Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2036: 2036

Chapter 2036: 2036

Huang Tingwei sat quietly in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang"s frown through his gla.s.ses . He couldn"t help recalling the intelligence confessed to them by the kuntaco Dai people . If red algae were discovered before the end of the world, it would definitely cause madness all over the world . Maybe in order to get control of red algae, it is possible for several superpowers to go to war, not to mention other applications of red algae, Every 100 grams of red algal extract can be converted into 15 barrels of oil, which shows that it is powerful . This extract has a wide range of applicability . It does not need to develop a special engine at all . It can be used directly with pre modern engines . In other words, it can be used in vehicles, ships, helicopters and even fighters, whether it is burning gasoline, diesel, aviation kerosene, You can use it as long as you burn oil .

In this way, the solar bamboo will be compared . According to the power conversion, the solar bamboo is equivalent to one tenth of the energy conversion efficiency of the red algae, and the limitation is relatively large . It needs a special motor and multi-point parallel circuit system, and even a small voltage regulator to ensure the smooth transmission of energy, Compared with the mature engine technology, it is useless .

This information surprised Huang Tingwei and made Zhang Xiaoqiang think deeply . Nuwa has already informed him of the formation of red algae in the sea of j.a.pan . He also knows it clearly . It"s not only in the sea of j.a.pan, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean . The only difference is that the red algae in j.a.pan are forming, and the range is only a few kilometers, Compared with other red algae which often cover tens of square kilometers or hundreds of square kilometers, it is smaller .

What Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t figure out is that in the new era or the remnant forces of the United States regard red algae as a new opportunity, but he regards it as a huge crisis that he dare not move easily . In the final a.n.a.lysis, his pattern is still too small . He has been tossing about three parts of an acre in China . He has never thought of expanding to the outside world and has a little sense of small-scale farmers, If kuntaco Dai were not shaken up, it would be at least a year before the great opportunity brought by HD red algae . In that case, even with thousands of UAVs and airships, people"s air frigates would appear in the sky in batches .

"You say, shall we move? Red algae is a good thing

Huang Tingwei, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s subconscious questioner, even though he knows the importance of red algae, he still can"t make up his mind to face the danger and loss brought by collecting red algae . Now he has a big family and a big business . Instead, he has lost the same impulse as a gambler before and wants to grasp more to ensure safety . But in the end, danger may come at any time . Safety is not what he wants, He needs more power .

"We haven"t got enough information . According to them, the samples of red algae obtained should be able to be transplanted in other sea areas . If so, there seems to be some contradictions in their mission this time . . . "

Huang Tingwei thought of something and said helplessly . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes moved and raised his wrist to release the virtual display screen . The screen flickered . A high-definition photo was displayed in front of them . This photo was constantly enlarged to show the red algae in the sea of j.a.pan . Although it was a pre satellite photo, it was enough for Huang Tingwei to see something, After zooming in to the limit, this picture was cut and placed in the corner . Then, the red algae in several other sea areas were released for comparison . Finally, the red algae image covering tens of thousands of square kilometers in Hawaii was released .

"This is . . . " Huang Ting was surprised . He didn"t expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang had the information of red algae in his hand, which was still so detailed . He immediately felt that Zhang Xiaoqiang was more unfathomable . Zhang Xiaoqiang was indifferent to Huang Tingwei"s surprise, and his eyes wandered over several photos to see the difference

"I see . The red algae of j.a.pan have just begun to form, Their goal is not the red algae themselves, but the reason for the formation of red algae . Maybe they have tried transplanting for a long time, and if they succeed, they will not take this action at all, which means that red algae can only be transplanted successfully under specific requirements . According to their a.n.a.lysis, red algae will one day engulf the land, indicating that red algae have strong vitality, Once such a strong plant needs specific conditions to be transplanted, I think the conditions will be quite harsh . Maybe . . . "

Huang Tingwei said his guess, and Zhang Xiaoqiang also felt that there was some truth . At this time, the virtual screen in front of them changed the image of Nuwa, which made Huang Tingwei suddenly surprised . He squinted at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he was still murmuring that Zhang Xiaoqiang already had zhuomingyue, but he didn"t know where to hook up with such a beautiful woman, I can"t be more envious .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s alloy wristband terminal could have been used as a communication device, and Nu Wa"s cool voice came out from the built-in speaker of the wristband

