Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2101: 2101

Chapter 2101: 2101

"To be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger, to be in danger"

Ono whispered a warning to Zhang Xiaoqiang in j.a.panese . Although it was a warning, his words were still respectful, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang look up at him . He knew that Ono was the last evolutor before . Thanks to his rescue of Liu Manman, he needed someone to lead the way this time, Other evolutionists are embarra.s.sed because of their injuries . Only this guy who is also injured takes the initiative to stand up . Just now, if Ono didn"t throw the zombie in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, I"m afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang has eaten those fruits, although he may not necessarily die . It"s also a risk to come back all the time .

Staring at this hardworking and seemingly loyal guy in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t figure out his intention to save himself for a long time . He didn"t believe that Ono was really loyal to him wholeheartedly . The evolutionists who rushed down the mountain to rescue Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have this guy . It can be seen that he cherished his life . Such a guy should have a different plan, But why?

"Yoshi . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang imitates the way that the devils officers praise the traitors in TV dramas . He praises them in j.a.panese, which he doesn"t know much about . He stares at Ono with his eyes fixed on every detail of his opponent"s face . Looking closely at Ono"s face, he looks pretty pretty, his eyes are narrow, his eyes are big and bright, his nose is tall and firm, and his beard is spa.r.s.e and not dense, It looks like some artists . For Zhang Xiaoqiang"s examination, Ono does not dare to look at each other, but just lowers his head and is silent .

"Open circuit . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t find out the secret of Ono, and didn"t want to deeply investigate why this guy saved himself . He used the j.a.panese he learned from watching TV series to greet Ono to start . Unexpectedly, this half hanging j.a.panese sentence of Zhang Xiaoqiang made Ono at a loss . He carefully stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, kept a slight bow posture, nodded and whispered: "karrou?" After that, his eyes were full of questions, which confused Zhang Xiaoqiang?

"Open the way, open the way, go ahead . . . " Puzzled, Zhang Xiaoqiang repeats his so-called j.a.panese and points forward, indicating that Ono continues to lead the way . While Ono repeats kazulu, he looks behind him . He doesn"t understand why Zhang Xiaoqiang says retreat to him, but he points forward? Later, he stopped worrying about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s retreat and quietly led the way forward . At the same time, he secretly remembered that later retreat meant to lead the way . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that he had made a big oolong . He took the j.a.panese retreat as a starting point, raised his hand, threw out a Firebird machete, and cut the strange white mutant tree to ashes . He did not want to leave this thing in the world .

After the two of them disappeared, a group of ghosts dressed in black and well armed evolutioners came here . They carefully looked around and confirmed that there was no accident, then they continued to follow . More than ten kilometers behind the evolutioners, countless small S2 zombies were jumping and running like monkeys in the dense forest, From time to time, zombies climb up the top of the huge tree and then jump down from the high alt.i.tude . All the zombies are in the same direction . Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves in the same direction . Far behind these zombies, countless ordinary zombies and evolutionary zombies raze countless vegetation to the ground . Green is replaced by black, and Zombies form a black ocean in the forest, Constantly devouring the green s.p.a.ce under the canopy, this is the war between zombies and plants . Many plants trip zombies and are trampled by countless zombies . This kind of trampling is endless . Beyond the forest, more zombies will fill all the open s.p.a.ce and extend to the city in the distance .

Countless zombies poured into the deep forest one after another . Some D3 zombies were reckless and pushed everything in front of them . The crowns of old cangqi trees were shaking like boats in a storm . With the sound of tearing, these big trees collapsed one after another, smashing other trees and overwhelming countless zombies, These huge trees lying on the ground were broken into pieces by the D2 zombies mixed in the zombie sea . When more and more huge trees fell down, pieces of open s.p.a.ce were exposed above the forest sea . After that, there was no big tree at the edge of the forest, and all of them became stepping stones for zombies .

Zombie sea crazily sweeps everything in the forest . They can level everything on the ground, but they can"t do anything in the air . Just above the zombie sea, two light single reconnaissance helicopters can see everything clearly . The pilot of the helicopter is shocked and sends the information here to the distant camp by radio waves, In the end, all the information was conveyed to commander Byron by the intelligence officer . Commander Byron looked at the information in front of him for a long time and said nothing . The general was also silent . The young officer trembled a little, and his heart started a storm . He connected Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous behavior of catching Z2 zombie and drew a conclusion that made him fear . This conclusion is really shocking, He didn"t even dare to say it, but he didn"t . Lt . Byron knew it .

"What on earth does he want to do? The survivors of the destruction of j.a.pan . . . "

"Let the hunter team withdraw quickly . We must reevaluate the man and find out his purpose . It"s really terrible . . . He"s playing with fire . . . "

The general has always been as calm as water . Even when she is most angry, she can control her emotions . But when she heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang provoked millions of zombies, she got fl.u.s.tered and lost her calm for the first time . For human beings, zombies are always a huge stone in their hearts, even if they know enough about zombies, But they never believe that humans will exterminate zombies one day . When humans adapt to the end of the world, zombies are constantly evolving and becoming more powerful . Their understanding of zombies always puts them in the position of natural enemies . They think that humans can"t coexist with zombies one day . But now, there are people who can tempt zombies to achieve their personal goals, It"s unthinkable . "I think, maybe I know his purpose . If he is really Chinese, or a radical Chinese, then his motivation to capture the ghost face demon will be clear . j.a.pan"s deep forest occupies a large area, and its natural environment is the best refuge for survivors . No one knows how many survivors and gathering places there are in the forest, j.a.pan is different from other places . Most people gather in cities, so the only way for the variants to expand is in cities . But once these variants are intentionally introduced into deep forest, I think it will be a catastrophe . "

The young officer couldn"t help saying his guess . Byron Monty looked up at him . There was no admiration in his eyes, only a trace of anger . He seemed to blame him for saying something he shouldn"t have said . Sure enough, the general seemed to be awakened . His concave and convex body was suddenly shocked, his soft blonde hair was dancing without wind, and his moist eyes were no longer as gentle as before, It"s a bit of a bully .

"We must stop him . It"s a crime against human beings . Anyone who dares to collude with mutants should die . Human beings are on the verge of extinction . I can"t stand those who ignore human life and death for their own sake . "

The general didn"t know what he was feeling at this time . He seemed angry, but in fact he was envious . She could compete with the throne, but she couldn"t do what Zhang Xiaoqiang could . If she could lead the sea of zombies by the nose like Zhang Xiaoqiang, maybe most of the cities in Britain could be accepted, and there were countless materials in a city, Whether it"s raw materials or all kinds of equipment, they can make their career prosper . At the same time, they can save more survivors and increase their strength . Byron frowned at the general"s words . He didn"t think the general"s point of view .

"I"m against it . I think not only can"t withdraw from the hunter team, but also we must deepen our contact with them, so that we can understand his next goal . Moreover, I believe that his understanding of variants has reached a certain level, which is exactly what we lack . If we can master what he knows, maybe we can do the same . Let"s think about it, The mutants in London, Manchester and Wales will be lured to the places we want them to stay, when large areas of land and countless towns will be cleared up, what a great benefit it will be . . . "

Byron is a thoroughly utilitarian . In his eyes, there are only interests and no so-called principles, just as British pioneers once planted the flag of never setting sun all over the world . At that time, they also had only one standard to measure, that is, British interests< br>