Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2204: 2204

Chapter 2204: 2204

The water snake is like a floating platform on the sea . The ant like evolutor climbs on the water snake and reports to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Tie Zhongyuan has a gloomy face . He didn"t expect that Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang would fall out with each other in Hokkaido . What"s his future? Let"s not say that Wan Qiang will return to Russia, let"s say that he doesn"t have enough strength to control the power left by Wan Qiang . After all, Wan Qiang"s people are not his ability to mobilize, while Byron is always staring at the red algae in the distance . As for John Li, he is standing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, like loyal dogs, with motorboats circling around the water snakes, echoing like snow on the sea, One by one, the evolutionists master the underwater thrusters to do adaptive training around the water snakes . The escort boats in the sky also open the main gun firing port, and prepare the laser launcher to cope with the possible danger . There are also naughty meow meow, who can"t wait to fly to the red algae tens of kilometers away . It seems that they want to see it first .

At the same time, Sophia and Regel also prepared their own equipment . Hundreds of puppet soldiers changed their individual aircrafts on their armour . Sophia and Wanqiang were also equipped with underwater equipment from Europe to j.a.pan in the new era . A small submarine with an isolation room was built . All three sides were preparing for the war . Zhang Xiaoqiang had been paying attention to meow, With rainbow carving, meow is the best scout, while meow who created the whole Yinmeng with Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what to do without more explanation .

The rainbow sculptures with more than ten meters of wings pull out gorgeous figures in the sky and fly to the edge of the red algae . Without stopping, they fly directly to the deepest center point . Countless shapes are different . It"s like the red algae crown of a demon"s claw is left behind by meow . Flying in the red algae is like shuttling through the red ocean . The unified color makes meow dazzled, I couldn"t tell the difference between these messy plants until meow arrived at the center of the battlefield .

A mutant seabird perched on a red alga is chasing a triangle flying machine like melon seeds in the sky . The speed of these flying machines is not slower or faster than that of seabirds . Countless bullets entangle in the air to form a three-dimensional fire network, in which all kinds of strange seabirds shuttle, The battlefield where more than 100 seabirds fight with hundreds of aircraft is quite spectacular . From time to time, we can see brilliant sparks from one air combat missile . From time to time, we can see seabirds tearing to pieces in the fire net . More and more are falling UAVs . The huge seabird in the center makes the Rainbow carving under meow nervous, You know, rainbow carving doesn"t know how many nuclei it has eaten on Longhua island . So far, it has at least the strength of a level 3 mutant beast . Even if meow doesn"t do it, rainbow carving can easily kill a mutant beast at the top of the second pole . But here, rainbow carving is afraid because the sea bird with snow-white fur and a shape like Mirs is a level 4 mutant beast .

Miaomiao did not rush into the battlefield . He was a few kilometers away and looked at the battlefield with a telescope . On the battlefield, the huge mutant bird was like a fierce general . In every action, several UAVs were torn to pieces by it . From time to time, he made great moves to form an invisible vacuum storm, which would crush all the UAVs in an area . If the UAVs were not fast enough, Hundreds of drones are not enough for this big bird .

Of course, the resistance of UAVs is also very fierce . Two thirds of UAVs are equipped with machine guns, and one third are equipped with air-to-air missiles . Even if the mutant bird"s body is strong, it can"t stop all of them . The flying feathers are like dandelions floating in the sky, and the countless blood is flying and falling in the feathers, and the bright flame is involved in the blood, Flying ash is burned in the air, and the hurricane brought by the wings of the birds makes the tracks of these feathers more disordered . The vision of the whole s.p.a.ce is covered by feathers . From time to time, mutant birds collide with each other and fall in the sad sound, and countless fire spots shuttle through the feathers, tearing new feathers off the mutant birds .

The messy battlefield is full of blood and fire . Meow and meow look at it with flying eyebrows . She can"t help but take out a handful of mutated pine nuts from the backpack behind her and bite them open . She eats the green emerald fruits inside . When she eats, a round rattan basket on the back neck of Rainbow carving suddenly opens, and the purple lightning mink, the size of a big monkey, runs out, Light in front of meow meow drag tail begging, look at the skilled look, obviously has developed professional skills .

Miaomiao and Shanying are eating nuts in the air and watching the play with flying eyebrows . While watching the play, Miaomiao"s eyes are always fixed on a platform with a radius of 1000 meters in the most central area of the red alga . The platform is made up of more than 10 twisted branches spiraling to build a dome . There are countless bird nests on the dome, and the largest one is just in the most central part of the dome, This natural dome is like a huge palace . Only when you fly close can you see the platform under the dome . If you use satellites, you can only see the countless bird nests .

