Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2019: 2019

Chapter 2019: 2019

At least in front of outsiders, Zhuo Mingyue still gives Zhang Xiaoqiang face . Although he looks tired, he doesn"t have any impatience . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly remembers what he said to her when he quarreled with Zhuo Mingyue that day . He didn"t expect that Zhuo Mingyue was still in his heart . He immediately rolled up sour, sweet and spicy in his heart . He didn"t know what it was like to mix them together . He pretended to be very similar and nodded, The corner of his eye swept over the immortal kraya who was floating in the air and asked casually:

"Are you going to give it to Huang Tingwei for interrogation?"

For Zhang Xiaoqiang, alien people always need to be careful . Zhuo Mingyue is different from these kraya . Zhuo Mingyue first identifies with human ident.i.ty and protects human beings . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang has always regarded her as a powerful human and has no other idea . However, even if Zhuo Mingyue is as beautiful as Zhuo Mingyue, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not regard her as a human being .

Zhuo Mingyue frowns slightly . She knows what will happen if she falls into Huang Tingwei"s hands . Huang Tingwei has never been a pity . The two kraya who fell into Huang Tingwei"s hands before are only one breath away from death . If they hand in their booty, it"s hard to say whether they can leave a corpse? Seeing Zhuo Mingyue frowning, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that Zhuo Mingyue didn"t like Huang Tingwei"s method and put forward another idea .

"Why don"t you send it to the doctor? Many humanoid creatures have been captured this time . Even the female will be sent to the doctor, and the doctor will have a research project . . . "

"No, she will be my maid . I"ll name her xianghai"er . . . " Zhuo Mingyue flatly refuses Zhang Xiaoqiang"s kindness . He turns around and walks to the other side of the river . Klaya, named xianghai"er, floats behind him . Naturally, four girls follow him . Looking at Zhuo Mingyue"s back, Zhang Xiaoqiang clasps his nostrils in doubt . This time, he is really kind-hearted, hoping to help Zhuo Mingyue solve the problem of taking klaya, It seems that if you want to talk with Zhuo Mingyue calmly, you will have a long way to go .

"By the way, you are also idle . Help me build some boats to transport survivors, just like you did in Sichuan . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang remembers the huge garbage heap and a.s.sembly line manufacturing process when he first saw Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue also has a talent of overall planning, and can make a large number of equipment . Although it needs to control thinking, isn"t there 3000 animals on the front line? It"s better to give it to Zhuo Mingyue . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cry is naturally heard by Zhuo Mingyue . This time, Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t even have the mind to look back . Looking at her back, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles, and the contact time is not short . He knows that Zhuo Mingyue is tough and soft-hearted . Even if he doesn"t promise, he will still help him .

Finally, the pontoon was disconnected from the other side of the river . Countless materials were abandoned in the dock area . The huge pontoon connecting the north and the South was like a super aircraft carrier floating on the Yangtze River . The 20 meter wide pontoon swam across the middle of the river, causing layers of water waves . It turned around with a strong momentum . The bridgehead connecting the north bank was also disconnected at the same time, making countless steel bars with thick arms creak, With the huge fluctuation of water waves, this floating bridge, which once held more than 100000 lives, has finally completed its mission .

At the moment when the pontoon was disconnected, rows of waiting survivors were quietly waiting by the river with their packages on their backs . The 800 meter long pontoon had a new mission and continued to sail to save the survivors . Waves of water splashed on the people on the sh.o.r.e . A woman and a child were immediately drowned, but no one escaped, Just like soldiers, they wait for the pontoon to dock . Ma.s.sive wooden boards are built on the huge pontoon . Teams of women and children with their rations rush up the pontoon . They scatter like ants in the s.p.a.cious s.p.a.ce in the center of the pontoon, looking for a place to sit down and look at the water control evolutors standing upright on the edge in awe

More and more people are getting on board, The water line lowered again and again until the whole pontoon was covered with black heads . One by one, the maintenance personnel walked through the crowd and untied the steel ropes from the boat . In the violent shock, the huge pontoon finally left the sh.o.r.e and whirled to the center of the river . At this time, the evolutors began to develop their own abilities and gathered the water waves to push the huge hull, In addition, seven or eight motorized ships in the upper reaches of the river are driving slowly upward . The evolutionists have not left the pontoon . From today on, they are the helmsman of the pontoon . They can"t go up the river or down the river without stabilizing the boat .

More than 4000 people were transported away at one time . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were filled with joy . On the 20 kilometer long riverbank, numb looking men processed all kinds of parts and components as accurately as robots . The materials piled up on the wharf were transported to the other side in cars, and countless welding fires were shining on the riverside, On the dock built with the help of power evolutionists, the rudiments of motor ships welded with steel plates are forming .

At the moment when the floating boat disappeared on the river, Xuefeng on the other side of the river also came with her team . The moment the zombie appeared, the troops near the river were on extreme alert . A big gun pulled off its gun, an anti-aircraft machine gun turned its muzzle, and the only remaining armed ships in the center of the river also surrounded her . Xuefeng was also witty and didn"t come to chat with Zhang Xiaoqiang, At the same time, the zombies in the urban area actively withdraw from the urban area and retreat in the opposite direction from the wharf, while the mutant herd rapidly expands . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how many kraya Zhuo Mingyue killed . At least from the intelligence feedback from the UAV, the mutant herd has lost control again, which is not enough to pose a threat . On his side, the mutant beasts tend to retreat . It seems that he is scared by the accident in the city . Xuefeng is on the road, so he is waiting for the moment when tens of millions of zombies rush into the city .

It"s bound to be a long war . Tens of millions of zombies are too far away . Even if they are collected, it will take a long time . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t wait for the zombie sea to collect all the troops within thousands of square kilometers . All the UAVs will be deployed, and the only four helicopters will focus on the b.l.o.o.d.y city .

After Xuefeng and his zombie disappeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt empty in his heart . When the floating bridge was disconnected, it seemed that all the pressure and crisis were also disconnected . A huge floating boat carried away thousands of people at a time, which greatly encouraged his morale and made him fall into a kind of aimless emptiness . Of course, this emptiness is false, It"s just a short-term maladjustment after a long time of suffering under pressure .

Now the battle in the city has nothing to do with him, not to mention that he leads his team to fight in the front line . When Xuefeng starts from behind the corpse sea and cleans up the Z-shaped zombies step by step, the rest of the corpse sea will no longer be a threat even if it is still huge, Maybe we can get rid of these zombies by sending Hunter troops .

All of a sudden, all the people around Zhang Xiaoqian turned around and pointed not far away and exclaimed . Zhang Xiaoqiang could not help but turn around and look at them together . He saw countless arms half raised, and in the direction of his fingers, a small s.p.a.ceship, which seemed to be a jigsaw piece, was taking off . The small s.p.a.ceship was only three meters long and one meter high, The sh.e.l.l is full of patches made by various pieces of debris, which looks very ugly< br>