Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2135: 2135

Chapter 2135: 2135

The Russian plane took the lead in destroying the only two Apache helicopters left by the other side, occupying the British airs.p.a.ce fiercely . All the large and small helicopters on the ground ready to carry people were locked by the weapon system of the armed helicopter and did not dare to move rashly, while the evolutionists ran to the surrounding jungle like a bomb nest, The chaos of more than 3000 people on the ground can be seen clearly from the sky . All the evolutioners who fled around were British . On the contrary, the j.a.panese survivors knew there was no place to run, and they didn"t dare to move even if they stayed in the same place . For them, there was no difference between falling into the hands of the British and falling into the hands of other people . They were all transported away as animals .

Almost coincidentally, all the helicopters hanging weapon systems spread out in the sky like fishing nets and flew to the escaped evolutioners . Even the agile evolutioners could not be faster than the aircraft . When they were about to rush into the jungle, bursts of fierce gunfire came from the mechanism muzzle of the helicopter, and the blazing fire completely shrouded the black muzzle, The scarlet grenade burst out of the fire like fireworks and exploded in the jungle in front of the evolutioners . With a sound, the shrubs broke, the mud layer flew, and the smoke and sawdust formed a black storm in front of the evolutioners, which suddenly made the evolutioners who were ready to rush into the jungle stop in despair and look at the helicopter in the sky and send out a galloping cry .

On some commanding heights, many armed men carrying individual air defense missiles aimed at the helicopter group . In the white smoke, the snow-white and slender air defense missiles rushed to the helicopters floating in the sky, and the missiles were about to hit the targeted aircraft, All of a sudden, countless bright lights were emitted from the largest Russian helicopter . In a smooth crisscross, each light responded to a missile . Within two kilometers, the navigation system of the flying individual missile was obliterated by these lasers, just like a headless fly spinning in the sky, and it didn"t know where to fly under the propulsion of fuel .

The Russians were one of the first countries to use laser weapons . In the 1970s, there were laser tanks, which were specially used for laser anti missile . No one thought that Wanqiang had installed this laser system on the largest helicopter, so that the only remaining camouflage cloth of the British was severely pulled down . Those commanding heights that launched missiles were remembered by armed helicopters, Armed helicopters all over the body turned their heads one after another to lock down the terrified and dying armed men . In a moment, rockets spewed out blue flames like skyrockets and rushed to them like sharp arrows . Before that, the torrential rain of mechanism guns covered the hiding places of the armed men, The burst fireball then exploded in the smoke, covering the whole range of fire, not to mention the armed men hiding there, even the ants hiding there will be killed .

Twelve commanding heights were flattened by the explosion within ten seconds . Hundreds of evolutionists and hundreds of armed soldiers stayed in the same place and did not dare to move . Only one evolutionist, three meters tall and shaped like a human monster, grabbed two pieces of corpses and rushed into the sky with a roar . His roar was not noticed by the hovering helicopters, Looking down from the sky to the ground, people on the ground are as big as ants . The difference between three meters and one meter before is not obvious . This Russian defiant evolutionist is naturally ignored .

Twelve armed helicopters circled in the sky, forming a huge encirclement, covering all the ground several times . On the other side, a transport helicopter sent one by one armed puma to the ground . These puma were all naked, or carrying rifles and machine guns, or holding knives, axes and bows . At the moment of landing, they broke out a warm howl to the British, Some of the evolutionists seemed to want to resist and take the initiative to form a formation to meet the enemy, but they were hit in the center of the formation by rockets flying over their heads, blowing everyone to pieces . The Russians would not talk about chivalry to them . The cross fire between heaven and earth made all the evolutionists lose their determination to resist, He raised his hands before the fierce young men rushed over .

Within a short period of time, hundreds of young men drove all the British people together to form a circle of hundreds of meters . All the British people in the circle were frightened . Many of them had already had the heart of despair . They threw down their weapons and sat on the ground helplessly waiting for the Russians to fall . The pale general Sofia stood in the front of the crowd, Coldly looking at the young men who are slowly forcing them .

