Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2054: 2054

Chapter 2054: 2054

PS; I"m sorry . I was going to finish the last chapter last night, but I"m so confused that I can"t write anything . I"ll find a few friends to go to the riverside to have a drink . I feel a little more energetic when I come back . I sincerely say sorry to you for the chapter that didn"t change .

No one wants to use the complex terrain and tunnels to stop these mutant beasts . Each mutant beast has stronger strength and defense than the same evolutors . In a narrow s.p.a.ce, the evolutors can never compare with the mutant beasts . Zhang Xiaoqiang killed the naval officers and urged the soldiers below to cooperate . They still resent Zhang Xiaoqiang"s power, I don"t want the survivors below to be buried for officers . After communicating with the survivors below, the evacuation finally started .

Zhang Xiaoqiang also got more detailed information about the destroyer . Originally, this destroyer was the most cutting-edge destroyer in the East China Sea fleet . It had just finished sun dressing and had not yet formed combat effectiveness . After the outbreak of doomsday, naval officers and soldiers did not want this destroyer, which consumed a lot of money and materials, to stay on the sea because it was not manipulated, They decided to seal it up . The day they could use it, it was sealed up in a fully enclosed large repair dock on the surrounding islands . That"s why it was preserved in the corrosion of rain .

However, the soldier was not reluctant to say this, especially after he knew that the Yangtze River fleet fought against the mutant beast to the end, he indirectly accepted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s statement . After all, most of the elite soldiers in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s team were regular soldiers before the end of the world, and the number and tradition of each army could not deceive people . Besides, Zhang Xiaoqiang controlled the mountain front, It"s equivalent to blocking the survivors below in cans . Even if they can run outside, they can"t survive without supplies . With an excuse, they go down the slope . On the contrary, they hope that Zhang Xiaoqiang can make the warship undertake the mission of manufacturing it again after he gets the warship .

The movement of the mountain area attracts the mutant animals of the whole island . The survivors hiding in the tunnel return to the place where Zhang Xiaoqiang landed under the guidance of the Navy . There are a large number of dormitories and underground warehouses, which are more than enough to accommodate these people . However, these people and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s people and horses have a clear path, so they can"t get along well, Zhang Xiaoqiang has nothing to do with it .

Another good news that mutants are attracted is that the island is clean for the time being . The huge mountain area is more than enough to accommodate these mutants . On the contrary, the flat land they have been worried about is much safer . Many materials and weapons warehouses were found in another base, which is close to the urban area and several times larger than here, Most of the cutting-edge weapons and ammunition are stored there . Before, I still had a headache about how to know about the mutants who occupy the city . Now there is no such problem . One military vehicle is restarted, transporting materials to the naval base, and more than 1000 strong men are organized to help carry them under the muzzle of the gun, After getting a large number of deep-water bombs, the transport s.p.a.cecraft began to bomb continuously in the mountains . For air strikes, the mutant beast had no means of counterattack, and the sound of the bomb explosion covered up the movement of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, so that the rescue work was carried out perfectly .

In any case, it"s also a hard fight . Thirty evolutionists and Lou fanjun work together with 31 people . Less than half of them can find corpses, half of them can find corpses, and not many of them are whole corpses . If Zhang Xiaoqiang"s temperament is the same before, he will kill all the people with guns, but now he has to press his heart and leave some weapons for them to control themselves, Finally, when the mutated beast in the mountain area stabilized, he gave up the original base and took his men to the naval base in Dinghai District to explore all kinds of equipment he needed .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we found three 022 stealth missile boats . They are well equipped and well maintained . They should have been unsealed after the Navy stayed there . "

Two evolutionists ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said excitedly in an inviting tone . Zhang Xiaoqiang heard that he was silent, but Paul shook his head and said:

"No, no, we can"t use it even if it"s unsealed . There are a lot of mutant animals outside . These things are like toys on the sea, which can easily be torn up . . . ", Maybe the hidden destroyer may be stronger . Unfortunately, no matter how strong the material is, it can"t resist the sharp teeth of those things . "

Paul"s answer is also the source of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anxiety . There are many kinds of ships here, and regular warships can be found, but it"s difficult to get them back . The mutant beast in the sea can"t be killed by a deep-water bomb .

