Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2202: 2202

Chapter 2202: 2202

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s goal of landing in Hokkaido has been achieved . The new era lost at least half of its strength this time, and Wanqiang stayed on the island . It should be able to make trouble for the new era continuously, so that he would not be disturbed when he completed the mission of akagawa . This is his original intention of dividing the army into two groups, and the information he got through various aspects, Zhang Xiaoqiang has confirmed that the keeper of the place where red algae grow is the big turtle, a level-5 mutant animal, because according to kraya"s description, there can only be one level-5 mutant animal in a sea area . The level-5 mutant animal that attacked Shanghai was brought by xianghai"er"s people, so the turtle is the keeper who is hunting in the East Sea .

Now that it has been confirmed, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no worries . The only thing he needs to guard against is the new era, which is also the purpose of his landing on the island . In addition to these, Zhang Xiaoqiang even has prepared a backup plan . He doesn"t know where the sea snake has gone, but at least 50% of the people who encounter it with red algae . If so, the big water snake will be useful, Let it and the sea snake have a big escape . Anyway, the water snake has experience in this .

Zhuo Mingyue"s spirit has not been very good since she absorbed the blood seed . It makes people feel drowsy and confused, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang headache until now . Although he and Zhuo Mingyue have had physical contact, there is no substantial progress in the relationship between them . If he has the cheek to embrace Zhuo Mingyue, he may have a good chance to be beaten down by Zhuo Mingyue, But he was afraid to see Zhuo Mingyue fall into the sea because he dozed off .

The water snake returns to the sea like a fish in water . Its speed speeds up suddenly, at least twice as fast as that on land . Its speed is about 100 kilometers per hour . If you stand on the head of the water snake, you will be blown into the sea by the strong wind . Zhang Xiaoqiang drags Zhuo Mingyue for a while . But Zhuo Mingyue falls down on him . There is no time to think about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang hugs Zhuo Mingyue . He doesn"t expect her fist . Instead, he sees Zhuo Mingyue"s smile, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang move in his heart . He can"t help holding Zhuo Mingyue tightly . He feels the softness of Zhuo Mingyue in his arms, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart also flies . He has an impulse to sing .

There was no singing voice . Zhang Xiaoqiang had already got in touch with Huang Tingwei . Before he said two words, he heard a beautiful voice like a nightingale coming from the communicator: "guess who I am . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang has some helplessness . At the same time, he feels that Zhuo Mingyue in his arms is stiff and suddenly breaks away from his arms .

"Meow meow, how are you doing in Vladivostok? Are you in danger? " Zhang Xiaoqiang is still very concerned about meow, but there are too many things to cover everything . Meow is a very close little girl in his heart . That"s all . At most, he treats her as a family member, but never as a woman . Meow is very happy to hear that Zhang Xiaoqiang cares about her, and says: "you don"t care about me at all . You don"t come to see me for a long time, If it wasn"t for your territory, I wouldn"t bother to stay here . By the way, Dahei Erhong is also here, and flash shadow is also here . I"ve left a lot of good things for you . Come and have a look . . . "

Miaomiao is very anxious to see Zhang Xiaoqiang . Last time she left in a rage, she regretted it . She is no more heartless than Zhang Xiaoqiang . Miaomiao has a girl"s heart tied to him . All kinds of complicated battles in ordinary days make Miaomiao have no time to think about things . But once she talks with Zhang Xiaoqiang, she can"t wait to see Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately on the rainbow carving .

"Meow meow, I"ll see you in Vladivostok as soon as I"m done . By the way, is angel OK? How is Longhua island now? " Zhang Xiaoqiang said that there is no nutrition, turning around the topic of meow, he has felt that the dark momentum of Zhuo Mingyue is increasing, it seems that he has begun to be jealous, jealous women are the most unreasonable .