Meow meow"s eyes are fixed on more than ten beautiful and enchanting craya on the platform . These craya"s naked bodies are decorated with countless bead chains . Countless bead chains form the flowing light . With their actions, the light is shining . There is a naturally generated fountain in the center of craya, which is as soft as a girl . The spring is only meters wide, However, the spring water inside is blue and clear, and the water flows up to tens of meters along the invisible air flow . It turns into water mist and disperses around, moistening the 12 huge branches that build the dome .

Seeing this, meow meow knew that there must be something strange in the spring, and immediately wanted to find out . At this moment, meow meow, who was wandering on the edge of the battlefield, attracted the attention of the mutant seabirds . More than ten sea birds no smaller than rainbow Eagle suddenly flew towards meow . Before meow meow could start, rainbow Eagle suddenly accelerated, rushed into the middle of the birds, and then rushed out of the birds at the next moment, However, two mutant birds split their skulls and fell down with blood . Then rainbow Eagle began to dive . As the birds chased behind, it sped up to the fallen bird carca.s.s, tore open the chest and abdomen of the dead bird, and pecked out a crystal nucleus with its blue red beak . The rainbow carving behavior angered the birds . These big birds suddenly scattered, surrounded by the rainbow carving, and then fell down one after another in the next moment . These fallen seabirds were intact . They didn"t even lose a hair, as if they had lost their soul, just like a corpse, Meow meow is putting different colors of colloids into his backpack . Obviously, it"s not the first time to do this . Rainbow carving has been waiting for this moment for a long time, frantically shuttling among the dead birds, launching a gorgeous flying posture, grabbing a dead bird and throwing it into the sky, then tearing open the corpse and eating the crystal core inside, while flashy throws away the nuts and chirps, In a hurry, meow"s eyes flashed a smile . When he raised his hand, there was a walnut sized crystal nucleus in his tender palm, but the rainbow under his body was empty .

All the colloids of more than a dozen seabirds were collected by meow, and the rainbow Eagle swallowed three crystal nuclei, so it was helpless to watch a dead bird fall into the red algae . It took meow a short time to clean up these big birds, and all of them were solved in less than a few minutes . The battlefield was not critical because of the lack of more than a dozen seabirds . On the contrary, the mutant seabirds relied on thick skin and coa.r.s.e meat, Destroy most of the aircraft, but let the variation of the sea beast has the upper hand .

It"s time to win . The remaining dozens of aircrafts are competing to fly to the way they came, but the seabirds are divided into two parts . One part pursues the aircrafts, the other part pursues meow . Meow doesn"t meet them, but turns around and runs . She can solve more than ten mutant birds at one time because the speed of rainbow carving is higher than that of seabirds, but once surrounded by dozens of seabirds, There is no room to move away, not to mention the snow-white and majestic level 4 mutant seabird .

A cry of sadness came from the birds . More than 30 mutant sea birds died, half of them were killed by meow . The mutant bird ignored the little meow, and only put hatred on the head of rainbow carving, which was robbed by fire . The fourth level mutant animal came out . The rainbow carving was scared and quickly turned away, Meow meow turns to look at the head of the level 4 mutant seabird, which is bigger than three people"s embrace . She is very distressed . What bothers her most is the mutant beast, which has fast speed and big head . Even if she can use it, she may not be able to kill it . After all, for these mutant beasts with strong sense of danger, there is only one chance . At that time, she may not know whether the brain or glial body is taken out of her head?

Rainbow carving has no other advantages, but its speed is pa.s.sable . Even if it adds more than 80 kg of meow, it can fly to the same level as the birds behind it . In the distant sky, the frigate has been ready for a long time . In front of the frigate, 12 UAVs are rushing to this side, just when meow flies to the sea with the mutant birds, The level four mutant bird, which is closely following, suddenly roars high, and a sharp whistling sound like tearing cloth comes from behind . The flash image rushes to meow"s arms for the first time and trembles . Rainbow carving suddenly makes Cobra maneuver in this huge threat, and its rapidly flipped body almost reaches the level of ghosting remnant image . At the moment of its rapid lifting, its gorgeous colorful tail feathers break with its hips, An invisible big vacuum blade flew past its b.u.t.t tip .

The colorful feathers are still waving in the air, and then they are blown away by the strong wind of the giant bird"s wings . The rainbow carving without its tail feathers is even worse than the hen . The cat who rides on the rainbow carving is angry and red . It"s still up to the master to beat the dog . When the rainbow carving loses its prestige, doesn"t it mean that she has no taste? After several times of shouting, the rainbow eagle turned to meet the enemy . However, the rainbow eagle was scared to death and just ran for his life . At this time, the sky was illuminated by the dazzling laser, and the dazzling beam of light instantly hit the level 4 mutant seabird, which immediately vaporized a large area of its snow-white feathers and boosted the morale of countless evolutioners who looked up< br>