Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2008: 2008

Chapter 2008: 2008

"Every time I ascend, I will consume some energy . The more times I ascend, the longer I am weak . Do you want me to be a cow?"

Zhuo Mingyue looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang strangely . Her eyes are clear and hazy, with a slight smile . Seeing the situation, she is making a little test for Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think of anything else . After hearing Zhuo Mingyue"s words, she ponders for a while, shakes her head and says:

"Your method is harmful to your own strength, no matter, I have a lot of crystal nuclei and colloids here . You can use them if you want, but I hope you can keep your strength . It"s very dangerous here . If you are not careful, you will be doomed . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s answer is still satisfactory to Zhuo Mingyue . Her bright red lips are slightly curved, and she looks like a smile . Her hazy eyes engrave the image of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s beard in her heart . All of a sudden, she feels that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not without conscience . Knowing the words behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, she dispels all her good feelings

"Well, You"ve been cultivating yourself for a long time . No wonder you look a little fat . It seems that you"re going to lose weight . Well, there are a lot of kelaya by the sea . Go and get them back . Maybe the animal tide in Shanghai will collapse . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t notice that Zhuo Mingyue"s dreamy eyes stretch out the acc.u.mulated small flames, and he a.s.signs tasks to Zhuo Mingyue . However, he doesn"t know that he has committed a woman"s big taboo . Zhuo Mingyue is a little plump than when he broke up with him last time . This is Zhuo Mingyue"s proudest chest . It is an excuse that Zhuo Mingyue quit, He said:

"I didn"t come here to be a thug for you . What"s the relationship between us? Why don"t you go to the fast stone and let it work for you

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very proud of the bright moon thunder . He wants fame when he opens his mouth and closes his mouth . Now all kinds of miscellaneous things are piling up in his mind . It"s like the top of the mountain . Where are so many love stories coming from? I"m in a hot mood, and I don"t have good words .

"Whatever you want, it"s in the safe in my house . You can get it yourself . I"m not going to accompany you . " With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and went out . Before he reached the door, he turned to Zhuo Mingyue and said, "the transport ship will leave tomorrow morning . I won"t see you off . Take good care of myself . . . "

After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang went out of the door without hesitation, leaving Zhuo Mingyue"s pretty face changing color . He thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to drive her away, and a wave of anger came to his heart . The more he contacted with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the more angry she would be . This kind of feeling only Zhang Xiaoqiang could bring to her . For others, even her four maids could not give her this kind of anger, In her eyes, other people are just irrelevant people, and will not let her have any emotional twists and turns at all . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang, like her friend in her last life, let her always be controlled by him .

Just gave birth to a nameless anger, and thought of Zhang Xiaoqiang finally said take good care of yourself, a very common words, let her heart that anger subsided a lot, can"t help but tangle up in the heart, does that heartless guy still have his own heart? Even if an excellent woman falls in love, she will lose herself . Zhuo Mingyue is naturally not included . She comes to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s room in the tangled psychology of worrying about gains and losses .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s room is not luxurious . Most people are suffering in the wild . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t specialize . He has a lot of complicated affairs all day and doesn"t want to enjoy them . Because there are many important things in the room, most people don"t enter . After Zhuo Mingyue enters, he immediately frowns and throws muddy clothes in the corner, A few tilted wine bottles occupied another corner, long and short gun clips, scattered bullets mixed with a pile of smelly socks moldy, and a washbasin with black sewage floating on the gauze dyed red .

In addition to these, it"s a marching dress . The quilt and blanket are rolled up randomly . Under the bed, there are all kinds of smelly mutant animal materials, claws, leather, and all kinds of useless bits and pieces . She can tolerate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s big grin, but she can"t allow him to be sloppy and sweep his eyes around, Then she saw the huge safe in the corner and walked towards it . She didn"t want to stay in this messy place for a moment .

The safe is the dirtiest thing here . The surface of the white gold stainless steel is covered with all kinds of black and brown stains . Seeing the black bus palms, Zhuo Mingyue is more bored and disgusted with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Standing in front of the safe, she almost turned around and left . She decided to open it with great determination, A ragged scaly sh.e.l.l caught her attention because she had one of her own . After Zhang Xiaoqiang sent it to Wuhan, it was transferred from Wuhan to Sichuan and sent to her .

