Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2155: 2155

Chapter 2155: 2155

Wu fan was worried again by the unexpected outsiders . Before that, he still had the confidence to deal with others . Facing these evolutioners with heavy weapons, he had no confidence at all . Twenty one armed evolutioners surrounded them like twenty-one beasts . The beards looked at the unknown armed men and did not dare to move . They were a little closer to the gate, There were countless beetle charred bodies outside the gate, and the two soldiers in black uniform looked desperate . How could they not recognize who they were?

"Pull them out for me . . . " The familiar Chinese made Wu fan"s heart beat wildly, and he was so thirsty that he couldn"t speak . He never thought that there were Chinese in this group of powerful future soldiers . The idea was still flying in his head, and two screams . The remaining two officers of the new era flew out of the crowd and fell to the ground, shouting loudly . Soon they were pulled into bare pigs, Their weapons and military uniforms were piled up on the ground . Under the light of the fluorescent wand, the two were colorless and did not dare to move . The big gun muzzle could tear them to pieces at any time . More than 20 silver armor evolutors were eyeing others and seemed to regard them as a group .

"Name, age, department and position of the new era, and your contribution to this mission . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were translated into English by John Li, which made most people understand . Wu fan pulled the people around him to squat down slowly to show his honesty . The beards were timid to contact with the silver beetles . Only two soldiers of the new era were pale with the color of dead ash on their faces and clenched their teeth .

"Tiezhongyuan, it"s up to you . Start quickly . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the weakness of the two officers in the new era . Although they were willing to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, the frequency of their slight trembling could not deceive him . Tiezhongyuan had twelve Mongol evolutionists, who had no pressure on torture . Four evolutionists went forward to twist chickens, generally holding the two officers in their hands, and then tiezhongyuan took the hand in person, More than ten pieces of finger long metal fragments suspended in the air in the ground .

These pieces of metal are extremely flexible . They can"t see the rigidity of the control in the air at all . They swim through the air like fish . The round pupils of the two officers of the new era stare at the pieces of metal shuttling in front of their eyelids . They look like they are in a state of terror and want to break free, Tiezhongyuan looked at the two people"s expressions of fear . A bloodthirsty smile flashed from the corner of his mouth . The cold light in his eyes flashed slightly . Then the metal piece pulled long strips in the air and quickly fell on one of them"s arms .

The first blood burst up, and the skin and flesh of the man"s hairy arm were cut off inch by inch . The crazy rotating metal piece was like a precision engraving machine, which quickly removed the blood and flesh from the man"s arm . The blood red meat was scattered under the fluorescence . In the blink of an eye, the arm about five or six centimeters was cut into white bones, and the scattered meat paste splashed around like rain, Only tiezhongyuan, standing seven or eight meters away, was able to keep the white bone area on the man"s arm growing with a smile . In the man"s shrill howl, the rotating metal sheet did not hesitate to carve the man"s broad palm into a hand bone in three or five seconds . The hand bone without any flesh and blood was crystal clear under the fluorescent lamp, It"s like an exquisite work of art . Tiezhongyuan"s operation is quite perfect . There is no scratch on the bone itself, but there is no residue on the fascia attached to the bone .

After carving the palm, tiezhongyuan continued to extend up along the elbow . The flying flesh and blood and the man"s miserable howl made many people close their eyes, cover their ears, squat on the ground and tremble . Even Wu fan, who had just killed the man before, wanted to vomit . Although the man was howling, his eyes were not covered, He watched his arm turn into white bone in the severe pain . His great fear made him nervous breakdown . He began to talk nonsense and wriggle wildly . Even the two power evolutors had a slight feeling of difficulty . With a slap, the man broke his other arm and rushed forward, The metal flakes of snowflakes immediately wrapped the red head, and the scream stopped suddenly . The blood was mixed with the hair on the scalp and skull, and it was no longer clear . After a few breaths, the man"s head disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the dog"s neck with blood and a plop . The corpse fell on the ground and convulsed in the meat sauce, except for the sound of vomiting, There was no other sound . The remaining officer in the new era was stupidly looking at the corpse on the ground, and he was already scared .

