Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2093: 2093

Chapter 2093: 2093

After several twists and turns, he finally pumped out the gasoline stored in the underground oil tank . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little bit lucky, and did not encounter the trouble he had imagined . Maybe it was because Zuo Tian and others" efforts were effective, and countless zombies were gathering at the top of the mountain, trying to put out the fire and find the guy who made the smoke, but ignored his own back, Because the zombies behind were close to the top of the mountain, the zombies of type Z were selected first . At the same time, at least one fifth of the zombies of type 2 were selected to explore there .

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly touched the gas station and did not kill the zombies wandering in the gas station . He carefully pumped out the gasoline with the oil well pump, and along the downhill road, sent countless gasoline around the primary school . This time is long for Zhang Xiaoqiang . The efficiency of the oil well pump is not high, but for the safety of the gas station, The j.a.panese made a lot of protection for the oil tanks, which also caused him a lot of trouble . More than an hour later, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally completed his plan, pumping hundreds of tons of gasoline to the ground and flowing down the road to the middle of the zombie sea below .

The gasoline flows and volatilizes at the same time . Few of them can really reach the primary school . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that most of the gasoline will seep into the ground without special pipes, so he doesn"t expect the gasoline to destroy the zombies . Gasoline is only the first step in his follow-up plan . When the whole corpse sea is agitated by the pungent smell of gasoline volatilizing, Zhang Xiaoqiang finished the timing ignition device and returned to his starting place, a small town near the primary school . Here, he finally checked his tools, looked up at the center of the zombie sea and waited silently .

It"s not the first time for him to have a close contact with the zombie sea . However, his mood at the moment is quite different from that before . In the past, he regarded the zombie as the most powerful enemy in his life . He struggled with the zombie again and again . His despair and blood made him waver more than once . Every time, he was surrounded by danger in the most critical time, even if he defeated the zombie sea, There will also be short-term setbacks . In my heart, I have asked myself more than once, can zombies be defeated? Can more than a billion zombies be killed in China? But now, he doesn"t notice the countless zombies below . Even if there are hundreds of thousands of zombies, he doesn"t waver . He even turns away from being a guest and takes the initiative to count the Z-type zombies inside . Only because he is not the rookie who used to kill even type 2 zombies with all his strength . He is a top evolutionist, and he has thousands of evolutionists under his command, Tens of thousands of soldiers served, and his enemies also moved from the zombie to the sea, all of which made him no longer afraid of the zombie sea below .

Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was daydreaming, a black smoke ran up from the gas station, and then the whole gas station was surrounded by red . The burning fire instantly turned the road from the gas station to the lower part into a fire dragon, and the fast-moving fire dragon turned into a sea of fire . Countless zombies were instantly involved in the fire and became a human shaped torch, The zombies that were ignited moved wildly in the sea of fire . The zombies that collided wildly ignited everything that could be ignited . The houses were also involved in the sea of fire . The zombies under the houses struggled in the fire . The zombies on the roof didn"t need to be directly burned by the fire, but they were hysterical in the thick black smoke . Most of these zombies were S2 zombies, It"s like a gra.s.shopper in a hot pot, hopping to find a way out, and then the rolled up flame washes the roof like a tsunami . When the rolled up flame is led to the other side by the air flow, all the zombies on the roof fall into c.o.ke like things and twitch on the roof . Then the whole house is swallowed by the flame, and the zombies turn the house into c.o.ke in the fierce fire .

At least half of the D2 zombies in the corpse sea are involved in the sea of fire . The disturbance caused by the burning of more than 1000 D2 zombies is disastrous . These zombies are thick skinned and dry, and have great resistance to fire . This great resistance makes D2 zombies suffer unprecedented pain and suffering . Zombies are not only afraid of fire, they are also afraid of the smoke of fire, These pungent smoke can cause catastrophic damage to the most delicate olfactory organs of zombies . All the zombies involved in the smoke are crazy . These big guys burst out in torment, grabbing the same kind around them, biting and scuffling . Many zombies were torn up in the scuffle, and even the D2 zombie could not block the sharp teeth and claws of the D2 zombie, The D2 zombies" commotion immediately extended to the D3 zombies .

D3 Zombies are not burned by the fire . Even if they are burned by the fire, nothing will happen depending on their scaly skin . It"s quite difficult to kill a D3 with the fire . However, the chaos caused by countless D2 zombies suddenly went into a frenzy, and they came to Z2 zombies . These zombies were Z2 Zombies" hands, If Z2 zombies were calmer, they might be able to suppress the nature of D2 zombies, and they would be fearless even if they were added by fire, just like the zombie in hot spring base that made zombies pave the way in the fire .

However, this Z2 zombie obviously did not experience much fighting . From the beginning of its birth, it became a Z2 zombie with good luck . It was caught off guard when encountering emergencies . It did not expect to suppress these zombies . Instead, some D3 zombies were sent out to kill these D2 zombies who were burned by fire . Hundreds of D3 zombies were killed at the same time, In an instant, hundreds of D2 zombies were torn in half by D3 zombies one level higher than them, but the flame would not be torn . Some zombies that had been burned for a long time turned into torches . Even if D3 zombies were born to suppress them, they did not care much . They opened their arms one after another, like people falling into the water, and caught anything they could catch around them . This was a counterattack, At least a hundred D3 zombies were put into the sea . In the dense sea of corpses, once they fall down, it means that they can never stand up again . If the venue is big enough, Z2 zombies are calm enough, and more than 100 D3 zombies are more than enough to face more than 1000 D2 zombies . But now, more than 10000 zombies are crowded here, there is no room to turn around, and there is smoke and fire . The whole corpse sea is in a mess . The counterattack of D2 zombies makes Z2 zombies even more fl.u.s.tered, and even more zombies are mobilized to suppress the rebellion of D2, At this time, buildings finally collapsed under the burning of the fire . Countless fireworks splashed everywhere with the collapse of the buildings, and the rolling meteor shower of Mars swept around with the sound of the collapse . In this way, more zombies were involved in the fire, and when the teaching building was also burning and smoking everywhere, At least half of the zombies in the square were involved in the fire . In addition, several nearby blocks were also engulfed by the fire . Zhang Xiaoqiang has not yet broken away from the good play . More and more buildings were set on fire . Huge fire groups were burning in the original building area . After he lit the first fire, half of the town was finally set on fire, And the flame formed on three sides extends continuously along the body of countless zombies . If there are many zombies there, the flame can expand to where it is .

