Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2049: 2049

Chapter 2049: 2049

Lou fanjun believes that after the iron gate is the headquarters, and those forks are the key pa.s.sageways leading to various machine gun positions and air defense positions . As long as they are destroyed here, almost half of the other party"s command system will be destroyed . It will be easier for Zhang Xiaoqiang to lead the army to come here . For Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is 100% confident, Determined that as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand, all the enemies are local chickens and wagons, so with the determination to die, Zhang Xiaoqiang will only avenge himself after his death .

The other three surviving evolutors have adapted to the scuffle in the tunnel . The tunnel is complex and long, and there are no personnel stationed in many areas . However, those enemies concentrated their main forces on the mountain at the beginning, which gave the evolutors the opportunity to infiltrate . Except for a few weak hearted or brainless guys, no one else was hurt, After receiving the order, they gathered around Lou fanjun through the perfect electronic map of the intelligence sharing platform . When these people came together and learned about the enemy they were going to face, they turned pale at the front positions . Although they were all determined to die, no one felt that they could break through the front positions .

Lou fanjun has looked at the front position for many times, even made a noise, trying to attract the other side to attack them individually . Unexpectedly, those people had already made the determination to defend themselves to the end, did not make any rash moves, and did not even have firepower reconnaissance . They calmly saved bullets and waited for the big fish to enter the net . The front is different from other places, There are at least ten lights and the same number of flashlights . If they attack hard, they will suffer .

"You see that? Let"s think of a way to rush through . As long as one person can rush in, it will be victory . "

Lou fanjun looked at the other three evolutioners and said in a deep voice that there were two evolutioners who had converged with him before . One was a power evolutioner, one was a native ability evolutioner, and the other was a shooter type evolutioner . Lou fanjun meant that no matter he or a power type evolutioner, as long as one person rushed in, It will cause huge damage to the other side, but the problem now is how to break through the whole infantry company .

"I also have a spare folding shield, which can block 12 . 7mm caliber machine gun ammunition . Otherwise, I"ll play the outpost and you"ll follow me . . . "

The power evolutor is a big man . He is nearly two meters tall and almost reaches the top of the tunnel . He is two people wide . It"s no problem to protect a few people . But after he says it, Lou fanjun shakes his head and says:

"I"m afraid not . You can block scattered bullets, the impact of hundreds of rifles and machine guns . You can"t stand it, Don"t say they still have a rocket launcher . Once it"s launched, the four of us can"t even make it half the way . "

Originally, they were determined to die . They were not afraid of being killed in battle, and they could not touch the other side . In this case, they might as well turn around and kill more scattered people scattered in the tunnel . At least they could . The power evolutors could not think of a better way . When they were depressed, they hammered their fists on one side of the concrete wall, In the dull sound, the wall cracked and burst out a lot of fine sand .

"I have a strong ability, but I need time to prepare, and I need a lot of soil as a mediator, and I have to face them, otherwise . . . "

After hearing this, the power evolutionist suddenly inserts his hands into the crack of the split concrete wall and tears it open . Then large areas of soil collapse to the ground and pile up into hills . Seeing these soils, the power evolutionist nods and says:

"Another 30 times is almost enough . . . "

"How much time do you need to prepare?"

Lou fanjun has an idea in his mind . Although the success rate is not high, once he succeeds, he is confident that the infantry company will be buried with them

"A minute or so, they all say that I"m a waste material skill . Even face-to-face, I can"t go far . I can"t kill 50 meters at most, but I can still block my sight . . . "

One minute is not much time, but it"s not easy to get through it . Just as the enemy in front of us was waiting for us, a roar burst out from the depth of the tunnel . When the infantry company aimed at the other side, a little streamer burst out from the deep and dark tunnel, and the sound of guns reverberated in the tunnel, More than a dozen infantry soldiers fell one after another by these streamers . They didn"t need to give orders . The gunfire was the most direct command . In an instant, the gunfire broke out, and countless bullets shuttled to the dark place with deafening loud noise . In the bullet rain which was denser than the starlight, the occasional light tugging bullets flashed the deepest huge shadow, and suddenly more bullets were shot from the muzzle, At the moment when they tried their best, more than ten rockets with long tail flame suddenly burst into the fluorescence of the streamer star rain, and burst into a fiery red group of light and hot waves at the end