For everyone present, the end of life is the era of killing . Everyone has seen killing and death . Not to mention now, in the attack of flying insects just now, nearly 100 people were torn to pieces by the impact of flying insects . However, the art of killing is even more frightening . Tiezhongyuan"s means are beyond their imagination, It also made them feel deeply awed by these silver beetles .

People are not afraid of death itself, but of the non existence after death and all kinds of fear that they can partic.i.p.ate in death, just like the region of previous life and the 18 levels of h.e.l.l . They fear because of the unknown . When the fear in reality exceeds the fear of the unknown, death becomes liberation, and the victim is fearless before being punished, But when he is not as good as death in the punishment, death becomes his most yearning moment . But this is just the thought of the party concerned, just like his companion, because that person"s death aggravates his fear of death . This time, there is no need to waste more words, and there is no need for Tiezhong to show his artistic means of torture, The intelligence of the new era is unreservedly displayed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . As Zhang Xiaoqiang imagined, Okinawa is not a chicken in the eyes of the new era . Before the invasion of j.a.pan in the new era, a large group of transport helicopters came first to occupy Okinawa . These helicopters were loaded with elite local European legions in the new era . Everyone in them were trained special soldiers, including French Foreign Legions, The French national police intervention team, the Spanish army goe special operations force, and the German gsg9 anti-terrorism special forces, with a total of 1500 people, were the most elite forces in the whole new era at that time . They came here for the US F22 Raptor fighter plane parked at the airport . Unexpectedly, they just saw Okinawa, The huge noise of helicopters startled millions of flying insects, resulting in the total annihilation of the whole army . 90% of the aircraft and more than 70% of the elite were buried in the sea . The remaining 20% of the elite did not dare to go to Okinawa Island . They went to Hokkaido, j.a.pan, through the ships floating on the sea at that time, and set up the second Asian Legion there .

This accident made the new era list Okinawa as a forbidden area . This time, many countries arrived in j.a.pan to find out what happened in the sea of j.a.pan . Hokkaido was the nearest place to the incident . The new era didn"t want anyone else to interfere in their cha.s.sis . After getting the news from Genesis, the new era began to plan, Everything before and after is the new era through a variety of means to the various forces to lay a dead end .

Originally, only the senior officials of the new era knew about this, but after the flying insects of Okinawa came out, the new era thought that the overall situation had been decided and announced it in order to boost morale . As the aircraft pilots monitoring Okinawa, these officers also knew about it, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang and the evolutionists around him understand it clearly .

"Touch . . . " After hearing the officer"s story, an irascible evolutionist couldn"t bear it . He stepped forward and kicked him into the crowd . The crowd seemed to be afraid of the plague, and then threw out the guy who had been kicked and vomited blood . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt some trouble . The sequelae of his previous destruction of the new era came out . The disappearance of the aircraft will certainly arouse the vigilance of the new era, It won"t take long from here to the new era . Considering the time for the new era to respond and send its air force, the new aircraft will arrive at Okinawa by tomorrow morning at the latest . Even if the new era doesn"t land, it will be hard for them to walk around if they just drop a supernova bomb at an alt.i.tude of 10000 meters .

With a headache, Wu fan came up to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said in a low voice with a flattering face: "is the chief Chinese? We are compatriots fleeing from Kyushu Island and need your help . . . " Wu fan"s appearance surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang . He thought it was all j.a.panese here, but he didn"t expect to see Chinese here . Wu fan has a unique flavor of an evolutionist, and Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a little excited to find so many compatriots . Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t leave everything to hiss at these people and ask them a few words at will, After knowing some of their information, they threw it to tiezhongyuan .

At this time, John Lee led the big beard on Okinawa to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said to him strangely, "this is captain Brown of Okinawa provisional government, a former Air Force pilot . They want to negotiate with us on the resettlement of local survivors on Okinawa . . . " When Wu fan heard that he wanted to speak, he was driven aside by Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked squarely at the American Air Force captain who looked like a savage< br>