"Captain Huang Tingwei"s conjecture is 73% . The cause of the formation of red algae in the sea of j.a.pan has attracted the attention of high-end forces all over the world . Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, In addition, the European continent continued to send aircraft to gather in j.a.pan, and the previous mission was changed . Commander Zhang Xiaoqiang was asked to go to j.a.pan to investigate in detail, to find out the cause of the formation of red algae if possible, and to eliminate other forces competing for it . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless and Huang Tingwei was surprised . Only Nu Wa"s expression was stiff and seemed to be waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to ask . An unspeakable taste spread in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart . The cold air in his eyes also rolled up, which made Huang Tingwei retreat . However, he didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang had a problem, It"s not even time to understand how this woman who has never been masked knows her name . "When did I allow you to monitor me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang is finally angry . As the leader of one party, he is admired by millions of people under his command, but he is watched by Nu Wa in the dark . Huang Tingwei suddenly gets up and takes out his pistol to aim at Nu Wa on the display frequency . He has forgotten that it is just a virtual image . Zhang Xiaoqiang is so important that he can be mastered, If something happens to Zhang Xiaoqiang, the great cause of Chinese rejuvenation will collapse overnight .

"I will not interfere in any of your decisions, nor will I have any peep at your private life . Everything you have is only used as data storage to establish a database . According to the agreement, I belong to you, as long as you complete the ident.i.ty authentication . . . "

Nuwa"s words are also quite fierce, which makes Huang Tingwei"s tight arm hang down powerlessly . His mind is still full of question marks . So this girl belongs to brother c.o.c.kroach? Is it a mistress who is raised outside? Should not ah, Zhang Xiaoqiang many women around, calculated that this woman can only be counted as n milk .

"No, I can"t do it without my approval . I haven"t been watched since I grew up . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang waves his arm and yells at Nu Wa . With the wave of his arm, the virtual display also moves in the direction of his arm . Huang Tingwei, who is staring at Nu Wa, is dazzled for a moment . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes off his wristband and throws it on the ground . With a bang, the wristband pops up from the ground, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang stomps into the ground .

"You . . . You arrange for the black man to tell them that not only they get the news, but the whole world gets the news . Let the people behind him talk to you and get as much detailed information as possible . Also, let Yinmeng speed up the production of tanks . I don"t need gun barrels, I don"t need ammunition, I need a lot of tanks, or active armored vehicles, Even a bulldozer is OK . Let Xiao Lang work harder to repair the sc.r.a.pped tank engine of Baotou machinery factory, dispatch a helicopter to me, and I will send something to him . . . "

Then he sent Huang Tingwei out . He walked around the room with both hands on his back, and his heart was filled with ruthlessness . Red algae must be obtained, and the refining technology of red algae must also be obtained . Even if one kilogram of red algae can refine 100 grams of fuel, one ton of red algae can also refine fuel equivalent to 30000 barrels of crude oil, and one ton of crude oil is only equivalent to seven barrels of crude oil, Thirty thousand barrels is almost equal to four thousand tons of crude oil, which is a big gap . Gems are absolutely gems . Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t make up his mind . When he learned that the forces all over the world wanted to make red algae, he made up his mind to vent his anger on Nu Wa . When he thought of being an enemy to the whole world, his heart was empty, Even if he grows up to the unimaginable level, he doesn"t think he is a real giant .

The two previous decisions are closely related to akashiga . One is to grab akashiga and bring genesis in . Anyway, it"s good to get any support . The Baotou machinery factory in Yinmeng, which used to be a heavy industrial area for tanks in the north, has steel and coal in Baiyun vein . With the support of 200000 labor force, the company has built a new factory in Baotou, It"s not difficult to build a tank . What"s difficult is the tank"s smoothbore gun, ammunition and engine . Lu Xiaobu was ordered to set up a tank division in Yinmeng . It"s not ammunition, but fuel . Otherwise, thousands of tanks would go out, and even millions of stone sea would be reduced to mud . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t need the firepower of a tank . He only needs the impact of a tank . Once he gets red algae, he will be able to use it, Will let the north have the most powerful means to deal with zombies, when the time comes to rely on thousands of tanks to advance to Beijing< br>