Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2117: 2117

Chapter 2117: 2117

Zhang Xiaoqiang never liked the j.a.panese and didn"t think that the j.a.panese had anything to do with him . If the j.a.panese hadn"t formed a climate and threatened the military power of the Chinese, maybe he would regard the j.a.panese as his enemy . Because of this, after landing in j.a.pan, he didn"t want to gather a group of people to build a base, He didn"t want to rescue the j.a.panese survivors . The only reason for him to help the j.a.panese was those children who didn"t know anything . These children still had the idea of taking them back to China one day . So he stood by and didn"t take part in the killing and hatred between the j.a.panese .

No matter Zuo Tian or Ono, or even naonan Miyamoto and Zhang Xiaoqiang around him, they don"t regard them as their own people . In his heart, he always thinks that the j.a.panese are unfamiliar wolves, so he doesn"t hesitate to hand over thousands of survivors of Okamoto to Zuo Tian and tens of thousands of survivors and evolutors of axyama . He gives them to Ono for fear of trouble, What"s more, he doesn"t agree with the j.a.panese . He thinks that the future of the j.a.panese has nothing to do with him, and he doesn"t think he should be responsible for the j.a.panese .

Among the j.a.panese, he is like a viewer of 3D movies . He neither intervenes nor speaks . Apart from accomplishing his own goals, he doesn"t care much about the life and death of other people . Here, even if he has the ability and skill that ordinary people can"t reach, he is also very stingy . He doesn"t make many moves, and every time he points to the end, Most of the deaths and injuries were caused by the j.a.panese themselves, which made him very tolerant and even indifferent to other j.a.panese people . The blood of the evolutionists in Okamoto"s gathering place was flowing like a river because Okamoto killed the Chinese, so he started killing them .

Under the influence of this strange and tangled psychology, he became nothing like himself . Even though he was extremely angry at the actions of the axyama evolutionists, he didn"t start to kill those executioners . All of them were left to the j.a.panese to deal with, which made him behave more and more impersonal in j.a.pan . However, after catching the Americans and Russians that day, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly found that he can"t watch any more .

"Tell Ono that I want all Russians and Americans to live . No matter what method and reason he uses, these people can"t die . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to ignore the onlookers any more . He tells Miyamoto naonan what he wants . Miyamoto naonan is a little suspicious, but he doesn"t object . He steps forward and whispers to Ono . Ono suddenly turns back and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hot eyes stare at Ono . For a moment, they are deadlocked, Seeing the fire of ambition in Ono"s unshakable eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart flashed a fierce anger, and his eyes suddenly became cold . He knew that Ono had already begun to drift by this time, and thousands of evolutionists only wanted him to be forward-looking, so that he didn"t want to be restricted any more . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang killed Fushan, in the chaos, Zhang Xiaoqiang only made one shot, No one saw it, and even if he saw it, he would not say it, so Ono thought he had the capital to compete with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The two people look at each other, making it difficult for Miyamoto naonan to be in the middle . Miyamoto naonan was originally Ono"s friend, but he took refuge with Zhang Xiaoqiang under Ono"s introduction . He was able to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang because he spoke fluent Putonghua . This little advantage made him stand out and be on the same level as Ono . However, after Ono got the right to follow him, He began to have a heart of resistance, which made it difficult for him to choose . Normally, he should not hesitate to give up Zhang Xiaoqiang and stand beside Ono, but he is just an ordinary person . His only advantage is that he can speak Chinese . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is still nothing . Ono relies on thousands of j.a.panese evolutors, and his only chance is Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Ono, do you want to rebel? If there were no adults, would you have your present position? The following evolutors only obey you for the time being . Once there is a man-made reaction, you are the first to die . You have to think clearly . . . " In the end, Nao Miyamoto decided to stand behind Zhang Xiaoqiang . He had to gamble on his future . As an ordinary person, there is no way out . Even if Ono has a good relationship with him, it"s just good . Anyway, it can"t be any worse . It"s better to use his own life to make a blog .

Miyamoto Naoto"s loud rebuke made Ono look ugly, and also made Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously use this humble flatterer for the first time . Miyamoto Naoto has a common j.a.panese face and looks very humble . His early 30s make him calm . From his sharp eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a trace of cowardice and worry, Obviously, Miyamoto naonan doesn"t have much confidence in Zhang Xiaoqiang . Maybe with Ono"s big drink, Miyamoto will kneel on the ground and beg for mercy .