These young men are not evolutionists . Although they are fierce and manic, they are not out of the normal category of human beings . Even if they are more than the British evolutionists, they can not be defeated . On the contrary, these British evolutionists are elite . Everyone has used blood more or less, which is far more powerful than the ordinary evolutionists . Moreover, their equipment is much better than that of the Russians, The power evolutionists are not as exaggerated as the Americans . Most of them are armed with chain machine guns and large caliber sniper rifles . In addition, they are also equipped with cold weapons made of high-tech ceramics . Their firepower is very strong at both far and near . Many people carry Gatling machine guns in cars . The agile evolutionists are all MP5 and l85a2 a.s.sault rifles . On the ground, the British are much stronger than the Russians, but even so, They also dare not fight back . All the resistance has proved to be meaningless . As long as an armed helicopter is used, most of the evolutionists here will be destroyed . At this time, commander Byron was the most needed person for general Sofia, but there was no Byron among the British . He was standing in the open s.p.a.ce far away from the British . Most of the open s.p.a.ce were women and children in Gambon"s gathering place . The horsetail girl who had been saved by him stood behind him with two children . It was obvious that he had decided to break with the general .

In the general"s opinion, this break is ridiculous, but the wood has become a boat . She can"t say what to do . When the Russian soldiers are pressing the border, her first consideration is the life and death of hundreds of evolutionists . Without these people, she can kill all the young men, but what"s the point? Without hands and planes, she almost lost everything . Her personal strength doesn"t matter in precarious j.a.pan . Just at this time, a familiar figure leaped into her eyes, and that person was Jima of the hunter team she thought was dead .

Jima stands behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and looks at Chen Heng"s corpses on the ground in horror . These corpses are Zhang Xiaoqiang"s temporary subordinates . Many of the more than 20 evolutionists die in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Beside the corpse, she kneels on her knees . The surprised little field and the bound little field are like abandoned wild dogs . When she is most desperate, she suddenly sees Zhang Xiaoqiang, The huge surprise made him shiver and speechless, just like he was about to reach the bottom of h.e.l.l, when someone suddenly told him that this was actually heaven, which made him not believe it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes didn"t stay on Ono"s body for long . They pa.s.sed him and fell on another person . It was like D3"s evolutor, his twisted muscles, his cruel cheek, and the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse on his hand . But this was not the focus of his past . Behind the man, the horsetail girl led two children and bowed her head to accept the man"s protection, Although he didn"t know the big man, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gloomy mood was much better . Horsetail girl and the two children were the people he valued most in j.a.pan . If they had something to do, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t mind having all the British buried with him .

Wan Qiang, who hasn"t appeared for a long time, appears in the respectful eyes of the young men and shakes to Zhang Xiaoqiang with tie Zhongyuan . His demonic eyes sweep coldly over the hundreds of British evolutionists in the center . Suddenly, he cracks his mouth and smiles, touches his smooth head and turns to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang

"Do you want me to do it? Even if I pay your interest first, maybe I can turn them into my subordinates . " Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head, turned to Jima and said, "you go to let them surrender . At that time, I will only kill those who kill . If you don"t surrender, I won"t stay and kill all of them . This is their only chance . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to incorporate all these British people . Of course, it"s only in j.a.pan . If the British killed his direct subordinates in China, he would not be so polite, but only let the British hand over the murderer . In addition, worry about Wanqiang is also on the one hand . The Russians are all under Wanqiang"s hands and can"t be used by him, so he must seize the British as a balance, Only in this way can he feel at ease, and Gemma is the best choice .

"My Lord, you"ve come back to avenge us . . . " Ono rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang and cries . The horsetail girl also sees Zhang Xiaoqiang and rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang with her two children . Commander Byron, who slowly recovers to his normal figure, stands and stares . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang pacifies Ono, Jima, who has been translated by John Lee, walks up to the general in a daze and looks at him . He doesn"t know where to start, The general also didn"t know how to speak . He thought he could count on Zhang Xiaoqiang and send a helicopter to meet Jima and other people, and catch the survivors as blood slaves by the way . Unexpectedly, the air force was completely destroyed . It was the death of hundreds of British people that drove the general mad . He aimed all his anger at the gathering place of Okamoto . Unexpectedly, in the event of an accident, the Russians stopped them, However, Gemma, who thought she was dead, appeared in front of her . Ono, who had been tied up to kill before, ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang and cried . It was too late for her to guess Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ident.i.ty . Elizabeth"s personal resentment made them kill all the evolutionists . Most of the remaining survivors were quickly stacked like goods, even if there were a thousand mouths, She doesn"t know how to deal with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s coming anger, which can turn all British people into ashes .

"Am I wrong?" This was general Sophia"s only thought . She was like a snake in her heart . She swept Gemma"s face full of tears . She turned to look at Colonel Byron, who had been stopping her before . But he was looking at her with a black face . Colonel Byron was also looking at her, but she was full of reluctance, disappointment, and resentment . Sophia didn"t know what to resent, She finally understood that there is really no regret medicine in the world< br>