Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2139: 2139

Chapter 2139: 2139

This time, it didn"t take long . Zuo Tian was still a good guy . The team of 2000 people got on the plane in turn according to gender, age, and technology . The survivors of Fushan"s collapse also took the opportunity to get down to the ground to move their stiff and sleepy bodies . Those professionals Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t notice . After those people got off the plane, All his attention was focused on the children . These children were brought out of the gathering place by Jima at the risk of being punished by him . Their ages ranged from three to eight . Maybe girls were more pleasing to Jima . Most of these children were girls . They were watching from a distance like frightened rabbits and would hide on the plane behind them at any time .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the bright red among the children, he suddenly had mixed feelings . He rushed into the gathering place of ax mountain to save her . This little girl, who was less than five years old, died so many people and so many children . He thought that the child would die, but he didn"t expect to appear on his plane . There is no doubt that the little girl"s luck is very good, Also let Zhang Xiaoqiang depressed heart, because this wipe red bright many .

Sofia Fang has no trace . There are a lot of chinugans and civilian transport planes left by the British . More than 30 chinugans can transport nearly a thousand people at a time, but this is far from enough . Zhang Xiaoqiang had to consult with Wan Qiang and asked Wan Qiang to dispatch planes to help transport some people . When discussing with tiezhongyuan, he finally found out Wan Qiang"s original intention of attacking Fushan camp, Compared with the Americans and the British, the Russians are the most keen to rob . They don"t have the heart to understand how blood species grow, and they don"t bother to plant them . It"s very simple, because Wanqiang won"t transform all the Russians into evolutors . All the blood species are monopolized by him . These blood species didn"t have much effect on him, But with the nutrients that ordinary food can"t provide, he keeps climbing to a higher level of evolution . That"s why Wanqiang attaches so much importance to blood species .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I don"t think blood seed is a good thing . I tried to persuade the Czar, but he didn"t want to listen, but it"s better than watching the Czar eat people?" Tiezhongyuan is much closer to Zhang Xiaoqiang than Wan Qiang . At least they have fought side by side . Tiezhongyuan"s cousin still has a high position in Yinmeng, so the atmosphere of chatting with tiezhongyuan is pretty good . After they talked about blood, tiezhongyuan can"t help complaining .

"Hum, Wan Qiang is not a good leader . You should be careful under him . I think it"s wrong for you to place your hope on him . During this period of contact, he was selfish and did everything for himself, even for the benefit of his subordinates . As an oriental, he could only rely on violence to subdue others . In case of an accident one day, As Orientals, you are likely to be angry by the Russians, and then . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard tie Zhongyuan"s complaint, he couldn"t help but move his mind and said strange things, which made tie Zhongyuan"s face look ugly . Instead of refuting at the first time, he bowed his head and pondered . Obviously, he also thought about it . Seeing that there was an opportunity, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but accentuate his tone and said:

"You are a good leader, I saw it when I was in Inner Mongolia . I let you go that day to see how far you can go . Unfortunately, you talked to Wanqiang . Who do I know best about Wanqiang? It can be said that as long as there are enough interests, he will sell you all immediately . You don"t have to be so considerate to him . Sometimes you have to consider for yourself . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach is joking . Your majesty is not as inhuman as you say . He takes good care of the Chinese in Russia . I believe everything will be fine with our persuasion . " Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little too anxious . On the contrary, he put tiezhongyuan on guard and talked vaguely, but he didn"t turn his face . Looking at tiezhongyuan with evasive eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles knowingly, reaches out and pats tiezhongyuan on the shoulder and says:

"If you don"t do it for yourself, the day will be long . No one knows what will happen tomorrow . I don"t like Wan Qiang very much, It"s not because of anything else, just because he has eaten people . As long as he eats people, I will be at odds with him . I don"t want you to be in the middle of us at that time . You can think about it . If there is a day, I don"t expect you to help me, and I hope you don"t help him either . "

If Wan Qiang hears that he has no choice but to turn against Zhang Xiaoqiang, tie Zhongyuan is also angry . He glares at Zhang Xiaoqiang and roars in a low voice

"If there is no czar today, I hope brother c.o.c.kroach will stop saying these words in the future . Otherwise, don"t blame me for turning over and being ruthless . . . " After that, tiezhongyuan ignored Zhang Xiaoqiang and turned to leave . Looking at the back of tiezhongyuan, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not disappointed . On the contrary, he was very happy . He knew that tiezhongyuan had heard it, and he also knew that tiezhongyuan would not inform . His words were like a poisonous seed rooted in tiezhongyuan"s heart, waiting for a poisonous vine to grow one day, He knows what kind of person tiezhongyuan is . On that day, he swept all over Yinmeng and became the biggest force in Inner Mongolia . The safe area is tens of thousands of kilometers, and Alashan County town is a settlement . He can"t keep tiezhongyuan . It can be seen that tiezhongyuan"s ambition is so great . Now there is no chance . One day, as Zhang Xiaoqiang said, he Wanqiang started to work, and tiezhongyuan"s opportunity will come, Zhang Xiaoqiang said these words to make tiezhongyuan slowly prepare . On that day, when Wanqiang rebelled against his relatives, it was time for him to eradicate this evil . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt his head and felt a little complacent . At least he learned to deal with the problem with intrigue . Even tiezhongyuan knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang had evil intentions, he could not seriously consider it . There was an irreparable gap between Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang . China and Russia were too far away, separated by a whole Siberia, For at least 30 years, the tentacles of the two sides will not collide, so Russia has changed people, and the host has little to do with Zhang Xiaoqiang . This is a naked exchange of interests .

