Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2182: 2182

Chapter 2182: 2182

The mountain is not low . The water snake perches on the mountain and rises another 60-70 meters . It just points its big mouth at the thickest place of the insect cloud . With a big mouth, tens of thousands of flying insects will be emptied . The water snake swings its head and sucks all the flying insects around it into its mouth . Then it slowly lowers its body . In this process, the water snake moves its head and sucks all the flying insects around it into its mouth, Countless flying insects launched suicidal attacks on the water snake . Ma.s.ses of green water burst on the purple and golden scales, and soon dyed the water snake green . The green water snake didn"t care about the intensity of the attack . In other words, with food, its sensitivity to pain decreased a lot, Zhang Xiaoqiang estimated, The force of each flying insect"s high-speed impact is equivalent to a 12 . 7mm caliber bullet . Even if it can"t break the water snake"s scale, it can make the water snake ache . So, when the water snake was attacked by fire, it screamed in pain, but now it"s quiet?

The water snake drops down and swallows the flying insects in its mouth . It seems to feel good . It rises up again . At this time, the empty insect cloud is replenished again . According to the previous model, the water snake swallows again . It took Zhang Xiaoqiang and others about half an hour to walk from the foot of the mountain to the water snake . In half an hour, the water snake swallows it four times, Almost every five or six minutes, each time at least swallowed nearly ten thousand flying insects into the stomach, and the number of flying insects killed on it was no less than that .

Looking at the thick bodies of fallen insects around the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang has nothing to say . The number of flying insects has been greatly damaged for several times . Up to now, there is still half of the number in its heyday . The swallowing of the water snake does not consume too many flying insects . But Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the belly of the water snake is not small . To be exact, he really lets the water snake eat, The water snake can swallow its own food of equal volume . Of course, it takes at least two months for the water snake to digest . In these two months, don"t expect the water snake to be able to play . For a food, what can be happier than digestion after it is full?

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up a beetle that had been killed and looked at it carefully . He found that most of the beetle"s body was in good condition, that is, the iconic one horn and head had disappeared . When he held it in his hand, the beetle was not heavy, that is to say, ten beetles were less than one kilogram, and a thousand beetles were the weight of an adult, According to the minimum amount of a water snake eating a thousand zombies, millions of beetles just meet its minimum amount . If the water snake lets go of eating, ten million flying insects will not be a problem . In this way, won"t the water snake be able to eat most of the flying insects?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped taking charge of water snakes, turned to John Li and said, "inform Colonel Simon to organize people to come and pick up beetles . Don"t let go of any of them . "

John Li knew the importance of beetles and went down the mountain to talk about them . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue were left beside the water snake . They were in the crater of the mountain . Inside the crater, there were many rugged boulders collapsed by giant bombs . The boulders were covered with thick dust and black ashes, and there were many small piles of charred corpses, It"s easy to see that there was a big fire here .

In addition to the traces of flames, Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw a lot of radioactive lines . Where these lines went, they were desolate . He vaguely remembers that when he came to Okinawa, except for the mountainous area in the north, which seemed to be the Gobi desert without gra.s.s, the southern area was all green . The peak with the most green vegetation, even though insects ate a lot of it, The rest of the vegetation still looks lush, but today it has become bald .

The environment here has suffered extreme damage, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care . What he cares about is that the bottom of the mountain gap is the nest of the female insects under the huge stones and dust . He has always wanted to find out, and because of all kinds of delays, at this moment he really has a chance . The mountain moves very fast, and some people have begun to pick up the scattered corpses, In the innermost corner of the crowd, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw hundreds of children standing in a long line to collect food . Seeing the kitchen controlled by Jima and the British, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles . He knows that Jima is the most important one for children, and others are escaping from famine . She will certainly take food with her . Unexpectedly, all the people have nothing to eat, but these children can eat at the first time .

"Let"s go down and have a look . Maybe there"s a surprise?" Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a good mood . She is very happy with Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue sees that there are only a large number of small piles of giant stone worm corpses below . She doesn"t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to see . However, in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s performance today, Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t say a word, so she agrees . She doesn"t wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang to tell her to send out a wave of thoughts to wrap Zhang Xiaoqiang up and fly down, Zhang Xiaoqiang is hanging his neck to look for anything suspicious . He is suddenly dragged down by Zhuo Mingyue . He is unprepared . He only has time to make a shrill scream, which makes the water snake pause . The next moment, it will forget Zhang Xiaoqiang and continue to swallow the boundless flying insects .

After falling into the biggest rock, Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up from the vertigo of falling quickly, and scolded: "crazy woman . . . Will you die if you are gentle?" Zhuo Mingyue sneered: "you are not quite able, how in front of me so . . . "“ It"s not because you"re around that I"m doing this . . . " Without waiting for Zhuo Mingyue to finish his speech, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s retort made Zhuo Mingyue"s white face blush, and his eyes were full of charm, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s just recovered heart intensify again . He didn"t want Zhuo Mingyue to be proud . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look around and muttered: "ugly people do more mischief . . . "“ You . . . " They are natural enemies . The original harmonious and ambiguous atmosphere disappears completely . Zhuo Mingyue, who is incomparably beautiful, is said to be ugly by Zhang Xiaoqiang, which almost makes her angry . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly throws out the rat King blade and flies to a huge rock in the low-lying area . The next moment, a dark shadow like a local dog rushes out like lightning, but turns into a handful of ashes in the air . Seeing something appear, Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t quarrel with Zhang Xiaoqiang . With her sleeves gently swinging, her invisible thoughts radiate from her body, forming a silk like network in the air, bypa.s.sing Zhang Xiaoqiang and covering her down . Then countless dark shadows rush out from below . Before these things fall to the ground, they are dismembered into pieces in the air . Every time these things are broken, they are splashed with green blood, Scattered crustaceans and flesh are scattered on the surrounding dust and ashes in a mess . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has become serious . He has heard Simon mention before that there is another kind of insect in the beetle family, called sand beetle, which is the only insect that can"t fly . He is responsible for digging insect nests, and basalt can be dug up by them . I didn"t expect to see it here .

The sand beetle, as its name implies, is very humble and looks like the watermelon insect that I saw when I was a child carrying stones . From the beginning to the end, it has layers of Chiba beetles . It has a slender body, a long beard like bamboo, and eight claws and two claws . Although it can"t fly, its bounce ability is not weak . Even the fleas can"t compare with it . If it"s not for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dynamic vision, I"m afraid he can"t even see clearly, For ordinary people, if there is a shadow in their eyes at most, they will be dismembered by a big claw that can dig a huge stone . Zhuo Mingyue is not slow . Zhang Xiaoqiang can only estimate the approximate number, and these beetles the size of a local dog will be broken into thousands of pieces .

Zhuo Mingyue"s method is very powerful, and her lethality is much stronger than that of Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, instead of being proud, she is a little more serious and cautious . Standing quietly, she suddenly changes her look and doesn"t say a word . As she did just now, she flies around Zhang Xiaoqiang and flies to the peak . Zhang Xiaoqiang is squatting on the ground to check her body, I didn"t expect that Zhuo Mingyue would give him another scream, but it was from the bottom to the top< br>