Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2141: 2141

Chapter 2141: 2141

When Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang arrived in Okinawa"s airs.p.a.ce, the airport was occupied by the Americans . At this time, fland had stepped out from the verge of failure . He stood in the airport command center and asked to speak to the Russians . Of course, his tone was as sincere as possible, It"s as if the hospitable host invited someone to be a guest . They have mastered a lot of anti-aircraft missiles, but the Russian fleet is really huge, far exceeding the expectation of the Americans . Once the war starts, both sides will lose . At this time, both sides must seek dialogue . The overall strength of the Americans is not as good as that of the Russians, let alone the British planes . The Russian fleet is more powerful, And the Russians" foothold is in the hands of the Americans . If they can"t land and replenish fuel, they will fight back .

At this time, the importance of Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared . Maybe it was close enough . Elson got in touch with Zhang Xiaoqiang again . When no one found out, Elson, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s silent listener, whispered .

"Ha ha, I knew that c.o.c.kroach would not let me down . He recovered the British, wooed the Russians, and rescued thousands of j.a.panese . It"s very good, it"s really good . He is the Savior with the aura of the leading role . I can"t do it anyway . My choice is not wrong . . . "

Elson seems to be over excited, and his broken mouth is always whispering in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ear . The two people are communicating in private, but the two sides are like enemies . The two sides only had a war before . At this time, when they met, they were naturally envious . Frande wanted to unite with the Russians, but he couldn"t find a meeting point . He occupied the airport and didn"t dare to open the defense, so that the Russians would come down and stay together for a while .

"What"s going on? Why are you here? " Zhang Xiaoqiang also found the strange opposition between the two sides and asked anxiously . As soon as they were about to start follow-up action, the Americans came to intervene again, making things complicated and his patience disappearing .

"What else? If it"s not that there"s no way, who wants to unite with Russian b.a.s.t.a.r.ds? In the new era, new patrol boats have been used to block the waters around j.a.pan . If we rush, we will suffer heavy losses . " Elson"s answer made Zhang Xiaoqiang interested . Since landing on the j.a.panese island, the new era has been silent . Russians, Americans and Britons have appeared one after another . Only the new era has remained silent . I didn"t expect to wait for them here .

"The situation in j.a.pan is very bad . We are going to stay in Vladivostok for a while . Unfortunately, we don"t know what the new era thinks . They don"t want to leave Hokkaido, and they don"t want other people to leave j.a.pan . . . " Although Elson is smart, he is only 16 years old and does not think about problems comprehensively . In the information provided by Elson, Zhang Xiaoqiang found some doubts: "wait a minute, did you say that Okinawa was driven by the new era? Okinawa is the military base of the US military . There are a lot of materials and equipment here . Why do they prefer to hide in Hokkaido rather than occupy Okinawa? "

Elson just said that Zhang Xiaoqiang has been to Vladivostok . In the new era, a whole legion of troops has been destroyed there . Vilichko originally intended to become a new Legion in the new era . It is precisely because of the falling of airship and the collapse of the Legion that Okinawa is so close to j.a.pan, why not occupy it? On the contrary, let Wanqiang occupy? There is also a new era that can block sea areas so that Americans can"t leave, so why not just rush them to the j.a.panese island? What is Okinawa?

"I don"t know about this . I can break the intelligent computers of all countries in the world, but I can"t break the systems of the new era . I don"t know what technology they use . Every time I approach, I feel dangerous . . . " Elson doesn"t hide anything from Zhang Xiaoqiang . His greatest ability is to keep secret from frande and Susanna, but he doesn"t hide anything from Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Your ability is to break through the intelligent computer?" This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised, and Elson was suddenly silent . After a long time, he said: "I was the top cyber hacker before the end of my life . Because I invaded the National s.p.a.ce Administration and changed the operating procedures of the s.p.a.ce telescope without authorization, I was targeted by the national security administration . At that time, I was only 12 years old . Since then, I was forced to accept the recruitment of the government and become a cyber sergeant, On the Internet, I have seen the greed and meanness of big people and witnessed the sadness of ordinary people . In fact, I am in favor of the end of the world . After the end of the world, everything will continue to be destroyed and a new order will be established . Unfortunately, in the United States, the new order is still operated by those big people . "

For a moment, Elson talked about his past . Through Elson"s story, Zhang Xiaoqiang also learned about the current mechanism of the new US government . The new US government was established in the emergency building of the Centers for disease prevention . The establishment of the Centers for disease prevention was prepared to quickly establish a rescue mechanism after the outbreak of large-scale biological and chemical weapons, Countless subway tunnels have been excavated under the buildings with few people to prepare for possible self-help and counterattack before the end of the world . Therefore, in the chaos on the day of the outbreak of the virus, many American high-level people have pa.s.sed the subway to the Centers for disease prevention and survived in the underground cities, and these people are now the high-level people of the new government .

The United States has the most powerful national strength in the world . It has enough supplies and reserves, as well as a large number of troops and national name guards . These troops were contacted by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention immediately after they were devastated . The emergency government took over the command and finally withdrew to the bases around the Centers for Disease Control and prevention through air transportation, It has become the first organized army in the world after the end of the world, and Americans have the right to hold guns . Many people have more than one gun . Compared with other countries, Americans have the highest survival rate and various means of communication . The new government has successively established new government settlements and gathering places in various states of the United States . If there is no accident, the United States will be the biggest winner after the end of the world . Just when many survivors are infected by the rain and become evolutionists, the new era can"t wait to land in the United States and want to accept the heritage of the whole United States . When the zombies are not really safe, the two biggest forces fight in the United States, which affects the re emergence of the United States, It also delayed the global deficit strategy in the new era, and finally gave Zhang Xiaoqiang time to rise from China .