She was also amazed by the scale of the third level mutant beast . Although she could not transfer it to xiangmi"er, she also knew the firmness of the scale . Ordinary means were not effective on the scale . Only with her greatest strength could she break it, but it could not be destroyed, because it would be beyond her ability, But the leather armour in front of him, which is similar to the cloth head, shows what kind of danger Zhang Xiaoqiang suffered at that time .

She knows Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability . She may not be her opponent, but she is strong enough among human beings . It"s because Zhang Xiaoqiang is strong that she looks at him differently . But at this moment, even she is afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s danger . She thinks that Zhang Xiaoqiang is only one step away from death, The sudden outbreak of great fear made her tremble . This kind of fear did not appear for a long time, at least not after she was strong enough . Even in the face of a mutant beast whose rank was higher than her, it did not make her so afraid . This fear was not because of herself, but almost lost Zhang Xiaoqiang forever . Looking at the broken leather armour, Zhuo Mingyue was silent . Before she got down to the transport ship, she found that it was a huge camp, which could accommodate at least hundreds of thousands of people . At the very edge, there were the flash of gun fire and the streamer of bullets, and bursts of explosion . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s indifferent words flashed in her mind . There were more than 100000 people waiting for him to arrange their lives, She can"t imagine what the concept of the life and death of more than 100000 people is . She used to be a tribal leader, and she also had more than 10000 survivors under her hands . Even the death of more than 10000 people broke her heart, more than 100000 people? She dare not think .

All of a sudden, two hot drops of water fall from Zhuo Mingyue"s cheek and coagulate in her chin . For the first time in her life, she is not crying for herself, but for the tired and lazy guy who makes her angry when she sees it . Her green and tender fingertips slowly touch the gradually cooling teardrop and feel the wetness of her fingertips . Zhuo Mingyue"s heart suddenly swells, full of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Before his untidy disgust disappeared completely, only the little him in the heart, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes laughing, sometimes silent .

Zhuo Mingyue feels all kinds of emotions in Zhang Xiaoqiang and makes herself more and more like a person . Only this time can she have the deepest influence . Women are all made of water . Women made of water are sentimental and sentimental . Tears, melancholy, yearning, and a delicate and changeable heart, When Zhuo Mingyue shed the first tear for Zhang Xiaoqiang, she completely integrated herself into the role of a woman .

More and more tears blurred her misty eyes . She quietly felt the hot tears across her face . The safe close to her had never been opened . She had already understood what life Zhang Xiaoqiang lived . The muddy military uniform was the mark left by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fighting and rolling in the mud . The wine bottles were painful for Zhang Xiaoqiang, To paralyze herself by drinking, as well as the swarthy sewage and gauze, are all the evidence left by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cleaning wounds . Even the dark brown on the safe in front of her is also covered with blood, and her hands open and close again and again .

When the two meter high safe was opened, even Zhuo Mingyue was surprised . Thousands of colloids and nuclei were shining in the light . At the last moment, the energy contained in the ice blue colloid of basketball made her feel frightened . Even if it was just a colloid, it was still giving her a strong and extreme pressure, She couldn"t figure out what kind of giant beast could leave such a big colloid . Zhuo Mingyue knew more about the mutant beast than most people . Such a big colloid was at least left by a giant beast with a huge body . Every such monster was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, even Zhuo Mingyue .

There is a fifth grade colloid, a fire red fourth grade colloid, and more than 30 third grade colloids of various colors . As for the first and second grade colloids, there are countless . G.o.d knows how Zhang Xiaoqiang collected them, and there are crystal nuclei . Some mutant animals have more than one crystal nucleus, just like fearing giant animals . There are 24 coconut sized crystal nuclei in their bodies, In order to recover the water snake"s injury, Zhang Xiaoqiang used eight pieces, including 16 pieces . In addition, there was a meeting gift sent by Xuefeng . The killing in the urban area was thousands of times more fierce than here . Hundreds of Jin of crystal nuclei and colloids were far more than Zhang Xiaoqiang"s own collection . In Zhuo Mingyue"s eyes, they were all counted as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s achievements .

Zhuo Mingyue can"t even think of such achievements . In her whole life, she may be able to collect them, but she can"t even think about whether she can exchange positions with Zhang Xiaoqiang . There is evidence of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s b.l.o.o.d.y battle before . At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s position in her heart is infinitely high, and she admits it for the first time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is stronger than her< br>