Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2253: 2253

Chapter 2253: 2253

Littrim, the most populous county in Ireland, is the gathering place of the British government in exile . As the hinterland of Britain, it is the key area of great strategic depth and the last place to defend Britain after it suffered from foreign enemies . Therefore, it is also like Sichuan, Huge underground buildings have been built as the last bunker . The more unknown the place is, the less easily it will be found . The material reserve here has become the last card of Britain .

Sofia, Lieutenant Colonel Byron and others did not receive heroic treatment when they returned to Britain . The cloud covered fleet was once the pride of all the survivors when they set out, but they came back with few fights . Ordinary survivors thought that they were only the vanguard troops who came back . They learned the final outcome in the anxious waiting, which was a disastrous blow to the British residents, For a time, the underground city code named dawning city was on the verge of despair .

Dawning city is the last city in Britain, which holds 150000 people living here . With dozens of gathering places in the surrounding areas, 490000 people are the survival center of half of the survivors in Britain and the most solid bunker to resist the new era . But now, this last pure land after the end of the world has ushered in a grand trial .

Under the attack of the virus, the British royal family finally disappeared, but the British House of Lords and Commons was formed . The former house of Lords was the elite of all walks of life, government officials, military officers, as well as the management of large consortia and companies . They were the new generation aristocrats in Britain, while the house of Commons was formed by representatives of civilians, workers, farmers and soldiers, In other words, the house of Lords is a survivor of the city, while the house of Commons is a survivor of the countryside . The environment and terrain of Britain determine that the house of Commons represents a large number of people far more than the house of Lords, so there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides . The house of Lords believes that elites rule the whole people, while the house of Commons believes that the minority is subordinate to the majority . If it is not for the threat of the new era to screw them together, Maybe the British survivors are divided long ago .

Sophia is the flag of the house of Commons . As a country girl, she didn"t spend too much effort and devoted herself to the rise of Britain . She rescued countless survivors and killed countless zombies, which made her a great reputation among the common people . At one time, she was compared to the daughter of dawn by the survivors, but now, The former daughter of dawn and her former adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Byron, were confined to the bench and tried by countless people .

Countless people roar at the front bench in the huge valley . The object of their roar is the daughter of dawn, whom they once admired and respected . Those who were saved by her and the survivors who were indirectly saved by her forget their piety and burst out the most angry flame at their idols, just because the daughter of dawn carries their hopes .

Sophia raised her head haughtily in the face of innumerable people"s Crusade, and countless people"s angry cries formed a huge sound wave, just like a giant hammer hitting her heart again and again . Tears of grievance lingered in her eyes and refused to fall . She had her own pride and self-esteem . As an evolutionist, she didn"t want to show her weakness in front of ordinary people, Twenty four MPs are today"s jury, and speaker Gregory is today"s judge .

Both the upper and lower members are very serious . From time to time, they look at the angry crowd in the distance and feel thoughtful . Grego sits quietly at the top and closes his eyes . The angry crowd is isolated 30 meters away . Hundreds of fully armed soldiers block them with man walls and explosion-proof shields, and thousands of people rush forward, The soldiers had to support themselves with their backs against shields . From time to time, stones of all sizes came from the crowd, but they fell in front of an invisible barrier in front of the ten evolutionists after the soldiers .

"Silence . . . " A loud drink made a huge sound from the loudspeakers and swept the audience like thunder . Then the buzzing crowd began to stop, and the sound became smaller and smaller . Finally, only a few people whispered to each other . This kind of noise like flies could not be completely eliminated, so the people who gave the order didn"t repeat it, and Lang Sheng said, "here it is, We will be held accountable for the dereliction of duty of Sophia steinport and Byron allAnd . Please maintain order, but if there is noise and noise, it will be severely punished for disturbing the court . Please listen to our trial procedures calmly, rationally and seriously . We will be fair, just and open as far as possible . "

Most people were satisfied with what he said, and then began to be held accountable . Sophia withdrew her tears from her eyes . She stood in silence and looked at the stern and rigid Gregor . Gregor had a royal collateral lineage, but he was no longer qualified to inherit or even have a t.i.tle, Because all the glory surrounding his ancestors has already been thrown into the river of history, but at this moment, he feels as if he is one with his ancestors and really controls the future of the whole Britain . Even if this feeling is false, it makes him tremble .