"How long will it take for us to leave?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t plan to transport the survivors to leave by transport ship . Just as the two airships have no task for the time being, they are already on their way . They can be transported to Shanghai in only three days by relay, and then to Yinmeng to fulfill his promise to Lou fanjun . Paul looks at the stream of people loading materials to the transport ship and twitches, Very depressed, he said:

"Half an hour later, brother c.o.c.kroach, do you really decide to transport all the materials here? More than 100000 tons . How long will it take to transport it? "

Paul is worried that if Zhang Xiaoqiang really makes a decision, he will not be free . When will so many goods and materials be delivered? Zhang Xiaoqiang did not speak . He stood by the shipyard by the sea and looked at the huge gantry crane and the rust on the slipway . The magnificent gantry crane had already fallen off the paint and c.o.c.ked up layers of rust . Under the rain, the surface of steel, which was harder than rock, was washed out of countless deep or shallow grooves, just like the soil washed out after the heavy rain, The reddish brown rusty sand falls on the ground and spreads out . Looking around, standing here is like standing in the red desert . The rain will only rust the steel, but it will not dissolve . Therefore, the more steel there is, the more reddish brown rusty sand there will be . The bleakness of the eyes makes the hearts of people entering the shipyard heavy, The magnificent and towering gantry cranes and cranes here are like dense forests, one after another, showing that the flowers before the end of the world are beautiful, but they wither in the rain after the end of the world . Even when walking in the area where there is no steel rust and sand beside the main building, countless broken gla.s.s at the foot is also telling the desolation after the end of the world . The footsteps make a crisp sound on the broken gla.s.s, which is an ordinary sound . It"s creepy to hear in this silent place . I just want to shout to drive away the depression in my heart, and the whole city falls into silence, In addition to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s footsteps, there was no sound . I felt like I had entered a strange ghost town .

The strange city makes Paul who has always been heartless and careless seem a little nervous . He always looks around to find out what he is hiding in the dark to peep at them . Only Xuefeng looks at the surrounding environment with her hands on her back and nods if there is something wrong

"It"s a good location, We can call together some actors to make films here . The name is "love between life and death at the end of the world" . I think it will be very popular if it is made . Of course, it would be better if I were the leading actor . . . "

Xuefeng is always able to think of things that normal people can"t think of . After watching too many TV dramas and movies, he is no longer satisfied with watching them . Instead, he takes part in them and enjoys being watched . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t express any opinions on Xuefeng"s idea . He just goes forward with the leading evolutionists until they walk into the center of the shipyard .

Two 25 meter long Navy Blue catamarans are tightly wrapped in gray tarpaulin, and no gap can be found from the bow to the stern, just like a carefully packed gift . The other one has been disa.s.sembled by the evolutors, and several people are jumping back and forth to check the maintenance status of the hull, The only person who is still is stroking the 30mm 6-Tube domestic high-speed gun tube right below the fully enclosed large angle bridge, watching the parachute company"s temporary captain caressing the cold gun tube like intoxication, Zhang Xiaoqiang only feels a strong chill, seeing how that guy looks like a wretched man stroking an inflatable doll .

"Yuan Yong . . . Come down here . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang a big drink, wake up the airborne company temporary company commander yuan Yong, see Zhang Xiaoqiang like a rabbit rushed down the side stairs to the ground, face excited to Zhang Xiaoqiang called: "c.o.c.kroach brother . . . Rich . . . "

The discovery of the three 022 stealth missile boats is of great significance . It is not the hull itself, but the military electronic instrument warehouse . Zhang Xiaoqiang and others are attracted by the Navy"s weapons, but forget the most important point . They are very lacking in military electronics . Not to mention that all the reconnaissance imaging instruments of UAVs are refitted for civilian use, Even the remote control device is closely related to the remote control aircraft toy factory . To be exact, the UAV made by Yinmeng has unique features in terms of sh.e.l.l and energy, but it is useless in other places . To put it bluntly, it is an enlarged toy aircraft, which is almost different from the military UAV .

"Ot-3 photoelectric tracker is the latest electronic tracker . It has the advantages of small volume, light weight, high precision, thermal imaging, TV tracking, laser ranging, and stable aiming system . It can guide the missile to attack the air, ground and sea, and can be directly installed on our UAV . With it, the combat effectiveness of UAV will form a qualitative change, In addition, there are pa.s.sive identification radar, etc . "

Yuan Yong reported their new discovery to Zhang Xiaoqiang as if endorsing it . Before, UAVs were severely hit . Even so, none of them fell because of falling apart . Most of them were taken back to transport ships for maintenance . They believe that with the installation of military equipment, UAVs will become a real killer, just like UAVs in the United States, Being able to carry out ultra long-distance tasks is no longer the same as the remote control platform where UAVs go now< br>