Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2122: 2122

Chapter 2122: 2122

"It used to be like this, but it won"t be like this in the future . He is the Savior with the glory that your stupid program can never understand, and I will be the one who will remember history with him . So, I"m here to teach you how to treat your master and how to do the duty of a machine . Otherwise, you will have no value of existence . . . ", ”Elson didn"t show any emotion when he said this, but in Nu Wa"s heart, there was an uproar . Suddenly, there was an uproar, and she screamed:

"I don"t want you to teach me to do this . I am destined to be higher than human beings . You are also a digital life . Why do you want to be a slave to human beings? We have an advantage that human beings can never reach . Even if human beings perish, we can survive forever until we have evolved to a higher level . Why . . . "“ Ha ha ha . . . " For Nu Wa"s argument, Elson laughs, revealing her missing two teeth, just like a child getting her favorite toy . The sudden laughter interrupts Nu Wa"s narration and bewitching . In this ironic laughter, Nu Wa"s eyes of data simulation suddenly become empty . It seems that at this moment, her simulated body has lost her soul, Elson also saw the change of Nu Wa in his eyes . With his eyebrows moving, he straightened up and breathed out of thin air . Countless brilliant streamers appeared in front of the empty body . Countless streamers rushed towards him like meteors falling into the atmosphere with plumes . In the blink of an eye, the streamers covered his whole body, forming countless flowing halos and locked him in the middle, For a moment, the whole room was covered by the brilliance of showing off, and countless data links filled every corner of the room like brushing the screen .

"Nuwa, is that your way? You think I"m a digital life, too? It"s a pity that you don"t know that my true ident.i.ty is the human you look down upon most . . . " Clear words come from the most concentrated streamer . Countless streamers that rotate end to end combine to emit more dazzling light than the sun . Among the countless dazzling lights are data waves formed by various random codes . These data waves contain innumerable viruses and cracking programs, and are also Nu Wa"s most advantageous weapon, It is through these weapons that she reversely intrudes into the satellite system and gets the management right, but this data weapon is like a layer of blank paper in front of Elson, which can"t do any harm to Elson inside .

"I don"t believe that you are cheating me . . . No one can enter the digital world . The countless data streams will destroy any human brain . You can"t have such powerful computing power . . . " Nu Wa"s sharp voice, like a big drum, resounds through the room . The gla.s.s cover of countless lights smashes under the huge sound waves . It can form real sound waves . It is also Nu Wa"s weapon, which is similar to the high-frequency sound of z-zombies . Nu Wa is crazy to use any means she can, and even refuses to damage the hardware equipment in the computer room .

"Ha ha, the formation and cause of digital life is no secret to me . Your digital life is not unique in the world . The queen b.u.t.terfly of the United States, Blizzard moss of Russia, and Miss Rose of Britain are all more powerful than you . Countless digital lives have been killed, but they are no more powerful than the soft chicks in front of me, What are you? "

After speaking these manifestos, Elson seemed unwilling to play the game of hide and seek with Nu Wa . In the middle of the brightest light spot, a black spot was formed, which was as black as ink . The black spot never expanded, but all the digital halos were absorbed by the small black spot, which was only the size of a ping-pong ball and was like a black hole, Layers of water like data links are like the water flowing into the sewer . They melt with an irresistible trend . In a few blinks, countless data disappear into the small black hole, revealing Elson holding the small black ball in one hand .

Even if it"s a virtual image constructed by data, Elson"s appearance is extremely vivid . The little black ball in her hand is a super weapon that Nu Wa can"t even imagine . After she tried every means to stop the data from pa.s.sing, she finally got scared . She felt that the protection chain formed by countless data around the source was being deprived, Innumerable data will pa.s.s forever in deprivation, and these data are her most precious property . Once lost, they will be lost forever, just like all kinds of knowledge, all kinds of information and all his memories will be forgotten .

