Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2256: 2256

Chapter 2256: 2256

There is a lot of war in the canyon, and layers of gunfire are raging . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang is careful, he is not slow . He has reached the cliff of the canyon and is overlooking the fire exchange . There are caves in the canyon . There are many kinds of low buildings on the open s.p.a.ce of more than ten kilometers . More than ten huge transport vehicles in the parking lot are like a lying beast, There are at least ten transport planes on the tarmac constantly receiving the evacuees . Watching groups of scientists and researchers in white dust-proof clothes evacuate, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that they were not known by the new era before they appeared, but why do he always feel uneasy?

The sudden explosion attracted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention . There was an unprecedented roar at the foot of little Lori . The dust and debris flew up to more than 100 meters in the sky, almost surpa.s.sing Zhang Xiaoqiang on the cliff . Then it was like volcanic ash splashing around, and the big and small stones were like chaotic hail, covering all the surrounding buildings, I can"t see little Lori"s body clearly . Even if it"s beyond the distance of vision, I can only find Sanwu"s smashed body . For a moment, it makes his heart to his throat . In this scale of explosion, except for Wanqiang, he can"t think of anything that can be spared . Regardless of the lethality of the shock wave, even the huge shock force can"t be borne by anyone .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t fight with little Lori because he lost his snake scale armour . It can be said that half of his abilities are based on the protection of D3 zombies and his foreboding of the canyon, so he lurks in the dark and just waits to cooperate with little Lori at the critical moment . He didn"t expect that the new era would trigger a shocking explosion so soon . He doesn"t know whether he should rush out, At this moment, the swirling smoke diffused to the canyon entrance, and the light became darker . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s three-dimensional dynamic vision also expanded because of the dark light . He immediately found the channel built in the mountain . He drew out the Firebird machete and went to the observation entrance between the cliffs . The other side hollowed out the mountain, but did not resist in the most dangerous place, Obviously, he set a trap in the canyon . Zhang Xiaoqiang gave up the plan of rushing into the smoke of the explosion to find little Lori, and rushed directly into the command center of the new era to destroy the final resistance .

Just after he climbed over the steep cliff like a spider, dug up the hidden obstacles and entered the pa.s.sage, in the swirling smoke of gunpowder, little Lori"s fierce beast in human form was slowly wriggling on the ground, and countless unfolded tentacles were like cobwebs stretching in the pit the size of a football field . It seemed that the nerves were different in the thickness of tentacles, Each one is woven with countless small black and red silk threads, just like a biological blood vessel, collecting the debris scattered under the dust to make up for the heavy body . Little Lori"s humanoid beast suffered unprecedented heavy damage, and the lower part of her body disappeared completely . Only her right arm and elbow were left in her arms, and half of her head was gone, except her abdomen was intact, No place is intact, can block the body of large caliber sniper bombs, almost destroyed in the explosion .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know the tragedy of little Lori . He only knows that little Lori"s ability is far superior to him . He rashly intervenes in the front battlefield . Even if he can"t live, he can only cooperate in the dark . If little Lori dies, he has no way . It"s just that little Lori doesn"t want to tell her why . There are no debris and dust in the pa.s.sage, The concrete painted rock wall makes the pa.s.sage clean and tidy . The light source of 10 meters makes it not dark . The three-dimensional vision is also weakened . However, his hyperopia forehead is not affected . The whole person is like a ghost, shuttling through the pa.s.sage quickly . The cold wind blows from the deep from time to time, but it is mixed with a strange smell of blood, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled .

"It seems that Genesis has also stepped in . I don"t know what kind of backhand my cousin Delia has left in Australia, but their noses are too smart . I suggest you clean up the interior . . . " Looking at the dead bodies in the tunnel inside the mountain on the display screen, Regel can"t deny it . It seems that those bodies are not guards of the new era garrison Research Inst.i.tute, but just a group of irrelevant people . In other rooms on the screen, countless guards holding weapons and shouting in panic, looking for the enemy out of sight, but the enemy is beside them, One by one, the guards fell down silently while shouting, causing more chaos . The means of the evolutionists were far beyond their imagination . In the narrow area of the mountain, the guards died silently without even shooting .

Keseler"s eyes were not good . The soldiers who died in the research inst.i.tute were not his subordinates, but they were all dressed in the uniform of regular legion, not the regular camouflage uniform of garrison regiment . It was obvious that one of the disappeared legions was here . However, he was also the commander of the Asian military region, but he did not know that his subordinates were sent here, How can he not be annoyed?