Gregor"s gloomy eyes swept over the two of them, flickering as if they were choosing their targets . After a moment of silence, he said in a loud voice, "Colonel Byron allAnd, can you explain why you have suffered such a great loss in j.a.pan? Why lead the 300 evolutionists with combat power to surrender to a Chinese and drive them? Please describe the situation and mentality truthfully, which is related to your future and future . "Gregor"s inquiry was like a sharp knife cutting off the prelude of the trial . Byron didn"t have any emotion of excitement or uneasiness from the moment he stood on the bench . He just looked at Gregor calmly . His gloomy eyes made Gregor uncomfortable and moved his b.u.t.tocks as if to make himself comfortable, but his eyes didn"t stop contacting Byron, Staring at his prey like a lone wolf .

"I have nothing to say . It"s a mistake for us to leave Britain . In the face of the attacks in the new era, we lost Scotland and England, leaving only Ireland . It"s not that our soldiers are not brave enough or that our evolutors are not hardworking enough, but that our strength is not as good as others, The fact that the Council sent us out is in itself Byron, undaunted by Gregor"s false deterrence, talked to everyone, but made Gregor angry . He raised his voice and said, "are you pointing at me? Or the whole Council? We represent the survivors of the UK, and your mission represents the future of the UK as a whole . Please do not defend yourself with untenable reasons, and please do not regard the people as idiots . . . "

The speaker"s words successfully ignited the anger of the civilians through the radio . The waves of denunciation came to the trial floor like a tsunami . Many members changed their faces . Then, under Gregor"s pacification, they brought the situation back under control . Byron did not retort, but just stared at Gregor and sneered, At this time, the chief member of the house of Commons stood up and said respectfully to Gregor: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant Colonel Byron is not suitable to attend the trial . He is an evolutionist, and the evolutionists think he is superior . So we only need to have the evidence, and the rest can expose the crime of Lieutenant Colonel Byron to the public and let the people try him . . . "

Byron is Sophia"s left hand, while the chief member is Sophia ", But the house of Lords and the house of Commons jointly denounced him and Sophia . Grego pretended to ponder for a long time, and then hypocritically advised: "Colonel Byron, I believe you are only the deputy of the expeditionary army, and can"t control the whole expeditionary army . I believe you have your own difficulties . Here I ask you to tell the truth and wash the stain with your honesty . . . "

Gregor"s words are a hint to Byron, focusing on the fact . As long as Byron bites Sophia and publishes Sophia"s mistakes, he can strip Sophia of his glory, so that he can control all the initiative and launch a fatal attack on the civilian forces represented by Sophia, The biggest blade of this fatal blow is the civilians that Sofia takes care of, so as to integrate the whole survivors and make them obey their own rule .

Who is Byron? Playing conspiracy is much more powerful than Gregor . Seeing that Gregor"s eyes are not as heavy as his burning ambition, he can"t help laughing . The loud laughter suppresses all the noise through amplifying, which makes Gregor"s face turn red suddenly . The laughter is a provocation and mockery to him, and it"s disrespect to the future king of England . How can he swallow this tone, "Commander Byron, please respect the court and the jury, and the general public . The truth will never be covered up, and your pretense of mystery will not wash away your crimes . . . "

The laughter stopped suddenly . Byron looked at Gregor strangely, as if he were looking at a clown jumping up and down . Then Sophia said in a hoa.r.s.e voice, "it"s all my fault . It"s my improper command that caused the evolutors and crew to suffer heavy losses . It"s also my order to execute Elizabeth . Similarly, commander Byron"s surrender is my default, please . . . "

"Shut up . . . " Byron suddenly drank, which made Gregor"s face droop . He glared at Byron, but Byron did not degrade . He said loudly, "this is a mortal task . When we set out, there were 589 evolutionists, none of whom were directly under the house of Lords, 327 soldiers, None of them are soldiers related to the house of Lords . They are all guardians and protectors of the house of Commons . They are also the direct subordinates of the general . Can"t you see that this is Gregor"s ready killing with a knife? Don"t you know that the 600 evolutionists in Gregor"s hands are all promoted by the treasures we brought back? Do you believe in this hypocritical speaker? "