In the wild, there is enough s.p.a.ce for Z2 zombies to burn separately, so that most zombies can be saved . However, in small towns with dense houses, zombies will encounter obstacles no matter they move in any direction . The seemingly wide streets are like small water pipes under the terrible number of zombies, which can"t tilt the zombie sea out at all, After a huge fire pile surrounded the town on three sides, the zombie of Z2 was cut off from its main force in the direction of the city by the fire .

This is what Zhang Xiaoqiang needs . The geographical location of the primary school is very good . The zombie of Z type can escape from any place, and the flame will cut off the route of the Zombie"s escape, providing an opportunity for his next plan . The flame burns and rolls up the hot heat to smoke and bake in the downwind . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is in the downwind, also suffers from the flame he ignites, The burning flames consume a lot of oxygen in the town, and the heat wave expels the remaining oxygen, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang sweat in the rolling heat wave . He also feels intense suffocation . Fortunately, the smoke can always disperse the killing around him, but the hot air will not cool when inhaled into his lungs, which makes him feel that his chest is about to burn .

The flames surrounded on three sides blocked the back path of the zombie . If the zombie wanted to leave the burning fire, he had to escape to Zhang Xiaoqiang . This was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s only chance . For this opportunity, he had to endure the smoke under his tears and the heat wave that made him suffocate . He was like an old hunter waiting quietly, even though his eyes were red and swollen, He didn"t dare to close his eyes for a rest, because he was always staring at the zombie who was hiding himself .

Finally, his waiting has been effective . There are more and more burning places in the town, and many weeds and mutant plants are also burning . The electric poles standing in the fire are smoked black, and the cables hanging on the electric poles have been ignited . The suspended wires are pulled out, and a fire net is woven in the air, which is bursting with sparks, Finally, except for Zhang Xiaoqiang, the whole town was covered by the fire, and the fire quickly approached him along the wind . Just when he could not bear to retreat, numerous high-level zombies surrounded by Z2 zombies quickly moved to the place where there was no fire, and countless zombies in the rear were ignored .

When this group of zombies swarmed through the street under Zhang Xiaoqiang, the edge of the fire had already burned, and the roof where he was would be engulfed by the fire . Finally, this small and dark zombie, like a big monkey, squatted on the top of a D3 zombie, It"s just higher than the roof beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, and it"s even with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The zombie, more than five meters high, is wearing a small Z2 zombie like a hat . The zombie has a stiff expression and looks around from time to time . It seems to be uneasy . At this time, a harness like a horse rope suddenly covers the neck of the zombie from one side of the roof . At the moment when it opens its mouth, the leather rope of the harness suddenly tightens and pulls the zombie to the roof, Thin leather rope tightly like the neck of the zombie, the zombie did not sit and wait to die, sharp claws frantically scratching the black rod .

Even if the Zombie"s claws can cut gold and jade, it can"t do anything about it . Just before the zombie feels that the noose on his throat is getting closer and closer, and almost suffocates it, the noose, which is pulled out of the big arc like a fishing rod, suddenly rises and swings violently, smashing the zombie into the roof, Layers of green tiles smashed under the corpse . When the scattered tiles splashed, the crimson flame burst through the cracks in the roof, forming a flame tongue several meters long, which licked the corpse"s body and made the skin of the corpse squeak . The corpse was like a fish out of the water, beating and twitching, and then its thin neck was pinched by a big hand, In the twinkling of an eye, the mouth of the zombie was blocked by moldy cloth . By the time the horse rope left its neck, the powerful zombie in the sea of corpses had become a zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival .

Zombies were dragged to the front of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body for packing like fishing . The consistent technique made the zombie who didn"t have much experience dizzy . At this time, the zombies below were still wriggling forward . They didn"t know that their master had become a piece of cake for Zhang Xiaoqiang . Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the zombies and prepared to retreat, the zombies suddenly reacted, Countless D-type zombies all crashed into the house under Zhang Xiaoqiang, and more zombies above S2 rushed out of the corpse sea like a frightened bee colony and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . There was a loud crash, and flames rushed out of the collapsed houses and plunged everyone into a sea of fire . The collapsed houses crumbled like building blocks, and the swarming S2 zombies floated like black clouds in the sea of fire . For a moment, they couldn"t tell whether it was smoke or zombies . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t even care about the strange fish tentacles that covered the zombies, Seizing the Z2 zombie, he jumped to the roof of another house, killed more than ten surrounded S2 with a knife, turned the blade and slapped it heavily on the bare head of the Z2 zombie in his hand, which made the zombie faint cleanly . At the moment when the zombie fainted, all the zombies stopped suddenly, and then they pounded the buildings on the street crazily, Countless S2 zombies, regardless of the danger of falling into the sea of fire at any time, chased Zhang Xiaoqiang crazily . If they were observed on the mountain, the block would be like an earthquake, and pieces of houses would collapse in an instant, extending to the intact building area like dominoes, Jingya Town, which had been praised by Zhang Xiaoqiang before, has become a ruin under the double efforts of the sea of fire and zombies< br>