Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2184: 2184

Chapter 2184: 2184

This is obviously the most important place for the insects . In the nursery, the appearance of Zhang Xiaoqiang makes the female insects in a turmoil . More than 100 ice beetles spread their transparent wings at the same time and are ready to attack at any time . However, the male insects, who are much bigger than the ice beetles, timidly hide on the female insects . It"s a strange feeling, just like the invasion of the Imperial City in the TV series, The concubines are running around .

Seeing this huge female insect, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles and is very happy, because he laughs to the end of the game in Okinawa . The biggest harvest is this insect . Zhuo Mingyue knows more about the habits of mutant creatures than Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing the turbulent female insect, he can"t help frowning and saying: "be careful, it has wisdom . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cracked lips suddenly stiffened, and then he also found something strange . Since he came in, the female insects began to stir, while more than 100 ice beetles just launched an attack posture, but did not launch . Obviously, they were suppressed by the female insects, and the caves like Buddha Caves were obviously not dug by human beings, which all showed that the female insects were not just an ovipositing machine .

"Let"s get to know him . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is not surprised that the mother worm may be intelligent . The appearance of Zhuo Mingyue breaks the Convention . Xuefeng is not a human being, and kelayadu of Hai nationality has seen it . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not afraid of a round worm . Zhuo Mingyue just reminds us, but she doesn"t pay attention to this worm . She kills tens of thousands of worms, and hundreds of thousands of worms don"t care, Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang had his own idea, she stood behind him to advance and retreat together . As they walked forward, two ice beetles suddenly spread their wings and dived down to them . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang could start, the two insects were crushed .

As Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed, the two insects were just a trial . Zhuo Mingyue solved the two insects lightly . Instead, he made the other ice beetles fold up their wings and retreat quietly to the mother . Through various a.n.a.lyses, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the ice beetles were not fighting insects, but serving the mother, I"m afraid the females don"t even have the ability to eat .

Standing in front of the female worm, Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a frog beside a car . Instead, Zhuo Mingyue, who is ready to move at any time, is suspended on the head of the female worm . She looks a little more majestic and looks at the slightly trembling worm carefully . Zhang Xiaoqiang is helpless . He doesn"t know how to get the worm out, and the road has collapsed, The female worm in front of him obviously can"t squeeze the gap, and the corpse along the way is also an obstacle, but it"s a huge fortune for Zhang Xiaoqiang . There are at least 20 knife arm worms, and each knife arm worm has two serrated knives . If they are sent to China to set up a big knife team, there"s no need to be afraid to see type 4 zombies in the future .

Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was daydreaming, a strange idea rushed into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain, which made him feel as if he had been knocked on the head by a hammer . He couldn"t help but cry out and go backwards . The floating Zhuoming moon was not affected . The light blue barrier was also transformed by his idea . In the use of his idea, Zhuoming moon was countless times stronger than the mother insect, and he drank sweetly, The invisible Nianli knife covered the female insect . Seeing that it was about to crush the female insect, Zhang Xiaoqiang covered his head and suddenly yelled, "stop . . . "

Having the experience of communicating with Elson, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what happened and why he was. .h.i.t by a hammer . The mother insect is not a human being . Its huge size and head make its idea wave ten times larger than that of ordinary people . Zhang Xiaoqiang feels uncomfortable because the mother insect"s power is too high . He talks with him rashly, but almost hurts him . Fortunately, in the pain, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels the idea of mother insect begging for mercy, otherwise this mother insect will be killed by Zhuo Mingyue because of surrender .

The mother insect really wants to surrender . Everything it can rely on is cleaned up by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even if it throws a single shot, the last sand beetle is swallowed by the big snake, and the big snake is still devouring the flying beetle in the sky . The mother insect is like a gambler, watching herself lose her chips bit by bit, waiting for death to make her give up her so-called dignity, He also completely put himself under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s axe .

This insect is just beginning to have wisdom . It is as ignorant as a young child . It has no conditions, no requirements or threats . It only asks Zhang Xiaoqiang not to kill it . For it, life is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary . It can be abandoned . Zhuo Mingyue keeps a close watch on this big insect, and his mind is filled with strange ideas, Why does Zhang Xiaoqiang always encounter something out of tune? Wan Qiang can become a zombie . This insect can talk to people . What"s so strange? Thinking of this, Zhuo Mingyue couldn"t help thinking of herself . She immediately put aside all her thoughts and focused on the insect . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the insect"s small eyes, which were out of proportion to her head, and recited in her heart: "little insect, leave the sky . . . "

The insects in the sky finally dissipated, and the water snake meal was gone . Huang Tingwei, who had been waiting for a day and a night, couldn"t wait to take a transport ship to pick up Zhang Xiaoqiang . When the transport ship that caused everyone"s sensation landed, there were bursts of cheers in the mouths of survivors and evolutioners, and all the sufferings of Okinawa ended at this moment, Too many people can"t see the end of all this and die, and more people weep for their survival . All this happened so fast that Simon and others seem to be in a dream . After Zhang Xiaoqiang reappeared and told them about the mother worm, they knew that all the flying insects were under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s control . At this time, the dispute over Okinawa began to come to an end . Insects were no longer a threat, and the rats were almost dead . The remaining rats fled everywhere, with a total number of less than 200 . Four medium-sized harriers were lost on Okinawa before and after the new era . When they came from Europe, the total number was only 20 combat harriers and 15 simplified transport ships, Now the shipyard of the air frigate has been destroyed by Xuefeng . They can"t afford to lose any more . Naturally, there won"t be kites coming to deliver vegetables .

After heavy losses in the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to prepare for the operation in the sea of j.a.pan . Once the operation in the sea of j.a.pan was completed, when he returned to China, Simon and his subordinates had already entered the city . During Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tunnel exploration, Simon suddenly thought of making wooden rafts . Relying on wooden rafts, they found a lot of materials in the city, Although these materials are civilian materials such as clothing, shoes and socks, they are enough to make the survivors ecstatic . You know, many people have been shirtless for more than half a year . They are afraid that their clothes will be broken and they will not survive the winter .

Simon and Zhang Xiaoqiang stand together with all the evolutionists to welcome the arrival of the transport ship . The shape of the transport ship is not as powerful as the frigate, but this huge s.p.a.ceship itself is a miracle . While everyone is awed, they are also wondering why China"s strength is so strong? While they were waiting for the bicycle to generate electricity, they had already sent a s.p.a.ceship into the sky?, Before the end of the world, they can send planes to the sky, but no country can send destroyers to the sky . This scene is the time for them to witness the miracle .

When the door was opened, xianghai"er was the first to rush down . The girl"s appearance made many people marvel . Then they discovered the difference of xianghai"er, which made them even more surprised . Xianghai"er was like a dog who found her owner . She rushed to Zhuo Mingyue"s side and calmed down, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang look sideways, Then came Huang Tingwei with a bitter face . Huang Tingwei had never been bothered by the incendiary bomb incident . Before he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was eager to see Zhang Xiaoqiang . But after seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, he began to think about things again< br>