A series of rhetorical questions made Gregor angry . Just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw Byron turn to look at the angry and thoughtful civilians and yell: "why don"t you have a lawyer? Why is there no plaintiff? Even if the trial is not so hasty, who is your excellency general? It"s the patron saint of England . Without your general, many of you have long been engulfed by variants . Without your general blocking the throne of G.o.d in the new era, even the island of Ireland will fall . How much did the general pay for you? Did you frame up slander because of the instigation of some people . . . "

At this moment, Byron abandoned her disappointment and prejudice towards Sophia, and stood up like a real warrior to explain to everyone . However, Sophia was already dead hearted, just bowed her head and did not speak . She was an honest person . She believed that the trial was fair, and that the accusation against her was guilty . She did not feel angry at the anger of the civilians, Just feel aggrieved, to their own aggrieved, because in addition to Byron, no one is willing to forgive her . "The guard, arrest this criminal full of lies, put him in prison, let him repent his crime in prison . . . " Grego stood up in anger, waved his arms and yelled . Twelve members of the house of Lords booed Byron together, obviously angry that Byron revealed their selfishness . As for the members of the house of Commons, they bowed their heads and did not dare to look at Byron who mocked and sneered at them . They were both supporters of Sofia and the backbone of resisting the invasion of the new era, But now, he betrayed his promise and sold his leader and idol .

"Ladies and gentlemen, have you forgotten? Forget what your Lord general has done to you? Some people were besieged in the city by thousands of mutants . It was the general who killed his blood to rescue them . Some people fell down on the way of migration . It was the general who gave up his vehicle so that they could get here alive . Some people were about to starve . It was the general who gave up his rations just to save one more person, And she was wounded in battle because she was weak . . . Don"t you all forget . . . "

Byron"s cry made countless people silent . They suddenly remembered Sophia"s kindness . Many people were speechless, and then yelled: "my life was saved by the general, she is not wrong . . . " Then more and more people yelled, and the scene was out of control for a moment . At this moment, someone yelled: "the general is a liar . She cheated us out of our trust . In the j.a.panese battlefield, the general never made a move . All the battles were completed by us . Many people were killed under the wrong command of the general . We are the evidence . . . "

More than 20 evolutionists suddenly appeared on the bench, but they came back to England with Sophia . When they saw these evolutionists, even Byron, who repressed his emotions, was angry . These people were the guys who couldn"t work on Okinawa Island . On that day, these guys were scared by the insects, and they were willing to hide rather than fight, Later, after returning to England with Sophia, they disappeared . I didn"t expect that they all took refuge in Gregor . At the most critical time, they bit back .

Sophia is not as angry as Byron . To the j.a.panese, she is the coldest executioner, but to the British, even the most ferocious b.a.s.t.a.r.d is the object of her rescue . She loves Britain more than herself . The testimony of these evolutionists makes her feel more guilty . What these evolutionists say is the truth, and she is very capable, But not to the extent that the helicopter is down .

When the crowd roared again, a group of fully armed evolutionists rushed in front of Byron . They were the guards called by Gregor before, and they were all evolutionists controlled by the house of Lords . At the moment they appeared, their weapons pointed at Byron, but they only dared to aim at Byron, and no one dared to offend Sofia . Byron suddenly woke up after seeing this detail, Gregory has no intention of killing Sophia, and no one can kill Sophia . Sophia is an evolutor who can fight against the zodiac . She is the most powerful evolutor in Britain, and also an umbrella for the house of Lords not to be slaughtered by the new era . Now the house of Lords is accountable to Sophia, so there is only one possibility that they no longer need this umbrella .

"Sir, it"s a trap, Gregor . They"ve reconciled with the new era . Now they just want to take back their rights . . . " Byron yelled to Sophia what he thought of . The next moment, the trumpet was cut off by the guards . The call came only in a small area, and most of the survivors didn"t hear it . When they saw Byron"s appearance, they were even more suspicious . At the next moment, the chess pieces arranged in advance in the crowd began to shout: "expel, expel . . . " Deportation is exile, which is the punishment of the people for Sophia and Byron, or the punishment that the house of Lords wants< br>