Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2099: 2099

Chapter 2099: 2099

Byron"s call didn"t make the beautiful woman look back . She continued to look at the mountain wind . Her dancing hair swayed on her cheek, as if she wanted to ride the wind with her master to get away from the evil world . Byron didn"t dare to disturb her . She stood still and waited for the woman"s inquiry . After a long time, there were several black spots in the sky, but there were three other helicopters . When she saw the helicopter, she could see that, Byron finally knew what the woman was waiting for . He could not help but feel remorse and moved .

"How many people have been lost this time?"

The voice is long and hoa.r.s.e, and it has an unspeakable magnetism . When it is combined, it produces a soul stirring rhythm . Even if you don"t see the appearance of a woman, just listening to the voice can make people warm-blooded and arouse their desire . The voice of a woman is not high . She should not be far away in the mountain wind, but she seems to be talking in Byron"s ear, Every word was very clear . At last, Byron"s head dropped lower when he heard the woman"s question

"Two pilots, five evolvers, Jason"s team is finished . . . "

As soon as the loss report came out, the sensitive Byron suddenly found that the dancing hair and white skirt solidified at this moment, making the woman as if she had been taken into the picture and become a portrait . At the same time, the hunting wind was still blowing on his cheek, but it no longer had any effect on the woman . Just when he was upset about reporting the bad news, the woman finally turned around, All the hair are supple in the ear, skirt is not in the wave, after the whirring wind is still around her .

The woman has no earthshaking beauty . Her appearance can even be said to be ordinary . She is not very old . She looks twenty-three or forty-four . Her cheeks are dotted with freckles . Her lips are very small, but her eyes are very big . Her bright eyes melt into her eyes like a clear spring, which makes people feel calm and peaceful . But Byron seems to be afraid of these eyes, Staring at his instep, he continued

"Jason was on my command to catch the evolutionist . On the way to catch him, he was killed by the evolutionist who was no less powerful than the G.o.d seat, and a large number of variants appeared, so he didn"t have time to support . . . "

Byron talked about the cause of the incident . Drops of cold sweat came out of his forehead and was blown away by the mountain wind . The elegant woman never intervened . She looked at Byron quietly and gently . When he finished speaking, the more she did, the more Byron felt guilty, But a stubborn feeling in his heart made him say his own idea:

"We don"t have deep hatred . In the end, the strong was the first . He killed our people and destroyed our helicopter . The reason why I didn"t retaliate against him is that his strong is worthy of our respect . Our captured new era officer once said, Their Asian military region has suffered heavy losses in China . Two successive commanders of the Asian military region have disappeared in China . I think that if we make an alliance with them, we may be able to fight against the new era . "

Finally, Byron said his idea . After that, he suddenly looked up and looked at the woman with expectant eyes . The woman frowned and seemed not to approve of Byron"s proposal, which made Byron feel uneasy .

"How can you be sure that he is Chinese? Can"t it be Korean, Singaporean or Taiwanese? It doesn"t mean that he doesn"t understand j.a.panese . He"s not normal with a group of j.a.panese evolutionists . Even if he can capture high-level ghost faced demons, it can only prove the strength of the individual . The strength of the individual against the new era is too small . "

The woman"s words turned Byron"s chagrin into depression . He knew that the woman was right . Although she was young, she was one of the three most powerful British local evolutioners . She was nicknamed general . She was resolute in killing the enemy, and she didn"t care for women . She was kind to the British people like Virgin Mary, which made them all admire . The general"s ability was never really seen, But without the general, they can"t let the new era have nothing to do with Britain . The general may not be able to deal with more than three theocracies, but her ability to drag any one to die together is enough to scare all the theocracies .

"I"m not sure, but even if he"s single, he"s qualified to ally with us . Two thirds of the airplanes crashed, more than 300 evolutioners lost, and the rest of us can"t even protect ourselves . However, the new era has the whole Hokkaido as a supplement . There are at least 10000 evolutioners in the whole island as their back source, Even if it"s just a glimmer of hope, we have to grasp it . We have to let a few children come home . "

Byron"s last sentence to go home made the general dumb . He could not help but turn to look at the opposite mountain . There are countless exquisite crosses with carved names on the opposite mountain . Some of the crosses are dark in color and have some ancient vicissitudes . Some of the crosses are just like factory furniture with new wood patterns on the hillside, There are also three evolutionists carrying the newly engraved crosses, which are Jason"s team and crew members who died today .

