Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2060: 2060

Chapter 2060: 2060

The staff officer in the intelligence room rushed out to report to Zhang Xiaoqiang . From his pale face, he could see that the officer had expected the result of the encounter between two giant animals . It was only the water wave caused by the giant turtle"s movement that made some ships in the fleet nearly capsize . What if two sea animals had a fight? Compared with the anxieties of the staff officers, Zhang Xiaoqiang was relieved after listening to what he said . They were helpless on the sea . Only by mastering intelligence can they make timely response . Now that he knows the uneasy followers, he already knows what to do next .

"All ships are not allowed to move without my orders . We"ll wait here, wait in front . . . "“ Click, click, boom . "

Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang gave the order, the sea breeze brought the sound of guns . At the far end of the sea, wisps of black smoke rose from the sea level in turn . Then, the communication device inside the fleet sent out a shrill cry for help . At the moment of these calls for help, most of the crew members felt a kind of psychological distortion, Because all these calls for help were from the navy soldiers who had left earlier .

Hearing the cry for help, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to pay attention to it, and Xuefeng was even more gloating . Only yuan Yong, who was the most disgusted with the Navy before, said a fair word: "these people are looking for their own death, and they have to drag the survivors to die together . It"s a pity that the children on the ship . . . "

This seemingly fair sentence highlights two words . My child, this sentence also makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart wave . He turns his head and looks at the sea level with black smoke curling . He is silent, but Yang Wannian carefully asks: "brother c.o.c.kroach, do you want to contact me? In case . . . "

I thought that Yang Wannian would say that if they could rescue them, but later he said, "what if they bring the mutated beast here?"

Yuan Yong has a hard tongue and a soft heart . Hearing this, his eyes twinkle with displeasure . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be awakened . He suddenly wakes up from the tangle and says firmly:

"No one is allowed to move rashly . All the ships are at the first level of combat readiness . They should be able to see us and see if they can escape the disaster . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s decision is not to repay good for bad, but that he is worried about the children . He always feels a kind of debt, but he can"t order the whole fleet to go to the rescue . In case Xiang Xueer can"t hold down the mutant beasts chasing the Navy, maybe even they will join in . The best way is to wait for them to come by themselves, It will be arranged according to the specific circ.u.mstances .

With the command, the fleet is waiting in place . The waves brought by the giant beast are getting smaller and smaller . There is an endless stream of intelligence coming from the front . The real situation of the navy fleet is also known by the intelligence system . Even if the navy fleet has sunk more than half of the time, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not act rashly . He is waiting in a repressive atmosphere when they pay attention to the Navy, The collision between the two giants ahead finally unfolded .

What the giant sea turtle has been exposed to the water is only its sh.e.l.l . The real appearance of the snake like sea animal is more like a dragon than that of the water snake . The giant animal that can fight with the sea turtle is at least a level 5 mutant animal . This level 5 sea snake has long lost its snake like appearance . Twelve long, sharp horns with a length of more than 10 meters extend from its nose along its forehead to the back of its brain, and four big eyes with blood pupils are separated, This sea snake looks more strange than the alien creature . It is white and black all over, just like the Bungarus on the land . Its flat body is thick with scales . The snake"s head is the most attractive . The four blood pupils see things from different angles . The UAV, which is smaller than the water snake and the mosquito, is always in the sight of the sea snake, which is enough to prove the sensitivity of the sea snake .

In the sea area around the sea snake, countless sea animals splashed boiling water on the sea surface and bravely rowed forward . More than ten kilometers away from the opposite side, there were also a certain number of mutant animals around the giant turtle charging forward in the water layer by layer . The two level five giant animals were like generals waving millions of troops, fighting for life and death before each other, A giant beast burying its head in the water suddenly stretched out its huge head, raised its head and gave a loud and distant cry . Its thick and long neck was like a thousand year old tree, and its thick and mottled skin was scarred . There were only two huge eyes, one was as bright and deep as a black gem, and the other only had black holes, although it looked miserable, But it shows that this turtle is not a pure good person . It can grow up to level 5 and become a different animal, which proves its ferocity .