Either you don"t do it or you don"t do it . That"s what a defensive commander does, Any attack team would lose a lot in the storm, but the opposite side seemed to be torn by the fragments of the rocket . There was no movement . Just at the moment when the commander ordered a cease-fire in order to save ammunition, the roar from the tunnel came again, which made the fire density increase a little more . This time was short, Most of the people had emptied their clips and were busy changing them . At this moment, suddenly from the opposite came the sound of footsteps, heavy footsteps like rhinoceros galloping, the scarlet fire of heavy machine gun burst into pieces of walls in the tunnel, creating large pits on the ground, but could not stop the sound of footsteps . The commander was worried that the replacement of bullets in a few seconds would make the other party rush into them, and roared, Rocket hands who had been prepared got up one after another to aim there .

But at this time, more than ten points of streamer crossed with the scarlet fire of heavy machine gun bullets, just like the invisible blade knocked down all the Rocketmen who got up . The advantage of time was that these Rocketmen"s fingers had already been pulled on the trigger of 40 fire . Before they fell to the ground, their fingers were already working, but more than ten rockets were fired at the ceiling, This time, the opponent had a fierce attack . The shrapnel fan formed by the explosion of more than 10 rockets swept the hall like a storm, which instantly made the scream sound .

The sniper"s almost perfect shooting did not receive full success . At the moment when the opposite rocket exploded, an inconspicuous rocket man in the shadow just launched the only rocket toward the tunnel . The rocket shot through a short distance in the blink of an eye and hit the power evolutor"s animal skin shield, which immediately made his arm unable to hold, As the impact of the explosion shakes off the broken shield, the whole person"s empty door is wide open . At this time, the heavy machine gun bullet that has been shooting all the time finally touches the huge body of the evolutor from zero distance .

The new era"s bullet proof vest has excellent performance . It can guard against any small caliber rifle bullets and blocker bullets . However, it is not much thicker than paper in front of 12 . 7mm bullets . The physical quality of the evolutor is several times better than that of ordinary people . However, in the blink of an eye, the bullet tore the upper half of the body, leaving only two thighs standing on the ground .

The defensive force is also hard . It still resists when more than ten rockets explode in the air . Even if the heavy machine gun operator"s back is full of shrapnel and his internal organs are twisted into random threads, he still calmly fires the bullets out . Every time he fires, he spits out a mouthful of blood . After he blows up the power evolutor, he will not be able to escape, Lips to chin is black plasma, keep coughing up pieces of small internal organs .

It was this dedicated machine gunner who earned some time for others . The damage caused by the rocket explosion was extremely severe . The ground was full of corpses and blood, which almost turned this place into a slaughterhouse . The wounded soldiers were rolling in the pool of blood and corpses . The former commander had already been blown into four pieces, right next to his body, An officer with the rank of sergeant stood up and yelled at the living wounded on the ground

"Shoot me if you can move, shoot me if you can still move . . . "

Before, the light here was bright, but after the explosion of the rocket, it was already black . Only the flash of the fire from the heavy machine gun could hide the scene here . The officer with his broken arm was targeted by the hidden sniper when he roared . When the dutiful officer also fell down, The heavy machine gun finally emptied its bullets and stopped shooting . The heavy machine gun coughed up pieces of blood . His eyes were staring at the darkness in front of him, and his fingers kept pulling the trigger like a nerve reflex,

The rocket man who was hiding in the corner before was the only one who was intact . Now he was shaking all over and loaded another rocket into the launcher, The technique is very fast . It seems that I have practiced it for thousands of times . My eyes are a little better under the stimulation of tears . While my heart is beating violently, my mouth is still reciting: "fast, fast . . . Fast . . . Launch . . . "

With a roar, he raised the rocket launcher without even aiming at it, and shot straight to the depth of the tunnel . In the blink of an eye, the rocket reached the middle, as if it would disappear in the next moment until it exploded . However, he did not expect that the rocket would hit the earth dragon, which almost filled the whole tunnel, and with the tap being exploded, The glowing fireball made all the guards see the earth pillars coming from the deeper part of the tunnel, and they collided with them with great force . Facing the fierce earth pillars, no one believed that they could escape . Even so, no one thought of retreating . The two defenders who didn"t hurt their thighs howled like beasts, After grabbing the grenade, he rushed out of the retaining wall and took the initiative to meet the earth pillar