Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2228: 2228

Chapter 2228: 2228

In the rear cabin of the shark hunting helicopter, Wan Qiang wears a one horned crown and squints his eyes as if he is nourishing his spirit . Beside him, tie Zhongyuan"s face turns blue like his surname . Darihachi carefully hides in the middle of the puma and Han to peep at Wan Qiang . His heart is full of confusion . I don"t know if this tense atmosphere is caused by most of the Mongol evolutionists staying in China . When they leave, Most of the evolutionists in Tiezhong are unwilling to go back to Russia . They are willing to stay in China, which makes Tiezhong angry . They are even angry with darihachi and other subordinates who are willing to follow, which makes them feel threatened .

The helicopter is flying in the airs.p.a.ce of Siberia . Going forward, it is within the control of Wanqiang . Many people are relieved when they arrive here . They do not know what their mission is to j.a.pan from the beginning to the end . During this period, they have suffered heavy losses . Almost all the aircraft are damaged in Okinawa, and many people think they will never come back, When they finally see the familiar territory, they will feel comfortable to go home .

"Do you have anything to say about my decision?" Wan Qiang didn"t open his eyes and squinted . When tie Zhongyuan heard Wan Qiang"s inquiry, he suddenly tensed up . He took a careful look at Wan Qiang . After a long time, he was sure that Wan Qiang didn"t see through his inner thoughts . He slowly relaxed and shook his head . "I think it"s not worthwhile for a female creature . It"s all over the sea . Why . . . "

When Wan Qiang heard tie Zhongyuan"s reply, his lips were tickled, and he burst out laughing . He touched his teeth and secretly despised tie Zhongyuan . From the first time he saw tie Zhongyuan, he could feel his strong ambition . But tie Zhongyuan"s ambition was not worth mentioning to Wan Qiang . He always believed that only the strength of the individual was the real strength . This time he went out, He constantly breaks through himself, constantly surpa.s.ses himself, which once made him feel that he can cross the world .

"Kraya is nothing . In my eyes, she"s just a prop . What I really want is not power, but power . If I"m strong enough, no matter c.o.c.kroach or new era, I won"t be my opponent . Even if they have bombs and lights, what can I do? If I can"t break my defense, it"s just a group of flies . Taking this opportunity, I"ll give up the power of Russia and look for the power to promote me . That"s what I need most . . . "

Wan Qiang"s disdain for power makes tie Zhongyuan tangled to death . He doesn"t agree with Wan Qiang"s words . No matter how strong the power is, it"s just a single individual . Unless he becomes a G.o.d, he will always be submerged by the crowd . No one knows what the end of the power is . Is Zhang Xiaoqiang strong enough? It"s not that you"ve been taken away . Is Naga strong? There"s no way to meet the Shanghai people . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mysterious strongman is abducted, who can say that he won"t meet his opponent? Only by mastering powerful rights and resources can we ensure that we stand on the top .

"But you don"t have to fulfill your promise . Brother c.o.c.kroach is missing . Everything in Russia is under your control . Even if you want to pursue power, Russia will still be your backing . . . " Tiezhongyuan"s eyes twinkled and said to advise Wanqiang, but he was thinking that if Wanqiang really gave up power, wouldn"t he have a chance? Zhang Xiaoqiang has bewitched him and made him have this idea for a long time . The most difficult thing is how to kill Wan Qiang, but now he doesn"t use it . Wan Qiang has given up . Doesn"t he have a chance more than anyone else?

Wan Qiang obviously ignores tie Zhongyuan"s proposal and doesn"t speak any more . He squints his eyes to reflect on the amorous feelings he galloped on claya last night . His cracked mouth is filled with a satisfied smile . Only from today on can he really become a man . The feeling of becoming a man is so wonderful that his mind is full of his graceful and tender posture .

"Your Majesty, we have arrived at the outpost . Colonel trakov is ready for reception . Shall we fly directly or stay for one night . . . " When the plane arrived at a barracks, hundreds of soldiers and survivors ran out to look at the sky in the middle of the barracks . The barracks were surrounded by barbed wire . There were many bones hanging on the barbed wire, and there were low walls on the ground .

When the helicopter began to descend, the onlookers cheered and waved their hands to the sky . The helicopter was like a kite hawk at an alt.i.tude of 1000 meters, and then slowly fell down . When the helicopter landed at the position of 100 meters, the cheering crowd suddenly picked up an air-to-air missile, and then the anti-aircraft machine guns at the four corners of the camp also opened the tarpaulin to aim, The 14 . 5mm dual machine gun ejected hot flames at the same time, and individual missiles flew into the sky one after another . Long white smoke floated in the air . At the next moment, unsuspecting helicopters were hit continuously, and even the highest technology helicopters could not withstand such a fierce hail of bullets .