"Since genesis is involved, isn"t it possible to send out puppet fighters? As you said just now, in addition to 1200 b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers, there are also 300 puppet soldiers in the Inst.i.tute . These people are Kluger"s trump cards . Is it not good for them to wipe out the inner troubles of the speaker? Even if the loss is heavy, it doesn"t affect you? " It hurts to see elite soldiers who are supposed to be powerful on the front battlefield are slaughtered like lambs, even if the command of these soldiers does not belong to him . Kessler"s unbearable appearance makes Regel feel a sincere achievement . His best friend is Kessler, but because of his age, Kessler is superior to him in all aspects, This kind of feeling is very bad . In his mind, Kessler is not his elder brother, but his most proud subordinate in the future . If his subordinates surpa.s.s him, any superior will not like it . Therefore, Kessler"s gaffe makes him have a clear contrast at this time . "Don"t worry, they will move, but they won"t be here anymore . If Genesis wants to rob by fire, he must be ready to be burned to death . You know, there is an uninvited guest behind them . This guest is the owner of the whole China . I didn"t expect Dix to ally with him . Is it because he saved Dikas in akashiga?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks he"s hidden, but he doesn"t know that he has been known by Regel for a long time . Regel doesn"t get in touch with him, but all his movements are controlled by Regel, even when he climbs up the cliff to enter the pa.s.sage . Hearing Regel"s triumphant story, Kessler is thoughtful . He didn"t expect to break into the big fish when he was calculating dicas . Genesis is a time, The Chinese are another one . If we can catch them all, we can not only solve the hidden danger in Australia, but also solve China once and for all?

Kessler is wishful thinking, standing in the position of the new era, looking at some happy Kessler, but Regel is a little disdainful . His ultimate goal is to kill Kluge and avenge his mother . But what he fears most is Kluge . He may not be able to do it himself in his life, Don"t you have to wait until Kluger is too old to cover himself with a pillow? Therefore, both genesis and the Chinese can make use of whatever they think is useful . This is a situation that allows them to see the direction of the future . If they don"t have a long-term vision, they won"t find the Inst.i.tute"s tricks .

"The trap has been laid, and the movement has begun to play . No matter where we go, we can"t control it . We have fulfilled our obligations, and the rest just stay here to watch the play . Have you ever thought about building several wine estates in Australia? France and Italy are no longer suitable for growing grapes . I think maybe we can build a new brand? "

As soon as the topic changes, Regel will take Kessler"s thinking to other places, but Kessler is still worried and says: "tier is only responsible for the protection of the new town . In case he has an accident there, then . . . " Regel raised his eyebrows, looked at Kessler strangely and said, "wouldn"t it be better if he died? Can"t you have a hand to hand fight with Colleen without any scruples? "

"Ha . . . s.h.i.t . " Kessler was angry with Regel, so he didn"t pay any attention to it . But Regel said seriously: "tier must draw him over . Hadman had better let him die there . Hadman is Kruger"s confidant . Now there are only ten people in the zodiac . There are four in dicas and six in Kruger . The balance of power is very unfair . Once he is in trouble, I"m afraid my little cousin can"t stop . . . "

Kessler seems to be listening to a fairy tale . Who is the G.o.d seat? How can Regel decide whether they will live or die, and how can they woo them? Tier is always on his own, and Kruger doesn"t buy his account . How can Regel, an 18-year-old boy, convince him? He didn"t think about how powerful d.i.c.kas is, or the variable of Zhang Xiaoqiang . What"s more, he didn"t think that although genesis is an underground force in Australia, it also has a G.o.d seat in Australia .

Just when keseler was surprised, a shark hunting helicopter suddenly appeared in the picture . Looking at the shark hunting helicopter, Regel said with a smile: "look, my children are back . They should have invited back the guests . As long as they are the guests, I can restore the relationship with the Chinese people . Neither Kluger nor Delia are qualified leaders, They never pay attention to the history outside their families . If they know China as well as I do, they should know how the first emperor of China conquered seven countries . Compared with the chaotic Europe in the dark age, the eastern civilization is far beyond our imagination . It can be said that they have exerted their power and war to the limit, The best way to solve the problem of global unification in the end of the world is the long-distance and short-range attack of the great emperor Ying Zheng . It"s a pity that they took the old road of the third empire, expanding everywhere and making enemies on all sides . "

Regel"s evaluation made Kessler ponder deeply, and his idea suddenly turned around . If he had just explored Australia and combined with all the forces of the new era, I"m afraid Australia"s strength would have increased tenfold . Similarly, if he had slowed down the conquest of Asia, Africa and South America, even if only for three years, the new era would have far exceeded its present strength, Not to mention that these retained forces will make Kruger"s heart taboo, and will not split with Delia . If so, I"m afraid there is really no force that can stop the conquest of the new era?

"s.h.i.t, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, who ordered the supernova? Dicas Regel, who has always been calm, suddenly gets up and roars angrily at the picture . In the picture, the small supernova bomb dropped by the shark hunting helicopter just falls into the crater of the previous explosion, and then expands into a dazzling ball of light, which suddenly spreads around . The smoke, dust and large pieces of floating soil are all evaporated, and then the light covers all the display images, There"s only a white spot left .

"Bang . . . " The red wine gla.s.s fell to the ground, smashed and flew . Regel seemed to be an enraged Beast . He looked at the white wall and roared in despair . Kessler felt a sense of peace in his heart for some reason . Dicas was a taboo creature and should not have lived in this world . It was the best ending to wipe her away with a supernova bomb, As for regor"s anger, all his plans are destroyed because of this supernova bomb, and Kluger"s task is to capture d.i.c.ks alive . Once d.i.c.ks is confirmed dead, it will be an unimaginable punishment waiting for him< br>