely fight against the last one . However, human"s greatest reliance is not individual force, but the cooperation and wisdom of the group, Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Jianzhan and Daoming, more than a thousand evolutioners are divided into complementary groups according to their abilities to eliminate all the mutant animals they can see .

There are a large number of mutants, but few of them can really reach the first level . Just like the water snake, it has poisoned thousands of birds" beaks and wings in one breath . Less than one tenth of them can dig out colloids and crystal nuclei, less than one thousandth of them can dig out secondary colloids, and none of them can reach the third level . Moreover, the mutants do not pile up when they go ash.o.r.e, and they also need to forage, The scattered mutants are better organized, making the evolutors who easily solve them feel like they are hunting . It"s really hunting . The front evolutors surround a mutant beast and use various abilities to kill it . After killing, they contact the armed personnel in the rear to drive away the corpse of the mutant beast . Each evolutor has a short beak blade that can break the scales, a tail whip that can entangle the mutant beast, and a human tower shield made of the skin of a giant beast, Basically, a small team composed of two shield strength evolutors, two agile evolutors with short blades and two other ability evolutors can easily pick up one or several mutant beasts . As more and more mutant beasts fall, the evolutors" arrogance rises higher and higher . Finally, they form a huge wave like atmosphere and rush to the wild mutant beasts, Let before also dare to take the initiative to meet the variation beast had to retreat .

The following evolutioners, with their combined weapons and armor, have burst out with unprecedented terrorist combat effectiveness . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jianjian are the sharpest knives . The speed of Jianjian is even more unpredictable . A mutant beast swimming in the wild until its neck is cut off and its head is cut off . I don"t know why, Jianjian can shuttle among the shadows, When the mutant beast is most relaxed, it will die suddenly . It also has the ability to predict the danger of the mutant beast with closed frequency . Killing a small mutant beast is really invincible .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is another model . He seems to be deeply afraid that the mutant animals don"t know where they are . He always rushes to the center of the herd . A few dozen or even dozens of mutant animals rush to gather around Zhang Xiaoqiang . Once they cross the 50 meter dividing line, these mutant animals will either be stripped of their limbs and roll on the ground in pain, Or it can be split into two even fans, and the viscera and blood flow out of the ground, waiting for someone to send them into the kitchen as food .

Behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jiancha are two teams with clear curves . One is the best of the evolutionists who Jiancha has collected in the coastal defense line . The rough and wild man who leads the team also s.n.a.t.c.hed the mutant beast killed by Jiancha that day . After taking refuge in Jiancha, he followed Jiancha with his dead skin and face . Beside him is Chen Yu, who has been forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang all the time, Chen Yu doesn"t leave with Xi"er, but stays with Jianzhan and becomes a younger brother . They are not harmonious with each other, but they are slightly hostile to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s escort team< br>