Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2137: 2137

Chapter 2137: 2137

Sophia made Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang suffer together only once . No one thought that the British leader was so fierce . It"s no exaggeration to say that if she really wanted to do it, no one on the ground could survive except the plane in the sky . Zhang Xiaoqiang was better . The initial attack did not make him suffer, However, he was frightened by the strange means . He had a full range defense of the flame barrier, which made Sophia suffer a small loss . Sophia didn"t know how many times he could spray high-temperature flames, but he pointed the spear at Wanqiang, and his hand destroyed Wanqiang"s palm . You should know that Wanqiang"s back of hand can"t even be cut by the Firebird machete . Shengsheng broke it, which shows his strength, If Wan Qiang didn"t use his card, let Sophia also suffered a big loss, maybe at the moment Wan Qiang has been killed by Sophia .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Wan Qiang with regret . How he hopes that Wan Qiang will be blown off not only by his hands, but also by his head? Wan Qiang is more than angry . He curses Sophia, who has disappeared, as if he wants to find her back . All the British people can"t help throwing away their weapons and raising their hands together . Sophia"s final outburst puts them in an awkward position . Sophia can run, but they can"t, so they have to stay to bear the anger of Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang .

Jima and Byron haven"t recovered from Sofia"s disappearance . Wan Qiang rushes here like a bull and yells at Zhang Xiaoqiang: "I"m injured . I"m injured . These people must be handed over to me . They all deserve to die . . . " When he roared, his incomplete hands had stopped the bleeding, the split wound moved quickly, and all the broken skin and bones were restored . Wanqiang"s self-healing force was able to recover the injury at the speed visible to the naked eye, but it was far from enough . Many broken bones and flesh were flying around when the explosion happened, and even if they were found back, it would be useless . If there were no external means, G.o.d knows how long it will take for him to recover on his own . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang, an unstable factor, is covetous . Wan Qiang does not dare to be careless . He just wants to cure himself first . One way to make him quickly cure is the flesh and blood of those British people .

"You want to eat them . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang sees anger and greed from Wan Qiang"s eyes, just like a wild animal sees prey . He knows what Wan Qiang thinks . He raises his Sabre and points it to Wan Qiang"s nose . He makes Wan Qiang"s four eyes gaze at the dark tip of the sabre . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang stops himself, Wan Qiang"s anger can no longer be suppressed . He suddenly raises his foot and stomps on the ground, and the earth vibrates under his feet, As if it triggered a new earthquake, the ground within a hundred meters cracked countless holes, and layers of soil were shaking out of the ground . This vibration made many people unable to stand and fell on the ground . Tiezhongyuan and Biaohan also pointed their guns at Zhang Xiaoqiang with Wan Qiang"s anger . The conflict between the two sides was imminent, but at this time, Jima and Byron stand behind Zhang Xiaoqiang with all the British .

"I"m just going to eat them . I"m injured . As you can see, I have to treat myself . Even if you want to fight with me, I"ll eat them . . . " Wan Qiang roared, like a raging beast, ready to move, blood red eyes like boiling magma, while the black eyes are rapidly turning, it is obvious that he is hesitating whether to start at this time, and he can"t help his anger . Once he arrives at that time, he is willing to fight against both sides .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, do you have blood seed? Ask the British for blood seed . . . " Tiezhongyuan doesn"t want to see Zhang Xiaoqiang fight with Wan Qiang . No matter who wins or loses, it"s a disaster . Wan Qiang calms down when he hears this . He breathes heavily, suppresses his nearly burst chest, and yells at Zhang Xiaoqiang: "I don"t care . You can either give me a thousand blood seeds, or give me a hundred evolutioners, or . . . "

At this time, John Li and the Americans ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, turned to Jima and said, "they want blood seed . If there is no blood seed, they will eat you . Is there any way . . . " Jima looked anxiously at Byron . Byron"s face was uncertain . After a long time, she said, "come on, take it out . These things should not exist in this world . The root of all sins is caused by these things . If you lose them, you lose them . . . "

For the British, it is an opportunity for the evolution of the whole nation . As long as they bring their blood back to the UK, they can at least produce thousands of evolutioners . If they break the cultivation of Hemerocallis and use other methods to cultivate Hemerocallis, they may be able to produce blood without restriction, but now they have no hope in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands .

