Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2166: 2166

Chapter 2166: 2166

PS; It"s a bit boring during this period . I"m sorry to publish two chapters every day . The screenwriter just asked me to do some reading activities on the mobile wireless mobile phone and decided to save ma.n.u.scripts desperately . Starting from August 10, five chapters broke out first on the mobile phone, and then followed up the next day . The outbreak time varies . Please support me a lot . Mobile reading is free of traffic . If you want to try something new, Thank you for your support and encouragement . The new book is being planned and the book is coming to an end . Please forgive me for some mistakes .

Simon didn"t ask Zhang Xiaoqiang and John Li to sit down . He went to the desk and waved his sword to the ground . He took out a plan from somewhere and spread it on the desk . The first time the plan came into view, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt very familiar . After a careful look, he found that it was the structural drawing of the underground base, which was not left behind before, It"s all signs in English, obviously Simon"s drawing . This plan, which takes up the whole table, has only one part about the structure of the underground base . Another part is connected with the underground drainage of the city, and the other part is connected with the mountain area .

"There is a reason why flying insects occupy mountainous areas . Before the battle of Okinawa, the j.a.panese army hollowed out the whole mountainous area to form a complex fortress defense system in depth . There are numerous pa.s.sages inside, which are more complicated than underground bases . Flying insects only need to widen those narrow pa.s.sages . It is precisely because flying insects excavate mountains according to j.a.panese pa.s.sages, It didn"t collapse . "

Simon looks strange when he talks about this . The Okinawa battle is the largest, longest, and most costly battle between the U . S . and j.a.panese forces in the Pacific Islands . It took 96 days before and after the battle, with 70000 American casualties . It is also the last battle in the Asia Pacific battlefield . As an American officer, Simon knows a lot about this period of history, The battlefield that used to fight each other is now the place where both sides live harmoniously, which naturally makes him feel strange .

"You mean, we can get directly into the nest through the tunnel?" Zhang Xiaoqiang understands Simon"s meaning . It"s the world of saber armyworm outside . Although there are not many, they are the most difficult killers to guard against . There were ice beetles and saber armyworm before . It"s very likely that the mother worm is not dead . If the saber armyworm problem is not solved, they have no hope to solve the huge number of flying insects . The only hope is to kill the mother worm, Let the arm worm lose its protected object and fly away .

"Yes, I have received your attack report outside . Through the deduction of the staff, I think that the operation on the ground will be the biggest shackle . The only way to eliminate the saber arm beetle is to rely on the narrow environment of the cave to limit its speed . Only by eliminating the saber arm beetle, can we layout and eliminate the unicorn beetle outside . . . " Simon"s answer is beyond Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expectation . What he wants is to solve the problem of female worms . Simon plans to rely on the narrow channel to attract the arm worm into the net and limit the maximum speed of the arm worm . As long as the arm worm slows down, a machine gun can kill one arm worm, just like the arm worm killed by Wanqiang slows down before he finds a chance to kill it .

"Get ready . After three hours" rest, we"ll set out . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have any superfluous opinions . The whole cla.s.s accepted Simon"s proposal . At the same time, he had an idea about Simon . Professional things must be handed over to professional people . Although Simon was slightly conservative, he still had a good set of tactics in making war plans . If he brought them to China to make war plans for the elimination of zombies, it would be very successful?

"Just a moment, please . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is an activist . Simon stops him when he wants to do it . John Li looks at Simon in surprise . He doesn"t know if he wants to take the opportunity to put forward new conditions . Zhang Xiaoqiang is also a little upset . His gaze at Simon is sharp . Although Simon is good in all aspects, he is just too greedy . He doesn"t want to cooperate with greedy people, Especially those who can"t see the situation clearly due to the great disparity of power .