The turtle has no tusks and sharp horns like a sea snake, but it has a huge tonnage and a turtle sh.e.l.l as strong as a mountain . In the face of the sea snake"s provocation, it shows no weakness . The speed of the two giants is not slow . The waves brought by the charge are like the waves in a storm, and they rise up and down on the sea like water walls . The waves are amazing, From time to time, huge water waves collided on the sponge and turned out tens of meters of white spray . Some smaller mutants were stunned by the power of the water waves . When the herd went away, thousands of mutants floated on the surging water behind them .

At the moment when the two giants collided, the navy ships also entered the fleet"s sphere of influence . There were only three ships left in the extremely miserable Navy . None of the three ships was a civilian ship . Two escort ships and one missile ship were the only ships left in the previous 20 fleets, and these ships were still in danger in the pursuit of the herd, If we say that the number of mutant herds is not very large, the battle array composed of two frigates and 022 missile destroyers fighting and retreating formed a cross fire to block the herds in the sea . Scarlet chains of light burst up b.l.o.o.d.y waves in the water . From time to time, we can see a huge fish floating on the water, and then it was bitten and torn by the mutant beasts . When the Navy Fleet approached the main fleet, a higher cry for help came continuously, and the Navy"s ammunition had reached the bottom, and all heavy machine guns could only be fired by spot fire, not by strafe . Looking at the miserable appearance of the Navy, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head seemed to be hit by a hammer, which produced a strong sense of vertigo . Did all the civilians lose their lives?

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, do you want to do it?"

Yang Wannian urged that the destroyer"s 100 mm naval gun had aimed at the sea area . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, 120 sh.e.l.ls per minute would land there . Around the destroyer, two missile boats and nine frigates were ready to fire, just waiting for the order to launch, While the survivors lay on the side of the ship and looked at the remaining ships of the Navy . They either cried or were afraid . Many people even resented the Navy for making so many twists and turns and killing thousands of survivors . Not to mention, they also attracted sea animals to them . At this time, no one can remember the achievements of the navy in guarding them on the island, It"s just the Navy"s overreaction .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . Let"s not save them . . . "

Another shout interrupted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders, which surprised Yang Wannian . He saw yuan Yong rush out of the bridge with an angry look as if he wanted to eat people . When he stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he gritted his teeth and pointed to the navy in the distance

"They destroyed civilian ships for their lives . . . "

"What . . . "

"No . . . "

Yuan Yong"s words stunned the people around him . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t believe it at first . On the island, he died fighting for the whole company"s garrison for those children . Even as an enemy, Xiaoqiang admired him . Unexpectedly, a big reversal suddenly overturned their cognition . How could he accept it?

"It"s true . . . These sea animals are only a small part . Most of them eat people and the food on the ship . Before, I privately ordered to mobilize a UAV to investigate, and the pictures of their firing were captured by us . Besides, not all the navies agreed to trade human lives for opportunities, and the other escort boat was calculated by the comrades in arms . . . "

Yuan Yong told Zhang Xiaoqiang all the things that happened before and after . The UAV"s image feedback was delayed because of the distance . Until now, when they received the feedback image, Yuan Yong almost died of anger and rushed out to report to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, he felt that Lou fanjun was not worth it, Because he knew that the reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang spared these navies was Lou fanjun"s request .

"It seems that the navy is not all brave men who give up their lives and forget their righteousness . . . Maybe I shouldn"t kill that officer . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang thought far away for a moment . The officer was killed by him because of his stubbornness . He always had a tangled mentality towards these survivors and the Navy . In order to avenge Lou fanjun, he killed those children . At Lou fanjun"s request, he had to take over these survivors . Zhang Xiaoqiang suffered heavy losses from the previous fighting between the two sides, However, he had to resist the depression in his heart to rescue these people . From beginning to end, it was a mess, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know what to do . When the Navy encouraged the survivors to make trouble, he gave up the suppression and let these people make a living on their own . In fact, he was still deceiving himself . He knew long ago that letting the other party leave was not to make a living on his own, but to die on his own, Maybe in his heart, he also wanted these people to die< br>