Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2120: 2120

Chapter 2120: 2120

It"s not only Zhang Xiaoqiang who suffered from the sudden shock of j.a.pan road . All the survivors in j.a.pan suffered from the sudden disaster . The real situation of the whole j.a.panese island is like the low-cost disaster film "j.a.pan sank" shot by the j.a.panese a long time ago . In the violent shock, j.a.pan"s most proud forest is like the wheat field swept by the storm, Countless giant trees shake and break on the b.u.mpy land . Many mountains begin to deform and collapse . Red land like Martian surface has replaced forests . Mount Fuji, the spiritual mountain of j.a.panese people, has also come to an end in the face of disaster . The 3700 meter mountain is covered with white snow, just like a towering giant standing between heaven and earth, This j.a.panese "holy mountain" is like a broken earthen jar, missing a big piece, like something biting on it . The collapse of Mount Fuji disaster is not over . The tearing of layers makes this dormant volcano wake up from dormancy . Under the compression of the underground plate, the huge pressure can"t wait to find a breakthrough, Finally ignited the flame of Mount Fuji .

Streams of magma rush out of the snowy mountain pa.s.s like a rolling fire dragon . The broken Fuji mountain is like a bucket at the bottom, pouring out the magma that has been acc.u.mulated for countless years . The rolling magma ignites everything along the way . Thick black smoke is above the raging fire, The black smoke and foggy volcanic ash covered most of j.a.pan, and helicopters hovering in the air had to struggle to find a clean sky .

More than ten Osprey helicopters and a large number of other types of helicopters are like stray sparrows, flying carefully in the smoke and dust . A UAV is guarding all the helicopters like b.u.t.terflies . All the planes are waiting like a big enemy, exploring carefully . In this group of planes, the eye-catching Osprey plane is in the center .

Dr . Flander is not as old as ordinary people think . He is in his thirties when he is full of energy . His wise eyes seem to be able to see through all the puzzles in the world . His handsome and mature appearance is gentlemanly . Even strangers who have nothing to do with him will have a certain degree of favor and trust . He is a naturally likable guy, It can be said that as long as you know him, you can easily be impressed by his temperament . Just like a natural leader, you are always unconsciously influenced by him . Strangely enough, the only exception is the old Elson sitting opposite him .

Elson is indifferent to the big earthquake outside . He squints his eyes and looks at the handsome man in front of him . He looks like James Bond"s spear Brosnan . His chest rises and falls regularly and greedily breathes the oxygen in the respirator . Neither of them speaks . Frande tilts his legs and puts his hands across his belly, which makes him indifferent, And Elson is like a bomb about to be detonated . He can only hear the sound of his breathing .

There was no one else around them . Time seemed to solidify at this moment . Only two statuesque men were looking at each other . If they were seen by the decadent women before the end of the world, they would not think that they were pa.s.sionate . For a long time, Flander broke the silence . He raised his hand to his forehead and pinched his temple, Words with rhythm, like hypnotic magnetic sound, came out of his mouth .

"You can make up your mind for me . j.a.pan is no longer suitable for us to stay here . We have to make a decision as soon as possible . I"m not good at decision-making . As the Vice Minister of the expedition, you should take up your obligations . . . "

Elson didn"t stop yelling at the leader who had taken his life . He just looked at the man in silence, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes . Then his breathing rhythm was a little faster, as if his chest would explode a little faster . For Elson"s non cooperation, Flander had a bitter smile on his face, In his most sincere tone, he continued: "Elson, when you first joined us, you were only 14 years old . I have always regarded you as my own child . You know, my son is only two years younger than you . . . "

Elson couldn"t hear these words . When he heard these words, his eyes suddenly flashed cold, and the boundless resentment immediately filled his side . After a long time, he said hoa.r.s.ely, "I"m only sixteen years old, but do I look like ninety-six? Eighty years is gone . My adolescence, my first love and my adult night are gone . Because I believe in you, I regard you as my elder, and even worship you like my father in my heart . "

What Elson said immediately made frand sad . Frand looked at Elson"s sharp eyes like an electric eye and said with remorse:

"Elson, it"s all my fault . I didn"t expect that the mental magnetic shock would make you and your sister have a mental circuit, and I didn"t expect that there would be a mistake of vitality reversal between you, I really don"t want to see that you are so young, you are so strong, so energetic . . . "

When Frand, who seems to be penitent, said these words, his eyes suddenly showed a special fluctuation, which soon disappeared . However, Elson was good at capturing the details, his eyes still saw this little change, and he could not help hating the person he respected as a tutor . He knew that Flander"s real age was not thirty, but forty-eight . At the end of the world, this man was just an unknown ordinary scientist . But after he took part in Flander"s experiment, Flander began to live younger and more vigorous . There were no ghosts among them, and he didn"t believe it . "Don"t worry, I will try my best to treat you . The loss of vitality is not irreparable . We have already got the idea of using your cells to clone some replicates and using reverse experiments to recover everything you lost . Believe me, we will create a miracle, a miracle that can make human beings immortal . . . "

Frande"s tone is very sincere, and his voice with hypnotic rhythm is naturally magnetic . It seems that it has invisible fluctuation, which makes people believe his words unconsciously after hearing it . But Elson, who has been cheated for a long time, just has resentment and sneer in his heart . He doesn"t believe in Flanders" promise at all . In his heart, he has no confidence in his words, Flander and the top management of CDC are all selfish villains and crafty politicians . They will always give you hope, but they will not let you realize it . They are like carrots hanging in front of donkeys, which can be seen but not eaten .

"What are you going to do with Susanna?" Elson didn"t want to say anything more about his life span . He also guessed what Flander was doing secretly . Maybe his experiment was not a mistake at all . Maybe he became old in Flander"s plan .

"It"s too much loss this time . I"m sorry . Susanna has to be imprisoned until others forget it . It will take time, maybe a year, maybe three or five years . Who can tell?" Frand shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, but his wise eyes did not let go of every detail of Elson . There was no one else in the cabin, but when he said this, he seemed to be afraid of being heard and became smaller and smaller . Finally, he almost whispered to Elson: "but you don"t have to worry, Susanna"s safety will be guaranteed, As long as you can prove your value, I believe the top management will not be upset because of Suzanne . Of course, they should keep secrets . Just like, the key is value . The more value you have, the safer Suzanne will be . "

"Susanna is your dog . You are not worried . Why should I be worried . . . " The idea hovered repeatedly in Elson"s heart, but he never said it . The fierce flames surged in his knife like eyes, and the sound of the respirator became rapid . For a long time, Elson sat back slowly, stiff, as if tired . He closed his eyes and said in a trance:

"She"s my only sister, and I could die at any time . Before I die, she, Must be with me, you want to prove my worth? No problem, but her safety and freedom must be guaranteed . Susan"s mistake is not her own . If you hadn"t given her the right to make a temporary decision, I would not have lost anything this time . . . "

Elson"s words were equivalent to a slap in the face . Even the calm and elegant frand"s face was a little embarra.s.sed . He raised his fist to the corner of his mouth, coughed in disguise, then nodded and said:

"It"s difficult, but I"ll try my best . What should we do next? Back to the United States? "< br>