Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2023: 2023

Chapter 2023: 2023

"It"s me, brother c.o.c.kroach . If I want to kill you, you can"t see me at all . . . "

Jianzhan holds his arms and looks at Xuefeng on the ground with disdain . At this time, Xuefeng sees that he is the person who is with Zhang Xiaoqiang . A cold sweat of white hair suddenly rises all over his body . Jianzhan appears in front of him without his knowing, which means that he can also appear behind him without his knowing, even if he can"t kill him at the first time, Can easily destroy the hard won body .

"What are you doing here . . . " Xuefeng is highly nervous . In front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he feels more and more pressure . All kinds of means and evolutionists that can restrain him emerge in endlessly, which makes him have the heart of fear . But then he thinks of Zhuo Mingyue, who controls his life and death at will . The fear in his heart is like a river breaking a dike, and the question on his lips turns into a weak statement, Jianzhan is arrogant when facing Xuefeng, which is not normal . To tell you the truth, he wants to kill Xuefeng very much . It is this guy who makes him soft as noodles . If it is not for Zhang Xiaoqiang, I am afraid he will be drained of blood like eight thousand evolutionists . What makes him angry is that Xuefeng can exert pressure on him at any time, making him lie at Xuefeng"s feet like a dog, If he didn"t know that even if he cut off Xuefeng"s head, he would not be killed . I"m afraid that even if Zhang Xiaoqiang blamed him, he would try .

"I"m here to help you . Brother c.o.c.kroach said that you don"t have enough vision and are afraid of death . It"s d.a.m.ned that you want to rely on you to accomplish your goal, so . . . "

Jian Jian"s words are hard to hear . Xuefeng is filled with anger when she hears these words . However, he also knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is telling the truth . Can you expect a guy who is ready to run away to kill all sides?

"Just tell me where the zombie leader is, and I"ll do the rest . . . "

Jianzhan pulls out the Firebird machete . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a great hope for Jianzhan . He even borrows the Firebird machete . Jianzhan has confidence in himself and plays with stabbing . No one can compare with him . Xuefeng takes a serious look at Jianzhan and shakes her head

"It"s no use . The sea of zombies is so big, Even if you break your leg, you can"t get through . Besides, if you don"t have a clear vision at night, even if you tell you the specific location, you may not be able to find it . "

"That"s my problem . Just tell me if you can find the specific location of the zombie leader . . . "

Jianzhan looked up more haughtily and looked down at Xuefeng sitting on the ground .

The night at the end of the world is quiet, but the night where the sea of zombies is located is noisy . Countless zombies walk on the ground . The rustling sound of rubbing the ground is like millions of silkworm gnawing mulberry leaves . Countless rustling sounds are mixed together to form a huge sound wave, hovering in the night sky like the roaring of sea tide, The silent airship was pa.s.sing over the head of the zombie quickly . The electric airship was not very loud, and there was an infinitely amplified rustle as a cover . Soon, xiangmi"er was floating near the first target .

Jianzhan is holding a Firebird cutla.s.s and is closing her eyes . Xiangmi"er feels very dazzling because of her handsome and charming appearance . In her heart, Jianzhan has long been cla.s.sified as a little white face who specializes in eating soft food . The real man should be a b.l.o.o.d.y man like Yan Qing . Although she has died to avenge her comrades in arms, she doesn"t regret it, so she doesn"t remind Jianzhan to investigate through night vision, Looking for Z2 zombies that may exist below, she wants to prove that she can do it even without this guy:

"Whether you kill Z2 or not, you will never touch this airship after you go back . . . "

Jianzhan"s bitter and hoa.r.s.e voice suddenly sounded in the cab, which made xiangmi"er"s eyes turn white . At the same time, she was even more disgusted with Jianzhan . She was more beautiful than a woman, but her voice was so ugly . It was the image of the villain in the movie . Jianzhan talked with her eyes closed, but xiangmi"er didn"t respond and let his eyes open, A cold light flashed

