Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2063: 2063

Chapter 2063: 2063

"They"re still alive . . . There . . . "

Yuan Yong fixed the picture, pointed to a fuzzy black spot and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized the missile boat that had escaped before . They seemed to be scared by the war in front of them . They stopped at the edge of the battlefield and could not move back . Any wave of more than 100 kilometers could overturn the missile boat . No wonder they did not dare to move forward, and there was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fleet in the rear, Before they made a pit of Zhang Xiaoqiang, naturally they did not dare to retreat . Seeing this missile boat, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not get angry . He just looked on coldly, but was thinking of another thing . The mysterious emissary was hiding in the front battlefield . If they did not find out this guy, they would definitely have trouble all the way . All kinds of troubles together, I am afraid that the road ahead would be worrying .

Just as he was thinking about what to do, a dragon like monster"s body floated on the sea beside the destroyer . After its head was burned to ashes, its body sank into the sea . It was impossible to salvage it . Unexpectedly, after Xiang Hai"er recovered, he urged the current to send the monster to Shanghai and saw its body, Zhuo Mingyue water"s eyes were full of joy . He got up and floated to the sea . He fell to the lower part of the corpse . He waved his hand and broke his belly . He took out ten blue colloids and surrounded them .

Then the ships around also gathered around . Some evolutionists jumped on the corpses of monsters and cut off pieces of refined meat with beak machetes . Up to now, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s forces have recognized the advantages of mutated animal meat . Level 4 mutated animals are very rare . These evolutionists cut off the most tender parts without waiting for orders, In a very short time, the corpse of more than 100 meters long was removed from all parts of the body, leaving only dense white bones . Xuefeng also got some benefits . The heart of the mutant animal also contained tons of plasma . The plasma of the fourth grade mutant animal was the best he got . After purification, he left more than ten kilograms of blood color chips, Be happy in the face of the blood Phoenix carefully put away .

"Can your maid control the waves?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the layers of spray holding the carca.s.s of the giant beast, and thought of another thing . He could not help asking . Zhuo Mingyue frowned at xianghai"er and said for a long time:

"Their racial talent can control the sea . Did it rain in Shanghai some time ago? It"s like they did it . "

Hearing that, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very happy and suddenly came up with a new way . They did not dare to break into the 100 meter wave in front of him . Even if they could not resist the wind and waves in the marginal waters, they could not resist the waves . They even had no chance to escape . Waiting to die was never Zhang Xiaoqiang"s way of doing it . He could not get in the battle of level five mutant beasts, But it can still be done by sneaking away from the edge of the battlefield, as long as xianghai"er can solve those terrible waves .

Under the command, the fleet became active again . Although it lost a lot of personnel and materials, which made the morale a little low, it always came back and said that it had won . There were countless mutant carca.s.ses floating on the sea, and many people also ate the refined meat of level 4 mutant carca.s.ses, which was a kind of comfort . The appearance of the giant carca.s.s of more than 100 meters floating in the sea was remembered by people, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability to kill him without losing a single soldier is enough to show Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability . With such a leader, what else can we worry about?

The surging water surged up and down to the fleet . Iron ships were up and down on the crest of the waves . Many ships could not run . All the crew members were lying on the side of the ship and grasped anything they could catch to fix themselves . Only the sharp persistence of the destroyer split the surging water like an axe, It"s hard to move forward after less than three kilometers . Xianghai"er didn"t resist . There is still a long way to go . Her ability is not infinite . Unless there is a real disaster of overturning, Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t let her do it . For a moment, xianghai"er"s fate and fleet are tied together . Without each other, no one can live alone .

The surging sea water brings not only the waves, but also a large number of floating corpses of sea animals . These corpses collide on the side of the ship . The biggest one is bigger than the ship, and it"s not uncommon for sea animals to be tens of meters long . These sea animals are rare high-quality meat and materials, but it"s hard to ensure that the ship doesn"t sink in the rough sea, let alone converge these things .

