Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2124: 2124

Chapter 2124: 2124

Most of you are old people in the hot spring base, including the Minister of construction, Mr . honest man, the Minister of equipment, Mr . w.a.n.g Le, and the directors of the Ministry of agriculture, the Ministry of transportation, the people"s livelihood material management office, and the logistics department . Compared with the managers of various departments gathered together, there are not many military personnel . First, the army is fighting in all directions, and there are not many local troops in Wuhan, Only Zhao Deyi, who had withdrawn from Shanghai, and the peak of the Yangtze River fleet, as well as Daoming and Jianzhan, were present . The most striking thing was the elegant Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue was sitting in the most prominent place . Behind her was Xiang Hai"er, a member of the Hai nationality .

All the people are waiting for two people to attend, Zhang Huai"an and Huang Quan . No one is impatient . As a newcomer, Dao Ming was a little uneasy when he attended the formal meeting for the first time . About five minutes later, Zhang Huai"an and Huang Quan were involved in the meeting room like a gust of wind, and they walked quickly to their own positions . When they all sat down, they were very happy, The first thing that Huang Quan announced was that he let it explode: "brother c.o.c.kroach is in j.a.pan . . . "

Before the buzzing disappeared, Zhang Huai"an said, "according to the latest information, just three hours ago, a big earthquake broke out in j.a.pan . The cause of the earthquake is unknown . According to the results of satellite scanning, one tenth of j.a.pan"s land disappeared, Honshu island was divided into two parts, Mount Fuji also erupted, and huge dust shrouded j.a.pan, The details are not clear . "

"Shall we just sit?" First of all, Zhuo Mingyue was in trouble . We all know the relationship between Zhuo Mingyue and Zhang Xiaoqiang . We also admit in our hearts that this woman with great potential is worthy of Zhang Xiaoqiang . That"s why she was present at the meeting . When she questioned fiercely, Zhang Huai"an seemed helpless . He turned to see Huang Quan, and Huang Quan made a slightly calm gesture to Zhuo Mingyue, Stand up and wave your sleeves to reveal the advanced personal terminal system for Golden Oak Leaf officers in the new era .

Just like a science fiction movie, the personal terminal system flashes blue fluorescence and emits a virtual display screen that everyone can see . On the screen is the real situation of the j.a.panese island now shrouded in dust . The pictures flash across various cities in j.a.pan . When you see countless tall buildings toppling down, countless mountains cracking and collapsing, There is also the huge whirlpool that the seaside crazily engulfs the coast . All people are dull . This is a modern apocalypse . When they see a piece of land with an area of more than 100 square kilometers, the island breaks away, and then it breaks into countless pieces and sinks in the sea . No one can breathe steadily any more, and their heart can"t help beating violently .

"In addition to c.o.c.kroach, there are also new era, genesis, the new government of the United States, the new parliament of Britain, the new czar of Russia . Any one of them has a stronger air force than the whole of China . Our armed helicopters in Shanghai have suffered heavy losses, and UAVs can"t fly that far for the time being, so . . . "

Huang Quan admits that Zhuo Mingyue is right . They really can"t rush to support Zhang Xiaoqiang . What"s more, they can"t even confirm Zhang Xiaoqiang"s position . Huang Quan doesn"t speak after saying this . Zhang Huai"an sees that Zhuo Mingyue is not right and quickly gets up and says:

"To tell you the good news, Nu Wa has granted us the right to use the satellite, Beidou satellite system will be the core of our next development plan . With the satellite system, we can have such an intuitive understanding of the changes in j.a.pan . Similarly, with the satellite system, we can work out a joint search and rescue plan with Yinmeng . Although we don"t want to admit it, Yinmeng"s real strength is much stronger than ours . They have built 30 giant airships, There are also an unknown number of armed helicopters . As long as we can work out a plan with them, we will have no problem landing in j.a.pan next . However, it will take time . We can"t be in a hurry . . . "

After Zhang Huai"an finished his good news, he thought about it and continued to add: "according to the information that Nu Wa told us, brother c.o.c.kroach is still good for the time being . He doesn"t receive any injuries . He also has a force that can be used for the time being . According to brother c.o.c.kroach"s consistent style, we believe that brother c.o.c.kroach will be OK . I"m just worried that if he is found, I"m afraid we don"t just need to get c.o.c.kroach back . Transportation capacity will be a big problem at that time . "

Zhang Huai"an is good at coordinating relations and dealing with people"s problems . He naturally knows what to say about other people"s worries . Besides, every time Zhang Xiaoqiang appears after he disappears, he always gives them a surprise . When he comes to Inner Mongolia that day, he reunifies Yinmeng . Later, when he comes to Vladivostok, he recovers Longhua island, When he arrived in Sichuan, he even found strategic depth for Hubei . As long as he was sure that there was nothing wrong with him, he didn"t have to worry about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s visit to j.a.pan .

