Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2206: 2206

Chapter 2206: 2206

The puppet soldiers retreated quite simply . They were not involved in the battle above . The aftereffects of the battle between Sophia and Naga would kill them . The officers who appeared with Hudson began to collect the spring water and take out various instruments to detect the red algal core they had been paying attention to . At this time, countless dark spears stretched out from the platform around the spring, Each spear is more than ten meters short, and the longest one is more than thirty meters long . Countless black spears are like giant porcupines hidden in the spring . The officers have no time to react . They are all pierced by spears, hanging in the air and twitching . Hudson is shocked under the protection of more than ten kraya . These spears are not malicious to kraya, But killing all the creatures that don"t belong to kraya is obviously able to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves .

Countless spears also affected the two sides of the fighting . The branches like the sky and the red scales like the skin were all covered with these spears, which instantly blocked the s.p.a.ce where the two sides were fighting . Sophia flashed in the s.p.a.ce 100 meters away for the first time with a look of horror, while Naga, who was trapped in the middle of numerous spears, sent out a dazzling blue light ball, This is an unprecedented giant electric ball . The first time it flashed, it turned all the locked spears around into ashes . Then the ball of light suddenly expanded into more than ten tens of meters long, thick waist electric dragons . These electric dragons swam around the branches, and in a twinkling of an eye, they grew more than 100 meters . With the electric dragons swam, countless black spears were swept away, Even the snake scale skin of the branches changed from red to black .

The electric current is sweeping all the rage, even the platform under the dome is not let go, spears and hanging bodies are all turned into ashes, and if these electric dragons are spiritually, they bypa.s.s Hudson to remove the spears around him, but accidentally involve the two krayas in the electric light and burn them into two ashes . Hudson does not dare to blame Naga for killing his new subordinates, When he got the chance, he flew to the sky . He had a personal aircraft that could fly naturally . However, the kraya could only run and jump on the branches and follow closely . Then Naga flew away with Hudson . After the electric light disappeared, more black spears grew again . This time, the whole red alga was growing, Hundreds of millions of spears are like black hairs all over the red algae . In the twinkling of an eye, the blood red red algae are all black, and the birds" eggs are pierced by these spears . Obviously, the things behind the red algae don"t want to get the birds" eggs .

Meow meow has been watching a play in the air . She sees everything in front of her eyes . She is also found by the other party . Neither Naga nor Sophia are bothering her . Obviously, the other party knows that meow meow"s power is not easy to provoke . After Sophia and Naga are gone, meow meow hesitates in the air on a rainbow carving, with hedgehog like spears everywhere, It"s difficult for her to get the spring . If she had the chance to get the spring in the air before, now, all the black spears will seal the top of the spring, and there will be no fountain .

Rainbow carving is not only a mount of meow, but also a combat a.s.sistant and transport tool . It has a temporary nest of flashing shadow and a weapon bag of meow . These things do not hinder its back . In the armed bags made of high-quality variant hide, meow"s usual equipment, sniper crossbow, type 92 pistol, Type 95 rifle and type 05 submachine gun, The 88 type sniper rifle, in addition to firearms, has a horn s.n.a.t.c.hed by Zhang Xiaoqiang and a sawtooth broadsword just arrived in Shanghai .

Taking out the serrated knife, meow peered at the top of the twelve huge branches of the red algae canopy, which has thin branches and paper fan like leaves . Looking around, the whole red algae sky is the world of fans, which is similar to the ginkgo leaf like leaves, each of which is tens of centimeters long and wide, with the appearance of emerald mountains, The vein like blood vessel is like transparent ruby . You can see a kind of flowing liquid surging in it, distributing to the most edge of the leaf surface, continuously expanding the width and thickness of the leaf surface . These things are the crazy red algae extract of all countries in the world, which can provide thousands of times more efficiency than oil per 100 grams .

Miaomiao doesn"t understand . She learns from an honest man . She only knows that thieves don"t go empty . She can sc.r.a.pe the spoils wherever she goes . Some mosquitoes are very fierce at cutting meat on their legs . They can easily cut off pieces of black spears with serrated knives . Then Miaomiao grabs the gap before the black spear grows out and abruptly cuts off the top hidden in the leaves, but it is a fruiting tree top, There are eleven around this fruit, and almost every huge branch has one, which is also meow"s heart . Others are concerned about bird eggs and spring water, but she is concerned about the direction of spring water . Almost all the spring water sprayed out is poured on twelve branches like pillars of heaven . A sensitive meow has long believed that there is something on the branches .

