Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2157: 2157

Chapter 2157: 2157

"The evolutor? Well, there are more than 20 soldiers hiding among them . It seems that this is their capital? " Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at a Western man with a large skeleton in front of him, but a very thin figure . He was in his thirties and had the typical characteristics of Italian descendants . His face was not as rigid as that of Europeans, with some softness . His eyes and mouth were a little crooked . Generally speaking, he was quite handsome and not as unkempt as others, No matter his personal hygiene or clothes are clean and simple, there is a kind of upper cla.s.s atmosphere that is not angry . In the shock of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention, he can still keep his smile, but his eyes have a trace of depression, anxiety and madness .

"Please don"t mind our prudence . It"s not easy to live till now . If you don"t have prudence, I believe you won"t really approve of us . . . " Perhaps feeling the tension of the atmosphere, Colonel Simon began to ease the gap between them . The purpose of the demonstration had been achieved . He didn"t want to really fall out . After he said this, the Marines behind him began to form an integrated formation, tightening inward from the trend of semi encirclement, but divided into several teams to keep the offensive posture . According to their combat conditions, as long as there was a conflict, All sniper positions will be knocked out before shooting . The most experienced soldiers on the battlefield are undoubtedly the U . S . Marines . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang found that more than one Batley aimed at them from kilometers away .

"What are your conditions? Food? Materials? Weapons? Or leave Okinawa? " Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t talk nonsense . He knows what Simon relies on . The airport is occupied by outsiders . As an aborigine, he will know for the first time that it hasn"t been exposed for such a long time . It can be seen that he is very wary of outsiders . Nowadays, thousands of people are trapped in the airport and can"t leave . If he doesn"t want to become a savage like Simon, he has to solve the problem of flying insects, Simon"s purpose of negotiation is to get benefits from the news of the mother bug, and he is afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not admit it, so he shows their strength .

"All of Okinawa"s Quartermaster warehouses and granaries, five armed helicopters, 20 Osprey . . . " Simon doesn"t know what politeness is . The interest supremacy of the Americans is not weakened by his three-year stay on the island . When his conditions are stated, before Zhang Xiaoqiang makes any move, the twelve animal teeth of tiezhongyuan disappear and flash around Simon like a blink . The sharp teeth hold Simon"s vital position, just need a slight tremor, Simon"s going to split up in an instant .

On both sides of the temple, throat, eyebrows, and his heart and spine were all slightly pierced by the suspended animal teeth . A drop of blood came out along the translucent white teeth blade, which was deeply buried under the skin . Simon"s face didn"t fluctuate, and his eyes were still deep . Only the brewing Madness became more and more intense . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Simon seriously, He didn"t care about the two hundred guns aimed at him .

"Let"s guess how many guns Sir Simon has in his soldiers" hands to fire? It seems that I gave you the six g36 rifles in it? " Zhang Xiaoqiang waved to tiezhongyuan to take back the animal"s teeth, looked at the rusty rifles and joked . Others didn"t know . He knew that after the third rain, all the steel would be rusted . This kind of corrosion caused serious wear and tear to the weapons and equipment of the combat troops . If Yinmeng hadn"t developed antirust agent, it would have alleviated the wear and tear to the maximum extent, I"m afraid that the daily consumption of gun oil by combat troops is calculated by tons . These poor and crazy Marines can"t even eat enough . Where can they get 100 times as much gun oil and parts? Captain brown and a group of j.a.panese armed with knives and clubs to rob the new era of rifles have already shown their embarra.s.sment .