In addition to the dead mutants, many of them were seriously injured and half dead . These mutants were no longer threatening when they were dying . They could not even flap their tails . The whole fleet was just like leaves in the wind . All kinds of loud voices were shouting orders among the ships, whether they were survivors, crew members or soldiers, They are all trying their best to maintain the state of the fleet . The spray of sea water drenches their bodies . The extremely nervous people are frantically busy in the highly dangerous waves . It seems that only in this way can they forget their fear at this time .

The fleet slowly and persistently drove to the battlefield . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood upright beside the gun in the bow of the ship . The sea breeze with blood color came crashing into Zhang Xiaoqiang wave after wave with the chopping of the bow, and then bounced on the invisible air field around him . Zhuo Mingyue also stood beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, ignoring the sea water . Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tight body, She relaxed a little, but Xuefeng"s face was a little ugly . The colloids and crystal nuclei flew up from the bodies smashed by the bow of the ship and fell to Zhuo Mingyue"s feet . Although they were all below level 3, they were extremely precious to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Once Zhuo Mingyue raised them, their effects were unimaginable . The level 4 Firebird colloids he absorbed combined with the Firebird cutla.s.s could exert unimaginable power, and the level 4 mutant beasts could be easily killed, It"s a treasure for evolution .

"After going back this time, you can help to purify all the colloids . The more the number is, the better . In the future, I will give you all the nuclei I get, as long as you need to . . . "

The sea breeze is so strong that the words are blown away by the sea breeze . Zhang Xiaoqiang has to roar and wash the moon . Her hair is flying and her clothes are fluttering . Before the roaring sea waves, she is calm and calm . She is full of immortality . After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, she doesn"t make any response . But Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that she has agreed, wants to say a few good words and doesn"t know how to say them, Before two people quarrel too rigidly, until now has not relaxed the sign .

"It"s almost here . Let"s get ready . There"s a lot of confusion ahead . Xianghai"er is afraid again . "

After a long time, Zhuo Mingyue opened her mouth . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look at Xiang Hai"er, who was trembling all over, and sighed heavily . This time, he had no chance to win . The battlefield of level five mutant beast was extremely dangerous, and they could not partic.i.p.ate in it . Even in the edge zone, Zhang Xiaoqiang was still worried, and helicopters hovered around the fleet, Leading the rickety fleet forward in the sea waves, many tsunami like huge waves rolled up more than 10 meters high and smashed to the fleet . Often before these tsunamis overturned, xianghai"er would disintegrate them in the air, turn them into rain curtains and pour them on the sea . Each wave had hundreds of tons of water, which suddenly became a rainstorm and blurred the fleet"s vision .

The edge is already like this, not to mention the central point . The shaking ships are thrown on the sea like toy ships . At this time, the duel in the central battlefield seems to be in the final stage . The howl and roar of thunder continue to spread . The tens of kilometers of sea surface originally wanted boiling water, but now it is like countless bombs detonated in the sea, Layers of huge waves form a continuous non Jedi trend and spread around . Even the UAVs flying high in the air are in a mess under the waves . Countless huge mutant beasts are thrown into the air by the sea water blasted open, and the biggest one is even as big as a hill .

The violent fluctuation of the center finally affected the edge . A transport ship in the fleet was suddenly engulfed by the undercurrent whirlpool from the bottom of the sea . More than 100 survivors disappeared on the sea without any movement . All this happened in front of the fleet . Without people"s reaction, another tsunami of tens of meters was raised in the huge waves, A roaring sound came over the fleet, and almost all of them cried in despair, waiting for the unprecedented collision with their eyes closed .

All xianghai"er"s hair explodes like sea urchins at this moment . Her blue eyes flash a little blood red . The crystal symbol in her eyebrows shines on the dark sponge . Then, a series of unknown words, like prayers, slant out of xianghai"er"s mouth . Her two little hands outline a mysterious arc in front of her chest, and then she screams, Xianghai"er spits out a mouthful of blood, and the waves will burst into pieces . The debris of the sea tide still collides like broken rocks . At this time, xianghai"er has no more strength< br>