The conflict between Ono and Zhang Xiaoqiang has attracted many people"s attention . The fact that Miyamoto dares to scold Ono out loud also makes many evolutioners look fierce and glare at Miyamoto together . As long as Ono speaks, they will rush to tear it up . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s colder eyes, Ono finally gives in . He thinks of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s entering and leaving the sea of millions of zombies as if there were no one, Thinking of the American machine guns and the machete cannons of Fushan, Zhang Xiaoqiang was unwilling to face Zhang Xiaoqiang on the spot . He turned his head and yelled at the survivors below

"This is an evolutionist from China . He is my friend . He has made great efforts to kill Fushan this time . Therefore, we should respect his ideas . . . " Ono keeps Zhang Xiaoqiang out of the j.a.panese group with the possibility of stealing . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is 100 times stronger than him, he will never be the leader of ax mountain again . After all, both Chinese and Americans are outsiders in the eyes of the j.a.panese . Naonan Miyamoto translated Ono"s words to Zhang Xiaoqiang and a.n.a.lyzed Ono"s abacus, It"s very resentful . Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes and gazed at the twinkling Ono for a while . After a long time, he took a long breath and whispered to Miyamoto Naoto: "tell him that all the prisoners will be dealt with by me . I won"t interfere in the gathering place of Fushan . Give me a sniper gun for the weapon I find, and I don"t want the rest . From then on, the gathering place of Fushan has nothing to do with me any more . . . "

When Miyamoto naonan heard this, he was very anxious . He wanted to rely on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability to go further? What if Zhang Xiaoqiang compromised like this? So where should he be? Originally, he wanted to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fierce eyes, Miyamoto Naoko never said anything . He nodded dejectedly and told Xiaoye what Zhang Xiaoqiang said .

"No, the Americans have to die . They have killed too many of us . The Russians can"t move . They want to be bargaining chips . You can take the British away . You know, the British have killed many of us too . It"s up to you . . . "

Ono"s bargaining made Zhang Xiaoqiang smile . He didn"t expect that Ono would say that, and he really realized the shamelessness of the j.a.panese . Last night, Jima and Ono were still their comrades in arms . Despite the differences between national boundaries and nations, they rushed to the evolutors who were thousands of times more than them in line with the most fundamental human nature . Unexpectedly, Ono became the leader of ax mountain, In the twinkling of an eye, the British were taken prisoner .

Ono said this without any guilt, and most of the British people in the crowd changed color . Some of them knew j.a.panese and heard Ono"s manifesto . In anger, these British people moved closer to Zhang Xiaoqiang and prepared to advance and retreat together with him . Looking at the gloomy face of Ono, a strange idea suddenly flashed in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, If Ono had the confidence to clean himself up, wouldn"t he also become a prisoner of the j.a.panese? In other words, besides obeying the strong, the j.a.panese also have their petty ambition?

"Miyamoto . . . Tell him that I don"t have the heart to bargain with him . If he doesn"t do as I say, I don"t mind changing the leader of Fushan . If I can kill Fushan, I can kill him . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is finally angry . The anger in his heart turns into killing intention and spreads around him . Originally, some evolutionists who are not good at Zhang Xiaoqiang touch him silently and wait for him to burst into trouble at any time . Under the real killing intention, these j.a.panese feel frozen by invisible cold air and can"t even play their fingers, They all looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror

"Xiaoye, you have no patience . You didn"t kill Fushan . You can kill him or you . . . " Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang was kind-hearted to help Cun Xiaoye, and gave the credit for killing ax mountain to Xiaoye as his upper capital . Unexpectedly, Xiaoye would bite him back . In this case, everyone would tear his face . He didn"t believe that Xiaoye could mobilize all the evolutioners to encircle himself if his foundation was not stable .