Meow meow didn"t think of anything else . He said in a crisp voice, "Uncle angel is also an evolutor now . We have a lot of mutant animals here, and we can"t kill them all . But I"ve solved all the big ones . The rest of the little ones are big black and red . The ordinary people on Longhua island are walking almost as well as the Russians in Vladivostok fortress, We have a lot of intern evolutionists here, all from Yinmeng . They are a group of idiots . If crescent moon hadn"t taken care of them, they would have died many times . "

With the arrival of meow, the development of Longhua island is gradually on track, and the air route is opened up . Longhua island is no longer an isolated island . Almost every day, a large airship lands, bringing the materials needed on Longhua island and carrying away more and more variant animal meat and materials . Compared with Shanghai, it can only defend, but Longhua island is much stronger, and the island is large enough, The ability of meow meow is unpredictable, which makes the mutant animals on the island suffer a lot . If meow meow wasn"t tired of this meaningless killing, she might be able to guard the whole Longhua island alone .

Vilichko gave up Vladivostok fortress completely . All the soldiers and civilians in the fortress were transferred to Yinmeng, leaving only a team of evolutionists with more than 100 people to work as a hunter . Because there are high-end weapons that other hunters can"t get, vilichko is the richest man in Yinmeng, and Yinmeng is also the richest man in Yinmeng because of its continuous resources of mutated animals, Completely abandoned the idea of giving up Vladivostok, took the initiative to partic.i.p.ate, and sent new evolutionists to Longhua island to partic.i.p.ate in the battle and acc.u.mulate combat experience .

After listening to meow"s description, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help sighing . He didn"t expect that meow"s strongest influence was not others, but meow . Meow"s degree of evolution is not lower than him . If Wan Qiang meets meow, he can"t say that meow"s brain has been removed without even a chance to fight . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have much time to make friends with meow, He interrupted meow"s messy words and asked directly, "are Huang Tingwei ready? And Colonel Byron and John Lee, are they all here? If they arrive, let them join me . "Meow meow suddenly said: "this time I will come, I am very powerful, with rainbow carving, no one can beat me . . . " Meow"s words make Zhang Xiaoqiang want to refuse for the first time, but he thinks meow"s proposal is good . However, he is afraid of meow"s danger and is in a dilemma . Zhuo Mingyue says sour: "let her come, can"t you protect her? Don"t look so tangled . I"m upset . "

Zhuo Mingyue"s words made Zhang Xiaoqiang make up his mind . Now their strength can be said to have reached the peak . With the air frigate, a group of top evolutors such as Byron, Zhuo Mingyue and big water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt full of confidence for the first time and could meet any challenge . When Zhang Xiaoqiang started the signal transmitter, he and Zhuo Mingyue cruised on the sea together, Waiting for the arrival of the air frigate .

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue had a private time for the first time . They were like Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu on the big water snake . Although their mounts could not fly, they were much more windy than the white eagle . The sea of j.a.pan is between the Korean Peninsula and the j.a.panese sword . The sea area is more than one million square kilometers, and the red algae area is less than one hundred square kilometers, Zhang Xiaoqiang has learned the place where red algae grow, but he is not ready to go now . He has to be prepared to be safe .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is waiting for the meeting of the frigate on the sea . Wan Qiang meets Sophia in Hokkaido by accident . Naturally, they will not be polite when they meet . The two sides have a shocking battle . Sophia is unpredictable . Wan Qiang is thick skinned and rough skinned . No one can help him . Sophia is thinking about the red algae mission, Wan Qiang doesn"t want to keep fighting with the guy who can"t win . Both sides can"t help but stop and make peace . However, the two people come together because of this opportunity .

Genesis and the new era lost most of their planes and elite, and the two sides were not as desperate as before . After joining Schneider and Hudson, Naga and Regel finally decided to give up everything in Hokkaido and turn their focus to akashia . In their intelligence reconnaissance, akashia will officially mature tomorrow and begin to expand, if there is no accident, The level 5 mutants guarding the red algae should leave at night, and there won"t be too powerful mutants feeding around the red algae until tomorrow night . This is their last chance .

Just like a long line of destiny, the three parties will gather together because of the red algae, and they will know nothing about their unexpected meeting . In a gloomy night, the new era aircraft, Sofia and Wanqiang"s aircraft, and the air frigate controlled by Huang Tingwei are cruising in the sky, flying from three directions to the center of the sea of j.a.pan, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been to the red algae a hundred miles away, quietly waiting for the arrival of the frigate< br>