After listening to these words, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt very heavy . He finally realized that he didn"t really have the king"s demeanor, but he was just lucky . His depression was still in the air . Elson went on to say:

"I hide most of my power from them . They think I can only expand the application efficiency of various devices, They have the instinct to look for a chance to win at a critical moment, but they don"t know that if I want to, they will be able to defeat the American Expeditionary Force of the new era . Of course, the essence of the new era is no different from the ambition of the new government . They all base their rights on ordinary people . . . Do you know why I choose you? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was confused by Elson"s words, but he didn"t say anything . He has always been wary of Elson . He doesn"t think that Elson is a living girl in the new century, but the answer is about to be revealed .

"What I can invade is not only the computers of various countries, but also the satellite systems . Satellites all over the world are my eyes . I can understand instant messages in every corner at any time . Today, 327 forces have been destroyed in the world, including 294 in j.a.pan, seven in South America, four in Africa and two in Europe, Three in China, three in India, three in Southeast Asia, and one in the Arctic . . . It can be said that more than a thousand forces in the world are in my observation . Every day old forces are destroyed, new forces are created, and every day people die, and the same people are born . I can do nothing . I can"t even give them some useful resources .

The first time I noticed you was in Hubei, China . Wuhan, Hubei Province, where you had a large-scale mutation movement . I found your gathering place . I thought you would never be spared . I didn"t expect that you could take most people to escape . I cracked your radio wave code, knew your existence, and knew that you didn"t give up anyone at the most dangerous time, Later, I found you in Inner Mongolia . You and your strategy minister were captured by the new era satellite . I intercepted their intelligence, hid you, and let shiyuanye into the new era"s sight .

Remember when you recovered the first city? You are not the first capital city in the world . To be exact, you are not even in the top ten . But you are the fastest expanding force under the existing conditions . In three months, you have eliminated tens of millions of variants and recovered more cities . So far, the safe area you have created has reached one million square kilometers, More than two million survivors have been saved because of you . This is all established when you have nothing . You attach importance to people"s livelihood, establish order, develop eschatological technology, and do not blindly expand . All the dehumanized villains can not escape your punishment . You are not the most capable . You have no legacy to inherit before eschatology . This is what I value, Compared with other forces, when they recapture a city, they begin to be comfortable, enjoy themselves, ignore others, and even don"t think about national rejuvenation . You have done a good job . Your growth process is just like my own experience . You are the continuation of my dream . "

After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that his spiritual connection had been interrupted for at least 10 minutes . Just as he was recollecting, Elson"s weak and tired words re conveyed in his mind: "I don"t have much time . I may disappear in this world soon, and no one will remember me at that time, Just like the 97 . 35% of the world"s dead people, no one cares about their names . Please remember, I will not harm your interests . If I do harm to your interests, it will harm the interests of mankind . I just hope you can really put aside the prejudice of race and country and take the survivors of the world to rebuild a new order . I know you will not set up an empire, I won"t pa.s.s on my power to my children . You put aside the prejudice of the Chinese towards the j.a.panese and rescued thousands of people . I"m very glad that I didn"t mistake you . . . Although I can"t help you too much, I leave you a gift with enough weight . You need to dig this gift yourself . Now . . . It"s time for you to come on the stage, You will be the center of the world . . . "

Elson may have been lonely for a long time . When he met someone who really recognized him, he was a bit nagging . But this was not the time to speak . The two sides were fighting each other, and the Russians were ready to move . With the depletion of fuel, the Russians were in a dilemma, while the Americans kept calling the Russians down, but they could not express their sincerity, On the contrary, it made the so-called alliance awkward . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard that Elson asked him to come on the stage, he was stunned . Then he felt that the M12 helicopter under his feet suddenly sank and landed at the airport .

"Diddidi . . . " The alarm sound and fl.u.s.tered Russian rang through the cabin . Wan Qiang changed his face at the first time . He looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang tremblingly and yelled: "brother c.o.c.kroach, can you Parachute? The plane is out of control . " Without waiting to finish, Wan Qiang finds a large parachute from the closet in the living room and doesn"t care about other people . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Wan Qiang and hesitates . Should he take the opportunity to cut off Wan Qiang"s parachute and let him die?"Don"t panic . If you jump down now, you will become a target . The plane doesn"t crash . It"s descending . If you don"t believe it, you can ask the pilot . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally resisted the impulse and warned Wan Qiang not to move rashly . Wan Qiang didn"t believe Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words and turned to pull the cabin door . The sudden strong wind made all kinds of trivial things in the cabin fly . The horsetail girl and two children also screamed . Zhang Xiaoqiang roared:

"I control the plane, I said, "if you don"t fall, you won"t . . . "

The rising engine room suddenly stopped, and then slowly glided down to block the strong wind . Wan Qiang looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise, and his four eyes showed a look of surprise .

"The Americans have no idea, but so far, the biggest enemy is the new era . We have American hostages in our hands, and we have the capital to negotiate . This time, I will contact them . If something goes wrong, it"s better to hide in the plane, on the ground than in the sky?" Zhang Xiaoqiang convinces Wan Qiang . Wan Qiang is not afraid of running blindly on the ground, but is afraid of flying in the sky . When he learns that Zhang Xiaoqiang is controlling the plane without noticing, he is in awe at first, and he doesn"t know how to make up his mind for a moment, so he tacitly agrees with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

After a short time, the plane landed on the ground . Looking at the climbing cabin, Wan Qiang suddenly said, "these children will stay in the plane . In case of a fight, I can still protect them . . . " Wan Qiang"s kindness made Zhang Xiaoqiang sneer sarcastically . He took a deep look at Wan Qiang, who had a ghost in his heart, and then walked out< br>