Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2033: 2033

Chapter 2033: 2033

Huang Tingwei didn"t mean anything else . He just pretended to be intimate, which showed that Franklin had turned to them . Franklin was placed under the fence, and Huang Tingwei was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s confidant . Naturally, he responded to every request . However, he didn"t know that the satellite phone of the Holy Blood warrior had been monitored by Nu Wa . What should be said would not be stopped by Nu Wa, and what shouldn"t be said would not be heard by genesis . This created a false impression for kuntaco Dai, The speaker of Parliament has made peace with Zhang Xiaoqiang one step ahead of them, and the Holy Blood soldiers also have the heart of betrayal, otherwise such a large transport ship even the blind will know .

With hundreds of type 3 zombies around them, any one of them can easily tear the kuntaco Dai people to pieces, not to mention thousands of bloodthirsty evolutionists" bold eyes around them . Sister Taylor, who had previously said that Oriental people are monkeys, only dares to look at the instep of their feet . Their mood is like a group of rabbits breaking into the world of dinosaurs, In their hearts, if they want to have an equal dialogue with each other, they will not be weak unless they send the G.o.d G.o.d G.o.d who is fighting with the American super soldiers . At this time, there is another noise coming from the riverside, and countless survivors are running in a loud cry, as if they are avoiding something .

The next moment, it"s like the head of a giant locomotive appears on the Bank of the river, the huge one horn seems to cut the sky, and the red eye pupil is even bigger than the tire of a giant truck . It"s like a red nebula, which can make any human staring stiff . Countless survivors scream in front of the water snake, From time to time, some people hold the materials piled up on the ground in their hands or carry them on their shoulders, as if afraid of being pressed by water snakes .

Seeing the black and rugged scales of the water snake rushing up from the river like a black city wall, all the people of genesis were frightened by the fear from the soul . After the 100 meter long giant snake climbed up the land, they were not relieved, but frightened by the real appearance of the giant snake, No one can bear the pressure of level 4 mutant beast .

"Nothing . It"s just that c.o.c.kroach"s pet wants to bask in the sun . Don"t worry, the sun is very good today . . . "

Huang Tingwei, who welcomed them, looked up at the sky and said casually . Looking at his indifferent appearance, he obviously didn"t mention the surprise of the mutant water snake . In his heart, it was a transport ship, a type 3 zombie, and this level 4 mutant beast with a length of 100 meters, all of which caused great psychological pressure on them, especially the kuntaco Dai, I don"t know how far Zhang Xiaoqiang has come into contact with the speaker of the National People"s Congress . If they have already reached an alliance, they will be a wolf in the mouth this time .

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in the distance and looked at the crowd . As Huang Tingwei entered the reception room, he smiled a dangerous smile . Though he did not know what he meant by coming to the world, he could guess a little . Since he had been asked to reach his head, it was equivalent to giving the initiative to his hand . When he was ready to take such a thing, he has the final say . Nu Wa"s task was too heavy for him . After the end of the world, he ran to many places . He always came back and said that he was still in China . That"s why he got into trouble . If he went abroad, he couldn"t think what he would be like . Maybe even if he slept, he had to be on guard against those evil minded foreigners .

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not intend to complete this arduous task alone . How can we say that this is also a disaster for the whole world . The new era is also a part of human beings . At some time, he has to catch up with them . Even he knows the news of red algae, and the other party must also know that Hawaii has disappeared, except for those who are hiding deep in the inland, The power of some means should be known . In this case, the guy who carries the banner of Dayi may not have to be him .

For a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s thinking was smooth and he couldn"t help thinking about Yinmeng . Every day there were war reports coming from the other side, and the battle of tens of millions of zombies also affected his heart . Now the two sides have got through, but they can"t transform their fighting capacity . Even if there are tens of millions of zombies in Yinmeng"s face, it"s only a matter of time, Innumerable predator mutated plants are transplanted in Yinshan Mountain . No matter which plant can cause great damage to zombies, the dead zombies can provide fertilizer for the growth of these plants . Although countless plants are torn up by zombies every day, as long as there are zombies, some strong plants can grow into new plants, Those plants that were lucky not to be torn up grew into unimaginable monsters on hundreds of zombies . According to the observation and comparison of the reconnaissance battalion connected with the satellite reconnaissance system, the largest tentacle occupied the whole mountain area, and hundreds of thousands of zombies were swallowed by the tentacle .

