Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2066: 2066

Chapter 2066: 2066

Underwater is strange to Zhang Xiaoqiang . At that time, he was in a dilemma because of the huge changes, and he couldn"t control himself on the water snake, which made him howl in his heart . Just at this time, a faint light refracted from the distant water surface, which made him see the shadow like night on his head . The whole shadow was thousands of meters long, which just covered the sea above him, He didn"t know the situation . He was surprised that the water snake twisted its waist to the deepest part of the ocean . The huge water pressure made the vacuum barrier around Zhang Xiaoqiang smaller and smaller . At the same time, it made him feel like a Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival . He couldn"t move because of all kinds of pressure . If the water snake continued to dive, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know whether he would be pressed into pancakes by the extremely strong water pressure .

The continuous dive made the darkness around him like ink, and he was very frightened . He was wondering if he would let the water snake float to the surface? The water around him suddenly tumbled, and then the light was shining . Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised to see that a huge water blade separating the sea appeared on his head, which was like a big knife splitting the kilometer long water surface, which was totally beyond his imagination . When his eyes were blank, a wounded monster like a skysc.r.a.per appeared in his eyes, It"s the terrible sea snake fighting the turtle .

The power of the level five mutant beast is beyond Zhang Xiaoqiang"s imagination . The water snake drags him down to 100 meters, and the water waves on the sea surface are also as deep as 100 meters . The whole body of the sea snake, which is nearly 1000 meters long, is like a big axe . The water flows to the water snake, and the mouth full of tusks expands to the limit to bite it, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know why the level five mutant beast in the center of the battlefield came here . He said that it had nothing to do with the holy emissary, and he didn"t believe that he was killed . There were only 12 long horned monsters, which made the water snake not even have the mind to resist . He kept on running, but the sea snake kept on chasing, The turbulent current stirred up the sediment of countless years at the bottom of the sea, spreading out clouds of mud .

The water snake takes Zhang Xiaoqiang to swim rapidly in the muddy water waves . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t stand any longer and can only hold the water snake"s single horn . The whole person and the single horn sway in the water at 90 degrees . Compared with the five level variation sea snake, the 100 meter long body of the water snake is very small, almost eight to one, nine to one in length, which is better in flexibility, For the time being, there"s no problem in escaping, and this level 5 mutant beast is also injured after a long battle . Every twist will move slightly because of pain, which turns hunting into a chase .

The level five mutant beast is not only strong in size . All kinds of undercurrents are like a rope that spreads in the water irregularly . These undercurrents have certain influence on the water snake . The water snake has the gift of loach . It can always find the gap sensitively and get past it . It often avoids the sharp teeth of the sea snake at the last moment of the adventure, At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has long forgotten the mysterious emissary and wants to escape the pursuit .

At the moment of deadlock between the two sides, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly found that a huge shadow appeared in front of him again, covering the sea . He immediately had an idea in his heart and knocked on the water snake"s one horn, hoping that the water snake could change its direction . He could not speak in the water, so it was difficult to command the water snake . Unexpectedly, the water snake was also clever . In a moment, he and Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of going together, The long and sharp body turned a circle in the water and rushed up immediately .

At this time, they have reached the bottom of the turtle . Compared with the small mutant animals, the level 4 mutant animals can make the level 5 mutant animals uneasy . If there is no level 5 sea snake, I"m afraid the first thing the turtle has to deal with is the water snake . But now, the turtle"s attention is only on the sea snake . When they meet with each other, they are envious, and the two giant mutant animals collide again, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know what it looks like on the water, but under the water, he can feel the strong shock wave pa.s.sing in the water, like a huge hammer beating on his heart again and again .

As time goes on, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s facial features begin to bleed, and his physical quality is twice as strong as that of the ordinary people . However, in the final a.n.a.lysis, he is still a person . Under the pressure of the collision of the level five mutant beast, he feels more and more unsustainable . At this time, the water snake can"t leave . The turbulent water makes the level four mutant beast like a toy thrown in the storm, The huge whirlpool whirled the water snake . If the water snake was not born to swim in the water, it would have been thrown into a concussion .

The water snake has excellent scales . It is a level 4 mutant animal with a relatively high level of evolution . Even if the pressure is doubled, it can persist . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who stays on its one horn, feels as if he is riding an extreme roller coaster, which can never be stopped .

He can"t hold the unicorn any more because of his manic swings . He is thrown out in a movement similar to Thomas" whirl . Zhang Xiaoqiang is engulfed by the surging torrent . He turns around in the water, but the water snake is still walking . He doesn"t know its owner is on his head, When Zhang Xiaoqiang turns down dozens of circles in succession, he is suddenly lifted out of the water by a big wave . Although the light on the sea is not bright, waves of tsunamis are spiraling, and the whole scene is earth shaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang still feels sober, and then he is thrown onto the turtle"s sh.e.l.l .