When Byron decided to take out the blood seeds, eight silver white metal boxes were quickly placed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . When he opened the box, countless dark plant seeds of the same size as peanuts were exposed in front of him . The seeds were similar in shape, oval and slender, just like capsules, big and small, emitting a refreshing fragrance, It was the first time he saw blood seed . In the gathering place of Busan, the blood seed harvested in ax mountain was privately divided by the evolutionists, and Ono pretended not to know it . Although he hated it for human life, he didn"t give one to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Grabbing a handful of blood seed and feeling its moist and greasy skin, Zhang Xiaoqiang turns his head and looks greedily at Wan Qiang . Wan Qiang"s four eyes. .h.i.t blood seed at the same time . That greedy look makes him look more human at the moment, but wan Qiang doesn"t grab it . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s standing beside blood seed makes him taboo, After confirming the blood seed, the broken Gong like voice roared again: "give me, all give me, this is all mine, all mine . . . ""Each incubator has 500 blood seeds, eight boxes, a total of 4000 blood seeds, all here, I hope you can keep your promise and ensure our life safety . . . " Byron stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expression and gently fumbles for the platinum ring inlaid with ruby in his right middle finger . Once Zhang Xiaoqiang reneges on his previous promise, he will destroy these blood species for the first time . When Gemma sees these blood species, she doesn"t show the greedy look like others . She is disgusted . She knows how this thing came into being, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to Byron and said, "you don"t have to worry about my regret . In fact, I don"t care about the j.a.panese . What I care about is the Chinese . As long as you promise me that you will not kill the Chinese in my life, I will guarantee your safety . Of course, all this depends on your willingness to obey me . . . "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked two metal boxes, 50 cm high and 80 cm long . The two iron boxes left the ground and tumbled down to Wan Qiang . However, Wan Qiang held two boxes under his armpit one by one . Wan Qiang was not satisfied with them . He yelled: "you still have six boxes, at least you have to give me two . . . "“ Shut up . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and let Wan Qiang"s twisted eyes shine with resentment, not suffering from poverty but inequality . Wan Qiang has been suffering from Zhang Xiaoqiang for a long time, but today he is suffering from losses from the beginning to the end . Let alone Zhang Xiaoqiang"s desire to capture these British people alive and let Sophia have a chance to move his hand and hurt him . Let alone, he should have won half of the spoils, But Zhang Xiaoqiang only wants to dominate, which makes him have the impulse to tear his face .

"I"ll give you three more boxes . These people and helicopters belong to me . You don"t have to make any noise . You still owe me a lot of things . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words made Wan Qiang"s resentment disappear . He didn"t expect that the two boxes before were just compensation fees . The big head just started to divide them now, which made him seem stingy . However, he couldn"t take down his face to apologize . He gave a sign to do so . He monopolized five of the eight boxes, which was a big advantage . He didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about these blood types, He has better subst.i.tutes in China, and he won"t give his own people the inexplicable things .

"Who killed my men? Is there any result? " After dismissing Wanqiang, Zhang Xiaopingqiang ignores the remaining boxes and focuses on Jima . Jima can"t help looking at Elizabeth, who is writhing on the ground . When Elizabeth sees Zhang Xiaoqiang, she is dazzled by the angry flames . Regardless of her own life or death, she just wants to jump on Zhang Xiaoqiang and bite off a few pieces of skin and meat .

"From now on, you must obey my decision . The murderer will die . Do you have any objection?" Zhang Xiaoqiang glances at Elizabeth and recognizes that this woman is an evolutioner who was taken away by Zuo Tian on that day . He also regrets that saving this woman is a danger to the tiger . Although these evolutioners are all j.a.panese, they all want to rescue his evolutioner when he is in danger . It"s impossible not to give an explanation .

It"s hard for Colonel Byron to make up his mind to hand Elizabeth over to Zhang Xiaoqiang . It"s a time of uncertainty . If he kills Elizabeth in front of everyone, it will make other people miserable . Maybe it will be counterproductive . But if he doesn"t kill Elizabeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t agree . Similarly, the dead evolutionists also need to be treated fairly, It"s all embarra.s.sing for him .