"You don"t believe it? Brother c.o.c.kroach is most disgusted with his constant command . Even if you are his wife"s maid, you will not be forgiven by him . What"s more, the last pilot of this airship may not be you . . . "

Jianzhan is not polite . Xiangmi"er is even more disgusted . She bites her lips and keeps looking for the zombies surging like maggots on the green screen . At this time, Jianzhan doesn"t want to say anything and starts to close her eyes again . If it"s on the ground, he doesn"t mind giving the girl some color, but in the sky, he has no way, Xiangmi"er"s stubborn self-esteem makes her lose face . More and more frequent search makes her eyes sour . As time goes by, she still can"t find the zombie hiding below . She can"t help but gnash her teeth and press the switch on the console . It seems that something has been thrown down, and then a white light shines, All the darkness has been banished .

"You"re crazy . . . " Jianzhan screams in horror . What this mission needs is concealment . Only he can kill Z2 quietly, but isn"t he exposing himself?

"They can"t be seen without eyes . If you don"t understand them, don"t . . . " Xiangmi"er dismissively refutes Jianzhan and tries harder to find Z2 . At this moment, a sharp howl rises from below, and countless zombies fall on the ground in the display frequency, which makes xiangmi"er"s eyes shine . In the center of the fallen zombies, a standing figure . Two bright lasers were emitted from the airship, and then the scream of the dark shadow came to an abrupt end, and then the more harsh scream resounded through the earth again, which was more powerful than the previous scream, making the airship in the air shake and turn around as if drunk . However, no other zombie could stand within kilometers above the ground, and it suddenly became a dead place, This Z2 zombie is about to reach the edge of Z3 zombie . In the shrill sound, countless zombies burst their heads in the gradually dim lighting, like firecrackers . In the end, the airship did not have time to launch a second laser, and quickly lifted up to a height of several thousand meters . At this time, the earth was covered by darkness again . When the second flare shone on the earth again, Z2 zombies have long disappeared without trace, only the layers of corpses falling on the ground with a diameter of 800 meters .

At the same time, Xuefeng, who was looking up at the stars in the dark, suddenly shook her head and gave a strange smile to the zombie sea . Shaking her head, she said to herself with disdain: "it"s just pretending to force . . . "

From the beginning to the end of Jianzhan, she didn"t say a word . Only xiangmier, who was pale, trembled . She knew what she had done . Zombie Z2 was cunning and cunning . If she didn"t keep her hand, she would disappear in the sea of zombies if she couldn"t kill with one blow . The plan failed completely tonight . No matter how many zombies died below, she couldn"t cover up her failure, For this attack, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Tingwei demonstrated for a long time, and supervised Venus to complete the secondary control of the airship .

"What to do?" Xiangmi"er looks confused and turns to Jiancha for help . Jiancha doesn"t want to pay attention to it, but it"s not a matter for the airship to stop here . It"s better to go back to sleep and say two words: "cold . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, Huang Tingwei and Venus are waiting . This attack is of great significance . If they succeed in the a.s.sa.s.sination, it means that they have found a new way of thinking in the battle against zombies . Zombie sea is not terrible . As long as the zombies of type Z are killed, zombie sea will collapse . The probability of zombies of type Z is very low, If the zombies in the sea of corpses can be removed by means of a.s.sa.s.sination, it means that the zombies in China have a way to quickly eliminate them . Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang has received the sneer of sword cutting and xiangmi"er"s reluctance .

"Very good, really good . Some people think that their status is n.o.ble, so they are arrogant? It seems that you have regarded the rejuvenation of China as your private property, and the expectation of more than 100000 people as a tool to get credit? Or do you think you are all superior to me? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang said ugly words in front of Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue"s cold expression didn"t change . Even the girls around her didn"t change . Women think differently from men . In the hearts of the girls, everything xiangmi"er does is to complete the task . It"s no different for xiangmi"er to finish it by sword cutting, And the sword cut also not necessarily will not fail, so there is no guilt .

"Don"t speak so badly . Xiangmi"er is not your soldier . She doesn"t need you to tell her what to do when she doesn"t finish her task . Besides, we have helped you a lot . . . "< br>