Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2087: 2087

Chapter 2087: 2087

The result of j.a.pan"s high urbanization is that several cities have developed into one after rapid expansion . If you look at the satellite map, there is no obvious dividing line . Large areas of gray concrete cities and blue forests and mountains const.i.tute the two main colors of land . Therefore, the cities are extremely large, starting from Hyogo Prefecture to Kyoto Prefecture, Every residential area has become a paradise for zombies . Zombies leave the city every day, and new zombies come from other cities every day . There are also regional disputes among zombies . Zombies of type Z will fight with each other because of different leaders . But the probability of such a war is very small . Otherwise, human beings don"t have to rack their brains, The zombies themselves will be destroyed by the civil war .

More than a million zombies are a nightmare for all j.a.panese below Zhang Xiaoqiang . In their eyes, these zombies can never be defeated . Since Zhang Xiaoqiang, all people, including evolutionists, have been frightened by the dense ma.s.s of zombies in the city . These zombies are like a black torrent, filling every street and open s.p.a.ce, standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, Just like the black water flooded the city, seeing these zombies, even Zuo Tian, who had proposed before, began to doubt whether his method could really attract millions of zombies, and whether they could escape under the pursuit of zombies?

Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a panic, but he is attracted by an alternative figure in the city . The city has long become a paradise for zombies . Countless zombies not only occupy the streets, but also many S-shaped zombies who are good at climbing on the high buildings . However, the figure that attracts Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention is a man of eight cla.s.sics, who seems to be invisible in the sea of corpses, Carrying a huge package around the zombies in the way, looking for air strikes, interspersed to leave outside the city .

Seeing this man, Zhang Xiaoqiang is immediately interested . He knows that even invisible people can"t be ignored by zombies . Zombies don"t use their eyes to see . Smell is a big killer of zombies . Such a guy can travel freely among zombies, or he has something that can hide his breath, just like the fishy soil that Zhang Xiaoqiang got from the abnormal old man, Or something to wear on him, just like the tiexianteng planted in Yinmeng area, but this has been denied by Zhang Xiaoqiang, because that guy is wearing ordinary clothes, and even if he finds fishy soil, he can"t be safe in such a short distance . So, there is only one possibility, that guy is an evolutor, And his ability is to block the Zombie"s sense of smell .

Everyone is looking at the zombie . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention is focused on the human . This guy looks very young, or too young . He is only about 20 years old, and he is not tall or short, which is similar to him . In addition, the man"s dress looks very ordinary and clean, There are no superfluous decorations or things that will affect flexibility . Unlike the evolutionists in Okamoto"s forces, even the agile evolutionists will dress up like a nightclub peac.o.c.k .

"Two of you come with me . . . "

Seeing that guy, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought it was necessary to hold that guy in his hand . This time, his order did not get a response . Even though Liu Manman repeated his words three times, there were more than 30 people standing around him . Except Zuo Tian and Liu Manman were ordinary people, all the others were evolutors, Most of them are the evolutioners who escaped from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . These young evolutioners gave their leader, naoyama Okamoto, as a gift to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then they automatically became Zhang Xiaoqiang"s subordinates . Now they have long forgotten that naoyama Okamoto, whose zombie was fed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, only regards Zhang Xiaoqiang as their only master, But they never want to face the sea of corpses, even in their hearts, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s means have broken through the limits of human beings .

After walking a few steps, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t hear the footsteps behind him . He couldn"t help turning around and looking behind him . Under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s burning eyes, all the people on the hillside looked down at the insteps of their feet . Their faces were green even deeper than the vegetation at their feet . Seeing the appearance of these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head . He didn"t mean to force them, so he turned and walked down the mountain, In my heart, I was even less interested in j.a.panese subordinates . I thought that j.a.panese are all immature dogs . At this time, I suddenly heard Zuo Tian yell and took the initiative to catch up with Zhang Xiaoqiang, which made other evolutionists feel ashamed . However, they did not learn from Zuo Tian and still stood in the same place .