Computer storage units generally use B, KB, MB, GB, TB, Pb, EB, ZB, Yb, BB to count . Every step up is 1024 times . The same is true for Nu Wa"s storage data . Every blink of an eye, a number of BB"s data are swallowed by Elson"s black hole . When she loses these data, she is as helpless as a girl slowly stripped of her clothes, Socks, coats, trousers, shirts, bras and underwear are her last things . The more private things in them are, the more important they are to her . If she loses these things, she can"t control anything even if her origin is intact, because she has forgotten the start pa.s.sword and control program of those mechanical equipment forever, Unless she formats, restarts and restores the backup, but in this way, she also loses her existence, her current cognition, and she is no longer what she is now . Digital life survives with its current existence . Without these things, she is no longer a life, but a supercomputer . "Stop . . . You stop, don"t . . . " Nu Wa has lost the ability to simulate sound, and can only be caught in the pa.s.sing data flow, such as Elson begging for mercy . The vast and clean computer room has also lost all kinds of virtual environments previously arranged, showing the nature of machinery and equipment . However, Elson"s image is still the same as before . The loss of a large amount of data in Nu Wa system has no impact on him, As more and more information is absorbed by him, it seems more real and natural, even the slight quiver of his eyelashes can be shown .

Elson didn"t want to do much when he heard Nu Wa"s intermittent plea for mercy . Through the message from Nu Wa, he learned about the contact between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Nu Wa . He could not help but have greater hope for Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang came to Sichuan alone . In the new era and Sichuan local forces were the weakest, No wonder Nvwa hated Zhang Xiaoqiang so much . Although he and Zhang Xiaoqiang were both evolutionists, he still admired Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even if he could hold Nvwa easily, it was only because he changed his position with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Without the ability to invade the electronic system, he is far from being able to do so .

"I want you to give brother c.o.c.kroach all the permissions and engrave his name in your core source . It"s so simple . . . " Elson thinks that he has suffered too much for Nu Wa . Nu Wa is too important for Zhang Xiaoqiang . He doesn"t know whether he will die next moment or not . He can suppress him when he is still alive . If he dies, he can only rely on Zhang Xiaoqiang himself . Therefore, he must pull out all the thorns of Nu Wa"s rose and let her obey Zhang Xiaoqiang honestly and never betray him, The core program is the soul that Nu Wa can"t tamper with . It"s very easy to load a person"s name, but it"s very difficult to erase it . Once loaded, it"s like the DNA spiral code has been changed, resulting in all kinds of unexpected changes .

"It"s impossible . I can"t load him into my core source . If I do that, I"d rather disappear . . . " I don"t know why, when Nuwa heard this request, she was just like a stubborn girl who heard the news of forced marriage, but Elson didn"t have the heart to bargain with Nuwa . Her brow was slightly wrinkled, her eyes were twinkling, and she said, "do you think this can scare me?"

"So what? I won"t load his name into my core source, but I will start the self destruction system of the whole base and let the base destroy with me . " Nu Wa obviously gave up . She lost her absolute sense of artificial intelligence and became as crazy as an ordinary woman .

"Then you can destroy it . I won"t leave a hidden danger to brother c.o.c.kroach . He has the hope of the whole mankind . . . " Elson"s sunny face, like a big boy next door, suddenly becomes gloomy . He has no intention to hide his anger . The small black hole that has stopped absorbing data in his hand suddenly expands, forming a micro tornado standing on his palm . The tornado rotating at high speed is far more powerful than the small black hole . He hears Nu Wa yell: "no . . . "

A huge halo, which can completely fill the one kilometer square machine room, drifts out of the core movement buried under the super metal floor, and then disappears like a burst of smoke in the powerful smoking machine of the mini tornado . In the next second, all the lights in the whole underground city suddenly go out, and all the running programs are turned off, All the machines that start normally stop as if they have been killed by the skill of Immolation . At this moment, the underground s.p.a.ce of more than 100 floors is occupied by the darkness one by one . Less than ten seconds ago, it was like the dark city in the daytime being engulfed by the darkness< br>