"The dignity of soldiers can not be trampled on . Even if the equipment is not as good as human beings, we are determined to defend our honor to the death . Okinawa is our base and the honor of our guard . We just get back what we deserve . How can you make fun of us, even if we don"t have bullets, medical care, food and clothing, But we have never forgotten the responsibility of the soldiers . Perhaps in your eyes, our group of disabled soldiers are ridiculous, but I want to tell you that if we violate the bottom line of our honor, you will know how fierce our anger is . . . "

Simon"s words made tiezhongyuan"s mouth even more ironic, but Zhang Xiaoqiang listened seriously . After listening to Simon"s words, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, pointed to the distant sea and sighed: "soldiers should not protect other people"s land . Your honor is on the other side of the sea . The United States has risen again . It needs professional soldiers to protect its own people, j.a.pan"s four islands are beginning to collapse, and maybe the Ryukyu Islands will be destroyed soon . I don"t recommend that you and others stay on Okinawa . Everything you ask for is what you deserve, except for airplanes . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words worried Simon so far . Zhang Xiaoqiang motioned Simon to be calm and continued: "we have two enemies . One is very strong . The strong one must be united by the four countries of China, the United States, Britain and Russia to resist . The other enemy needs the whole world to resist . Otherwise, j.a.pan"s collapse will be staged all over the world, In the end, the land will disappear and the human race will disappear . In order to fight against this evil invasion, we must . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang described the war between the new era and the whole world in detail, and also gave a general picture of the strange situation in the sea . When he said that Hawaii had disappeared, Simon"s face turned pale and became dull on the ground, Then Simon"s deputy came forward and whispered, "I"m major Toby of the Marine Corps . Captain Simon"s family is in Hawaii . Excuse me . . . ""I"m sorry about that . I hope Colonel Simon can cheer up . We all have the sadness of losing our family . The dead are gone, and the living have to live . If you like, I can help you capture the Quartermaster warehouse . In addition, we can provide two small helicopters and return the airport to you . Of course, we don"t move any of the planes in the underground hangar, We only take our own things, so we must ask you to help us solve the insect cloud, otherwise, we will be destroyed together with the disaster . "

On the one hand, there is no need for him to be greedy for Okinawa"s equipment and materials . The development and application of various new technologies, some of the equipment before the end of the world has been out of date . On the other hand, Okinawa is isolated overseas and has no ability to control it for the time being, at least not now . The new era is still on the side, so there is no need to be greedy .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words cheered Simon up . He stood up and took a deep look at Zhang Xiaoqiang . He said in a deep voice, "I hope you can keep your promise . Please follow me . I"ll take you to the beetle nest in the mountain area . . . "

"We have been investigating the reasons for the formation of the beetles . Because of the equipment and technical means, we have only made clear some general living habits and rules so far . The place where the beetles first appeared was the northernmost part of the island, and the northern mountainous area was the birthplace of the beetles . Unknown armed forces wanted to occupy the naval base in Okinawa, angering the beetles hidden in the mountainous area, During the fighting, the armed forces launched large equivalent missiles, destroying one third of the mountains in the northern mountainous area . Later, these beetles moved from the north to the south . During the migration, we found the beetle"s nest deep in the mountains .

The unicorn beetles you see belong to the bottom of the swarm . On top of the unicorn beetles are ice beetles, which are blue in color . Their individual units are 50 to 80 times that of the unicorn beetles . They are not afraid of bullets and flames . The number of these beetles is about 15000 . Besides ice beetles, there are sand beetles, This kind of beetle has no flying ability . Its biggest characteristic is that it is good at digging . Basalt and granite can be easily dug up . It is the main force to build nests . The size of these beetles is half that of ice beetles, and the number is about 100000 . The nearby mountains are hollowed out by these beetles . I don"t know how effective they are .