In less than three days, the whole Yinshan Mountain devoured more than three million zombies . Under the hysterical call of the type 3 zombies controlled by the b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment, low-level type Z zombies were constantly controlled, and then even the type Z zombies themselves were led into the huge trap of Yinshan Mountain . Thousands of kilometers of mountains have become the death zone of zombies, if nothing happens, With the expansion of the mutant plants in Yinshan Mountain, the place occupied by the zombies will become smaller and smaller, and eventually be driven out of Inner Mongolia .

At present, if there is no blood Phoenix, Yinmeng"s method will be the best way to deal with zombies . The highest zombie sea in Yinshan Mountains is Z3 zombies . Two Z3 zombies are incompatible with each other . Maybe none of them will be able to run in the end . But at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not expect to put the elimination of these zombies in the first place, Instead, we should consider the future direction of Yinmeng, whether it is to recover Beijing and the three eastern provinces according to the previous plan, build a strong army by using the industrial base there, or directly turn south to connect Shaanxi and Hubei, so that his forces can really be connected . Each of the two plans has its own advantages . It"s inevitable to serialize the forces of the whole country . But before that, we should first link our own forces together, so that we can have enough strength to subdue those who close the door to be local emperors . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt confused again, so he stopped thinking about it . Suddenly, the camp was boiling again, Countless women with packages came out of their shacks and gathered by the river . Looking at the ant like crowd, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the giant floating boat had returned .

Looking at the huge floating boat being occupied by the women and children in a short time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s depression is relieved again . As a savior, it is better to see those actors who can be saved than to be saved and wait for others to be saved . Only by mastering his own fate can a person be really strong, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but fantasize about countless UAVs built with pearl tears, covering up the sky and tearing up all enemies . He can"t help but squeeze his fists tightly, as if the greatest power at this time is in his hands .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"ve asked . . . The leader is the black man, kuntaco Dai . They came from Australia to contact the 10th Corps . By the way, it seems that they also proposed to hire us . The terms of employment are the complete set of drawings and all the equipment manufacturing technology of the mourner helicopter . . . "

A young officer reported the progress of the negotiation to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help sneering . Genesis really had a good plan . The mourner helicopter seems good, but it can"t compete with the mutant Raptor . Even facing the mutant beast in the ocean, it"s dangerous, let alone they can"t make it, whether it"s after the end of the world or before the end of the world, At that time, all of China"s technical talents were gathered to imitate the su-erqi engine . It"s useless to say that the materials are not up to standard . Even if there are ready-made manufacturing drawings, there is no corresponding material technology and processing machinery .

We should know that the funerary people have gathered the world"s top technology and materials, most of which are hard to get from China . If there is no doomsday, maybe with these technologies, we can only equip the troops on a large scale in ten years, but now, maybe not in thirty years .

"Well, tell them to come up with something practical if they want to negotiate with us, the drawings of the mourner helicopter? Even if it"s given to us, it"s only suitable for us to wipe our bottom . Besides, we should try our best to find out the purpose of their coming . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang directly rejected the question about the helicopter drawings, and then said:

"In addition, with regard to the 10th corps of the new era, you can tell them directly that in order to express their sincerity for the new era, we can let them take away all the officers of youyinhua and jinxiangye . As for the soldiers, they should repatriate the non nationals in principle, of course, Ask them to exchange with the Chinese in Australia and let them find a way to solve the transportation problem by themselves, otherwise we have no discussion with them . . . "

No matter whether the goal of Genesis is Hunan"s 10th army or not, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not return it to them . Mastering the 10th army is equivalent to mastering Hunan, which is faster than sending people to open up wasteland step by step . Moreover, according to his a.n.a.lysis, the 10th army has controlled at least one gathering place with more than 100000 people, which is definitely a piece of fat for him< br>