Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2153: 2153

Chapter 2153: 2153

An hour later, Zhang Xiaoqiang and 18 evolutionists appeared in the underground hangar one by one . Their appearance caused a sensation . People can"t help but feel excited when they see those powerful evolutionists carrying boxes of urgently needed materials and individual rations in the underground hangar, For the people below, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s behavior is no less than opening a closed door, and soon all the uneasiness and turmoil subsided . Tiezhongyuan and darihachi also appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The Americans became a little obedient, and everything began to go on the right track . But Zhang Xiaoqiang was not satisfied with their temporary achievements, and the flying insects kept flying outside, They can"t leave for a day .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the Czar has told me to tell me if you need anything . I"m sorry to be stuck here a few days ago . I"m not in a good mood . . . " Tiezhongyuan is very guilty and speaks in a sincere tone . If Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at tiezhongyuan"s red cheek with deep meaning, he slowly shakes his head and says, "let"s see what virtue Wan Qiang is . I finally know . If he can be the first grade of junior high school, I can be the tenth grade . Let"s wait and see . I"m not rare for his Russian uncle . Let him stay by himself, and we won"t wait for him . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words can"t be refuted by tiezhongyuan . This time, Wan Qiang did something wrong . To say that Wan Qiang didn"t land safely at all, and the loss of the plane was the least . Thanks to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s warning for the first time on the plane, Wan Qiang didn"t appreciate it, and he also used eye drops . In addition, Wan Qiang had taken the girl horsetail as a hostage before, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s patience with him has reached the limit . If it"s not the wrong place, he will kill that guy even if he pays some price .

Tiezhongyuan said no . Zhang Xiaoqiang was already very impolite . He felt that Wan Qiang was very bad . At the time of sharing weal and woe, Wan Qiang hid to watch jokes . No leader should take on the responsibility . He also strictly ordered himself not to help Zhang Xiaoqiang . If he didn"t say so, Zhang Xiaoqiang lost his trust in him, Even he and his Mongols lost trust in Wan Qiang .

"I don"t know what you think . You can see Wan Qiang"s virtue . What"s the future with such a thing? If I don"t show up, can Wan Qiang hide in the hangar and be a turtle? There are some things you need to think about . I didn"t forget what I said last time, and I hope you didn"t forget either . "

Looking at tiezhongyuan, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought deeply . He knew that he was dissatisfied with Wan Qiang . He cheated tiezhongyuan to rebel last time, but this time he added fuel to the fire . Just at this time, commander Byron and John Li came over . Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly ended his private conversation and explained to tiezhongyuan: "the materials on the ground can be taken back in batches, It is suggested that people"s livelihood materials should be taken first, weapons and ammunition should not be moved, and the Russians should not be sent up . They will be in trouble if they infuriate the insect population with their extravagance . It is better to choose from the j.a.panese and find those who are careful . . . "

John Li looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang who talks about tiezhongyuan . He also sees the difficulties Zhang Xiaoqiang encountered before . The British are a group of their own, the Americans are arrogant, the Russians are wild and wild, and the j.a.panese are ready to move . Anyone would have a headache in the face of this situation, but as half of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hometown, he can"t help at all, In order to avoid suspicion, Zhang Xiaoqiang deliberately kept a distance . He did not expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to turn his hand into a cloud and lead 18 evolutionists to complete the impossible task . What they carried back was not only materials, but also hope, which could dispel the atmosphere of despair . It was this hope that dispelled the cloud that shrouded thousands of people and made Americans begin to recognize it, though not much, However, it is much better than the previous complete non cooperation, and the 12 American evolutionists who followed Zhang Xiaoqiang also became heroes among their peers . Through their boasting of Zhang Xiaoqiang, they learned that Zhang Xiaoqiang had won a new era aircraft, and their support for Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly increased by N percentage points .

Americans always flaunt freedom and democracy, and they do so most of the time . Therefore, when Elson ordered Zhang Xiaoqiang to lead the Americans, the Americans were not willing to respect him . They always thought that the leader must be elected, and the leader who can be recognized by them must be the one who can get benefits for them, If Zhang Xiaoqiang takes back materials from tens of millions of beetles and destroys the new era"s aircraft, he may not be able to lead them to find a way to survive . The most utilitarian Americans no longer resent Zhang Xiaoqiang, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang killed Chris Brown by dictatorial means before .