The unicorn beetle collects food, the ice beetle guards the nest, and the sand beetle digs the mountains . Today, we have found three new types of beetles . The first is the female, which is the size of a truck and has wrinkled skin . It is not convenient to move . It is only responsible for laying eggs . The second is the male, which is the size of an adult man, with six wings and a head similar to a deer"s head, The last one is the knife arm beetle, which is slim and looks like a mantis . It is the second largest beetle besides the mother beetle, with the least number . At present, only more than 50 beetles have been found, and it is the close guard of the mother beetle . "

Simon informs Zhang Xiaoqiang of the intelligence they have detected, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang upset . The nest of the insect swarm is equivalent to the mountain range . All the rocks under the surface of the mountain peak have been hollowed out, and tens of millions of beetles live in it . A few days ago, in order to irritate the beetles, the new era dropped two supernova bombs in the northern region, planning to kill the insect swarm, Teasing the remaining beetles and Zhang Xiaoqiang were both defeated . Unexpectedly, the beetles gave up the north and moved to the south, leaving only half of the insect groups stationed . These insect groups were destroyed in the power of the supernova bomb explosion, but the main force of the insect group did not lose . After breaking the wishful thinking of recovering Okinawa in the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to face more beetles .

Simon doesn"t need to investigate himself . He has his own set of investigation methods . At Simon"s outpost, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees all kinds of electronic investigation equipment . He doesn"t know how Simon solves the problem of power supply . All the equipment is in normal operation . Hundreds of cameras are all over the insect nest . He can see the vast pa.s.sageways crisscrossing like numerous pipes in a huge cave in the sky, Each of these pa.s.sageways can accommodate a heavy truck . On the dark rock wall, the excavation traces under the smooth surface can be seen . These pa.s.sageways are as intricate as a labyrinth . If the 3D topographic map of the pa.s.sageway could not be simulated on the electronic display screen, it would take Zhang Xiaoqiang several months to make it clear .

At the bottom of the huge cave, a huge silkworm is lying on the bright purple plant carpet . There are all kinds of vegetation and fruit around it . All these are insects" food . A table of ice and blue beetles of the size of eight immortals is transported to the mother"s mouth . They melt and devour the food in their mouths, and the female continuously devours the food . In their abdomen, teams of ice blue beetles receive the eggs one by one . On the female, deer head beetles fight and bite each other, striving for the opportunity to mate with the female . From time to time, deer head beetles who died in battle fall to the ground, but are hidden in the shadow, The giant giant giant mantis is devoured

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang lights up when he takes a breath, Simon"s method is really abnormal . It"s amazing to be able to enter the nest and install cameras . It"s amazing to install cameras in the mother"s nest guarded by tens of thousands of ice beetles and feed back the mother"s every move . You can see Zhang Xiaoqiang"s doubts, Simon pointed to the rock wall of the sky hall and said, "we have a kind of robot for detecting beetles . They can climb in by themselves without using hands . We have explored most of the beetle nests before, but there are too many beetles in them . If we don"t pay attention to them, they will be damaged . A few days ago, the beetles moved out, leading to internal emptiness, so we have a chance to find the mother . "Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Simon actually had an idea about the female worm, and asked, "what"s your plan?" Simon switched to the 3D map of the nest, pointed to countless pa.s.sages and caves, and said, "I always want to eliminate these insects . With these insects, all the vegetation in Okinawa will be destroyed, and Okinawa will become a desert . Of course, we also see the underground pa.s.sages dug by insects, which are very suitable for human beings to live in, In it, we can grow mushrooms, breed mice, and avoid being discovered by the outside world . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was moved . He squinted at Simon with a flat face and said, "I promise to return everything to Okinawa to you . My subordinates have begun to cooperate with you to recover the weapons depot and Quartermaster depot . Please don"t play tricks with me any more . You should know that we are all on the same ship . What"s your plan? Now you can tell me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s showdown was not out of Simon"s plan . Before, he had been making plans to eliminate insects . Now, with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s new force, the success rate of his plan will be greatly improved . He put down his heart and pointed to the top of the sky where the mother insect is located: "this is the highest mountain in the southern mountain area . Insects have hollowed out the whole mountain, I don"t know how the insects created this miracle, but I know that the insects didn"t consider the geological structure . Once the limit of the mountain is exceeded, the whole mountain will collapse, and then hundreds of thousands of tons of rock will bury the mother insects . "< br>