The turtle"s sh.e.l.l is huge . Algae like water plants grow on its dark carapace . When Zhang Xiaoqiang lies on it, he feels very slippery . However, the turtle is still fighting with the sea snake . The collision makes the turtle"s sh.e.l.l look like a small island with a magnitude 12 earthquake . Zhang Xiaoqiang has no way to stand on it . In the end, he is in a hurry, Take out the Firebird machete and insert it into the crack on the turtle sh.e.l.l . The water snake was separated from him . He had nowhere to go but to stay here . The level five mutant beast was not so easy to stay . Last time, he suffered a lot . This time, the pain was even greater than last time . The violent collision made all his bones fall apart . If he could choose, Zhang Xiaoqiang would like to jump into the sea to have a good swim, but now, The sea turtle was pounded on his back one after another . Each wave had at least a thousand tons of sea water pouring and crashing, making him like a bird whining in a storm .

Originally, the sea turtle pushed back the sea snake, but without breathing, the sea snake provoked again, making the sea turtle red eyed . Instead of shrinking his head in the sh.e.l.l, he took the initiative to stretch out and bite the sea snake . Finally, the two monsters got entangled and bit each other"s necks . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was lying on the turtle"s back, almost in a coma . When he regained consciousness, Zhang Xiaoqiang was able to climb to the highest peak of turtle"s back in five minutes even if the distance of 200 meters was changed into a steep peak . But now, he had to use his greatest strength every step forward . The rat King blade and Firebird scimitar were inserted into the gap of turtle"s back to help him climb again and again, while the Turtle was shaking violently in its sh.e.l.l, Zhang Xiaoqiang was almost thrown into the sea several times .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is all wet climbing on the turtle"s back . He can"t figure out what to do for a moment . The level five mutant beast is not so easy to get along with . The only way is to find the water snake and run away . The water snake has disappeared for a long time . He doesn"t know what to do for a moment whether he has equipped the water snake with a communication device, Then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the UAV flying overhead and immediately shook his hand to attract it, but his arms were too sore to attract attention .

Zhang Xiaoqiang soon found out his mistake . His military uniform was torn up under the agitation of the current, and he only wore tight snake scale armor . The snake scale armor was almost the same color as the turtle"s back, and his turtle"s back was too huge . Even if he stood on it, the probe of the UAV could not distinguish his appearance . What"s more, the UAV"s speed was very fast, and it often pa.s.sed by in a flash, It is impossible to find out the difference on the turtle"s back at all .

If he can"t attract the attention of the UAV, he can"t attract helicopter rescue . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the flying UAV silently and sighs . Fortunately, he is not complaining . He soon gets up and continues to climb up . When his muscles are twitching and aching, he finally climbs up from under the arched turtle back, Just as he sat on the turtle sh.e.l.l at the top of the mountain, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the surrounding water was all dyed crimson . The giant sea snake, which stretched for an unknown number of meters, had been bitten through its neck by the sea turtle . The crimson blood spurted out from the sea snake"s lacerated wound and dyed the crimson water redder . The sea turtle didn"t get any benefit . Its biggest reliance was on its own sh.e.l.l, But now its head is almost half bitten by the water snake, and each turtle and snake bite each other, as if they would die together in the next moment .

The surging sea is undulating, the surrounding mutant herds are almost dead, and the water snake is gone . Zhang Xiaoqiang stands on the back of the giant turtle and looks at the last moment when two huge creatures are about to lead to life . He can"t help but get excited . This is a great opportunity . Can"t he get two glial bodies of level 5 mutant animals? If you have this, and let Zhuo Mingyue purify it, maybe he can also create a more powerful evolutor than the zodiac .

Just as the thought flashed by, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly saw a huge toad jumping on the rough sea . At the first sight of it, Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized that it was the mysterious messenger who had been chased by him just now . Unexpectedly, it came close to here and hid in one side . Seeing it jumping on the water, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very angry, I"m going to fight that thing .

At the moment when he was about to rush, before Zhuo Mingyue was in a hurry, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that the ability of this thing was quite strong . If he rushed down rashly, it was not clear who would win or lose . Looking at the thing rushing to the heads of the two monsters, Zhang Xiaoqiang squatted down quietly and slowly slid along the turtle sh.e.l.l to the back of the giant turtle"s neck, I"m going to take advantage of that thing .

It seems that it is very familiar with sea snakes . It jumps to the head of the water snake and does not know what it is doing on the huge and empty snake eyes . Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a layer of bright red fog like powder on the claw of the thing, and the thick fog like thing moves around the claw, Then the layer of blood mist automatically elongated into red lines and penetrated into the sea snake"s nostrils . After the thing was inhaled by the sea snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that countless wounds on the sea snake"s body were slowly closing .

Obviously, the water snake is an ally of the mysterious messenger . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are cold and his steel teeth are creaking . He doesn"t know where the turtle came from, but he understands that the enemy of the enemy is his ally . Once the sea snake comes back, he will die again . When he wants to come here, he can"t stay any longer, and his whole body is tense and suddenly starts to work, The whole person catapulted out like a crossbow< br>