Simon didn"t notice the difference between them . After stopping Zhang Xiaoqiang, he said seriously, "I think the people who are hiding in the underground hangar must withdraw . If we infer that there is no mistake, the new era will probably strike you in the air tomorrow . Although the underground hangar is safe, the ground building is not safe . Once the ground building collapses, I"m afraid the exit will be blocked . . . " Simon said that it was only a possibility, but the new era was in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind second only to the insects . He could not determine the time of the new era, which made him suffer all the time . However, it was not easy for the survivors who wanted to withdraw from the underground hangar . The night had an impact on human beings, but it did not necessarily have an impact on insects .

"Do you have a plan?" Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that Simon has taken this into consideration . Maybe Simon has an underground pa.s.sage connecting to the airport? Simon hesitated for a moment and said, "we can start a fire on the ground to attract the attention of the scalpel armyworm, and then move people through the underground waterway system . However, there is a gap of several kilometers between the military camp and the underground waterway of the city, which has to pa.s.s through the ground . Besides, the underground waterway is not safe and needs to be cleaned up, It"s better to send out flamethrowers and burn them all the way . "

With that, Simon looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang uneasily . This plan is not a good one . It"s just that thousands of people will be exposed to flying insects just in case . One bad thing is that there are heavy casualties . The city"s underground waterway has always been a channel Simon can"t get . If they can get through the sewers, they can appear in every corner of the city, Unfortunately, the sewers are not safe . There are not only zombies, but also mutant mice hidden in them . Even mutant mice attract zombies into the sewers to devour them . If there is no powerful means, ordinary soldiers will die as many as they go . "Mutant rat population?" After hearing about the danger of sewers, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought about the disaster of life and death in prison . At that time, his power was just beginning, and he was almost destroyed in prison . If it wasn"t for w.a.n.g Chong, he would have been dead long ago“ Interesting . . . It seems that I have to go myself . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t smell the color change of mice, but he was eager to try . Maybe the number of mice is very large, but he is not what he used to be .

Sewers are essential infrastructure projects in cities . Sewers in every country have their own characteristics and styles . At least on Okinawa Island, the sewers here are quite perfect . Walking inside, you don"t feel narrow, on the contrary, you feel empty . There isn"t much water in them . In the past several heavy rains, a lot of dust and garbage on the ground were washed into the sewers, These things precipitate in the water channel to form earth like substances, and countless odd shaped mutant mushrooms grow in the water channel . These mushrooms are various in types and shapes, some are shining like lanterns, some are brightly colored like brocade, and some are huge . Most of them are half human height, like weeds, covering the front wall .

Zhang Xiaoqiang brandishes his saber and cuts off the mushrooms in front of him again and again . The Marines who lead him are obviously not interested in these mushrooms . They don"t hesitate to kick them to pieces and trample on them . In Okinawa, where food is scarce, there is only one possibility that they are poisonous, After they cleared the five or six kilometer branch line, they finally set foot on dry places . These places are not clean, and there are many hairs scattered on the ground . The mushrooms connecting here also show signs of being gnawed, and many cement walls also have pits made by rodents after grinding their teeth .

The more we go forward, the more grooves there are, and many walls are gnawed through, revealing mud holes the size of water tanks . At a distance, all the places below one meter of the whole wall are dug out, and only countless black holes are like demons" mocking mouths . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stops to listen . At this time, everyone holds his breath and listens with Zhang Xiaoqiang, First, a slight sound came from each hole . It didn"t take long . The slight sound turned into a loud noise . Suddenly, a marine yelled and took his comrades in arms to escape . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the mouse had finally come out of the hole . Most of the entrants looked ugly . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang and tie Zhongyuan kept silent, Slowly back, he had to go to the least hole to wait for the emergence of rats .

When the American evolutionists were evacuating, they opened one anti infantry mine and laid it on the ground . Then someone nailed it on both sides of the wall and pulled on thin steel wire . They were all evolutionists . They could lay out a mechanism in three or two times . Within a short time, dozens of high-quality steel wire were laid out, and more than 100 anti infantry mines were also laid out, Just as they retreated to the mushroom area, there was a roaring explosion in front of them< br>