"I don"t ask you how to do it . I can ally with him in your own name, but I will definitely kill him after reaching my goal . I will kill him . . . "

The general looked at the crosses that were inserted into the ground . The corners of his eyes were moist . Each cross had a fresh life, a vivid face, rather than a cold name . The fleet that covered the clouds and covered the sun on that day was now scattered and withered . Less than one-third of the 2000 evolutionists left before departure, and a heartbreaking pain gnawed her heart, She didn"t know whether it was worth killing so many people for the sake of red algae, or how many of the evolutionists and crew members far away from home could return to their hometown . So she vented all her resentment on the people who hurt her, including Zhang Xiaoqiang . "Sir, I have to say that we started first . We just don"t understand the misunderstanding . If we can kill him, it"s good . But we can"t kill him . Maybe . . . The best way is to let him die with the new era G.o.d seat . In this way, we can get the maximum benefits . Sometimes our feelings must obey the benefits . . . "

Byron knew that the general"s weakness was there . The general was a decisive woman who would give up when necessary . But once her goal was achieved, she would become extremely short-sighted . All those who hurt her subordinates would have to pay a price . He was very vindictive and impulsive, even surpa.s.sing her reason, If you want to capture a high-level ghost face demon, the first thing you need to do is to kill more than a million zombies, or at least dozens of type 3 zombies, or hundreds of type 3 zombies . You still have to rely on a lot of special equipment to do so . Therefore, capturing any one, even the lowest level ghost face demon, will not pay for the loss, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can do it . A single person rushes into the corpse sea to capture it alive, This is a legend in itself . Facing such an opponent, it is wrong or even stupid to be an enemy .

"You think that he is too powerful, and you think that Asians are too powerful . They are never qualified to be our true allies . No matter before or now, they are all supporting actors in the world . Besides, with our blood flower, our future potential is unlimited . As long as the time comes, the flag of never setting sun will be planted in every corner of the world, I have no doubt about this . No matter how powerful he is, you should not regard him as an ally who can be compared with us . Maybe he can be used as cannon fodder, but he can never be a friend . "

The general"s words left Byron speechless . The conflict of ideas made it impossible for him to persuade women . Suddenly, he felt powerless . It was not worth paying all for the rise of Britain . If it was not for the exclusion of the house of Lords, the general would not have come to j.a.pan rashly with poor preparation, Not to mention that all the entourage were generals" faction, and none of them were in the house of Lords . Those guys who claimed to be n.o.ble let them come here to die, but they stayed in a safe base and waited with beautiful girls .

Of course, Byron can only think about it for himself, but can"t say it . The general is a woman who takes Joan of arc as an example . She can give everything in the name of the country . Although she admires her, Byron has already predicted the future fate of the general . The more holy she is, the worse her fate will be . Isn"t Joan of arc going to die miserably in history?

"Report, news from the hunter team . . . " The young officer panted and ran up the hill . Seeing that the commander was not blamed by the general, he was relieved and reported the latest information to them . Naturally, the general knew about the hunter team and nodded to the officer to tell him in detail .

"They separated . The evolutioner took Elizabeth back to the gathering place . There were about 5000 survivors in the gathering place . The defense was not strict . There was no need to transfer the main force . Only the hunter team could win . The evolutioner who killed Jason took the ghost face devil to another direction . He didn"t know his purpose . This was an opportunity, We can take down the gathering place before the other party responds . "

The officers were very excited to state their ideas . They needed a lot of blood slaves . A gathering place of 5000 people was exactly what they wanted, and Zhang Xiaoqiang left the gathering place, which gave them a chance to conquer Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hometown without damage . It could be said that it was a profitable business . But the general and Byron did not nod their heads and pondered together, The general is thinking about the officer"s proposal and the better way to win over Zhang Xiaoqiang as cannon fodder, while Byron is thinking about what Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to do with the devil?

"General, I think we can wait and see what happens . Maybe it will be better for us to wait for a while . For the time being, the survivors captured every day can produce at least 100 blood species . At that time, all our non evolutionists can take this opportunity to become evolutionists, which is equivalent to making up for the previous losses . . . "< br>