Miyamoto said it in j.a.panese . The survivors and evolutioners below heard it very clearly . For a moment, everyone was in a big uproar . The twilight of the sky gradually dissipated, and the morning light gradually spread over the sky covered with black smoke . At last, everyone saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was standing on the back of the fire and seemed indistinct . When they saw Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time, they took a breath, It"s not that Zhang Xiaoqiang is burly and looks scary, but the huge saber on his back makes every survivor afraid . Such weapons have always existed only in j.a.panese legends or fairy tales . When they saw them with their own eyes, they naturally came up with the idea that Zhang Xiaoqiang is also a legend . At this time, they began to believe what Miyamoto said and wore armor, Ax mountain with mechanism gun is far more powerful than before . Such a powerful evolutor can"t be killed by Ono .

"We want the truth . . . How did axyama die . . . " the bomb detonated by Miyamoto caused a great uproar among the people below . People began to call out . The noisy waves swept the gathering place with curling black smoke again . For a moment, Ono was sweating, but he turned to Miyamoto and was elated, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t feel the slightest elation, Because he saw that the gathering place where order had just been restored began to be unstable again .

"The truth is, ax mountain is dead . . . The Russians and the living dead around us have not left yet . You need a leader . I, Ono, do not covet power . At this time, anyone who wants to be a leader will give way . Now please think about what you want in this crisis . . . "

Ono said something . Instead of turning the topic to Fushan, he used the hostile forces from outside to remind the crowd below . Now it"s not about investigating the cause of Fushan"s death, it"s about everyone"s need to restore order . Ono"s move is very clever, which immediately makes Miyamoto speechless, but also the noisy survivors speechless, At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave up the plan to continue to study deeply . Ono is also a smart man . However, some of the things he showed before and after are contradictory . He is not far away from him . Is he really not afraid of death?

"Ono, I won"t say much about who is right and who is wrong . Do you agree to my request . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang takes out his horse chopper and holds it in his hand . His eyes staring at Ono are full of naked intention to kill . Once Ono refuses, he doesn"t want to be in charge of so many things . When the horse chopper is gently waved in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands, most of the evolutioners shut up . However, Ono gives Zhang Xiaoqiang a blind look at this time, He said in a loud voice: "I admit that the Chinese killed the ax mountain . Now the Chinese have put forward his request . Would you like to agree to . . . ""My Lord, I"m afraid something"s wrong . Ono wants to sow discord . " Miyamoto always pays attention to the form of the scene . After Ono puts the initiative to the people below, he worries . Since ancient times, there has been no one to be offended . Once Ono burns everyone"s flame on Zhang Xiaoqiang, I"m afraid the first one to die is his dog . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Ono for a long time . He doesn"t think about killing him, so he rushes into the camp with him last night, He is still very grateful for his kindness . Just because he doesn"t want to kill doesn"t mean he won"t kill . No one ever dares to do this to himself . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention, which has been extinguished for a long time since Zhoushan Island, rises again .

"The Americans and Russians are not only in front of them, but also have their own troops and planes behind them . We are just a small gathering place in other people"s minds . I personally think that we must be cautious in dealing with them . The Chinese are willing to take responsibility . Why don"t we agree with them? After the person is handed over to him, it has nothing to do with us . Do you think . . . "

No one is stronger than Fushan . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s machete is quite deterrent to them . No one agrees with Ono"s proposal . In silence, the initiative returns to Ono"s hands again . As soon as the topic of Ono changes, he says something Miyamoto can"t believe, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly understand the real meaning of what Ono said before, Ono can stand on this stage is not how powerful he is . He may be driven down by the evolutioners below at any time . Zhang Xiaoqiang will not stay here to help him suppress the opponents . After Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves, everything depends on him . Therefore, the cornerstone of his rule is not Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the evolutioners below . After the Fushan gathering place experienced the ax mountain Tengtu, He no longer needs power and dictatorship, and if he wants to achieve Zhang Xiaoqiang"s goal, he can"t do it in the form of orders . Even if he can suppress it now, there will be consequences in the future . After all, there is no other Zhang Xiaoqiang to help him . So he must learn to guide public opinion and use the opinions of the majority to achieve his goal . This is why he wants to break with Zhang Xiaoqiang, not because he wants to rebel, Zhang Xiaoqiang can kill Fushan and also kill him . In order to achieve Zhang Xiaoqiang"s goal, he must break away from Zhang Xiaoqiang . In other people"s eyes, he is not a puppet of the Chinese people . Under all kinds of entanglements, he made a farce before< br>