Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2107: 2107

Chapter 2107: 2107

Before dark, all the Osprey landed in the open s.p.a.ce outside the Busan camp, including two captured chinugan helicopters . The plane landed in the opposite direction of blowing up the suspension bridge . Before the plane landed, Zhang Xiaoqiang took Xiaoye and all the British people to move there . Jima thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was the one who wanted to rescue them, and her eyes watched Zhang Xiaoqiang flashing, It"s a pity that her grat.i.tude was ignored by Zhang Xiaoqiang . She walked there in a dull voice, avoiding the UAV in the sky carefully from time to time .

On a display frequency full of sci-fi style, Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party have shrunk countless times, and the above display is clear . The picture of transparent little people with innumerable lines moving rapidly on the simulated topographic map is very strange . At this moment, the people who monitor their actions incarnate into G.o.d . Of course, G.o.d is not omnipotent, It only shows the general appearance of their bare hands . As for their appearance, clothing, equipment and weapons, there is no display . Even the zombie Z2 on Ono"s back is not revealed, which shows that this thing is only effective for human beings .

A pair of sharp, bayonet like eyes are staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party . The owner of the eyes is an elderly man . His hair is gray, the wrinkles on his forehead are like mountains and rivers, and the black spots on his skin are enough to show that he has reached the end of his life . He should be a very ordinary old man, but in the end of his life, he is the biggest exception, After the end of the world, most of the old people have become zombies . This pair of old people with sharp eyes are thin and frail . Shining a transparent respirator on his dry mouth, every breath makes him try his best and seems to be extremely painful . However, he has no feeling for his pain and just stares at the display frequency .

On the display frequency, Zhang Xiaoqiang and a group of people are not the only ones . On the display screen divided into more than ten pictures, more or less line villains walk on the fixed pictures, and they all walk in the same direction . Seeing this, the mysterious old man smiles strangely at the corners of his mouth . The air flow makes the transparent respirator cover a layer of opaque water vapor, Then his eyes were dim, and a trace of pain flashed by . The respirator was dyed red in his severe cough . The next moment, the old man with sharp eyes tilted down without saying a word .

"Elson . . . " With a soft exclamation, the crooked old man was held in his arms by a pair of white arms . The moment the b.l.o.o.d.y respirator was removed from his mouth, a mouthful of black plasma came out of the old man"s mouth, which relieved his uncomfortable look . His dark eyes suddenly restored their brightness . The b.l.o.o.d.y respirator was replaced with a new one . When pure oxygen was deeply inhaled into his breathing tube, he was able to breathe in pure oxygen, The old man"s eyes regained the sharpness of the blade . At this time, his head was caught in the f cup, which made him very unaccustomed . He struggled hard to get out of his arms .

Holding him is a girl who is only 14 or 15 years old . Her flaxen hair is soft and her shoulders are drooping . Her beautiful appearance is pure and lovely . Her clear eyes are full of doting worries . When she sees the old man trying to break away from her arms, her eyes flash a little dim . She carefully lifts the old man up and straightens out the oxygen mask organs, Some sobbed and whispered:

"Elson, you are my brother, and you are my only relative . Can you stop forcing yourself like this? If you have a chance, how can I survive . . . " A little girl in her teens called this old man"s younger brother, who looked a little bit closer to death . Not to mention how weird it was, none of the evolutioners who stood beside them in silver exoskeleton armor was surprised . They all looked at Elson silently, who was breathing oxygen and making a sound . It seemed that the leader of all the people present was this weird old man .

Elson opened the girl"s arm . There was madness and vulture in her eyes . She cracked her mouth and gave a hoa.r.s.e smile

"Don"t be hypocritical here . People don"t know you . I don"t know yet . Don"t you think I"m dead long ago? You"ve taken away my life, my youth and all my future, The only thing you can"t take away is my wisdom . Hum, fortunately, you can"t take away . Otherwise, I"m afraid what I inhale is not oxygen, but poison gas? "

Elson"s question made the girl pale and frightening . Pearly tears rolled down from her huge eyes and she wanted to argue . However, Elson looked at those evolutioners who stood still like stakes . All the evolutioners stood at attention like a well-trained army, straightening their chests as far as possible and accepting his inspection .

