Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2076: 2076

Chapter 2076: 2076

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know the specific situation in j.a.pan, but he has a long knife in his hand and has the power to protect himself against all possible dangers . As for the children around him, he doesn"t have to be careful to protect them . Whether he can survive depends on the luck of these children . So when Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the city, he doesn"t worry about whether these children will encounter danger in the city .

"Please use . . . " A stew in a lunch box was delivered to Zhang Xiaoqiang . It was written in Mandarin, with clear black and white eyes like a frightened rabbit . It was cowardly and distressing . The delicately cut bangs made the girl who delivered the meal to Zhang Xiaoqiang look very cute . This little girl who would make any girl shout Kawaii was pitiful, She and the little boy beside her are the youngest of the children, and they are only five years old . Looking at their appearance together, Zhang Xiaoqiang puts on his chest with dignity, reaches for the fragrant lunch, and waves the two children to leave .

Looking at the two b.u.mpy but cheerful children, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt much more comfortable and felt that saving the two children was not a loss . Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to gobble it up, the horsetail girl standing on the top of the giant tree yelled at Zhang Xiaoqiang . In a hurry, the girl called for j.a.panese, As for the Chinese that Zhang Xiaoqiang gave her, it has long been forgotten . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the girl"s alarm, he didn"t take it seriously . He didn"t even know the danger in his heart . What"s the danger? He slowly put down his lunch box and went to the huge tree with seven or eight people . He pulled up the vines and climbed to the tree trunk like an ape . After several jumps and pull ups, he reached the top of the tree .

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang got to the top of the tree, the horsetail girl looked at him anxiously and muttered a lot of words . Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth and looked at the girl"s red lips flying up and down . The porcelain white teeth were looming . None of the words that the girl said made him want to cover the girl"s mouth and roar to shut up .

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opinion, the so-called alarm of a young girl is just a group of low-level chasing battles . In the dense forest in the mountains, a group of ant like people are divided into two groups to chase each other . The only interesting thing is that there are few people chasing each other, and there are more than 100 people on both sides . These people are not enough for Zhang Xiaoqiang to kill alone . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little relieved, In j.a.pan, he doesn"t have to worry as much as he does in China . He can kill those who are hostile to him, those who don"t like him, and those who don"t like him . In that case, he has nothing to worry about . Even if the j.a.panese play tricks on him, they will cut him down .

This group of people can"t see the way, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can see that most of the more than 20 people pursued are evolutionists, which makes him interested . The proportion of evolutionists among ordinary people is not high . If there is no accident, it can be 50 to 100 to 1 at most, while evolutionists are considered as high-end force among ordinary people . In addition to big forces, they appear in groups like this, Small forces are really rare . The girl didn"t find her mistake . She pointed to those people and told Zhang Xiaoqiang anxiously what she didn"t know .

"Cannibalism?" The girl"s words are ignored by Zhang Xiaoqiang . The super long sight distance enables him to look down on the chaos in the dense forest more carefully . What happens there is not chasing, but chasing and capturing . The men running in front are all ordinary men with the common traces of the last survivors . Most of them are ragged, yellow and skinny, and they are also carrying cold weapons such as bows and swords, Even if they have these weapons in their hands, these people do not have the courage and determination to resist, and they rush forward in a loud cry,

Although the men who are chasing behind are different in color, they are almost the same in dress . They are dyed with colorful and bright hair color, and they are wearing strange clothes with bare chests and b.r.e.a.s.t.s . Among them, there are several agile evolutors, They seem to enjoy the fear of each other when they run away . Instead of killing, they sometimes catch up and run side by side with a guy, making people around him give a desperate cry to stop .

It"s like catching prey . Those who are knocked over, stopped or fell are bound up . When only half of the 80 or so people in front of them are left, the pursuing evolutionists give up the chase . They tie the bound people in groups of ten to the thick and long wood, and let these people carry the trees and drive them to the road, I don"t know what these people are doing .

