Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2174: 2174

Chapter 2174: 2174

On the ground full of smoke, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a look at the airport on the surface of the moon, and then at the collapsed mountain peak, and finally moved his vision to the city full of smoke . As for the hovering escort boats, he didn"t pay much attention . He took John Lee and more than 200 evolutors to the city, and the chaos last night had a great killing effect on flying insects, Looking around, the ground is full of scorched flying beetles . Some of them have burned their wings for a while and are still struggling on the ground . Every time they see them, Zhang Xiaoqiang will step on them without hesitation . The incendiary bombs dropped by air at night burn pieces of scorching on the ground . At the most scorching place, they see large pieces of burnt corpses of rats, A black charcoal like corpse twisted and twisted together, or stretched his claws and legs, or bared his teeth, death is difficult to see the extreme, walking through the scorching corpse heap, roughly estimated that there are at least 20000 dead mice here, plus Wu fan"s last outbreak and their blocking and sewer killing, I"m afraid that no less than 50000 mice will die .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t believe that rats will be killed, but he knows that 50000 rats have already accounted for the majority of the rats . The formation of 10000 rats charging is boundless, and 50000 rats can be regarded as the sea of rats . Without these incendiary bombs, most of them could not survive last night except him and a few people .

After entering the city, Zhang Xiaoqiang smelled the stench of corpses that he had not seen for a long time . The smell of zombies" decay seemed to be contagious . It made the whole city stink . On the street, on the roof, there was a dead body that was also covered with insects . The building that was. .h.i.t by Wan Qiang yesterday was completely broken, and the collapsed floor fell on two nearby buildings, Form a right angle, in addition to that building, there are many collapsed buildings . It can be seen that Wan Qiang really suffered a lot yesterday .

There is no zombie . Countless zombie bodies mixed with insect bodies are paved with endless black carpet on the ground . Under the carpet, the green corpse water exudes the smell of madness and winds around . Everyone, including Zhang Xiaoqiang, has put on breathing masks . Even so, they feel the strong corpse smell lingering around their nose .

The more we go forward, the more corpses there are . The corpse water in the street is more numbing than the zombie attack . Many people shudder at the thought of their boots stepping on the corpse water . Zhang Xiaoqiang can only lead people through the alleys to find the road without corpses . Tiezhongyuan doesn"t know where the road is, and Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t see Wan Qiang"s eight meter high body, In my heart, I wish Wan Qiang would die, but I know that there are some impossibilities . Like him, Wan Qiang is a lucky guy . From the side of luck, he can be regarded as an undead Xiaoqiang .

In three years, this city full of zombies has become like rotten wood . No metal decoration can be seen on the street . Even the wreckage of vehicles in inland cities is rare here . Only four empty tires and a pile of plastic cables can be seen wrapped in the red sand powder . The shops on the street are also in ruins, and 90% of the shop gla.s.s is broken, The gla.s.s dregs on the street are like a crystal Avenue, chirping on it . There are also zombies on the street, but the number is small, and it"s still within the tolerance of the public . The evolutionists haven"t seen any zombies that can move for a long time, and their nerves are relaxed . They can"t help looking at the broken and mottled facade and the scattered vending machines .

There"s almost no eye-catching things to use . Large pieces of plastic advertis.e.m.e.nts have lost the support of the steel frame and are dangling in the air . The beautiful models on the screen are also dressed up like old women with stains and yellowing stains . The newspapers scattered on the ground have been rotten for a long time, so they can only keep the general appearance of the past, and they are accidentally brought by their toes, On the dusty walls, the lines after flooding can be seen clearly, and occasionally the white bones scattered in the corner can be seen .

Walking through dozens of stores in a row, even those evolutionists who want to make some booty give up . Time is a pig killing knife . No matter how clean and bright the things here were before the end of the world, they have now become garbage . Walking through a cake shop, the attractive food in the past has turned into dry dung, which makes people sick, Maybe people have known the real appearance of the city for a long time . Without too much regret, they followed Zhang Xiaoqiang to the other end of the city .

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped . He saw the most incredible thing .

Yinmeng"s UAV is absolutely not beautiful . It has rough processing means, no aesthetic design, and all kinds of parts are flat and strange . Its ugly degree is appalling, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is very kind to see it, because only Yinmeng can make such inferior UAV, so he can"t help looking up, At a glance, I saw the chubby transport ship that wanted cigars very much .

Transport ships don"t appear alone . They are surrounded by a lot of UAVs made of pearls and tears . After a rough count, he can see 12 UAVs with air-to-air missiles . When he sees these UAVs, he is a little more calm . Even against the air frigates with laser defense system, he is not without the power of World War I, The emergence of UAVs has also caused a panic among the evolutionists . Okinawa aborigines, who are living on the edge of the city, have left all kinds of materials they found and fled one after another . John Lee stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang with anxiety on his face, but Zhang Xiaoqiang calmly takes off his helmet and waves to the UAV . The emergence of UAVs also caused the reaction of flying insects . Countless flying insects automatically found the drone and hit it . The sky was raining with insects again . The UAV is not a helicopter . The Pearl tear sh.e.l.l can"t be blown through even the large caliber mechanism gun . Although the UAV hit by flying insects is b.u.mpy, the UAV with reinforced internal parts is not afraid of such a degree of impact . You know, on Zhoushan Island, The UAV has been attacked by naval missile positions . Except for half of the internal parts of the UAV damaged in the impact, there is no damage to the sh.e.l.l .

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang still has doubts about the air frigates . He does not know the background and origin of the air frigates . In case of misunderstanding between the two sides, it may lead to disastrous results . This is not what he saw . So when the transport ships appeared, most of his efforts were focused on the frigates . Fortunately, the frigates did not make a hostile gesture, Not even the bow of the ship was aimed at the transporter .

Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang prayed for restraint from both sides, the transport ship deflected its course and took the initiative to fly to the air frigate . Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaoqiang was filled with incredible ecstasy . At the next moment, all the 12 UAVs turned around and flew to the city, circling over the city with him as the center . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had determined whether it was the transport ship, Or air frigates are their own property< br>