Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2217: 2217

Chapter 2217: 2217

After the red light was removed, it flashed again . Less than one fifth of claya, who guarded the crown of the Pentagon, could stand . The power of ten supernova bombs superimposed and exploded was not as simple as one plus one . It was beyond the limit of the ability of the evolutors and was even more terrifying than natural disasters . That is to say, the successive superimposed barriers disappeared as soon as they appeared, and hundreds of claya were blown to ashes by the aftershocks of the explosion, Many other kraya were swallowed up nearly half of their bodies, and they could not die any more . They floated upward one after another . The explosion smashed everything within two kilometers in diameter, whether it was the fragments of roots or the bodies of the sea people . More than 1000 sea people"s bodies beside Zhang Xiaoqiang were smashed, except the sea people"s bodies beside him, There are also numerous corpses piled up at the huge heel where the roots were born . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not in the huge explosion range of one kilometer in diameter . To be exact, he is not even in the sea .

Standing on the red algae, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to hold the huge branches around him in the huge shaking under his feet . The dark sky came back to his eyes . The pouring rain poured down in front of him and behind him . Countless sea people were scattered on the branches in the distance, launching waterlines at any nearby shark hunting helicopter and small UAV, From time to time, we can see that many blackened pearl tears drones collide with huge branches, breaking the already weak branches and shaking off countless sea people . Even if the definition is not high in the continuous rain, Zhang Xiaoqiang can see countless black smoke . Before, it was like the branches of forest become spa.r.s.e . According to the calculation of 500 giant branches per square kilometer, At least thousands of giant branches were crushed by aerial fire .

The Haizu also suffered heavy losses . The stray bullets scattered hundreds of meters away can easily tear their skin . All the bullets are large caliber machine gun bullets . They will die next to each other . Although the total amount of death is small, they can"t stand the acc.u.mulation of multiple times . There are also air incendiary bombs falling from time to time in the sky, This kind of bomb, which was criticized before the end of the world, became the sharpest weapon after the end of the world . No matter in the new era or in China, this kind of bomb was loaded on airplanes . At the beginning, when Yinmeng added drones, because of the vicious ideas of some cynics in the end of the world, they wanted to light a fire for j.a.pan and send a lot of incendiary bombs to transport ships . Incendiary bombs made contributions to Okinawa, Huang Tingwei remembered that after he emptied the ammunition depot of the Russian Air Force Base in haishenwei, he carried all the incendiary bombs he could find onto the frigates and transport ships . The large and small incendiary bombs with Russian marks exploded in the rain like sea water, and they burst up dark red fireb.a.l.l.s rolling with thick smoke . These fireb.a.l.l.s with an average temperature of several thousand degrees can"t be wiped out by sea water, It is the incendiary bomb that constantly explodes in the sky that drags down the sea people and makes them have no chance to reinforce the seabed .

In addition to incendiary bombs, the three parties have used almost all the capabilities they can use, such as ground penetrating bombs, cl.u.s.ter bombs, and even rough plasma bombs on planes in the new era . These things quickly wipe out the red algae on the water . It seems that the situation is very good, but Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that it doesn"t matter if they are burned to ashes, The real center of gravity is underwater . Thinking that the superposed explosion power of supernova bomb should have dissipated, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped down again .

As soon as you enter the water, there is deep darkness . After the darkness, you can see stars like streamers shining everywhere . Before, all the bodies covered with dark clouds disappeared . Only the crowns of the pentagonal teeth on the central point still rotate slowly . There are no less than 30 high craya . Before, there were less than 100 peripheral craya, and the surrounding root fragments seemed to be evaporated, No more . In the dark water in the distance, the figures of new era and WAN Qiang can be seen faintly . However, twelve torpedo launching nests slowly rush towards the remaining kraya . It seems that new era is too poor to think of any more . With the most primitive means, Naga and Sofia plan to join hands this time, slowly follow the automatic torpedo launching nests and approach the center point, Behind them, Wan Qiang is like a bullfrog swimming on the edge of tadpoles, following them slowly and firmly .

Maybe I feel the dignity brought by the last strike of human beings . Maybe it"s because the 30 higher kraya have reached the limit . One of them takes down a bugle like thing with water gra.s.s and blows it . Zhang Xiaoqiang and others don"t hear any sound, but feel that there are more things around him that can"t be explained clearly, Then Zhang Xiaoqiang found that there was a thumping sound from the exit to the sea behind him . Without time to think about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to one side, threw out the rat King blade and strangled dozens of sea people who jumped into the water . In an instant, the entrance was filled with the blood of the sea people . Then more sea people jumped into the water and were strangled by the rat King blade, maybe for an hour or a few minutes, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how many sea people he killed . These sea people are as strong as water and have no resistance . They are all hanged by the sharp blade of the rat king . The acc.u.mulated bodies are crowded together near the exit . Some bodies fall underwater, some body fragments are suspended in the surrounding water, but more bodies block the exit . When Zhang Xiaoqiang takes a long breath, But I see countless sea people pouring in from other channels . These dark sea people are like ink pouring into the sea, spreading rapidly . Looking around, above the center point are all these sea people wriggling, just like frogs diving downward . There are five such exits less than 500 meters around Zhang Xiaoqiang, In a flash, he was surrounded by sea people in all directions