Seeing this, the girl also calmed down . She leaned over and looked down at the two children under the tree . She saw them squatting on the ground, carefully looking at their backpacks . She put her heart down and pointed to the direction under the tree . Then she murmured to Zhang Xiaoqiang . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t need to understand j.a.panese to know what Mawei girl thought . Just now, the girl gave the alarm because those people were running in their direction, If there is no accident, the men who escaped before will rush to them .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is sitting on a rock eating his late lunch . Although it"s nothing for him not to eat two meals at a time, he knows that if he is injured, it will take ordinary food acc.u.mulation to recover quickly, so he won"t miss any chance to have a meal, just when he drinks the last piece of meat and broth together, The plants around him clattered, which made him raise his ears . His eyes suddenly flashed a little cold . He slowly put down the lunch box and waited for the guests to come . Two little things are sitting near Zhang Xiaoqiang, dozing from the roots of the trees that rise up from the ground . The girl is still watching from the top of the trees . Because of the dense tree trunks and leaves, she can"t notice the abnormality under the trees . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back is to the gra.s.s, and his body is bent . It"s like a man, two children, a backpack piled on the ground and a lunch box beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, This is an extreme attraction for any survivor . With the pa.s.sage of time, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that his eyes behind him are tingling on his back, and a sneer slowly emerges from the corner of his mouth . He just sees the speed of these people running in the dense forest . He knows that these people deliberately want to escape . He can"t catch up with them, He"ll have to wait until these people get close .

Just when the people hiding in the woods couldn"t bear it, the rope hanging by the huge tree began to shake . The pretty horsetail girl was slowly sliding down with her legs wrapped around the rope . At this time, a scream like a wild animal came out from behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then dozens of voice lines, but the same wild cry came out one by one .

The sudden cry made the girl almost fall to the ground . Then she saw the trees shaking behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, and countless figures rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . The horsetail girl let out a sharp scream, and the whole person whooshed to the ground, lifting the two awakened little ones in one hand . No matter what Zhang Xiaoqiang did, she turned around and was about to run away .

The appearance of horsetail girl almost makes Zhang Xiaoqiang laugh . Is an evolutionist scared by a group of ordinary people like this? In my heart, I didn"t blame the girl for her ungratefulness . After all, they didn"t touch each other for a few days . Naturally, compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the two little girls are closer to her .

The sound of stepping on the ground behind him was like a torrential rain . The howling was more exciting than the howling . In addition, there were dense forests all around him . If Zhang Xiaoqiang thought he had crossed the primitive society and was attacked by the primitive people before the end of the world, he suddenly got up and turned around, and immediately threw out the Firebird curved knife, although it was not as easy to use as the rat King blade, It"s much stronger than other weapons . The curved machete speeds up suddenly after it is thrown out . The lightning generally goes around a circle and then returns to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand . With a backhand, it cuts down on the boulder he sat down before .

When the machete flashed over the boulder, it divided it into two parts . Compared with those men"s crazy howling, the sound of machete cutting the boulder was no louder than the sound of farting . This little movement made all the men dull . They twisted their ferocious faces one by one, staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang fiercely with their eyes, or opening their arms, or waving their swords, holding their bows and crossbows, He was ready to force Zhang Xiao to stay in all kinds of postures, but under the threat of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chopping the boulder, they did not dare to move . Then, they were awakened by the creaking and roaring of the collapse of the branches, and were horrified to find that all the trees and plants around them were cut off .

The girl also heard the news of the collapse of the trees . She turned her head and stopped her body . She stood awkwardly and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with her back to him . However, the two little dots saw that they were cheering together . They clapped their hands and cheered Zhang Xiaoqiang in j.a.panese . Zhang Xiaoqiang gently pulled the machete out of the boulder, He raised his hand and pointed to the men who were seven or eight meters away from him . He yelled: "those who can speak Chinese stand up by themselves . . . "< br>