This fruit is much bigger than the big wax gourd, which is almost the same as meow . The oval shape has a layer of white fluff . The fluff doesn"t stick . It"s as light as velvet . Meow can"t put it down, but meow feels comfortable . Rainbow carving is not so comfortable . Even though the third level mutant bird is strong, it has limited weight, The huge oval fruit suddenly sank its body, and it fell to the bottom of countless spear points . It was so scared that rainbow Eagle flapped its wings and finally stabilized its body just before it was about to be pierced . Meow also felt that he had done a stupid thing, cutting off most of the red algae branches attached to the fruit and throwing them away, so that rainbow Eagle gradually got used to it, When the rainbow carving flapped its wings and suspended on the black spear, meow"s eyes were slightly happy, and she had a kettle with a cartoon pattern in her hand, but she took a sample of the spring water from the spring below . As soon as the rainbow carving was lifted, three puppet soldiers came flying here with round things in their arms . Meow did not intend to rob the puppet soldiers . Now that he had got what he wanted, he drove the rainbow carving to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, he did not know that he had just escaped a catastrophe . A drone was around to take care of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the head of the water snake, looking at the tablet computer in his hand and looking at the internal situation of red algae . When he saw the appearance of the puppet self exploding soldier in the new era, he was almost scared to death . Miaomiao"s ability was unpredictable, but he was not good at defense . Even Zhuo Mingyue was almost killed by a supernova bomb . If Miaomiao went to join in the fun, wouldn"t he be a white haired man sending a black haired man?

Fortunately, meow thought about what he had received and rushed back here . Just behind meow, three blue light ma.s.ses suddenly burst out at the densest place of the black spear . Countless black spears turned into ashes . The unfolding waves devoured huge branches and turned them into light red smoke . The characteristic of the super new star bomb is to disappear, Both biological and earth rock buildings will be completely destroyed, and these red algae giant trees are no exception, just a little bit more color, and the red dust emitted is like fuel in the sky .

Meow meow"s attention was not behind him . The bright blue halo belonged to a mild and warm color, not to mention that although the supernova bomb exploded in brilliant colors, there was no sound . Some of them were silent . Even the giant pillars of heaven collapsed after their roots disappeared . The lower end of the twelve pillars turned into nothingness at the edge of the platform at the same time, The expanded light cl.u.s.ter is not much smaller because there are only three supernovae . Perhaps at the beginning of the new era, the meaning of supernova superposition explosion was mistaken . The explosion range of three supernovae is no less than that of ten bombs . Everything is still swept within a thousand meters . The expanded light cl.u.s.ter is like autumn wind, sweeping away the fallen leaves and sweeping up the fallen branches in the air, One third of the place is eroded by the fluctuating light . The next moment, the huge pillars of the outer skin stem are missing, and they collapse on the explosion points . The platform and the spring have already disappeared, leaving only a huge black hole . In the depth of the black hole, the crisscross roots of countless boa constrictors can be seen .

The extinction within a thousand meters is only a drop in the ocean, but the supernova bomb that evaporated the spring has not only destroyed the alga . Around the explosion point, thousands of branches are like snakes with their spines removed, and then wither . All this is fed back to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s electronic equipment through the UAV camera, Seeing all the gorgeous and mysterious stories on the screen, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not figure out what he wanted to do in the new era . First, he was in a daze fighting for the bird"s eggs, and then triggered the red algae"s counterattack and blew up the central point . Although the power of the supernova bomb was amazing, it was not enough to destroy the whole red algae, and the withered red algae branches were getting slower and slower, When the expansion of the distance of 10000 meters from the explosion stopped, thousands of branches withered on the platform intertwined with red algae and rattan . In the middle of these branches, New Devil b.u.mps were forming, and then a wisp of bright red flames were blooming . Maybe in a few days, these flames could grow into new branches .

Zhang Xiaoqiang always thought that he wanted to find out the cause of the formation of red algae, and that the secret of red algae could only be underwater . However, he was not comfortable to be made such a fuss by the new era . Fortunately, meow has come near . Around the water snake, dozens of dead birds have been collected, and even the head of the fourth level mutant beast, which was cut off by the laser, has been split by Zhuo Mingyue, Taking out the colloidal bodies, 72 crystal nuclei below grade 3 and three crystal nuclei below grade 4 are the first benefits of the big birds . Besides, the feathers, beaks and claws are different . Among them, two of the big birds who are about to die were drawn blood by Zhuo mingyuesheng and condensed into two l.u.s.trous blood crystals . The transport ship landed again and dragged the dead birds into the warehouse with a noose< br>