The fragmented plane fell in the light of the burst fire, and the tall figure jumped down from the sky . The expanding figure was Wanqiang . In the blink of an eye, Wanqiang"s body of more than 10 meters was displayed in the sky . At this time, Wanqiang was still 100 meters away from the ground, and the body of more than 10 meters was huge in the eyes of people on the ground . It can not be said that all the firepower was concentrated on Wanqiang, The next moment, Wan Qiang fell on the heads of the people, scared countless people to run, only to see the earth shaking, dust, layers of low solid rooms collapsed . All the firepower stopped, and large pieces of aircraft debris and shrieking screams continued to fall . The falling debris stirred up more dust . In many places, the second detonated aircraft debris caused fires . Then the smoke and dust covered the camp, and many attackers were killed by the flying debris . The scene was in extreme chaos, A lot of scattered attackers were ordered to gather and rush to the place where Wan Qiang fell . Behind the collapsed houses, armored vehicles also smashed through the building debris and rushed out . Without waiting for them to find Wan Qiang, they fired together . This time, the fire intensity was even higher than before, There were no less than 20 machine guns flashing, and anti tank missiles were fired at the center from every corner .

The shock wave of the explosion dashed the crowd a hundred meters away on the ground and kept rolling . The flashing fire spread out in the center point one after another . One wave spread around, and the flying shrapnel splashed around like raindrops . At this time, the attack was more like a suicide attack, Within 200 meters, the anti armor missile spread shrapnel was used to hurt the attackers . Even so, the bullet rain still did not abate, and the anti-aircraft machine guns around were even more crazy . They did not pay attention to the accuracy, and only tilted more ammunition in the shortest time .

The smoke and dust from the explosion did not disappear for a moment, but the firepower gradually decreased . Many people"s guns had been put in the neutral position, and even the heavy machine gun bullets had been shot out . After half a day, there was no movement . The noise of shouting guns gradually disappeared, and the sound of track rotation came from the back . Only a large T90 tank broke through the dust and reached the middle of the battlefield, Then speed up and rush to the center .

This is a final kill against Wanqiang . From Wanqiang"s fall to the firepower coverage, there is almost no gap left . As long as any evolutor can"t fly, he is absolutely dead and lifeless . Just when the attackers are full of hope to see the results, a tall and burly figure, which is the same as the t.i.tan giant, appears in the center, Then there was a roar, and all the attackers within 300 meters burst their heads at the same time . The spreading sound waves were like substance, forming spreading ripples in the dust and smoke . The layers of spreading ripples scattered all the dust . Wan Qiang"s body was exposed in front of everyone, and then Wan Qiang rushed to the uncontrolled main station tank, He suddenly lifted up a guy weighing dozens of tons and threw him out . The tank was like a huge bowling ball rolling on the ground, smashing and crushing armored vehicles . In everyone"s frightened eyes, more than a dozen attackers were turned into mashed meat by the tank, and the flying tank hit the outside of the barracks . The next moment, Quick figure from the ten thousand strong block out, smart walk around one by one attackers, these attackers all in the shadow after the flash into pieces, scattered blood and internal organs one after another, a panic head in the sky .

When the dust really settled, Wan Qiang gasped and looked at the mess around him . Just under him, the coffin like iron box was full of shrapnel and bullet marks . Tiezhongyuan cleaned up all the living things, grabbed the highest leader of the camp, Colonel trakov, and went to Wan Qiang . They looked up at Wan Qiang like a giant . They only reached Wan Qiang"s calf, and looked down at Wan Qiang, Even the ambitious tiezhongyuan felt a strong and extreme horror, which made him believe that even if he was ten times stronger, he would not be the opponent of Wanqiang .

"What"s the matter?" Wan Qiang"s voice line is as loud as a giant bell because of his transformation, just like a sonic boom . The eardrums of the two people are buzzing . They can"t help but step back and throw trikov in front of Wan Qiang . They don"t speak . Waiting for WAN Qiang to ask himself, Wan Qiang"s body begins to shrink . After reaching a height of more than two meters, Wan Qiang coldly takes a look at trikov and opens the iron coffin at his feet, Only when kraya, who was tied up all over his body, hated him intact, could he feel relieved . He ignored the frightened trikov and turned his head to stare at tiezhongyuan .

"This is a rebellion . All the attacks are Russian, and there are evolutionists among them . I suspect that the opposition forces will take advantage of our absence . . . " Tiezhongyuan sighed and said his guess . Not counting the people who died on the plane, more than 300 people died in this camp alone . It"s just an outpost camp . I don"t know how many people are involved in the rebellion behind . I"m afraid that the road back to Moscow this time will be a b.l.o.o.d.y road< br>