Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2221: 2221

Chapter 2221: 2221

"May I ask what you need? I think the best interests are at your feet now . " Schneider"s answer is very artistic . He reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang that the red algae under his feet is the best thing . It"s not wise to set aside the near and seek the far . But Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a fool . He shakes his head and says, "it"s not right for you to say that . Here, all forces are working hard . Whether it"s the British or the new era, including me, they have exhausted a lot of materials and personnel, You Americans are the only ones who enjoy success, so you are not qualified to say that everyone here has a share, but you have no share . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words embarra.s.sed Schneider . After repeated attacks, the new era and Sofia suffered heavy losses . Zhang Xiaoqiang fought alone with two thousand sea knights . Only the Americans hid behind to s.n.a.t.c.h the spoils . It was really ugly to say that . Schneider played one by one, and inadvertently moved his one horned bone helmet behind him, Seemingly distressed, he said: "we are willing to pay a certain price, but the price is beyond our ability to pay . We are willing to give up those evolutors, after all . . . "

This is the naked trick . If you don"t start with the one horned bone helmet, I"m afraid you don"t care about the value of it . But once you understand it, it"s the crazy treasure of all evolutioners . It"s the ability to raise a price . This subversive treasure can"t be given up . Once equipped, even ordinary evolutioners can become top evolutioners, And the top evolutionists directly have the strength of the zodiac . In other words, among the zodiac warriors, the current Naga is the most powerful, because she is one rank higher than other Zodiac warriors .

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head, indicating that there was no premise for the two sides to talk about . Schneider was a little anxious . The evolutionist lost in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands was a valuable combat power . If he gave up, it would be a permanent regret . He repeatedly said: "the location and pa.s.sword of all us military underground a.r.s.enals in South Korea and Asia, you know, These places are not known by ordinary people . All ammunition depots need pa.s.swords . If they are cracked from the outside, they will trigger a self destruction system . Once these things are mastered by China, your strength will double . "

This is an attractive cake, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not confused . Yinmeng will attack Beijing and Russia"s Far East Military Region in the next step . Once the weapons and equipment in these two places are started, they are more practical than the so-called overseas bases of the United States . Moreover, even if the Americans really selflessly tell him these places, he does not have the manpower and energy to obtain them .

"Do you have a nuclear bomb? Is there a B2 bomber? " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words almost choked Schneider to death . These things are not up to him . Besides, the US nuclear bombs are all locked in the European headquarters of the new era, and the launch code is in the hands of the top leaders, which is the only equipment they can compete with the new era . Once it flows out, it falls into the hands of the new era, and cracking the launch code will be disastrous for the United States .

A complete set of stealth technology, thousands of skilled workers, laser machine tools, preparation technology of various new materials, and a complete set of chemical technology are the agreements reached between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Schneider . Of course, in addition to the military warehouses of the US military in Asia, Even the military base in the area of Guam was seized by Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, Schneider never gave up the territorial rights except for hardware and equipment, and always held the ownership of Guam in his hands . In addition, they did not allow Chinese forces to land in South America and regarded the whole American continent as a forbidden territory, but instigated Zhang Xiaoqiang to annex the whole of Russia .

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Schneider reached an agreement to inform Schneider of Okinawa"s situation . As long as the United States has the ability to transport Okinawa"s personnel back, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care so much . Even if Zuo Tian, who is stationed in Okinawa, is willing to go to the United States, he won"t stop him . Anyway, the technicians and academy personnel have already been sent to China, When Schneider"s aircraft stealthily flew away again, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention focused on other forces .

The three parties are very restrained and busy with their own work . Bundles of red algae are hoisted onto the helicopter, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s men are the ones who harvest the most . Both transport ships and frigates can collide with a huge amount of materials, and there are ready-made processing materials, which build a huge platform in the middle of the sea to harvest red algae raw materials quickly .

Miaomiao finally found Zhang Xiaoqiang on the rainbow carving . As soon as he jumped to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, he yelled, "that woman has led the sea monster away with the big water snake . She can"t come back any more . . . " Miaomiao"s schadenfreude is very bad . That woman is Zhuo Mingyue . The sea snake"s obedience to Zhuo Mingyue is no less than that to Zhang Xiaoqiang . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of Zhuo Mingyue, who had been forgotten by himself . He wanted to lead the frigate to find Zhuo Mingyue . But the chance to collect red algae was too rare . He was relieved to think that the water snake had been chased by the sea snake for a long time, At least at this time, the sea snake is seriously injured, and it"s uncertain who is going after whom?

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, can we settle our old accounts?" There was a loud roar in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears, but wan Qiang was beating in the red algae, slowly approaching him, and other forces were watching . Only in the new era, Regel was standing in front of the guy who never took off his diving suit, negotiating something, but the goal was the guy"s one horned helmet .

Wan Qiang"s self-confidence soared after he had a helmet, and he no longer regarded Zhang Xiaoqiang in his eyes . However, he forgot that Zhang Xiaoqiang was not alone . He saw meow meow, which caused Caihong Diao to jump to his side . Then he rushed to Wan Qiang with a lot of anger . With a roar of Wan Qiang, he released a huge sound wave, which made Caihong Diao wail and fall to the distance, Then the dazzling laser suddenly hit Wan Qiang"s chest . With a howl, Wan Qiang"s body continued to expand, and the previously unknown shame cloth also shrank rapidly . Then the laser went down his chest, and it didn"t cut off until the thigh root . The suddenly expanding red algae under his feet could no longer hold on, and he fell into the water, The dazzling laser didn"t intend to let Wanqiang off . It swept the sea repeatedly . The laser swept across the sea and evaporated large areas of sea water . Bursts of fog like water vapor rose to the mid air, and the wet red algae on large sponge were also ignited by the fire . Miaomiao returns to the sky on the rainbow carving, but she is deeply afraid of Wanqiang . If she wants to kill Wanqiang, she must be within 50 meters, and Wanqiang"s means can reach 300 meters, which is the gap between them . However, Wanqiang"s strength is not worth mentioning in front of the frigate . If normal people want to be a little better, at least the agile evolutors can easily avoid the laser, But Wanqiang is too heavy, it is a good living target .

"Stop diving and come up . I have something to talk to you about . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the surging sea water beside the red algae and suddenly roared . Suddenly, a single horn pierced the surface of the water, and a pair of scarlet eyes stabbed at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped back to signal that he had no hostility . After Wan Qiang finally got up, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed claya"s neck and said aloud, "how about we make a deal?"

Kraya is a natural creature . Without clothes on, his pink skin is like a big cherry with water light, which makes Wan Qiang look at it more . Then he suddenly protects his helmet and yells: "don"t even think about it . There are so many things in your hand in the sea . I won"t exchange them with you . . . "

Wanqiang is no longer a fool of the past . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s deal is to exchange Wanqiang"s one horned helmet for kraya . His kraya is almost two meters three or four . What"s rare is that he has a uniform body, beautiful appearance and no coa.r.s.eness . Women should have all kraya, but it"s just right to match Wanqiang . The most distressing thing for Wanqiang is that he can"t find a woman, With kraya, it is to fill the defect of pingwanqiang .

"If you choose between power and women, there will be no shop after this village . There are a lot of kraya in the sea, but can you grab them? This time, you are lucky . You can use thousands of people and hundreds of planes to break them . Next time, can you break them alone?"< br>