"Can we leave her to us? We will set up a temporary court to give you an account in the name of the law . " After thinking about it, Lieutenant Colonel Byron thought it was better to punish Elizabeth with trial and restrain other evolutionists with order . Byron"s proposal surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang . He looked at Byron seriously and suddenly remembered that in Yinmeng, the court he set up was a foreigner represented by Spielberg . So far, no one can be independent of the law and let him ponder for a moment .

"Give me a reason, it"s easy to kill her, and everything she does has its own way to die . . . " Byron"s first impression is not very good . He looks ordinary and has the gloomy temperament of the villain in the film, not to mention that Byron represents the British, and the British have never felt better for him .

"Because human beings need to rebuild order . With perfect law and judicial system, the lost human nature will be restored . After the end of time, anarchy and extreme liberalism will make human beings lose order, the killers will not be punished, justice and justice will not be carried forward, selfishness, cruelty and moral degradation are all the reasons why there is no legal restriction, As long as we reestablish order step by step, most people will find their lost nature . . . " Byron"s reason is very simple . What he loses is what he gets back . Human nature, which is gradually collapsing, must stop sinking . Otherwise, human beings will never have a future to speak of . Before, he pinned all his hopes on Sophia, but found that a person"s decision can never be perfect . It is very likely that a word will rise or fall, Therefore, putting the power of adjudication in the hands of most people and deciding the future route through democracy, while law is the first step to rebuild democracy, which does not conflict with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s current dictatorship .

Byron"s words made other British people in turmoil . They didn"t expect to hear the trial today . After the end of the world, they always respect the strong . If Byron said it would greatly limit the rights of evolutionists, ordinary people would have a greater say . You know, the base of ordinary people is much larger than that of evolutionists . "Elizabeth, you have committed murder, instigation, deception and other crimes . You can argue, but we do not necessarily accept your testimony . Do you admit your crime . . . " Elizabeth was surrounded by the English people . She lowered her head to listen to the judge"s accusation . When the judge finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head . Her scattered hair stuck to the corner of her mouth . Her blue eyes were like the raging sea . In the silent eyes of all the English people, she suddenly burst out with a laugh of Hesperian . The laughter was extremely evil, like a wizard"s curse . In her laughter, she said, "I"m sorry, I"m sorry . ", A lot of British people can"t help but retreat and are squeezed by their companions behind them .

"I don"t plead guilty, and I"m not guilty . I just wish I could kill that son of a b.i.t.c.h, you pathetic people who think it will be OK to surrender . He will never let you go . You will regret it . You will regret it . He will send you to the battlefield as cannon fodder, drain your blood, water your flowers, and plant your corpses as fertilizer, He will deprive you of everything . " The hysterical curse made many English people frown, and Elizabeth"s crazy hair also made many people palpitating . At this time, Byron stood in the front of the crowd and looked at the crazy Elizabeth

"No amount of provocation will have any effect . If it were not for your selfishness and resentment, we would not have come to the present stage, The general will not be forced to leave . It"s all because of your ungratefulness . You can"t forget the death of Jason . You only remember that Jason was killed, but you didn"t remember that you also killed people . Selfish people are not qualified to say these words, and I don"t need to listen to your threats . Now, I declare that we have suffered a great loss because of Elizabeth"s personal resentment, Here I decide to execute Elizabeth . Is there any objection . . . "

With a sneer, Elizabeth looks up at Colonel Byron, but his eyes are full of black muzzle . The curse in her throat does not wait for the exit, and the fire shines in front of her eyes . Then Elizabeth falls to the ground and stares at Byron"s shoes . Looking at Elizabeth who is shot in the eyebrow, Colonel Byron turns and nods to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zuotan, standing beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, whispered: "there are 2400 people in total, of whom 2000 are willing to go with us . The rest are willing to stay in j.a.pan rather than leave . They are useless people . They can"t do anything except eat . Even if they give up, it"s no big deal . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say anything . He knew that the maximum loading capacity of the plane could only transport 2000 people . Zuo Tian didn"t recruit volunteers through negotiation just now . Under Zuo Tian"s compulsion, there were still 400 people left . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t believe it . But what does it have to do with him? The survivors here can be taken away, but more survivors are abandoned< br>