Two serrated knives are dancing desperately, and the speed of the rat King"s blade around him reaches the maximum . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is like falling into the ice cellar . So many sea people are rushing up and there is no room to escape . He is submerged by the sea people for the first time . He thought he would never be spared, but he didn"t expect the sea people to attack Zhang Xiaoqiang, Like a group of crazy believers rushing to the center point below, it is obvious that the Hai people have decided to completely abandon the red algae on the sponge and move the battlefield to the underwater, which shows that kraya has reached the limit . Zhang Xiaoqiang was inundated by countless sea people, who were all around him . But he didn"t dare to kill, for fear of provoking the sea people around him to bite back . Everything around him was blocked by the sea people, which just let him enter the three-dimensional vision . But in the three-dimensional vision, there were countless sea people, and he didn"t know how many sea people were around him, In the three-dimensional vision, the area within one kilometer is filled by the sea people, and he is also carried to the center . Just when he is taken to the absolute danger zone and is in danger of being captured by the sea people, the edge of the three-dimensional vision exposes the launching nest of ten underwater torpedoes in the new era, and then Naga and Sophia retreat in the approach of countless sea people .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t even feel hopeless . In his opinion, the underwater battle had been a complete failure . Although he killed countless sea people and cut off 80% of the roots that supported the red algae on the water surface, it didn"t matter . The sea people would breed and the roots would grow again . As long as the red algae didn"t die, everything would be in vain, Just a newborn red algae is so difficult to deal with . What"s the situation of those large red algae surrounded by innumerable mutant animals and innumerable mutant seabirds?

How to clean up the spread of red algae all over the world without understanding the causes of red algae formation? In addition, the energy problem can not be solved . Zhang Xiaoqiang has a premonition that once the energy problem is solved, China"s national strength will grow geometrically . If the air frigates in the new era are solved, maybe the whole world will usher in three industrial revolutions .

At that moment, ten abandoned underwater torpedo launching nests began to decompose, and the chimney like launching pipes gradually fell off, just like cracked melon seed sh.e.l.ls . Each of these launching pipes was more than 10 meters long, accounting for almost half of the 20 meter long launching nests . When these launching pipes cracked and fell to the bottom of the sea, The remaining oval shaped rear cabins, although they have fallen off the launch tube, are still huge . Each one is the size of a Hummer .

Without the drag of the launch nest, the speed of these things was much faster . They soon contacted the Korean forward . At the moment of contact, the rear cabin of the launch nest broke down again . At two-thirds of the place, a part of the ship fell off again, and the rest quickly broke down into a 50 cm diameter thing like a Frisbee, These compact discs, which are countless times smaller, are quickly involved in the sea tribe .

Nearly a thousand Frisbees were involved in every corner of the sea clan . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side was involved . Some of them even went near the crowns of the Pentagon . Zhang Xiaoqiang had a full range of three-dimensional vision, and naturally could see these things, but kraya, surrounded by the sea clan, could not see them, The Hai people just surrounded kraya more than 100 meters away, and it seemed that it would be blasphemous to get closer . When kraya found these 50 cm diameter but fast disks, the catastrophe broke out .

Zhang Xiaoqiang never thought that the weapons of the new era were not good, but at this moment, his heart was very tangled . Within 50 meters around him, there were more than ten such discs . At the same moment, these discs exploded, without fire or loud noise, so suddenly they burst out, and each disc burst out hundreds of miniature metal blades, These blades in the water are free from the resistance of the current, just like fireworks to spread around, and then disappear in the body of the sea people .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how many Hai people have been reinforced . After three-way strike, the number will at least drop to an absolutely surprising level . Because these Hai people don"t know how to evade, they can only rely on instinct . At least 70% of the Hai people died of bullet rain or incendiary bombs, so the number of Hai people who went into the water may be less than 100000, And the number of blades ejected by those disks is close to one million, and one million blades are scattered among the sea clan, so that each blade can be spread to at least ten .

If the Knights of the sea clan killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang were here, these blades would not work . Maybe they couldn"t even tickle . But they had a wonderful effect on the ordinary sea clan who had no defense ability . Thousands of kilometers of sea water was instantly infected by red . Countless sea clan were dismembered by the chaotic blades, and even kraya, who was guarding the center, was destroyed, This blade is a new type of weapon specially used for underwater ma.s.s destruction . Taking into account the underwater resistance and pressure, it can maximize its killing efficiency . More than 100 kraya have been emptied, and more than 20 kraya are still guarding the periphery< br>