Zhang Xiaoqiang takes Zuo Tian and his party along the hillside to the city a few kilometers away . On this route, countless scattered zombies are all over it . Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be invisible and goes straight ahead . Zuo Tian is so afraid that he even loses his feet and seems to have forgotten how to walk, just like a toddler .

Strangely enough, the lower zombies walking around them could not feel their existence . Even the zombies who were very close to them would turn around and walk away by themselves . When Zuo Tian walked completely into the middle of the zombies, he was surprised to find that these zombies could not cause any harm to them, as if they were surrounded by an invisible barrier, so that the zombies could no longer feel their feelings, After discovering this situation, Zuo Tian gets excited . This time, his action with Zhang Xiaoqiang is of great significance . If he hadn"t come up with a way to get Zhang Xiaoqiang"s approval before, he would probably become the manager of the new forces . He would never have risked his life to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang . After all, if there is no hope, he will not be so stupid as to die . But after he has hope, his inflated ambition always makes him calm down . Now all his worries do not exist . What is left is just the joy that is about to be harvested . What can make him happier to achieve what he wants? Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind is totally different from Zuo Tian"s . before he saw that the guy could freely enter and leave the sea of zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang was inspired . It seems that after the qualitative change of his killing intention barrier, it can also be used as something to isolate human breath . Originally, he was not sure . Now they have gone deep into the middle of the zombies for hundreds of meters, which seems to prove feasible?

The murderous barrier around him stretches and stretches under the perception, firmly controlling all kinds of breath that may be found by zombies . Zuotan is also used as the experimental object, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang understand the function of murderous barrier more clearly . They really know what they are doing . They keep walking down the mountain until they see their relaxed appearance in the corpse group, A lot of evolutionists have lost their guts . What a good chance? If you can challenge the sea of corpses with the master of your family, you will be praised for thousands of years . Now you let Zuo Tian, an ordinary man, take advantage of it . The evolutionists don"t envy that it"s fake . Many people even pray in their hearts that they can attract the attention of zombies and tear Zuo Tian to pieces .

This is not only suitable for China, but also for j.a.pan . The j.a.panese are always selfish, and their jealousy will never be different from any race . Zuo Tian"s popularity with Zhang Xiaoqiang has aroused a lot of people"s antipathy . In their hearts, it"s better to let Zuo Tian be killed than to see him return triumphantly .

Just when they got two kilometers deep into the zombie, they were surrounded by zombies . Sometimes they even had to make a detour to get through . At this time, no one paid attention to whether the zombie would hurt them . They just cared about the purpose of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Suddenly, the zombies in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang were in chaos, Countless zombies suddenly huddled together to form a wall and became insurmountable, while more zombies rushed out from the edge of the city and completely filled the open s.p.a.ce around all the peripheral buildings . For a moment, all the evolutionists worried about Zhang Xiaoqiang . They faced two choices, or risked being torn up by zombies to rescue Zhang Xiaoqiang, Otherwise, sitting back and watching the family leader fall into death will certainly enrage Zhang Xiaoqiang . After Zhang Xiaoqiang escapes, he will kill them all, or expect zombies to eat Zhang Xiaoqiang, so that they will not be in danger of revenge . Neither of these two choices is safe . Let"s not say whether those zombies can stop Zhang Xiaoqiang, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang has a chance of life, They"re going to die .

All of a sudden, an evolutionist shouts out and rushes down . Before, his position was still higher than zuota"s . two consecutive mistakes made him realize that his position has been surpa.s.sed by zuota"s . Now it"s time for him to make up for his mistakes . When zuota Enron entered the zombie, he already understood that he didn"t need to think too much about many things, It"s likely to change his life in a moment . It depends on how he chooses .

Most of the nearly 30 evolutionists rushed out, and only less than 10 of them remained on the mountain . These people made the opposite choice in a moment . They just looked at the companions who rushed down the mountain in silence, and felt a sense of common hatred with the zombies, I hope zombies can eat Zhang Xiaoqiang and all the evolutioners who rush down . Only in this way can we prove that they are right< br>