"How did the j.a.panese react? Do they believe us? " The hoa.r.s.e voice is like the cry of a dead bird, or the rustle of rust, which makes people feel goose b.u.mps . In response to Elson"s inquiry, an evolutionist with a cross Venus epaulet suddenly stepped forward, raised his head and stood in front of the public, reporting loudly:

"Report minister, the j.a.panese do not fully believe in us, but they have to believe it now, They wanted us to withdraw all the people, but we refused because we didn"t have enough positions . They are still discussing the candidates for the withdrawal . There is no other news for the time being . . . "

The words of the evolutionist made Elson sneer again . This sneer was particularly terrible against his crazy eyes . It also made him breathe more heavily . He couldn"t help but cover his chest, as if to let himself take a breath . Seeing that Elson was suffering again, the girl stroked his back, but he threw it away again, stood up and walked to the evolutionist, The dark brown pupils stare at the evolutionist and shout:"Tell them that we are pressed for time and there are too many survivors in j.a.pan waiting for us to rescue . . . " Speaking of this, this seemingly crazy guy is like saying something that makes him laugh . He can"t make himself laugh straight . But his happiness also comes at a price . At the moment when he laughs, the girl screams: "Elson, don"t laugh . . . "

"Pooh . " Another mouthful of blood sprayed on the respirator immediately made the surrounding evolutioners busy . When the previous scene was repeated again, Elson took a few deep breaths of pure oxygen to calm himself down again . Looking up at the evolutioners who were a little higher than him, he said strangely:

"You go and tell them that our time is limited, The Pacific fleet is reestablishing order at the Okinawa base, and the j.a.panese interim government is also being formed . We should try our best to send all the j.a.panese survivors to Okinawa . Every second is a waste . Let them choose the most powerful evolutor to follow us . They will become officials of the j.a.panese interim government . There is only one chance for them to take advantage of it . "

With that, Elson seemed to want to smile again . It took him a long time to control the smile . He looked around at the evolutioners strangely and asked, "do you think they will believe it? I don"t believe it anyway . " Then he turned and pointed to the figures on the screen: "they are not allowed to get close to our plane, because we have no time to screen them . We must be careful of these guys . The j.a.panese are not good things . If they are not careful, they may attack us, so we must finish the progress quickly . . . "

"I"m sorry, Minister Elson . Why don"t we have more luck? There are a lot of evolutionists here . We can at least get more than 10000 high-quality blood species . Each of these blood species may sp.a.w.n an evolutionist . I think . . . " The evolutionist who answered the question earlier had his own opinion . He tried to express his own meaning, but he couldn"t go on in Elson"s cold eyes .

"Before you become a real boss, please do not question my decision . I has the final say, I do not need to explain to you, nor do I need your opinion . I just need to obey . . . "

When he was talking, Elson"s eyes were burning with anger, and she was about to burst out . The girl beside him suddenly raised his b.l.o.o.d.y mask and let his eyes clear . Suddenly, he wrinkled his wrinkled cheek strangely, waved his hand and showed his teeth, squeezed out an ugly smile, and then added: "obey . . . "

This time, no one questioned Elson"s decision, and all of them took orders to leave . Only the young girl stood beside him, looking at the survivors on the screen and asked casually:

"Brother, why don"t you let them on the plane? You know, these evolutionists are precious resources . It"s rare that the following group of idiots believe us, we can . . . "

"Enough Suzanne, I don"t need you to question my decision . I will personally tell the doctor about this mission briefing . I have my own reasons for doing so . You don"t need to ask more . The doctor just needs to accept my reasons, unless you really can"t wait to take my place . . . " Elson"s complaint made the girl wave her hand in a panic, and said in a hurry, "no . . . "

"You go out . . . I want to be quiet by myself . . . " Elson didn"t like to talk to the girl . Before she could explain her argument, she stopped her and made her face full of grievances . Tears fell again . But in Elson"s increasingly cold eyes, the girl had to bite her lips and turn to leave . Looking at the girl who left, Elson"s eyes were filled with resentment and hatred . She said in a low voice: "if you weren"t my sister, If it wasn"t for my only relative, would you live to this day? "

At the next moment, he forgot the girl and re observed the villains on the screen . Although there were many pictures of villains walking, his eyes only focused on Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party, as if there was something else on them that attracted him . For a long time, Elson took off his oxygen mask and took a deep breath of the not muddy air, He whispered to himself

"Please take care of me for the first time . " He was looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was walking in front of him . His strange smile floated in the corner of his mouth again . His twinkling eyes were no longer as crazy and gloomy as before, and he looked very clear . At this time, he was different from before . Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to feel something . He suddenly stopped walking and turned his head in doubt, as if he was looking for something, Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s action, Jason"s smile widened with the split corners of his mouth . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, he said:

"I don"t like j.a.panese, but this j.a.panese daily expression is good between you and me . I"ve heard a lot about it, brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "< br>