"John Lee, don"t move for the moment . Gather the previous staff to provide the best supplies for a rest . We"ll go to the ground in two hours . This time, we"ll go to the place where the insect swarm broke out . If we can find the source of the insect cloud outbreak, maybe we have the hope to leave . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, let me join you this time . Just arrange for my staff to have darihachi . Brother c.o.c.kroach knows my ability . He just controls flying insects . Even in danger, I"ll help you . . . " As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were finished, tiezhongyuan immediately got heart . Before, Zhang Xiaoqiang took 18 warriors to the ground and made great achievements, which made Russia"s inaction particularly outstanding . This attack is a good opportunity to win people"s hearts . He felt it necessary to establish his own prestige . Zhang Xiaoqiang understood tiezhongyuan"s words and had been hiding behind Wanqiang as his deputy, He was bewitched by Zhang Xiaoqiang several times and began to move . When he got to the ground again, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s team had expanded to 30 people . At the beginning, there were 200 evolutioners and survivors who moved from the plane like ants . Boxes of food and various other materials were continuously transported to the underground base . Among the dense beetles, humans and beetles were unconcerned .

All the 30 evolutionists have changed their silver armor, and Zhang Xiaoqiang has also changed his clothes . The silver armor of the Americans is equally powerful on him . However, the Americans are not proud of it . They say that the new equipment developed in the end of the world has the nickname of "wh.o.r.e like" . It can really increase the resistance and strength of the human body . Wearing this kind of armor, Even an ordinary person can bear a ton of blunt damage . Small caliber rifles are almost ineffective, and they can effectively resist large caliber machine guns from 500 meters away . But these are nothing to the evolutionists . After all, they are the first generation of armor, and the increase for them is limited . Ordinary people can"t bear the burden of more than 20 jin . Standard chicken rib equipment is better than nothing, It is totally different from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s snake scale beetle .

Zhang Xiaoqiang also doesn"t approve of this kind of heavy armor . Its defense power is dispensable . The weight of 20 jin will limit the speed of the evolutor . If it"s better against the ordinary elite soldiers, if it"s against the high-level zombies and mutant beasts, these armor will not be stronger than white paper, The only advantage is that this suit of armor has a personal tactical guidance system similar to the new era tactical helmet, which can isolate smell and heat, and has the function of automatic temperature adjustment . What makes him most interested is that it also has three defenses and oxygen circulation system, even if they can survive in a vacuum or under the sea, which is an extra surprise .

Just in case, Zhang Xiaoqiang persuaded the Americans to take out these equipment and change them . They also had built-in communicators and linked search radars, which made it very convenient for them to command . John Li and tie Zhongyuan became Zhang Xiaoqiang"s deputies and trudged with him to the mountains . I don"t know how long it would take for them to set out this time . They were well prepared for supplies, Everyone had a rectangular silver box on his back that hit ammunition and supplies .

In fact, Okinawa Island is at the southern end of j.a.pan . Compared with the Korean Peninsula, the distance between j.a.pan and South Korea is closer . If there were not a large number of materials and fuel specially used by aircraft here, the Russians would not choose to set up a reserve base here, Near the airport is the urban area of Okinawa County, which is also occupied by a large number of flying insects, but it is much less than the airport . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not enter the city, and they went directly to the north of Okinawa Island .

The beetles along the way are in droves . Without the scale of the airport"s piles of towers, the hearts of the accompanying people are much more stable . The black smoke can be seen everywhere along the way . These black smoke are the residual smoke from the fire after the helicopter crash . The thick smoke seems to have the ability to control the beetles . As long as there is thick smoke, there must be no beetles around . Seeing this kind of abnormality, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of the scene that the beetles didn"t gather after the corpses rotted .

"Unicorn beetles are sensitive to smell, attack pa.s.sively, and are easily angered by noise . If you want to save yourself, you have to start from these aspects . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang thought in his heart, and looked up at the distant hills, where the swarm of insects surrounded, which was the birthplace of beetles . He knew more and more about the habits of beetles, and he had more and more hope for the future . Through his understanding of beetles, Zhang Xiaoqiang had gradually figured out the reason why these beetles attacked airplanes . On that day, hundreds of helicopters circled in the air, The huge noise generated by the noise angered the beetle, which is why the seemingly kind beetle never died in the air . After thinking about this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also puzzled . If he wanted to escape, he had to take a plane, but the plane was bound to be attacked by the beetle . This is a dead knot . To solve this dead knot, he had to find the weakness of the beetle, Now the known weakness is that beetles are sensitive to pungent odors, but it seems difficult to escape through this?

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was meditating, a faint gunshot suddenly came from the distance, which made the evolutioners behind him alert at the same time . Tiezhongyuan stepped forward and stood beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, pointed to the northernmost direction of Okinawa and whispered: "the gunshot came from the mountain area, and Okinawa is only 107 kilometers north and South, so we are in the limelight, The shooting should have been less than 20 kilometers away . . . "“ Is it a new era? You"re not afraid of flying insects when you shoot at this time . " Looking at the mountains in the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked< br>