"That"s true . I think brother c.o.c.kroach is really a c.o.c.kroach"s life . . . I"m wrong, but I can"t . . . " w.a.n.g Le, who has always been careless, took the lead in breaking his mouth . But it"s not only the old brother here . Zhuo Mingyue is also here . At the moment when he said this, he was blinded by the boundless killing in Zhuo Mingyue"s big eyes . In a moment of cold sweat, he apologized,

"In other words, we need to find c.o.c.kroach first, After finding it, we must prepare enough means of transportation . According to the character of c.o.c.kroaches, we have to get benefits wherever we go . If only the transport ship was still there . . . " The honest man also spoke at this time, which was quite to the point . Zhang Xiaoqiang just accidentally went to Shanghai and got back 100000 tons of materials and more than 100000 people . In addition, there were thousands of mutilated mutant animals and the meat of grade 4 or 5 mutant animals, w.a.n.g Le immediately thought of the 600000 tons of copper ingots piled up in the warehouse of Shanghai wharf . With these high-quality copper ingots, he could make at least billions of bullets . Wuhan was just as good as the copper plate that could make cartridge case . Unfortunately, he didn"t know that at that time, the copper ingots were only transported back less than 10000 tons . Otherwise, he would rather not have anything but copper ingots . "No one can say anything about the transport ship, especially at this time . I don"t believe that 400 experienced sailors and 120 loyal soldiers will betray us . . . " Huang Quan suddenly interrupts w.a.n.g Le"s words . Zhuo Mingyue frowns slightly and shakes her head . "Don"t forget that Xuefeng is also on it . Maybe Xuefeng controls the transport ship by unknown means, but she doesn"t know which direction they are going, or . . . Hum . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue made Huang Quan"s tangled heart tighten again . On that day, genesis raided the camp in Shanghai . In the chaos, some of Genesis"s evolutionists wanted to seize the transport ship . Xuefeng saw that the momentum was not right, so she took xiangyu"er to the transport ship . Unexpectedly, the transport ship took off and never came back . At the same time, kuntaco Dai, a black evolutionist, disappeared, Up to now, it"s not known whether Xuefeng controlled the transport ship or whether the kuntaco Dai did something .

"Don"t think so much . Now the world is not as big as brother c.o.c.kroach . As long as we get back brother c.o.c.kroach, the whole process of China"s rejuvenation will speed up, so our top priority is . . . " Zhang Huaian turned the topic to support Zhang Xiaoqiang . At this time, the virtual screen suddenly distorted and refracted, and the colorful light turned into a small ball . Suddenly, the image of Nu Wa was magnified and showed up . It was the first time that Nu Wa appeared in front of Huang Quan and others . Only Zhuo Mingyue recognized her and said, "what are you doing out there?"

Instead of paying attention to Zhuo Mingyue, Nu Wa laid out a huge display screen covering half of the conference room . On the screen, there were satellite images of China"s coastal areas . On the satellite images, dense red dots were like a noose to seal the entire coastline . When everyone was attracted by the images on the display screen, Nu Wa Chong always looked at her own spring and said:

"Minister Huang Quan, I"m Nuwa . I"m here to give the highest warning to the whole rejuvenation of China . The earthquake in j.a.pan is not accidental . If you don"t act, China will have the same earthquake, and the scale is larger than j.a.pan . . . "

"So what? Coastal areas are economically developed areas with the highest concentration of zombies . Even if all the zombies are destroyed, it will not affect us . Even if we lose part of our land, we can still grab more land . Afghanistan, Pakistan, Siberia and even the whole Eurasian continent can be ours . "

Gao Feng is the officer who has the greatest desire to attack . His greatest desire is to open up territory . Now he has a destroyer in his hand . He is full of confidence and doesn"t pay attention to anything . He has a tendency to bite anyone who is upset .

"What if the earthquake never stops?" Nu Wa didn"t make any excuses . She made all the people who were sitting in the room surprised . If so, let alone conquer Eurasia, they would not be threatened unless they went to Mars .

"What do you want us to do?" Huang Quan didn"t ask much . He is a traditional soldier, and in his eyes, an inch of territory can"t be lost . If j.a.pan"s disaster spreads to China, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe, and he will do his duty anyway .

"Now you can"t do anything . You have to integrate the resources and population of the whole of China before you can take the next step . I suggest that you first set up an emergency operation center with Yinmeng, integrate China"s human and material resources, find the most threatening way to sea creatures, support j.a.pan at the same time, and try to save j.a.pan from collapse as long as j.a.pan doesn"t collapse, China will not be OK for the moment . "

Nuwa"s words made huangquan frown . j.a.pan has begun to collapse . At this time, there are not enough means of transportation . Even if they find Zhang Xiaoqiang, they can"t help it . However, he would not say this idea . He nodded to Nuwa solemnly and said, "our next plan is to rescue brother c.o.c.kroach . Even if there is no such thing, we will do it, I hope you can give us the greatest intelligence support and help us find a solution to the problem at the same time . "< br>