The sudden gunfire interrupted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pride . At first sight, he saw Zuo Tian with several male survivors threatening the crowd with rifles . More than 2400 people volunteered to leave more than 400 people . At least Zuo Tian said so . But everyone had the mentality of following the crowd, and they didn"t dare to stay when others left, but Zuo Tian didn"t open up to them, Taking the British and Russians into account, the maximum number they can take away is only 2000 people . None of them can take away more than one . Most of the remaining survivors are disabled or weak . Most of them are survivors of some service industries or fishing industry before the end of the world . In the end of the world, taking them away is equivalent to losing money and has no value .

By this time, most of the survivors had already got on the plane and stuck to the window gla.s.s to look out . These people had different expressions, some sad, some sad, some indifferent and schadenfreude . The survivors who did not want to leave before began to celebrate . More than 400 abandoned evolutionists cried and begged to Zuo Tian . They knelt on the ground and kowtowed until they bled, Many people took out their hidden gold, jewelry or food and held them in front of their chests, begging to get on the plane . However, Zuo Tian remained unmoved and yelled at the survivors . His rifle spewed out fire tongue from time to time to intimidate them . Behind him, the last survivors were boarding the plane . They were waiting one by one with the last food of the gathering place, their heads bowed like ostriches, Dare not look back, deeply afraid of left field will they also stay here .

Seeing those people, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s slightly cheerful heart became uncomfortable again . The survivors of Okamoto gathering place didn"t have much to do with him . They just wanted to save some people with the idea of taking more people as they could . It was a dead end to stay in j.a.pan . He wanted to take all the selected people away, but he couldn"t do it . He forced himself to go up and stop Zuo Tian, Zhang Xiaoqiang turns a blind eye .

Finally, four hundred survivors knelt on the ground and looked at the sky helplessly, crying . One helicopter took off one after another and flew to the distance in a dense array in the sky . Standing at the window, Zhang Xiaoqiang watched the ant like crowd below and kept silent . The crowd refused to disperse until the plane flew over the forest and was replaced by green, and he took a long breath, Turning around, he saw Wan Qiang holding a bottle of VOD with his legs crossed . There were all kinds of dishes and food on the table in front of him, such as Russian Red Sausage, big bread, barbecue, and red vegetable soup . The ponytail girl and two children were salivating . They were afraid of Wan Qiang"s ferocious expression . They could only hide in the corner and look around .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to stay with Wan Qiang, but all the seats on the plane are full . Many planes are loaded according to weight instead of number of people . It"s just like the train compartment of the Spring Festival transportation . There"s no place to put their bottom . If anyone farts carelessly, it"s hard to say that hundreds of people can smell it, So Zhang Xiaoqiang had to get on Wanqiang"s plane . Wanqiang"s car is the world"s largest M-12 helicopter . The refitted helicopter is as luxurious as a luxury yacht . The 37 meter long and 12 meter high cabin is no worse than an airliner . With a loading capacity of more than 30 tons, the plane can easily transport a light tank with 18 rooms inside, The decoration of the presidential suite is the same as that of the ground . This plane only has Wan Qiang and four Russian girls as pa.s.sengers . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang with a few kids doesn"t feel crowded, but feels empty .

Wan Qiang drinks muggy wine, and his four pupils sweep Zhang Xiaoqiang from time to time . His eyes are filled with indescribable emotions . Beside him is a gold tray inlaid with various gems and diamonds . This tray has the cla.s.sical style of the 16th century, and there are various complex and exquisite patterns on it . At first glance, people feel that it is a treasure with legendary history, This valuable treasure contains dozens of black blood seeds . From time to time, Wan Qiang picks up one and throws it into his mouth . He chews peanuts and drinks, but he doesn"t know what kind of food he is eating?

"Before going to Korea, we need to replenish oil in Okinawa . If brother c.o.c.kroach is sleepy, he can take a nap . If he needs a woman, he can go to the maid"s room . These Russian chicks are carefully selected by me . They definitely don"t have body odor, and they don"t have much hair . . . "

Wan Qiang can"t stand to stay with Zhang Xiaoqiang . He can"t help talking . It"s more than 1000 kilometers from Osaka to Okinawa . It takes at least four or five hours for the huge fleet to arrive . He doesn"t want to stare at Zhang Xiaoqiang for several hours . Zhang Xiaoqiang just sits opposite him, grabs a few red intestines and throws bread behind him, The horsetail girl jumps up like a cat, catches all the food and shares it with the two kids happily .

"When we get to South Korea, we can consider the problem of red algae . The new era and the United States are a problem . I"m afraid it"s not easy to start with them . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the cigar from the exquisite cigar box and lit it without entering his throat . After pa.s.sing it through his mouth, he spurted it out to feel the taste of the cigar on the taste buds . Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang say red algae, Wan Qiang raised his neck to drink all the half bottle of vodka and breathed heavily, With a sneering smile, he bowed his head and said, "before we discussed, there was no way that I would be in danger . Things are beyond control . I don"t want to partic.i.p.ate in the later actions . When we get to South Korea, we will go our separate ways . "< br>